2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 9,1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa and daughter, Mrs. Wilma Borton, mo­ tored, to Forest Grove Tuesday to attend the funeral of an old friend, Mrs. Emma Russell Lu- sendorff. Holly Holcomb, Sr., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holcomb and daughter in Gresham, and Mr. and Mrs. Holly Holcomb, Jr., and daughter of Beaverton during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Idirry Weis spent the holidays with his parents in Cottage Grove. I ITS The Pal Shop for FOUNTAIN SERVICE and SANDWICHES Ice Cream in pints, quarts, gallons and 5-gallon lots Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caulfield vis­ ited the Walter Vaughans Christ­ mas week. DANCE Sat. night, I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. Vina Hicks spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Law­ rence Black, and her nephew, William Conner and wife of Oak­ land, California. Judd Greenman has been ill for a week with the flu and F. R. Olin and members of his fam­ ily have also had sickness in their homes. DANCE Natal Hall. Red O’Brien orchestra. Saturday, January 18. 2t2c Mrs. Dave Marshall visited her son, Jack Marshall and family in Burlington, Washington, over New Year's holidays and returned home Monday with her grand­ daughter, Brenda. Miss Vera Finnell visited her sister, Mrs. Esther Robinson, in Yakima, Washington, over the holidays. Mrs Dick Fletcher’s mother, Mrs. V. G. Moore, and husband of Portland visited the Fletcher family a few days last week. Mrs. F. R. Obn is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Vincent Gowen, and family of Port Blakely, Wash­ ington. Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon Thursday-Friday January 9-10 “SO GOES MY LOVE” Myrna Loy—Don Ameche “SO YOU THINK YOU ARE A NERVOUS WRECK” Featurette “Donald's Snow Fight”—Cartoon Saturday January 11 “COWBOY BLUES” The Hoosier Hotshots from the National Barn Dance “LITTLE MISS BIG” Beverly Simmons—Fred Brady Sunday-Monday January 12-13 ’’NOBODY LIVES FOREVER” John Garfield—Geraldine Fitzger­ ald “Sleep Walker” Cartoon and news Tuesday-Wednesday Jan. 14-15 "NOTORIOUS GENTLEMAN” With Lilli Palmer—Rex Harrison WALT DISNEY CARTOON Send The Family To The Palace For Dinner Miss Virginia Vaughan has re­ turned to Los Angeles after vis­ iting her parents during the holi­ days. DANCE Sat. night, I.O.O.F. hall. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilbur of portland visited their son, Guy Wilbur and family a couple of days last week. > ■ Mr. and Mrs. Art Nanson and her mother, Mrs. Henrietta Lind­ say, who has been visiting in Ver­ nonia, motored to Portland Sat­ urday. Mrs. Herman Dickson also accompanied them. Mrs. Lindsay remained with Mrs. George Sten- dals, her daughter, in Portland for a visit. DANCE Sat. night, I.O.O.F. hall. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilbur and Miss Vera Finnell spent New Years with the Dick Fletchers. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nance and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cedarburg cele­ brated New Years in Portland. DANCE Sat. night, I.O.O.F. hall. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Magby of Pittsburg were guests of the Kenneth Andersons New Years. Mrs. Warren Aldrich and chil­ dren had a vacation at Bay City with the Walter Veberes family. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roediger and Frances Mullins were present Saturday evening at a surprise party for Pat McCabe at the home of the Kenneth Andersons. Pat returned to St. Patrick’s sem­ inary, Menlo Park, California to resume his studies. DANCE Sat. night, I.O.O.F. hall. Jim Frazee and Ralph and Marjorie Keasek returned to Cor­ vallis New Year’s day after spend­ ing the holidays here with their parents. Elmo Eby from Camas, a friend of Betty English, owner of Betty’s Cafe, was here Tuesday to visit. Places were set for 22 at a family dinner at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Russell on Christ­ mas day. Those present at the dinner were Mrs. Bertha Rife, Mrs. Blanche Dixon and family of Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Rife and daughter of Milwau­ kie, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rife of Portland, Mr. and Mr3. Thomas Howard and family of Portland and their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Russell, and daugh­ ter, Karen, of Salem. Mrs. Bertha Rife, mother of Mrs. Russell re­ mained for a couple of weeks’ visit. Miss Laraine Mahar left for San Francisco the third to be with her sister, Jay, who is the mother of a girl born on Christmas day. A SALESMAN CAN’T CON- TACT 3200 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK — BUT THE EAGLE CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson and daughters of Wenatchee, Wash­ ington, were guests of the W. T. Graves Friday. DANCE Natal Halt Red O’Brien orchestra. Saturday, January 18. 212c Mr. and Mrs. Philip Workman, of Naramata, B.C., with their three children, Philip III, Sharon and Susan, are spending a couple of weeks at the Rocking W. Ranch with Mr. Workman’s par­ ents. They arrived at Vernonia in time for the Workman-Ryan wedding in which Mr. Philip Workman acted as best man. Walter O. Workman, owner of the Rocking W. Ranch, has re­ turned to the logging woods as logging superintendent at Black Rock, for the Willamette Valley Lumber company. Mr. Workman assumed charge of the camp the first of January. Mrs. Workman plans to join him in the camp early in February. Robert and Walter Workman, sons of Mr. and Mr3. Workman, and partners in the Rocking W. Ranch, will carry on during Mr. Workman’s ab­ sence. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Latimer had the surprise of their lives Sunday evening before Christmas when their son, Floyd, and wife, Pau­ line, drove in from Gothenburg, Nebraska, to spend the 'holidays here. At Christmas dinner held in their home the entire family numbering 18 were together for the first time at this season in 12 years. Among those present were son Harry Lat'mer and family from Forest Grove; daugh­ ter Laura Evans and family from Forest Grove; and the visitors, IT’S COMPLETELY Floyd and Pauline Latimer. Dur­ ing the afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marioux and Mis.3- Marylinn Graves. A very enjoyable time was had by all and it will be a Christmas long remembered by the Latimers. The Lewis Laramore family is back home after a two weeks jaunt to San Francisco. They vis­ ited the George Summers at Glen­ dale, Oregon, on the way down, then visited all over the San Francisco Bay area, stopping with Mrs. Laramore’s sister’s family, the Donald Heaths, and his sis­ ter’s family, the Stewart Martins. On the return they stopped at Redmond and visited the Wilbur Charlesworths, who formerly lived here. He worked at Hoffman Hardware and now has a hard­ ware store of his own. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange and granddaughter, Sunny Lee DeHart, were in Portland the Saturday before the new year to visit his mother, Mrs. Zoe Kinyon, and again New Year’s eve to visit the J. W. McKenzies. The Langes also entertained Monday, Decem­ ber 30 for the fifth birthday of their granddaughter. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Thurman De­ Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seelye re­ turned New Year’s Eve after spending a week with friends in the Puget Sound area where they did some yachting. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson returned January 6 after spend­ ing a two week’s vacation in Tex­ as, their home state. Mr. Robin­ son returned to his work as line foreman for the West Oregon Electric Cooperative. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Malmsten announce the marriage of their ^on, Marshall, to Ineta Darling of Portland Saturday, December 21. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graves and son, Dennis, of Gold Beach, spent the Christmas holidays with tne W. T. Graves family of Vernonia and the G. L. Nutts of Dilley. 52 GIFTS IN ONE— AN EAGLE SUBSCRIPTION A QUICK CHARGE FOR YOUR BATTERY . . . while you wait. No inconvenience, no bother to you. Oui’ quick charging service is yours for the asking at this CHEVRON GAS STATION. ROSE AVENUE GARAGE Experienced cabinet maker. Mill work built to order. Free estimates. Plumber. Repair and new installation. Call for free estimates of work. Electric water systems. Free installation & free service for one year. Al Norman Ed Roediger C. I. Anderson PROTECTED Nehalem Diary milk is test­ ed for purity and quality. Then perfect pasteurization protects ANDERSON WOODWORKING SHOP Riverview Phone 575 this purity for the health of your family. Extreme care is taken s F»®11 in cooling, .bottling and capping —complete protection for you. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS CO GRADE A MILK Phone 471 This Store Your One-Stop Saving Center Hodse Coats • Bright Floral Cotton Prints................. $4.98 If you are tired of cooking, just send the family to the Palace Cafe. S-’S" si VSS»“ By sending them, you will be relieved of the worry of New Spring Dresses 2 OUT OF ? ___ ’ CHECK-UP PRO-AM FAILED TO \ THE MINIMUM i safety standards \ _ ft Vj y V ’S F 1 what to cook, and also they will receive wholesome food. REMEMBER: We have soft ice cream Chambravs, Cottons, Rayons Sizes 9 to 44 Priced from $2.98 to $4.98 PLAID GINGHAM PREVENT ACCIDENTS - DRIVE WITH C/kRE BRAKE RELINING JOB Complete APRONS Cheerful Includes All This — 1 RELINING BRAKES - with Matched Li.i.g. A A MATCHING BRAKE DRUMS REPACK FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS Colors *1 4 - AD0 JO NECESSARY HYDRAULIC FLUID BRA1