2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mias Nina MacDonald visited here with her mother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe a few days ago after returning from several weeks’ vacation in southern California. c o M E ® FOR GOOD BEER Brewed from selected products. You get a drink that’s satis fying, gratifying and hard to beat. Dessy’s Tavern Consult Dr. Max Friedman Registered Optometrist Concerning your optical problems at the Eastern, Washington at Tenth, Portland, Ore., for de pendable advice. A. S. Johnson, uncle of Mrs. Frank Lange, arrived here Satur day from Grangeville, Idaho, te visit at the Lange home for some time. i1 Mr. and Mrs. James Chipps are the parents of a boy,^Joseph Preston, born last Thursday at 2 p.m. at St. Vincents hospital, are making their heme at 208 B St., where he is also maintaining headquarters for the business. J. E. Fossum, owner of the Fossum Electrical Service, is working in Portland part of each week and doing electrical work here on week ends, he announced early this week. The Fossums MARCH of Dimes Dance, Legion hall Saturday, February 1. Lunch will be served. Help this worthy cause. 5tl Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Porter field and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Annala of Hood River were here last week end to visit relatives and attend the birthday party Sunday for Emil Messing. Four teen people were present for the affair. The Porterfields left Sun day to return to Hood River and the Annalas Monday. Will Eyer of Tulare. California, is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hartzell. He is a sister of Mrs. Hartzell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duncan, for mer Vernonia residents, were here from Portland last week end to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Olinger vis ited Mr. and Mrs John Blalock of Portland, Mrs. Olinger’s broth er and wife, Friday and also Sally Bateman, who visited in Vernonia one summer about two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberson of Dallas visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Roberson and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cason and friends over the week end. Ernest East was Btruck by a car Monday evening, which was driven by John Carmichael, and suffered bruises and a cut on his hip which required 21 stitches. Mr. East is up and about but is quite stiff and sore. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johnson, as sistant coach and science teacher at the high school, visited his mother and other relatives in Sa lem last week end. Billy Olinger and Jack Gates motored to Corvallis to see about enrolling at Oregon State college last week. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons motored to Sweet Home last Thursday on business. •J of/ Theatre Vernonia, ENLARGE IT! YOUR INSURANCE pro tection should be en larged to fit changing conditions. This Hartford agency welcomes the chance to talk with prop erty owtiers who want to know just how their in surance fits their needs. It is our business to know what losses might occur. VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE Oregon '1 hursuay-r nuay January 30-31 “RENEGADES" Starring Evelyn Keyes- Wilard Parker-Edgar Buchanan in Tech nicolor Alice in Magieland—Featurette Saturday February 1 “HOME IN OKLAHOMA” Roy Rogers and “TRIGGER” “I RING DOORBELLS” Anne Gwyn-Robert Shayne Sunday-Monday February 2-3 • Ptramòuni preterii! e » »rtfring _ PAILETTE GODDARD RAY MILLAND Purlioned Pup Cartoon and News Tuesday-Wednesday, February 4-5 •HIGH BLOOD PLEASURE” (Jus Schillings Lazy Hunters Car toon { 905 Bridge Street Phone 231 Vernonia Mrs. Bert Brunsman and Mrs. Mrs. M. A. McNutt is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Dave Brunsman will return Sun Fluke, and children in Beaverton day from San Francisco where they attended the wedding of Lu for a few days. cille Stelhin and John Lana- Mrs. Ben Hall has been on the han. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lanahan sick list this week but hopes to are friends of the Brunsmans. be up in a few days* Mrs. Tressie Michener spent MARCH of Dimes Dance, Legion _ Thursday and Friday at the O-A hall Saturday, February 1. Lunch camp at the home of her son, Jack will be served. Help this worthy Taylor, and family. A birthday cause. 5tl party for Judy Taylor was held Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roediger and to celebrate her seventh birthday. daughter, Sherry, are now occu Eighteen children attended and pying their home on Stoney Point she received many pretty gifts. Road which they have been re Refreshments were served by Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Michener and Mrs. modeling the last tfew months. Mrs. William H. Manning, Shepard. Nona Ray Sawyer spent Fri daughter of the F. R. Olins, went to Salem to seek a home. Mr. day evening and Saturday at the Manning is assistant manager home of Margaret Michener on Montgomery-Ward in Longview, Stoney Point. and is being transferred to Salem February 10. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hanson and daughter, Janie, of Portland vis ited his brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanson, Tuesday and stayed over night with his MIST—Minnie Hughes was up parents, the Vern Hanson’s of from Birkenfeld Thursday and Keasey. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hanson spent the day at the home of of Forest Grove visited the Ken Mrs. Wm Bridgers. Mrs. Austin Dowling and Ber neth Andersons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Holcomb nard were in Vernonia Saturday and daughter, Tommy Lou, of afternoon. Mrs. E. T. Johnston and her Gresham, attended the Masonic dinner Saturday evening and vis mother, Mrs. Roy Stuvie, were up from Birkenfeld Thursday shop ited friends in Vernonia. Mrs. Dave Marshall received ping in the village. word recently that an old resi dent of Vernonia, J. E. Cropper, father of Mrs. E. E. Hays of Longview, passed away January 13. Mr. Cropper was living at Tujunga, California. W. T. Graves spent last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graves at Gold Beach. Word has been received of the birth of twin daughters to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Waters an Janu ary 11 at Eugene. Mrs. Waters is the former Jean Lewis. • Motor Scooter Is Attraction There’s a new motor scooter in our village. One of the town boys must have received it from Santa, It’s quite an attraction and the boy who owns it should be quite popular. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborne were here from Portland Sunday visit ing the Joe Banzer family. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Reynolds spent Sunday near Clatskanie with their daughter, Mrs. Archie The Cozy CONFECTIONERY I PREMIUM GASOLINE The new year’s first bonus to motorists is at Shell pumps now. It became possible to step up Shell Premium gasoline when the government lifted restrictions on octane rating and the good results are at Shell pumps now. GET A TANKFUL TODAY Geo. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta. Family Health Without the very best food that money can buy sickness has an open invitatjon to attack you and your family. See that this doesn’t happen in your family by trading at King’s every time you shop for meat, produce, bakery goods, groceries, dairy products and household neces sities. KING’S Grocery - Market Plenty of old cars today act that way. It’s really bad man ners to clog the road with foul smoke from* the exhaust. New piston rings can “clear the at mosphere” and save lots of gas and oil, too. Turn the job over to Lee Motors for a thorough, satisfying job. ‘‘Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Phone 91 MARFAK FEELING i Lee Motors Sales and Service | i _____________________________ i HEN you have us ’’cushion” your car with marfak chassis lubrication, you can feel the difference. Chassis parts take the bumps without a shudder. MARFAK chassis lubricant is not only tough...it sticks to the job, resists squeeze out. It’s applied by chart, never by chance. Be good to your car. Bring it in now for MARFAK chassis lubrication. W Sam Hackney Reports on the U.S.A. time. Individuals who criticize an other's right to speak his mind: enjoy a glass of beer: or work at any trade he chooses. But those are the exceptions—and we're even tolerant of them!* From where I sit, more of us ought to make a trip like the Hackneys — to realize firsthand how America is bigger than its many differences... how tolerance of those differences is the very thing that makes us strong. * Copyright, 19-lT, I'nitcd Statu Brunn Fjordanon Riverview LU US GIVE YOUR CAR THAT From where I sit... // Joe Marsh Sam Hackney and the missus Just returned from a trailer trip around the country. They’re tired, and glad to be home, but mighty impressed with what they saw. As Sam reports—every section has something different; a differ ent way of talking; different tastes in food and drink; different laws and customs. But bigger than all these differences is the American spirit of tolerance that lets us live together in united peace. “Of course,” says Sam, “you run into htlolrrvttt from time to Almost half a million veterans filed applications with the vet erans administration during the first 10 months of 1946 to con vert their GI insurance to per manent policies. NOW o e ^Stepped-Up Shell I Is YOur Car A Heavy Smoker? Kovenen to celebrate Mrs Kove- nen’s birthday. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers was in Port land the last of the week. CH APM AN’S Service Store CORNER BRIDGE & SECOND n