LET’S BE SOCIABLE Mrs. Greenman Is Club Party Hostess a Mrs. Judd Greenman was host- ess Thursday night of last week for the Christmas party the mem bers of the Vernonia Study club enjoy each year. Mrs. Bolmeier was welcomed into the group as a new mem ber. As chairman of the civic com mittee, Mrs. Ben Brickel grave a report of that committee’s meet- It’s All Right To Keep Your Fingers Crossed ing with IWA members to elect officers for the (Community chest. Officers named are Mrs. H. M. Culbertson, president; Rex Nor mand, secretary; Mrs. Brickel, treasurer; L. L. Wells and John Elder. At the meeting, the com munity chest group made plans to care for needy families of the city. On January 2, Mrs. Fred Tous- ley will be hostess for the first meeting of the new year. For the program, each member will give a brief character sketch of a contemporary woman. Mrs. Kobow Entertains Business Women Dec. 16 . . It’s safer to have good brakes. An adjustment or re line job now may save you costly repairs later. Ask Lee for an estimate of the cost. Don’t delay. The Christmas party of the Vernonia Business Women’s club was held at the home of Maude Kobow, December 16. Mrs. Ko- bow’s home was decorated beauti fully for the party. During the evening gifts which were to be given by the club were wrapped and packed. Gifts were ex- changed and Christmas plum pud ding was served for lunch. The evening was particularly enjoy able as several of the former mem bers were present. Mrs. Mar garet Brockhaus was also a guest. Lee Motors About 20 per cent of the world’s wheat and 58 per cent of the corn is supplied by the United States. BUT Sales and Service PHONE 173 52 GIFTS IN ONE— AN EAGLE SUBSCRIPTION Birthday Event Celebrated Friday RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Watson and daughter, John Colquette and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and daughter, Claribel, were birthday dinner guests at the J. W. Lindsley home Friday. It was Joe Lindsley’s birthday. Leonard Dewey, who has been in St. Vincents hospital with a broken leg, returned home Friday. He and his mother, who had been staying at the Monty eDwey home, retlrned to their home in St. Helens Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler motored to St. Helens Saturday to spend the day with Clarence's mother, Mrs. D. R. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and sons of Sweet Home are spending the Christmas vacation visiting relatives in Vernonia. Dale Lindsley went to Port land to spend the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lindsley. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lahman of Portland visited at the Walter C. Moore home Friday. Johnny Hayes and Tom Wil liamson of Hillsboro spent Sunday at the Louis Huntley home and Betty and Bobby Huntley returned home with them. Dorothy Huntley, Gerald Mc Cool, Mr. McCool and Lavone Mc Cool made a business trip to Portland Monday. Mrs. Marie Louder and daugh ter, Sally, made a business trip to Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Earnest, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Reynolds and daughter, Cheryl Lee, of Sweet Home, are spending the Christmas vacation at the Riley Hall home. Tommy Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Hall, was married to Mary LaGore, formerly of Ver nonia, Saturday, December 21. They will be at the Riley Hall home for a few weeks. Mrs. Gertrude Davis and son, George, left Saturday morning for San Francisco to spend the holidays with Mrs. Davis’ sister, Mrs. R. A. Bush, and family and her four brothers, Lester, Leo, Earl and Mil ton Costillo. January Clearance Wide Assortment of Merchandise The Apparel Shop Phone 396 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, DEC. 26, 1946 » SEASON’S GREETINGS Rona Morris Workman Thinking of Borrowing? THINK FIRST OF THIS BANK. MAKE US YOUR HEADQUAR TERS FOR ALL YOUR CREDIT NEEDS Some of Our Loan Services: MORTGAGE LOANS REPAIR LOANS PERSONAL LOANS AUTO LOANS EQUIPMENT LOANS COLLATERAL LOANS BUSINESS LOANS VETERAN LOANS LIFE INSURANCE LOANS The Commercial Bank of Banks Banks, Oregon Your Nearest Bank, Main Road to Portland « The Forest Grove % INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON See this bank for LOANS of all types Serviceman Home For Yule Event RIVERVIEW—Earl H. King is at his home after spending 14 months in Korea. Earl was in the hospital in Korea and Ft. Lewis for several months. He will spend Christmas with his folks, and incidentally this will be the first Christmas the King family ha3 been together in five years. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard came up from Sweet Home Satur day to spend Christmas and the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harry King and family. Mrs. Joe Lindsley and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Watson motored to Portland Saturday. Mancel Lee Rose is spending his Christmas vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Earnest, Jr., of Portland visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ear nest, Sr., and son Saturday. Tom Earnest is spending a Christmas vacation with, his folks, A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank 46c 36c 45c 65c 23c 49e 33c 49c 43c 27c 28c 27c 38c 39c 39c 24c 30c 29c 29c 25c 28c 20c 29c 34c 69c Garden Fr esh PALACE C AF E Bus Depot Phone 322 Today most of our subscribers still pay the same rates as were in effect in 1918. Our rate schedules in almost every ex change are from 20 to 28 years old. l \ We have always resisted rate increases, but increased op erating costs have forced us to ask for moderate advances. Bird's Eve Frozen Foods Pre-sweetened I During this period of time—85% of our system has been com pletely replaced .... Maintenance costs have increased 54% .... Cost of operating switchboards has increased 110% .... Actual cost of installing each telephone has increased 148% .... Hourly wages have increased 161%. For Your Shopping Convenience oz. MIXED FRUIT ................. ..............16 PEACHES ........................... ....... ...... 16 16 PINEAPPLE ..................... RASPBERRIES .................. ............. 16 RHUBARB ......................... .............. 14 STRAWBERRIES .............. .............. 16 GRAPEFRUIT .................. .............. 16 ASPARAGUS SPEARS ... ...... ..... 12 12 ASPARAGUS CUTS.......... BEANS, CUT ..................... ..............10 BEANS, FR. STYLE .......... .............. 10 BEANS, WAX ................... ..............10 BROCCOLI, CUTS ............ .............. 13 BROCCOLI ....................... .............. 13 CAULIFLOWER ................ .............. 13 CORN, CUT ....................... ..............10 MIXED VEGETABLES .... ............. 12 PEAS ........... .............. 12 PEAS AND CARROTS...... .............. 12 PUMPKIN PIE MIX ..............16 SPINACH :.......................... .............. 14 SQUASH ................... ..............16 SUCCOTASH 11 CHOPSUEY ..............16 CHICKEN A LA KING .... ..............11 »..But Telephone Rates Have Not Kept Pace SERVICE WITH A SMILE .. . and with Union Gas and Lubricants Our motto ft Service and more SERVICE. We invite you to try it to day. Jake’s Service We are doing everything possible to again make our service the finest in the nation. We are adding new lines and equipment as fast as telephone material becomes available. We, the em ployees of your telephone company, wish to express our apprecia-1 tion for your understanding and cooperation. 4 t