A 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOWN TOPICS Stella Bellingham, sec retary at the Washington grade school, was a visitor of relatives in Canada during the recent holi day season. Miss Naomi McMul len returned Saturday after visit ing her folks for a month in Canada. Mrs. Valda Heenan recently spent a week end at Coquille with her husband. He is employed now as a member of the state police and at present is situated there. Oliver Hartzell and family were visitors here last week end from Edmonds, Washington, with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hartzell and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien and boys spent the week end in Port land visiting Mrs. Estella Man ning, Mrs. O’Brien’s mother. They returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanson and boys spent Sunday with the Cletus Hansons of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hanson and Deole of Keasey were also present at the family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson spent the week end in Portland with Mrs. Anderson’s sister, Mrs. Carl Davidson. Frances Mullins is spending a few days in Portland with her s'ster, Mrs. Bill Lumm. M rs. Pearl Adams received word that her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Hobin, of Sweet Home had under gone an emergency operation for appendicitis January 13. Mrs. Hobin is home now and doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson were in St. Helens January 5 to attend the wedding of Miss Joyce Henderson to Morris McClurg, .a nephew of the Culbertsons. Both young people and their parents formerly resided in Vernonia. • In 1652 the .general court of Massachusetts authorized the first metal coins minted in America —the New England shilling, six pence and three-pence. M um A SALESMAN CAN’T CON TACT 3200 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK — BUT THE EAGLE CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. ROBES AND WASHABLE HOUSECOATS Very Moderately Priced Mist Family Car Stolen MIST—L. P. Wickstrom had his car stolen Sunday night a week ago, while attending the movies at Clatskanie. When the party came out of the show to go home, their car was missing. It was located several days later on the streets of Astoria. Mrs. Walter Batson and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers were in Clatskanie Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Batson motored to Alsea Saturday, tak ing Linda home. She has been visiting her grandparents the past few weeks. Clarence Brown still continues on the sick list with jaundice. He is at home. Mrs. Austin Dowling and son were Clatskanie visitors Friday. Mr.' and Mrs. L. P. Wickstrom, Mrs. L. P, Wickstrom, Jr., and Mrs. Joe Roeser were in Clatska nie Friday. Mrs. Geo. Jones was improved enough to visit Mrs. J. O. Lible one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph George de livered wood to some of the vil lagers last week. The wood was much needed this kind of weather. Chas. Sundland and his helper, Bernard Dowling, went to Seaside last Thursday to do some elec trical work for Jack Dowd. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Houry spent Sunday in Seaside. • day, Nate Huntley of Hillsboro vis ited at the Louis Huntley home Sunday. Tom Williamson and Johnny YOUR FUTUR The Apparel Shop Phone 396 iting relatives at Cottage Grove. Sister Hart and Sister Hender ate dinner at the E. L. Lloyd home Wednesday evening. Mrs. D. R. Fowler of St. Hel- ready to serve you and i cowe M and p CHAPMAN’S Service Store 1 Joi/ Theatre Corner Bridge and Second Sts* Vernonia, Oregon Thursday-Friday Jan. 23-21 •THE WALLS CAME TUM BLING DOWN" lee Howman—Margaret Chapman •TROUBLE OR NOTHING Edgar Kennedy DISNEY CARTOON Saturday January 2"> "LOVER COMEBACK" Starring George Brent—Lucille Ball—Vera Zorina “BELL BOY DONALD" a Donald Duck Cartoon Sundav-Mondnv January 26-27 "KINGS ROW" Ann Sheridan—Robert Cummings Donald Regan—Betty Field Cartoon and News Tueadav-WedneMlav Jan. 28-29 "IIOI I) THAT BLONDE” Eddie Bracken—Veronica I*ake “THE KID SISTER” Roger Pryor—Judy ( lurk Delicie41$ Consult Dr. Max rriedman Registered Optometrist Concerning your optical problems at the Eastern. Washington at Tenth, Portland, Ore., for de- nendsble advice. le<itliv Have you found out about the extra deliciousness of Nehalem Dairy Milk? It’s excellent for children and grownups. Start today on the road to health and happiness by serving th s milk at every meal. Nehalem Dairy Products Telephone 471 * Grade A Milk ens is spending a week with her son, Clifford Fowler. Kenneth Fowler of St. Helens visited at the Clifford Fowler home Sunday. You e Navy Man Returns To Calif. Base RIVERVIEW—Leonard Dewey is visiting at the Monty Dewey home for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Monty Dewey and John Wolff made a business trip to Forest Grove Monday. AOMl/c George Wood left Sat- urday to return to his base at Alameda, California. Visitors at the Lloyd Callister home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanson and daughter of Grand Round and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson of Dilly. Mrs. Powell Loggan of Portland spent the weekend at the J. W. Nichols home. “ Mrs. Frank Mills spent Mon day and Tuesday visiting at the Cleon Woodruff and Bert Mills homes in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani were Sunday visitors in St. Hel ens at the home of Mrs. E. Cor- siglia who is Mrs. Valpiani’s mother. Mrs. J. W. Nichols made a business trin to Portland Mon- Hayes of Hillsboro spent the weekend, at the Louis Huntley home. i Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Sharp and daughter, Willestene, are vis-