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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1947)
Light Use on Mountain Near FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate WANTED FIRST QUALITY hay (shock cured). Ton lots. Horse and Cow. Elmer Bergerson, Timber Rt. 49tl3c 3-BEDROOM plastered house 1 acre ground with some fruit. 3 room house on back of lot. Elec, automatic water heater. Wired for electric range. Oil is piped in to heater. 831 3d Avenue. 2t3 NURSE WISHES to buy, rent or run on shares large house close in that is suitable for maternity home. Write Helen Williamson, Nurses home, Tillamook, Oregon. 52t3c FOUR-ROOM house partly fur nished. Inquire Vernonia 5 and 10 or write Vernonia, Box 293. It3 SELL your cream and eggs to the Forest Grove Creamery. Build a market close to home good as Portland. Write or phone us for pick up arrangements. 30tfc GRASS HAY—Q. Keasey Rt. Buckley, It3 E. WOOD circulating heater practic ally new. $45. Fifth house from highway on first road leading down river west of Mile Bridge, Riverview. It3 PREWAR Montag range complete with coils; Thayer baby buggy; 6-year size baby crib. House 10, O-A hill.________________ lt3 LIBRARY table in good condition. Harvey Crume, 225 0 street, Ver nonia. It3 FOR SALE—Livestock WEEK-OLD calf for sale. Phone 5710, Will Chalmers, Mist Rt. ltlc LODGES V. F. W. Regular meeting*: 2 & 4 Weds. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn, Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meet*: 1st & 3rd Wed. 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Tom Turner, Noble Grand William D. Shafer, Sec’y 4-47 Columbia Encampmest No. 89 Eagle*) Bridge Street Vernonia 4th and 2nd Friday« 8 P. M. H. W. Carrick, pres. Geo. Armstrong, Sec’y.______ 7-47 Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge 116 No. Vernonia, Oregon I.O.O.F. Meetings: Second Hall, and Each Month Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 I.O.O.F. Meetings: Second and Fourth Hall 2-47 Order of Eastern Star 1S3, Chapter O. Regular S. E. 3rd and each Wed. month Masonic Ten* at pie. All visiting sisters and broth welcome. er* Mona Gordon. Worthy Matron Florence Messing. Sec’y. 1-47 Vernonia A Masonic Happiness? Good Job? FISHING RODS rewrapped and refinished. Ludwig Schoenfelder, 1508 Nehalem St., Vernonia, Ore. It3 ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and lire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf— FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- classified, others. Cars and Trucks Repairs Maintenance Lubrication Lee Motors Sales and Service Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo dern plant. Two pick ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP WE TAKE this means of thank ing all our friends for their acts of kindness at the time of the passing of Our father, Mr. J. F. Fredricey. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lee and family. 2tlc OREGON Laundry Classified Ad Rates and ' k charge words or les*. imum, 2c each. min over Three 25 for 30c Word* of price for Laundry & to . CARD OF THANKS the Service cheaply. WAREHOUSE for rent, 376 North St., L. M. Porterfield. 48tfr -------------------------------------- ,------- insertions [ f Dry Cleaners two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c FACE BOLD through an enlistment in the and of ads Eagle FOR RENT for All these things can be yours thousands Use quickly results get are so Moral: Wickstrom. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wickstrom Jr., went to California to spend the holidays with her; parents. Mrs. Clarence Brown has been cooking at the Nehalem Oasis the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Alexander were down from Vernonia and ate the Christmas dinner with her family, the I. E. Knowles. Complete Send year this are reading YOU AS JUST ea., 3 ads, 50c minimum of 2. Words for the price over minimum, 3c each. New Regular U.S. Army! There are 40,000 good jobs every month available in the Army NOW! If you can qualify for one of these you will find a broad fulfillment of all the things that make life worth living. There are hundreds of trades open to you. Set your goal—then go after it in whatever skill you wish to excel. And if you are a veteran, with an MOS rating in any of some 425 jobs then this new recruiting plan can make sense:—good sense—to you. For you still have the oppor tunity of re-enlisting in a grade appropriate to your training and experience. POETRY accepted 5c matte,* Rate: BLIND ads handled by The with paid as only per line. type to answers be Minimum Eagle: charge 75c. No information g'ven to such relative No ads. on information be will classifieds until out given after paper is mailed. EAGLE THE assumes cial responsibility appear may columns, its ‘hi* paper print that which the ad* in but is at part in no tha* published case* fault, of finan errors for an typographical in where will re adv. in mistake occur*. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON WEEK’S EXCEPT FOR NEXT PAPER. Lodge A.M. No. 184 meet* Temple Communication at Stated first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Herman Dickson, W. M. Ray Mills. Sec’y. 1-47 American Legion VERNONIA POST 11» Meets first and Third Mon. of Each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays Longview Victory Center Longview, Washington GRANGERS SHAPE THE PATTERN of OREGON’S DEVELOPMENT Business - Professional Directory Riverview Beauty Shop Thirty thousand people who know where Helene Curtis Park Avenue Machine or Machineless Permanents Phone 7712 NEAL BUSH A. F. & A. M. A.F. The New Year MISCELLANEOUS com munication first of What Will LOST: Key ring with 3 keys, 2 for car, identification number 12D783. Lost at Safeway. Re turn to Eagle office. 2tl Government price supports on 11 Oregon farm commodities are scheduled to end January 1, 1948, as a result of President Truman’s proclamation formally ending hos tilities on December 31, 1946. The Oregon commodities affect ed by the action, according to E. H. Miller, chairman of the state PMA committee, are pota toes, flaxseed, dry peas, dry beans, sugar beets, hogs, eggs, chickens, turkeys, milk and butterfat. Those commodities. Miller ex plained, are covered by the Stea gall amendment, which pledged 90 per cent of parity prices support protection on commodities for which increased wartime produc tion was requested by the govern ment. To protect farmers from surpluses and low prices during a period of reconversion from high wartime output, price sup- port was provided for two years from the January 1 following the end of hostil’ties • To achieve economy in shipping costs, moulded lightweight plastic cases are being substituted for natural oyster shells. Tests have revealed that the bivalves will continue to live for many days when refrigerated in these arti ficial homes. Wednesday of each month. Nehalem LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais als given. We have cash buyers waiting to buy your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay ter Realty comps y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— LOST AND FOUND Farms Affected By Proclamation Plan now to a definite objective for 1947. Don’t wait! You’ve noth ing to lose and everything te gain by discussing your particular situation with your local army recruiting officer. See him today! Monday* Fourth J. E. FOSSUM electric service. Knight’s building, 708 First St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, in stallations, alterations, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial., phone 283 or 662 22tfc Education? Vernonia F. O. E. of WANTED: Douglas Fir second growth timber, suitable for small mills, in quantity of 1,000,000 board feet or more, on accessible road. Inquire at The Eagle of fice. 2t7c WE ARE looking for listings in Vernonia on farm and city prop erty. If you want to sell, come in and see us. Reeher’s Real Es tate (Howard and Arthur Reeher), 18 First Ave. N. W., Forest Grove. Phone 33. 41tfc MINIMUM Meet» 2nd and 4th Thur»day evening» of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Silvia Turner, Noble Grand Noma Callister, Vice Grand Juanita Edwards, Secretary Ella Cline, Treasurer 3-47 810 SAW FILING. Hand and circular. H. H. Frank 1233 Ruth Ave. 2tfc Security? Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Order WANTED Bring You? will meet) the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Carl A. Davis, Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe (Fraternal HOME with good income. All nicely furnished and another 3- room furnished all modern house on rear of lot. On another lot, a warehouse 76ftx28ft and garage 20fexl2ft. L, M. Porterfield, 376 North St. ________________45tf MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Chet Clen- dien and two boys from Shedd came to visit her parents over Christmas. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser and Butch and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ballett who were on their way home from spending Christmas with their daughter in Washing ton. Chas. Sundland and his helper, Bernard Dowling wired the A. E. Wall place last w—v at Valley View on the Clatskanie mountain. All the residents will soon have electric service there, as the poles are up and the line is strung. Mrs. A. LaBeck and children were recent callers of Mrs. Jane Carter. Recent visitors at the Will Dip- pold home were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dippold of Jewell. . Margie Dippold returned home from Clatskanie recently after doing some work for Mrs. W. F. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sundland and Sharon spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundland: Don ald is in tht tie mill business near McMinnville. Callers Christmas day at the Austin Dowling home were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sundland and Sharon from McMinnville, Mrs. Chet Clendin and Mrs. L. P. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, JANUARY’ 0, 1947 5 1-47 Attomey-at-law Office at Joy Theater building every Monday ■ ZR. F. D. Routes k^Direct Election of Senators k^Cooperative Marketing BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland - Timber • Vernonia Sunset • Elsie • Cannon Beacb Gearbart • Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 Grange achievements that have made Oregon a better state in which to live: V Better Roads Z Improvements in Education kGraduated Income Tai Consult Dr. Max Friedman Registered Optometrist Concerning your optical problems at the Eastern, Washington at Tenth, Portland, Ore., for de pendable advice. they’re going can do a lot of good for themselves and for the state in which they live. There are 30,000 members of the Grange in Oregon. They and their families ate members of some 400 local Granges throughout the state. They conduct regular, well-attended meetings. They own Grange halls. They have millions of dollars invested in farms and equipment. They are alert to social, agricultural and civic betterment. They are members of an organization nearly as old as the state of Oregon. They work here, lire here, dream here—for the constructive programs that shape the pat tern of Oregon’s development. Not just for their benefit, but for the good of all Oregonians. OREGON STATE GRANGE k' improved Marketing 1135 5. I. SALMON STREET Z Low-Cost Light and Power PORTLAND 14,OREGON YEARS OF SERVICE TO OREPONFARMERS