% ì 4 THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1946 House Supply Short at Mist THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. of their son, Robt. Mathews and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Houry spent Thanksgiving at Seaside with his parents. Shalmon Libel was a Portland visitor Monday. Austin Dowling went back to work on the highway Monday, after being home for the past week with a severe cold. Mrs. Chas. Sundland was a caller at the home of Mrs. J. O. Libel Monday. Thanksgiving Visits Listed Corsage Making Demonstrated RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Almeda KEASEY—Mr. and Mrs. Otto Steinmetz, Mrs. Worley’s mother, and Mrs. Dale Miller in Rainier. and son, Benny, of Springfield and The J. O. Libels went to Port­ Mrs. Iva /Gillham, Mrs. Lillian George P. Ha’rgett of Harrisburg, Schooley and Mrs. Vivian Counts land one day last week and were here over the Thanksgiving went to Birkenfeld Friday. Mrs. brought home Mrs. George Jones vacation. Gillham demonstrated making cor­ from St. Vincents hospital, where Mr. and M,rs. Roy Beck, Mrs. sages. i she had been the past two months. Wells’ parents, were out from Mrs. Bruce McDonald, former She is getting along as well as Portland to spend the vacation resident of Keasey route, entered can be expected and was able to with the L. L. Wells family. take a few steps Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwab and a Portland hospital Monday to help. She’s at the hopie of J. O. • children motored to Seaside Sun­ have an eye operation. Libel for the present until she’s Thanksgiving Day Is Mr. and Mr3. Herb Counts and day and reported they had a able to return home. daughter, Betty, visited with very enjoyable trip. Time for Visits; A family from California with Mrs. D. R. Fowler of St. Hel­ friends in Beaverton Sunday. the oil company landed here Sat­ Writer Seen at Mist James Bonnick was a dinner ens »visited at the Clifford Fow­ urday night with four children MIST—Mrs. Wm. Keaton and ler home over the Thanksgiving guest at the Otto Bittner’s home and no place to go. They were her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Kin- vacation. last Wednesday. finally housed in the Ernest Lane sela, Roseburg, spent from Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler Mr. and Mrs. David Miller of house where they are still stay- Thanksgiving with the Wm. and sons enjoyed a nice Thanks­ Rainier called on Mr. and Mrs. ing. Bridgers family. giving dinner at the Charlie Biggs Otto Bittner Monday. The L. P. Mathews family Mrs. I. E. Knowles and son, home. Gene Cleveland and Wesley Mr. and Mrs. Riley Hall mo­ Fleener were Friday evening spent Thanksgiving at the home Earl were Portland visitors over tored to Clatskanie Thanksgiving callers at the Herb Counts home. the week end. Wm. Haycox from Portland was day to visit their daughter, the For Pasteurized Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and in the valley during the week end. W. T. Jacobs family. family spent from Thursday until Mr. He is the father of Ernest Hay- and Mrs. Ashfordt of Al- Sunday with Mrs. Brown’s sister bany bought the John Krinick cox. and brother-in-law, Byron Peffley Jim Rice was a valley sight- home but will not move in for in Portland. some time, seer (juring the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele mo­ Wm. Pringle was seen in Mist family visited with friends in tored to Dallas to spend thanks- Tuesday. Dundee Sunday. Lincoln Peterson was down giving with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mrs. Clint Siebert and family and Hollwell. from Natal shopping Tuesday were Thanksgiving day dinner morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond went to guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert BUTTERMILK Raymond to visit Mrs. Bond’s Krieger. parents and her brother, Sunday. SUBSCRIBERS PLEDGE right from the farm to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner and Mr. and Mrs. Buford Wilker- Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Lindsay and $8300 IN FIRST REPORT your door, write or call son and children, Margie and Bill, Telephone No. 7F51 FOREST GROVE — Campaign from Tillamook and also Mrs. family attended the play and to raise $50,000 for the Forest Alice Ruff and son, Rodney, of supper held at Mist Saturday CUR PRODUCTS Grove swimming pool pushed into Portland, spent Thanksgiving evening. ALWAYS SATISFY an all-out offensive drive last with their mother, Mrs. Pearl 11-22-46 week. Ten subscribers to the Wilkerson. swimming pool fund had already Thanksgiving guests at the pledged $8300. Claude Gibson home were Mr. • and Mrs. G. W. Gibson and Sandy 1934 was the year of the Big and Stevie and W. Y. Barnett all Wind. On April 12 the weather of Vernonia. observatory atop Mt. Washing- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson and Timber Rt., Box 56 ton, N.H., recorded a gust with family motored to Portland Sat­ Vernonia, Oregon a velocity of 231 miles an hour. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and son visited at the Harry A QUICK CHARGE Woodruff home Thanksgiving day FOR YOUR BATTERY and they also visited at the Frank Mills home during the holiday. . . . while you wait. No inconvenience, no MILK CREAM PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY ’ bother to you. . Oui1 quick charging service is yours for the asking at this CHEVRON GAS STATION. ROSE AVENUE GARAGE J. J. Zeman, Tech. 20 Yrs. Experience Servicing Quick, Guaranteed Service z STORE HOURS: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. We Buy and Sell New and Used Radios ZEMAN’S Now at 714 3rd Street (Formerly Scott’s Studio) r U'»6 t ' it • Rhuematic Fever Case Reported KEASEY—Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker and family and James Bou- nick were Thanksgiving day din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts and daughter, Betty. Bill Krieger of Portland was a Sunday visitor of hh brother, Albert Krieger. Martyn Siebert is in the Dorn- becker hospital in Portland with rheumatic fever. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Buckley and family spent Thanksgiving vaca­ tion with relatives in Yakima, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Brown spent the Thanksgiving vacation visiting Mrs. Brown’s mother, Mrs. Ro3a Peffley, in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald of Vernonia visited Friday after­ noon with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieger. Otto Bittner and Lloyd Osborn were in Rainier on business Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Lindsay, Mrs. Norma Bittner and Lloyd Osborn were in St. Helens Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Lindsay, honoring Mr. Lindsay’s birthday. 10 years’ BERLOU Mothproofing protection for a 9 x 12 rug. costs $5.40 . . . 54 cents per year! Vernonia Cleaners Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo­ dem plant. Two pick­ ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday. LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 assure supply your dealer. PER CAPITA TAX FOR CITY IS $16 MEDFORD—The investigation made here last summer by the state department of agriculture, to determine if any Oriental fruit moth had reached the Rogue river valley, has been completed, Coun­ ty Agent R. G. Fowler said, and no evidence of the moth was found here. DeVore Taylor, working for the state department of agriculture, was here all summer inspecting orchards, but they were given a clean bill of health. The Oriental fruit moth has SEASIDE—Seaside has a per capita city tax of $16.91, based on a population of 2902, the 1940 census figure; an assessed valu­ ation of $1,691,422, and a tax levy of 29 mills, according to a sur­ vey recently released by the League of Oregon Cities, The city tax, on a 50 per cent valu­ ation, would be reduced to 27.8 mills, the report said. been found in Idaho, and its spread to other sections has been feared. CONFIDENCE BUILDS FRIENDS FRIENDS BUILD CONFIDENCE RIVERVIEW 7 The building of an atmosphere of confidence in our ability to provide you with top quality merchandise has been our aim during the period of years we have been in business here. We intend to continue building confidence in the future as we have in the past. KING’S Grocery - Market ‘Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Riverview Phone 91 IT IS EASY TO DO YOUR. XfiAS SHOPPING AT HOFFMANS To Giro S3 or NEW AND USED PARTS Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil REMINDER: To your bottle beer always return empties to your ORIENTAL FRUIT MOTH NOT FOUND H X W X H H X H Z H > s CASSEROLES, FIRE KING WITH CHROME FRAMES ............... $2.25 H PIE PLATE WITH FRAME................... $1.80 KROMEX CAKE COVER AND PLATE $2.98 H To Giro Him H TOOL BOX 16-INCH. STEEL CONSTRUCTION $3.75 H QUICK SET VISE.................................. $9.00 END WRENCH SET ............................ $1.40 H MILLERS FALLS HAND DRILL COMPLETE WITH SET OF WOOD DRILLS....... $5.75 For Tho Children PAYWRITER BLACKBOARD AND DESK ................... GARDEN SET— HOE, SHOVEL, RAKE PAL BABY WALKER...... DRAWING SETS ............ H $5.50 H $1.35 H $11.25 ..... 75c H For The Fnlire Family H WARING BLENDER ............................ $3*4.60 H SAMPSON AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC HEATING PAD $7.50 H NUT CRACKER SET WITH PICK AND BOWL $3.60 H HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO. Phone 181 Vernonia For Hardware — See Hoffman hZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ < H H H SflftlRHR -4