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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1946)
VA Claims Service is during World War II. Payments Big Business ranging from $13.80 to $360 While most World War II vét monthly based on the degree and érans are concerned primarily type of disability. Almost half with benefits provided them by of all claims filed and processed by the VA result in an'award. the G.I. bill, guaranteed loans World War I Widows and education and training pre May Be Eligible paid, the veterans administration Ignorance of the law may be As a service to veterans in the has another big job—the tradi preventing some eligible World community, this newspaper will tional function of providing com War I widows from receiving pen pensation and pension for dis publish a weekly column of news abled veterans and dependants of sions, says the veterans admin istration. The law requires that briefs from the Veterans Admin veterans of all wars. 1. The veteran served ninety istration. For more detailed in About one-third of veterans of days or had a service-connected formation, veterans should con World War II in the Northwest disability. tact or write to the nearest VA have filed claims with the VA 2. The widow’s income does not contact unit at 1091 S.W. 10th for disability benefits. Approxi exceed $2500 if there are minor Avenue, Portland. mately 53,000 are receiving pay-' children or $1000 if not. ments for disabilities incurred 33. The marriage date was prior to December 14, 1944 and that the widow has not since re-z married. f a widow meets these elig ibility requirements, slje may re ceive $42 per month for herself, $12 for one child and $6 each for any other minor children. The VA emphasizes that these rates and income limitations apply only to widows whose husbands’ deaths were not caused by dis abilities incurred in military service. Income is not a factor in determining compensation in service-incurred deaths and the benefit rate is higher. Parents Getting Most NSLI Benefits Parents are sole benefactors in 65 per cent of the cases and widows in 23 per cent of the 18,- TO EVERYBODY 000 National Service Life insur ance benefits now being paid in MailVtuf SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN! HEN we see little boys anti girls shak ing hands with Santa Claus this thought comes to mind: We would like our expression of appre ciation for your patronage to be a hearty shake of the hand for each of you. As we seem to be denied this opportunity, please accept this, while a substitute for a hand shake, as no less sincere in wishing you a W HAPPY CHRISTMAS the Pacific Northwest Monthly payments average about $50 and more than 75 per cent of the beneficiaries will re ceive payments for life. • World Stage Reset SCENE ONE—Bethlehem. There stand the camels, dressed in all the trappings of the East. They had brought Magi to worship the Babe that had God for Father. SCENE TWO Manhood has come and you see this only-born Son of God, out among the peo ple, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind and raising the dead, which only God could do. He is IMMANUEL—God with us. SCENE THREE — Jerusalem. They nail Him to a Roman cross to be crucified as a common felon. Jesus, SAVIOUR, dying for our sins. SCENE FOUR —World Stage Reset. Before Christ God had promised His people of £>ld all earthly riches if they would serve only Him and keep His name holy law. This they had not done and God now resets the stage to bless His enemies—sin ful men who would put their trust in Him. SCENE FIVE—This Christmas can be your birthday out of death into eternal life. Count your page washed clean by Christ’s death for your sins and you have God’s terms. And so you answer to His BETTER I he Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher 'HEARING Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon CENTER' Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922, at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. McDonald Hotel, Vernonia, Oregon Saturday, Dec. 21st Subscription price, $2.50 yearly KENNETH R. SAX,Consultant Hours: 2 P. M. to 6 P.M. Come in—see the sensationnl new all-in-one Sonotone with the “Magic Key” to double hearing comfort! No charge for examination or advice— free checkup for Sonotone users. SONOTONE The House of Hearing 0 R E c1o©N UÍ S/rt P E I P U B 11 S h | e R,S ATI • ■ W E adults can learn much from our children—learn how to celebrate Christmas well. Let us turn back the clock this Christ mas season of 1946 and get out of Christmas all the joys that children know when they hang their stockings up. NATIONAL t DITORI AL ME w association How well we remember those old Fashioned Christmas dinners— All together now for a big, glorious Christmas, topped off with our best wishes to all of you. father at one end of the table; mother at the other end, and the children in between, wondering if father would ever jet done carving the turkey. And what mince pies! NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Wouldn’t you like a Christmas like that this year of 1946? We hope that your Christmas is as much like that as the changing times will permit, and that all the joys of the old days will abound. KULLANDER’S JEWELRY STORE <r .MAKE GOOD iCHEER. for J F * irfeiinas THE HAPPY SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IS DEEP IN OUR HEARTS. • It isn't always stylish to be old fashioned, but there are times when LET IT ECHO IN THE STRENGTH OF OUR VOICES AS WE i it's very genuine—and Christmas is GREET OUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS one of them. Yes, folks, we wish you ON CHRISTMAS MORNING. an old fashioned Christmas this year VERNONIA TRADING CO. THURSDAY, DEC. 19, 1946 5 --------------- - .... - ---------------- At the end of October, more than 69,000 disability compensa tion or pension awards were be ing paid by the veterans admini stration in the Pacific Northwest. 52 GIFTS IN ONE— AN EAGLE SUBSCRIPTION S.W. McChesney Rd., Portland 1, Ore. This space paid for by a Portland garage man. • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police schooner, S. Rock, is the only vessel ever to have traveled the Northwest Passage in both directions between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A SALESMAN CAN’T CON TACT 3200 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK — BUT THE EAGLE CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. SEASON’S GREETINGS J. Kriegel, D.M.D. HEAR-HEREI E. M. YORK ÎÎUViiL THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. ------- ,—- ----- love that gave His Son as Saviour. God now gives you birth within Himself into eternal life. Prove the new life. Live by the Bible and look utterly to Christ to see you through—dark days or bright. He ' saves—Keeps—Satisfies. . . . the best one of them all! • RIVERVIEW BEAUTY SHOP It is good to know that Christmas is here again . . good to celebrate it, as in the past, with so many fine people with whom wa are happy to be associated in this community, and to whom we now send KING’S GROCERY