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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1947)
home at one time for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner spent ’’’uesday and Wednesday in Port land with Mrs. Bittner’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osborn. Martyn Seibert is home from the Doembecker hospital. We all hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. H. A. DeWitt and sons, Donald and Teddy,, motored to Se attle and spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and family. Mrs. Pearl Gordon and son, 6 THURSDAY, JANUARY 9,1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Best Poison Oak Killer Named Smoked Turkey Bulletin Subject t The three most effective ma terials for controlling poison oak in Oregon are ammonium sul phate, sold under a trade name. Ammate; sodium, chlorate and 2-4D, according to resutls of three years testing at Oregon State college. The first amed was the most ef fective in the tests reported on in a new brief extension bulletin 672 just issued as a revision of an earlier one. For. best results the chemical u applied before the last of June, though it may be applied as late as early October. Where 2-4D is used application before July 1 is essential. With Oregon turkeys now avail able to consumers at lower prices, some might like to make their own smoked turkey, a delicacy that is usually a high-priced gift item on the market. Directions for smoking turkeys or chickens, either in natural smoke or by using smoke salt preparations, are given in an extension mimoo- graphed circular, HE 2004 issued at Oregon State college. The process with1 natural smoke involves soaking the dressed and drawn birds in a salt pickling solution two to four weeks, de pending on size of the birds. When removed the birds are washed and hung up to dry and then smoked over hardwood for a period rang ing from several hours to several days, depending on degree of smoked flavor desired. Circulars giving detailed direc tions may be had free from any county extension office. B. R. Stanfill Plastering & Stucco Contractor ALL WORK GUARANTEED Star Route Buxton, Oregon • Bowling Alley Open Now Dessy’s Tavern GROWTH OF CITY HIGH DURING ’46 HILLSBORO—Hillsboro experi enced one of its biggest building booms during 1946, estimated con struction on building permits reached a total of 697,261 accord ing to figures released by City Recorder Ed Bowman. Included were permits for construction of 86 new homes, in addition to a number of stores, garages, apart ments and other larger buildings, the 1946 total exceeded the total on building permits for the six years starting with 1940. Total for that period was 677,050. April was record month for last year with construction estimated at $141,420. Sawmill Received By Keasey Man KEASEY—Ted DeWitt has re ceived his sawmill. It will be oper ated by Diesel. Mr. and Mrs. Doc DeVaney had as Christmas guest3 Mr. and Mrs. B. Westerberg of Garibaldi Mr. and Mrs. Verle DeVaney, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeVaney and Mr. and Mrs. Derrell DeVaney. It was the first time they had all been //VX x " Frank, of Portland spent Sun day with har sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Derrell De Vaney. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieger, Jr., of New Mexico, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieger, Sr. Deanna Osborn of Portland spent her Christmas vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner. Ted DeWitt has returned to work after being sick and off work for a month. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ozborn of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Lindsay and family and Lloyd Osborn, were New Years dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner. Deanna Osborn returned to Portland Wednesday of last week aftei^ visiting a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner. • Daimler of Germany is credited with building in 1898 the first automobiles with engines under the hood. PETE BRUNSMAN Pocket Knives $1.35-$2.50 BOLTS, ROPE, SAWS, CRESCENT WRENCHES, NAILS Daisy Can Opener $1.30 SPORTING GOODS- frigidaires , GUNS AND AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE, TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS Bond Box ................ $2.50 PAINT Paints—Linseed Oil—Turpentine— Elec. Wiring pF New Alumni-Shield Roll Roofing....$5.95 45-lb. Pabco Roofing....................... $3.20 55-lb Malthoid Roofing $3.25 90-lb. Malthoid Min Sur Roofing $4.50 CLOTHING Sweat Shirts ................................................. $1.85 Men’s Shorts .................................................... 79c Men’s Shirts ..................... -.............................. 65c SPECIAL BUY $24.50 Hot Water Heater. Approx. 25 feet of Coils. Heats water in few minutes....$10.50 RADIOS ELECTRICAL 6-Tube (Broadcast and short-wave) Emerson Radio ........................................ $38.00 6-Tube Emerson Radio ............................... $35.00 5-Tube Emerson Radio ...............................$34.60 5-Tube Emerson Radio .............................$25.00 4-ft Stepladder ........ $2.75 Disston Pruning Saws ...................................$1.50 Aluminum Rural Mail Box........................... $4.50 Wire Dish-Racks .............................................. 80c National 40-gal. Elec. Water Heater......... $99.00 14-2 Loom Wire............................... ...... foot 6c No. 14 Code Wire .................................. foot21/»c Iron or Heater Cord .............................. foot 5c Green and White Extension Cord........... foot3V£c PLYWOOD—All Sizes Inside One-Panel Doors Get Tender. Juicy Meat Every Time—at Lowest Prices! • The largest meteorite of which the date of fall is known shot to earth February 17, 1930, within 15 miles of Paragould, Arkansas. It split before striking. The heaviest fragment weighed 820 pounds. r Safeway GUARANTEES you tender, fine eating meat every time and every cut. Here's why this guarantee is possible: First, we buy the top gov ernment grades of beef, the top grades of lamb, pork and veal. Second, we bring these fine meats to market with special care to safeguard their satisfying flavor and tenderness. Carefully trimmed BEFORE weighing, these meats are priced no higher than ordinary meats. Select your favorite cut at Safeway today. If you don't like it for any reason whatsoever, we'll give your money back without return of th© mr.rrtl UaUua. Pitied Dates Pork Row 6-oi. pkg Beef Short Ribs Fresh Ground Beef PorkChops Sliced Bacon cX Piece Bacon lx 15' Pie Crust Mix ’X 35‘ Morton’s Tender Quick Salt lbs 45c Canned Milk Cherub, Pet, toii ^ « Bordens Instant Oatmeal £ 15« Jutth. jADAisd. Chiriiznt, Wheahes, Cereal X 12« 'X 16' Eviscerated— which means you Soda Crackers ’¿i44* soc.f ok. il'i’AS: Hi-Ho Crackers Tow «><«,» 27‘ Whole Milk Cheese lb. 59* Cherries IS YOUR CAR HARD TO STEER? • Tire» Wear Unevenly? • Car Wander or Pull to One Side? Complete Stock of Hobbs Batteries Also Zenith Tire» GREENWOOD MOTORS Vernonia, Ore. Dodge, Plymouth Ph. 1121 Pot Roast of Beef Blade Cut— GRADES AA ond A With goodness ond flavor you get only in meat of quality lb. 39e Rcund Btne Cu»— ---- Sta. Jvodi.— Uniform slices. C.—l |L l-JV ■ Vfvl ILL J7 Fryers lb.75' Roasterslb.75‘ lb. '2c Essy to cook Each slice trim med absolutely waste Irte Salmon lb. 55' Halibut lb.55‘ Sole lb. 35c Oysters, per pint 69c ™ 45' Tender Asparagus “ i 'X 32 Minced Clams Snow brond IV5-O1 29* Salad Vegetables ""J13* Meat features ore fot Sauerkraut Friday ond Saturday. MogtC Brond J4-O. 15' Perk Up Appetite* with PEANUT BUTTER REAL ROAST l lb |or 29« TODAy’S FRESH — Edwards — PRODUCE at SAFEWAy COFFEE Crisp vegetables and flavorful fruita for perfect meals. Drive into Greenwood Motoi-s. We have the latest, most modern equipment to accurately check your steering and add to your driving comfort. lb 25': lb. 35' lb. 55' lb. 75' lb. 59' Estro toncv ond toney Red DehciOMS Lb 14c Romon Beaubes Lb 11* PARSNIP! Local crop uniform sue rosy to peel ih Juicy seedless novels Lg ss. full box SA 10 half box soit Sm M full bx S jOS half box tfSO Deschutes Potatoes U S No 2 ». SOJb st 89c U $ No I s. IS Ib s» 59c 9C orapetruif Marsh Seedless lb. s’/x« ’* 43‘ £ 8S‘ Salad Vegetables Airway Coffee Local Turnip*. £ 37* |p, Ov Cabbage 6 3£ $1.10 |D, 12c 8-nx cellophone pkg No tops to pay for DRY ONIONS Crown m Oregon Med s zes 38 2-lb 55< I | BEVERLY—Reg or Chunk l ib |or 33» 2 lb 59c Grapefruit Grapefruit »-"ISUXInte Peaches y. Orange Juice O wld 22' NA„2 20' No. 2S4 can N™’ 10c Prune Juice “ 3T Grapefruit Juice TOJS.“?U“ ì: 11® Grapefruit Juice TEN^urJIP æ ip No. 2 Blended Juice ogold Can 11' Diaperwite Water Softener pi£ 25' Old Dutch Cleanser 2 cans 15' Sol’d heads Cauliflower .. Snowy wh.t» haods lu. 15c Carrots No tops to pay for .. lu. Produce Features for Friday and Saturday Only F SAFEWAY I 6c Nob Hill SfuoaL Off/Ub! COFFEE Save 15c on a pound of ANY COFFEE (or jar of INSTANT) £39« 24 77‘ when you buy I Large Box of WHEATENA 22-oz. 22c Turn in the box Top at your SAFEWAY STORE