C THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Grand Round were visitors at the Charlie Ratkie home during the week. Tom and Jim Williamson and Johnny Hayes were week end visitors at the Louis Huntley RIVERVIEW—Christmas visit home. or» at the Charles Ratkie home Cpl. Eugene Rosenborough and were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Malm- wife left Tuesday to return to sten and daughter, Sydney Ann, Washington after spending sev of Vancouver. Mr. Malmsten has eral weeks at the Walter Moore been in Alaska, but came home home. to spend the holidays with his Walter Moore made a business family. trip to Portland Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Johnny Keck and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mahar and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keck of family visited at Mrs. Herbert Corder's home in Portland for Christmas. We Serve A. F. Shalock is spending the holidays with his father near Wenatchee, Washington. Mrs. Polly Lynch, Henry, Bill Holiday Guests Are Mentioned and Alleene Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler made a trip to Sweet Home Sunday to visit Sister Hatch. Sunday guests at the George Bell home were Bessie Netka and Melvin Reid. Melvin Reid, who was in Utah visiting relatives, returned home a week ago Sunday. His folks are still there. Ray and Roy Bliven* of Wood bum visited at the M. A. Oakes home Monday. Shop to Open pair work on broken articles of all A fix-it shop is scheduled to open in a few days, Oscar Vike ception of electric appliances. kinds will be taken with the ex- PETE BRUNSMAN BOLTS, ROPE, SAWS, CRESCENT WRENCHES, NAILS SPORTING GOODS, FRIGIDAIRES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE, TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS PAINT HAMBURGER New Alumi-Shield Roll Roofisg ....$5.95 45-lb. Pabco Roofing....................... $3.20 CLOTHING They’re Delicious Don’t Forget— We Make Our Own Ice Cream Pints, quarts, gallons, 5-gallons Place orders for 5-gaI. a day i in advance The Pal Shop Phone 411 JUST TWO MOMENTS! HOW much of your money is invested in property that may be de stroyed and what will you have left if that happens? Spend a moment figuring this out and another in calling us to check up. We will make sure that you have insurance to re imburse you if your prop erty is destroyed. 55-lb Malthoid Roofing ................. $3.50 90-lb. Malthoid Min Sur Roofing $4.50 $24.50 Hot Water Heater. Approx. 25 feet of Coils. Heats water in few minutes....$10.50 ELECTRICAL National 40-gal. Elec. Water Heater......... $99.00 14-2 Loom Wire...................................... foot 6c No. 14 Code Wire ............................... !..foot2i/Gc Iron or Heater Cord ................... .......... foot 5c Green and White Extension Cord........... foot 3y2c PLYWOOD—All Sizes Inside One-Panel Doors RIGHT THROUGH 1947 Yois’ii get more for your money at SAFEWAY You can always shop to advantage at Safeway. It’s our iiolicy to give customers the benefit of savings that result rom our way of doing business. And you get the benefit every day in our low prices. Compare Safeway’s values in meats, groceries, fruits and vegetables of guaranteed qual ity. See how much you can save at Safeway—right through 1947! j 905 Bridge Street Phone 231 Vernonia A0 i . . . and tomorrow means new hours of strain for your car. Like any other mechanism an automobile must be prop erly cared for at regular intervals with correct servic ing. SIGNAL LUBRICANTS Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 PRUNES Red Tog Chcice Aorieot Nectar Hearts' Delight At the Mile Brige, Riverview No. 2 A /«Ec cans *"/ No. 2 can Blend O' Gold 11« Orange Juice Full O' Gold No. 2 can 1Ce Tomato Juice Libby's 47-oz. No. 2 can lie con 25c Tomato Juice No. 2 can Rancho 10c Green Beans Green Tag Cut Np. 2 4Ac can ■ “ CORN, Del Monte Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Cream Style No. 2 Gold Bantam can PEAS Highway ■ ■ I ft 8 8 ft ■ VESITASLE SOU» WITH MEAT BALLS I This typical Mexican whole-meal soup K is extremely versatile because canned | ■ vegetables may be substituted for the >1 8 ■ ■ fresh and canned broth or consomme I 8 Whole-Real sssps hr January menus Blended Juice We suggest— 4£c No. 2 can ■ ” 8 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 i i 1 1 8 a I 1 I a I I ■ ■ a a a a a ! for the stock. 2 tbsps. shortening 1 medium-size onion, chopped •^4 cup tomato sauce 6 cups chicken or beef stock 2 cups shelled peas (1 lb.) 2 cups sliced string beans V/2 lb-) Sweet Potatoes Mary- dole N Pumpkin Moon- beam B’ I I * N Tomatoes Clams Radio Servicing CHILI »IAN CHOWDER This meatless chowder makes a satisfy ing whole-meal soup for a cold day. 2 cups dried red 2 bud. garlic 2 tap«, chili kidney beans powder 2 quarts cold 1 tip. oregano water or m.rjoram 1 medium-size onion, chopped 2 tip«, .alt S/, cups cooked '/» Up. pepper 1% cup. evapo oe canned rated milk tomatoes Salmon Happyvale Rink MILK” Camof Carnation Cherub, Pet i S rz J lc . The Homemakers' Bureau An E xits Su/rtiwy Serein PEACHES HALVES N°ca2n 2 c Grapefruit Jce.Nc°a„2 12c The/r» so good-looking. They seem to taste better than others. Town Sweetened House. AAOLI Looks is and good dpinacn Tastes almost just enough to improve taste. the BUTTER KERNEL No. 2 Fancy Whole Kernel can cs the label beautiful No. 2 can bay fresh like os EMERALD because TF —______ 8. — E of the G promises. 2/25c care in canning. c No.2can11c 46-oz.can CmQTO Sunny Dawn. A glass every morning ... a great pepper-uoper. BABY FOODS These kinds: Heinz, Gerber's or Clapp's strained. And variety! Cigarettes Per carton *1.39 Camels, Chesters, Raleigh, Kool, Luckies, O. G. and other leader». PORK ROAST ■ a a ■ a a a a a a a a a a a a a lb. ir lb. 3? lb. 12'" Grapefruit STORE HOURS: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Avocado«» Navel ORANGES 9 he ZEMAN’S J5==--=-MSMM--=-========™« Stamp No. 32—Ndw Valid Loin or Rib end cut 115,45« Beef POT ROAST Flavorful—Juicy lb.39c By the Piece lb. BACON Store Sliced Readv to Eat! Smoked HAMS 65' 69e Half or whole lb 67' Pork Loin Chops, center cut Pork Shoulder Roast Ground Beet Fresh Boneless Beef Stew Beef Short Rihs Fowl, Eviscerated & cut up lb. 55c lb. 39c lb. 35c lb. 45c lb. 29c lb. 59c Meat features are for Fri. & Sat. only. In the January Texas Pink Now at 714 3rd Street (Formerly Scott’» Studio) Holidavs hard on your sugar? EASTERN VALUES IN WINTER ^pUCE~ Quick, Guaranteed Service We Buy and Sell New and Used Radio» Director CANE—10 lb. 86= 25 lb. $2.15 BEET —10 lb. 85c 25 lb. $2.10 SAFEWAY GUARANTUD MEATS Wash bears and drain. Add water, cover and simmer until tender, about 2 hours. Add onion, tomatoes, garlic, and seasonings. Cook until onion is tender and seasonings well blended. Remove garlic. Add milk; heat, but do not boil. Serve in soup plates or bowls garnished with thin slice of lemon. Serves 6 to 8. Snow brand, 8V£-oz. minced can 20 Yrs. Experience I 2 tbsps. uncooked 88 rice 8 J4 lb. ground pork *4 lb. ground beef 6 mint leaves. I chopped 2 tbsps. chopped II parsley 1 slightly beaten ■ egg ■ 1 tsp. salt •/• tsp. pepper Lightly brown onions in melted ■ shortening in heavy kettle with tight- fitting lid. Add tomato sauce and ■ chicken or beef stock; bring to boil. ■ Add vegetables. Make meat balls; > > Combine rice, ground beef and pork, > mint leaves, parsley, egg, salt and ■■ pepper. Drop in boiling soup. Cover 8 tightly, simmer 30 minutes, or until a « meat balls are done and vegetable» ■ a tender. Serves 6 to 8. Garden- Side J. J. Zeman, Tech. Daisy Can Opener $1.30 Bond Box .............. $2.50 SPECIAL BUY .......... $1.85 ............. 79c ............. 65c ............. 95c ............. 65c Special 40c .......... $2.85 .......... $2.75 .......... $3.75 .......... $3.75 .......... $3.95 .......... $4.15 .......... $2.35 Sweat Shirts Men’s Shorts Men’s Shirts All Wool Dress Sox ................. Bear Brand Travelair Dress Sox Fancy Dress Sox ........................ 5 Brothers heavy work shirts..... Harvester Work Shirts.... ........... 5 Brothers BI up Work Pants ..... 5 Brothers Gray Work Pants .... 5-Gal. Auto King Motor Oil ..... 16-in. Master Tool Box ............... 14-in. Master Tool Box ............... VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE Tomorrow Is Another Day Pocket Knives $1.75-$2.95 Paints—Linseed Oil—Turpentine— Elec. Wiring Made to please your taste! Wings of the ruby-throated hummingbird make about 75 beats a second forward and about 59 in hovering. Cala vos Parsnips Grade A I EGGS Flavorful ¡^"TNE BIG SlHFfli" Re«d about the hiberna tion of animate. It’s only one of many inureatin< features in thia ■aue. Ce*y U.S. No. 1 Medium . sizes lb. CanteAwy Tea, Gr. or blk. 14 lb. 22c Broccoli Loci crop Dry Onions lb. 9* Potatoes Deachutei No. 1 15-lb Nob HIU CoHee lb. bag 39c 2 lb. 77c Edward» CoHee lb. size 43c 2 lb. 15c Turnip» No Top. Produce feature» foe Fri. MJ.»., Gold. West, CAS Coffee lb 44c Airway CoHee 1-lb. bag 37c 3 lb. $1.10 Sot. only. %