4 THURSDAY. DEC. 19. 1946 AAA Takes Back Priority Work All applications for farm dwel lings and other farm construction will continue to be handled tem porarily by the AAA office in St. Helens. It was previously announced that all persons wishing priorities or authorization to build farm dwellings or other farm construc tion should go directly to the F.H.A. or C.P.A. in Portland, how ever, a telegram received by the THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. county conservation office last Wednesday read as follows: “Telegraphic instructions from Washington make it necessary to disregard recent notice on con World War II veterans were struction and temporarily resume previous functions in connection reminded this week by Thomas with applications for construction M. Craig, veteran administration and priorities assistance.” There representative here, that several fore, county agricultural conserv important deadlines affect benefits ation committee will continue to to which "they are entitled. handle these applications until The first will terminate a war further notice. time offer to streamlined natural Veterans preference for farm ization for veterans who are el machinery still stands as it was igible to apply, up to December 31 announced. That is, as of Decem of this year, through the immi ber 9, 1946, no more applications gration and naturalization service will be accepted, and effective for naturalization without the us ual tests and without cost. The second deadline affects more than 100,000 Oregon veter ans who havo let their G.I. term insurance lapse. They may rein state this insurance on or before February 1, 1947, without physical Deadlines Effect Veteran's Works February 8, 1947, the whole pro gram will be revoked. Outstand ing certificates can be renewed until February 8. examination by signing a state ment that their health is as good now as when their policy lapsed and by paying premiums for only two months. War End Sets Time Deadlines for many I other benefits will be set automatically when the president or congress officially declares World War II ended. They are: Loans—.Home, farm and busi ness loans may be guaranteed or insured by the VA up to 10 years after the end of the war. Education — Education or job training may be started up to four years after the end of the war and completed within nine years. Rehabilitation—Disabled veter ans eligible for education or train ing under public law 16 faces no entry deadline, but they must complete their training within nine years after • the end of the war. Two Years Allowed Readjustment Allowance—Vet erans are eligible /or unemploy- tural conservation program, re ports E. Harvey Miller, chairman of the state PM A committee. So far at least seven counties have selected ipplication of ni Use of nitrogen fertilizer as a trogen as the local practice that soil builder is proving popular may be offered in the county in with AAA committeemen in the addition to practices chosen from selection of local practices to be the state handbook. After con offered under the ,1947 agricul sultation with the technical ad ment or self-employment allow visers, the state committee has an- ances for two years after their proved practice payments for use discharge or after the end of the of nitrogen on new pasture seed war, whichever is later, with an ings, on green manure crops at over-all limitation of five years the time of seeding, and on grain after the termination of hostilities. straw and stubble to promote de While there is no time limit composition. for making application for dis • In their “fire piston,” natives ability pension, there is a limita tion on appeal. An appeal from of the Malay peninsula invented the decision of a rating board the compression ignition principal must be filed within one year of the Diesel engine at least 1000 from the date of notification of years before it was re-invented the decision. in Germany. Tinder placed at For information on federal ben the bottom of a wooden cylinder efits, veterans of this area are is ignited when a closely fitting ur.red to call at the VA office in plunger is struck with the hands the City Hall, Vernonia between 8 creating heat by air compres a.m. and 12 noon on Tuesdays. sion. 5- Nitrogen Use in Soil Okeyed THE STAR IN THE EAST Down through the ages has come the story of the shepherds tending their flocks at night, awed by the Star in the Last. During this sacred season, mellowed by the thought of those who cannot be with us, we have abundant reason for gratitude. We have come a long way since the dark Christmas of 1941. The Star in the East shines brighter now. That this may, indeed, be a Merry Christmas for you and yours is our ardent wish. /ERNONIA 5 and 10 Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bays Open until 8 P.M. from Thursday, Dec. 19 thru Dec. 24. Closed Wed. and Thurs. Dec. 25-26 AJ n m SE« ( H 1 CHRISTMAS IS THE TIME ror friendliness, for the open house and the open heart ANN AND LEW FLOATEN Tke Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON See this bank for LOANS of all types A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank V