LET’S BE SOCIABLE Mrs Willard Hostess To Rebekah Club Report on Clocks Made At Study Club Meeting On December 3 Mrs. Vera Wil­ lard entertained the Mt. Heart Rebekah club with a Christmas party. At the same meeting, of­ ficers were chosen Ifor the new year. Named were: Ella Cline, president; Eva Poynter, vice-presi­ dent; Alice Gwin, secretary, and Nan Crume, treasurer. Plans were made for the Christ­ mas tree for children in the I.O.O.F. hall after exchanging Christmas gifts in a novel man­ ner. t The tyostess, assisted by Geneva Killingsberg, served blackberry pie with whipped cream and cof­ fee. The first meeting in Janu­ ary will be with Anita Pearl. “The Origin of Clocks” was the topic of the program given by Mrs. Fred Tousley when the Ver­ nonia Study club met at the home of Mrs. Paul Gordon December 5. Mrs. Tousley traced time­ keepers from primitive times through Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Europe in the Middle Ages to America, mentioning Seth Thomas (who organized his cam- pany in 1853) as one of the fore­ most American clock manufac­ turers. On December 19, Mrs. Judd Greenman will, be (hostess for the Christmas party which the group enjoys each year. WITH THE APPROACH OF THE HOLI­ DAYS, HOUSEWIVES WILL BE PLANNING EXTRA GOOD MEALS We have free pamphlets that tell how to have “Better Dinners with Wine.” Wine is valuable in cooking fish, meats and fowl. It tenderizes and flavors. We have a variety from which to choose. And plenty of beer to drink here with a friendly crowd, or to take home. Three Initiated, O.E.S. Officers Named Wed. The Natal and Vernonia Granges were guests of the Wine- ma Grange Thursday evening, De­ cember 5. The occasion was a joint installation of the Vernonia, Winema and Natal Granges. Arnold Tarbell, county deputy, was the installing officer and his assistants were Mrs. Arnold Tar­ bell and Mr. and Mrs. John Becker. Those of the Natal Grange who took office were as follows: Mas­ ter, Richard Peterson; Overseer, Clyde Henderson; Lecturer, Grace Mathews; Steward, Laughton Waddell; Assistant Steward, Shal- rr.on Libel; Chaplain, Nellie East­ man; Treasurer, Walter Mathews; Secretary, Austin Corll, Sr.; Gate Keeper, Austin Corll, Jr.; Ceres, Myrtle Mathews; Pamona, Ethel Weddell; Flora, Marjorie Wick- strom; Lady Assistant Steward, Miriam Corll, and executive com­ mittee member, Noble Dunlap. Natal’s contribution to the joint program, which was given after the installing of officers, was a play entitled, “They Criti­ cized—And How!” Those in the play were Mrs. Jeanette Sund- land, Mrs. Myrtle Mathews, Mrs. Inger Ashley and Mrs. Grace Mathews. A delicious lunch was served by the entertaining grange. Nehalem Chapter, O.E.S., initi­ ated Wilma and Raymond Justice, and Melvin Powell Wednesday eve­ ning, December 4. The results .of the election were: Mona Gordon, Worthy Ma­ tron; Paul Gordon, Worthy Pa­ tron; Clara Kirk, Associate Ma­ tron; John Kirk, Associate Pa­ tron; Florence Messing, Secretary; Edna Linn, Treasurer; Ethel Ti­ tus, Conductress, and Dorothy Sandon, Associate Conductress. These officers and' the appointed officers will be installed Decem­ ber 18 at 8 p.m. Friends and members are invited. The Paul Gordons were present­ ed a wedding anniversary gift and Mrs. Gordon was showered with lovely birthday gifts from members. Members with birth­ days in October, November and December were honored. A large turnout enjoyed the events of the evening. There will be a practice for old and new officers on Monday evening, December 16 at 8 o’clock. Birthdays, Club Start Reasons for Party Mrs. Ralph Hanson was hostess to the opening meeting of the S.S. club. A pleasant evening was spent and appetizing refreshments were served. Mrs. Frank O’Brien will entertain next meeting. ‘Where the Crowd Goes” Ann and Lew Floaten • The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK Deborahs Prepare for Food Packaging Mrs. Judd Greenman was host­ ess for the Deborah’s meeting Tuesday, December 3. Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier and Mrs. Lyman Haw- ken were appointed as a com­ mittee to complete details for 40,- 000 calorie CARE food package for hungry Europe, which the De­ borahs invited to subscribe to. Mrs. Hamp Roberson and Mrs. W’eslev Bolmeier were appointed as a decorating committee for January 5. The Deborahs will decorate the Evangelical church during the month of January. Mrs. Ly­ man Hawken will be hostess for the Deborah’s next meeting, Jan­ uary 7. INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 194S 3 Mrs. Hawken Hostess For Bridge Club Birthday Party Enjoyed Friday Mrs. Lyman Hawken was host­ ess for Bridge club last Thurs­ day. Guests present were Mrs. Harold McEntire and Mrs. Frank Seelye. Mrs. Hawken held high score, Mr3. F. R. Olin, second, and Mrs. Roland Eby, low. Thirty-two kindergarten chil­ dren at the Washington school enjoyed a birthday party last Friday for Judy Bush. Arrange­ ments for the occasion were made by Mrs. Lulah Fullerton, kinder­ garten instructor. J.E. Fossum Electrical Service Knight’s Bldg., 706 First St., Vernonia CONTRACT — DAY WORK — INSTAL­ LATIONS — ALTERATIONS — REPAIRS Home Commercial Phone 283 or 662 Industrial FLAV-R-PAC Frozen Fruits and Vegetables (assorted) S. S. Club Holds Opening Meeting Mrs. Clarence Brown of Mist gave a birthday party at the Mist school gym in honor of Mar­ lene and Darlene Pugh’s ninth birthdays and the opening of the Brownies club which Mrs. Brown has started. A nice time was en­ joyed and lunch was served to the following girls: Ruby and Ruth Andrus, Juanita Pierce, Shir­ ley Wickstrom, Marlene Gray, Glenda Corll, Bertie Lu Ackley, Virginia Johnson, Barbara Hunt, Laurie Brown, Mrs. Clarence Brown and Marlene and Darlene Pugh. LEW’S PLACE THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Granges Install Jointly Thursday Order Your Holiday Fruit Cakes NOW! VERNONIA BAKERY New Slips Large Sizes up to 56 Experienced cabinet maker. Mill work built to order. Free estimates. Plumber. Repair and new installation. Call for free estimates of work. Electric water systems. Free installation & free service, for one year. Al Norman Ed Roediger G. I. Anderson New Nightgowns Chenille Robes ANDERSON WOODWORKING SHOP Other Gift Items The Apparel Shop Phone 575 Riverview Phone 396 MAKE THE GIFT A O Altar Society Plans For Christmas, Elects See this bank for LOANS of all types A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank Do You Have Problems? t Mrs. Ben Meiwes was hostess to St. Mary’s Altar society Decem­ ber 5. An election of officers named: Mrs. K. G. Anders n. ■president; Mrs. Dave Brunsman, secretary, and Mrs. Wirtz, trea­ surer. Mrs. Ben Meiwes was ap­ pointed to take care of the church for December. Monday, December 23, was the date set to decorate and set up the crib for Christmas services. Mrs. H'jlet will be hostess for the society in January. Bridal Shower Held At Swanson Home S3750 ROBERTA £ 17 jewel. kV n J .1 Brightest gift idea for Christmas . .. a gloriously lovely, alwaya depend­ able Bulova, America’a most wanted fine watch. New designs of breath­ taking beauty, ready now for your selection. *2975 BREWSTER 15 jewel. Mrs. A. F. Swanson was hostess at her home Friday, December 6 at a bridal shower for Miss Jean Ryan who is to be married De­ cember 28. Eighteen guests were present, many of them from out of town and the guest of honor was the receiver of a number of beautiful gifts. »4950 A gift of radiant beauty...expertly graduated sima- lated pearls. Lovely engage­ ment ring set with a brilliant spar­ kling diamond. AMERICAN GIRL I’jewel. If those problems deal with the selection of groceries let us help. Call King’s for your food needs and have your order delivered. That’s the best way to solve the food buying problem. KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buys More” At the -Mile Bridge Phone 91 Riverview Consult Dr. Max Friedman Registered Optometrist Concerning your optical problems at the Eastern, Washington at Tenth, Portland, Ore., for de­ pendable advice. A. L. KULLANDER Official Watch Inspector S. P. 4 S. Ry.