4 Mt. Heart Lodge Sees Elizabeth DeHart Bride Of Ervin Meier at * Installation of New Officers Thurs. Eve. Candlelight Ceremony LET'S BE SOCIABLE Society Meets for Postponed Session Knighte, Sisters Install Jointly Wednesday Evening The marriage of Miss Elizabeth S. DeHart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. DeHart, and Ervin The Missionary Society of the John Meier was solemnized at the Evangelical church met Wednes­ The Knights of Pythias and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day, January 8 at the church Pythian Sisters held a joint in­ Day Saints Saturday, January 11, for a meeting which was post­ stallation at the I.O.O.F. hall at 8 p.m. Elder Haney of Port­ phoned from December. Holding Wednesday evening, January 8. land officiated. the December meeting in January The bride was lovely in a gown For the ladies, Mrs. Elmore will also give society members Knight was the presiding officer of white chiffon with short an opportunity to gather again and she was assisted by Mrs. M. sleeves and formal length gloves. this month for the regular Janu­ Lamping, Sr., and Mrs. Tom Her finger tip veil was held in ary session on Wednesday, the Crawford. place by a juliet cap with tiny 29th. Those installed were: P.C., seed pearls. Her bouquet was pink Devotionals were led by Mrs. Mrs. H. Culbertson; M.E.C., rosebuds, white cyclamen ■’ and Franklin Malmsten and the final Mrs. Milton Lamping, Jr.; Senior, white honeysuckle with white report was made on the study Mrs. C. Landers; Junior, Mrs. tulle. book on India. The maid of honor was the Otto Michener; Manager, Mrs. E. Refreshments were served by E. Garner; M.R.C., Mrs. Tom Tur­ bride’s sister, Miss Dorothy De­ Mrs. Alice Malmsten, Mrs. Frank­ ner; M.F., Mrs. George Johnson; Hart, who wore a gown of blue lin Malmsten and Mrs. Walter Pro., Mrs. Carl Davis, and Guard, net and carried pink carnations. Kent. Joe Dennis was best man and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer. Other officers elected for the (following year ushers were Lester DeHart and were: Trustee for three years, Jim Davis. The candles were lighted by the Mrs. William Shafer; press cor­ respondent, Mrs. Tressie Michener, bride’s sister, Tempie DeHart, who wore a blue chiffon gown. and musician, Mrs. Peterson. A reception was held at the Mrs. A. L. Kullander was pre­ sented with a Past Chief pin home of "the bride’s parents and from the Temple, after holding those assisting were Mrs. T. L. the M.R.C. office for 10 years. DeHart, Mrs. Leon Savage and A gift was presented to the out­ Mrs. Frank Lange. Mrs. Everett going M.E.C., Mrs. Harry Cul- DeHart cut the wedding cake. bertsop, at the close of the meet­ Between 50 and 60 guests were served. Out of town guests were ing. Oscar Weed was the installing Mr, and Mrs. Wjll Harders of officer for the Knights and tak­ Portland, guests of Mr. and Mrs. ing office were: Chancellor Com­ Otto Meier. mander, Harry W. Culbertson; « Wool Shirts Vice Commander, A. Landers; Business Women Hear Slacks Prelate, M. L. Lamping; Master of Works, N. S. Soden; Master of Convention Report Sweaters Arms, Aaron Wagner; Master of Mrs. Maude Kobow gave an in­ Exchequer, R. M. Aldrich; Keeper teresting report on a writers’ for cold weather wear of Records and Seals, Oscar Weed; convention she had attended in Inner Guard, Ed Miller, and Outer Seattle, at a meeting of the Ver­ Guard, Jim Rusow. nonia Business Women’s club, Refreshments were served by Tuesday, January 6. Mrs. Kobow Rose Potter, Gertrude Rusow, described the personalities anu Phone 396 Grace Bundy and Fannie Owens. told of the talks given by sev­ eral of these speakers. One of the featured speakers at the con­ ference was Betty MacDonald, writer of the novel “The Egg . . . always fresh, always your greatest bargain in food value ALL WAYS. Vitamine, minerals, proteins. Nehalem And I.” Dairy milk has them all, as well as purity and flavor The meeting of the club was at the home of Mrs. Valda Heenan. ' Please help us serve you by returning bottles Plans were made to order tickets as soon as they are empty. and make arrangements for trans­ portation so that the members could attend the opera “Carmen.” Miss Marion Schwartz will be hostess at the next meeting which Phone 471 will be January 28, The Apparel Shop Always Ready For YCU < i Nehalem Dairy Products and all Nehalem Valley people who are not our regular customers. Help yourself to health and happiness by doing just this— SHOP AT NEHALEM FOR FOODS MILK CREAM PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY MARKET AND GROCERY ♦ FLAV-R-PAC Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Are Better Flavored, More Economical oz. Apple Sauce .......................................16 Apricots ...................................... 16 Boysenberries .....................................16 Cherries ............................-.............. 16 Mixed Fruit.......................................... 16 Peaches .............................................. 16 Pineapple .......................................... 16 Raspberries ................ 16 Rhubarb ............................................ 12 Strawberries .......... -.......................... 16 Grapefruit Sections ........................... 12 Asparagus Spears ............................. 12 Beans, Cut Green................................ 10 Beans, Lima .......................................12 Broccoli .............................................. 10 Cauliflower ........................................ 10 Com, Whole Kernel............................ 12 Mixed Vegetables ............................. 12 Peas .................................................... 12 Peas and Carrots ............................... 12 Spinach .............................................. 14 A VERNONIA BAKERY j 27c 30c 50c 44c 44c 32c 38c 60c 49c 49c 33e 45c 25c 41c 28c 32c 25c 28c 25c 26c 23c THINK FIRST OF THIS BANK. MAKE US YOUR HEADQUAR­ TERS FOR ALL YOUR CREDIT NEEDS Twenty-seven women attended the meeting of the Missionary so­ ciety of the Christian church at the home of Mrs. Otto Michener on. Stoney Point last Friday eve­ ning. Mrs. Luther Herrin was in charge of the program. She was assisted by Mrs. Wauneta Kono, Mrs. Bruce Bass, Mrs. Alfred Jones, Mrs. Ernest Maker, Mrs. Oscar George and Mrs. J. Stubbs. Mrs. Herman Wood furnished spe­ cial music. Some of Our Loan Services: MORTGAGE LOANS REPAIR LOANS PERSONAL LOANS AUTO LOANS EQUIPMENT LOANS COLLATERAL LOANS BUSINESS LOANS VETERAN LOANS LIFE INSURANCE LOANS • Veterars Adminstration pro­ cessed over 11,500,000 pieces of incoming mail during October. REFRIGERATION i ¡ . RADIO "SERVICE : ¡969 Bridge St. Ph. 576! i 1 _______________ Telephone' 721 Thinking of Borrowing? • Twenty-Seven Attend Missionary Meeting Mrs. T. L. DeHart and Mrs. Frank Lange were hostesses at a bridal shower for Miss Eliza­ beth DeHart at; the home of Mrs. Lange Wednesday, January 8. The bride-to-be received many lovely and useful gift). Refresh­ ments were served. Those not present sent gifts. Licensed Contractors Rainbow Girls Elect Officers • Banks, Oregon Your Nearest Bank, Main Road to Portland See the Sensational NEW SONOTONE with “MAGIC KEY”! SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ONLY! Solves ‘•’e greatest problem of all-in-one hearing aids! Every hearing advanced— PLUS extra power always available—PLUS ability to save up to 2/3 in battery costs! No charge for exam­ ination or advice. MacDONALD HOTEL VERNONIA, OREGON KENNETH R. SAX Certified Sonotone Consultant THURSDAY, JAN. 23rd 2 P.M. to 7 P.M. SONOTONE The House of Hearing / The Commercial Bank of Banks HEAR-HEREI Appliance Repairing ! STRONG’S RADIO ! AND ELECTRIC ! NEHALEM Loyal Women Install New Officers Wed. The regular meeting of Mt! A regular meeting of the Or­ Wednesday afternoon in the Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 was der of Rainbow Girls was held Christian church dining room the held Thursday evening at the Monday, January 13. The fol­ I.O.O.F. hall and was opened in officers of the Loyal Women’s lowing were elected: Stella Bell­ due form with Silvia Turner, No­ class were installed by Mrs. Er­ ingham, W.A.; Dorothy Ann Hog- ble Grand, ill the chair. Vera Wil­ nest Baker. The officers for the berg, Worthy Associate Advisor; lard, District Deputy President, new year are: President, Mrs. Virginia Millis, Charity; Delores and her installing sf.aff, being in Joe Peachey; vice-president, Mrs. Johnson, Hope; Alice George, waiting, were escorted into the Herman Wood; secretary, Mrs. Faith; Shirley Bennett, Treasurer, hall and given the degree honors. Blanch Millis; treasurer, Mrs. and Mary Ann Johns, Recorder. They proceeded with the installa­ Clifford Fowler, and teacher, Mrs. J. Stubbs. tion of new officers. For Pasteurized Those installed were: Noma Callister, Noble Grand; Juanita Odd Fellows Lodge Edwards, Vice-Grand; Beryl Cline, Secretary; Ella Cline, Treasurer; Installs Tuesday Pauline McKee, Warden; Louise The following officers were in­ Hammett, Conductor; Ethel Lan­ stalled by Special Deputy District ders, Chaplain; Faye Davis, Out­ Grand Master Cecil Johnson and side Guardfan, Lena Schroeder and his staff at the regular meeting of and Ethel Peasnall, Right and Left the Odd Fellows Lodge Tuesday Supporters of Vice-Grand and evening of this week. The new BUTTERMILK Evelyn Heath «nd Grace Cantwell, officers are, Right and Left Supporters of No­ N.G., Orvel Edwards; V.G., right from the farm to ble Grand. Louis Schroeder; Secretary, Calvin your door, write or call - Annetta Pearl, Musician; Ne­ Turner; Treasurer, Rex Hess; oma McMullen, Colcr Bearer, and Warden, Rex Normand; Con­ Telephone No. 7F51 Mathilde Bergerson, Inside Guard­ ductor, George Turner; R.S.N.G., CUR PRODUCTS ian, being absent, will be installed William Heath; L.S.N.G., Wil­ at a later date. ALWAYS SATISFY liam D. Shafer; R.S.V.G., Mike 11-22-46 Silvia Turner was presented Willard, L.S.V.G., Homer Gwin; v with her Past Noble Grand’s jewel. R.S.S., D. O. Cantwell; L.S.S., Ione Justice was elected drill cap­ John Gritdahl; Outside Guardian, tain, Melba Johnson was appoint­ Carl A. Davis; Inside Guardian, ed god-of-the-order chairman and Ralph McKee; Chaplain, Tommy Cecil Johnson was elected trus­ Hall and Past Noble Grand, Tom tee to succeed Bob Spencer. Turner. Members of the finance Timber Rt., Box 56 After the meeting, refreshments committee are Cecil Johnson, Tom Vernonia, Oregon were served upstairs at which Turner and Homer Gwin. time the members revealed their birthday friends and drew new names. • Bridal Shower Is Event of Wednesay That’s an invitation to all our our friends THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1947 3 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC HEATERS. Just the thing for the bathroom. Were $14.95 Now $12^5 • DURABILT FLOOR SWEEPERS. Were $5.75 Now £495 PAL BABY WALKER. Now $9^ Were $11.25 PLAYWRITER DESK AND CHAIR COMBINATION Were $4.95 Now J 3 95 ALUMINUM KITCHEN STOOLS. Were $5.45 Now $3’6 Automotive Service The chassis of every car needs regular and efficient lubrica­ tion for long life and satisfactory service. Signal Oils and Greases are made to reduce friction to a minimum and lengthen the serviceability Of your car. Call at Heath’s today for long-lasting Signal lubrication. Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 At the Mile Brige, Riverview CLOTHES HAMPERS. Lg, wicker. Were $9.36 Now $795 COCO DOOR MATS. Small size Were $1.95 Now $j25 IRONING BOARD PAD, COVER. Were $1.90 • Now JJ65 HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO. Phone 181 Vernonia For Hardware — See Hoffman Quality-Variety-Service 1947 will be the year when you can again buy most of your food needs when you want them. At Girod’s you are assurred that everything you buy w ill be tops in quality, the variety for your selection will be greater and the service will remain unexcelled. FREE DELIVERY Telephone 991 0 Gf ROD'S FOOD STORE PHONE 711