f THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TRAVEL TO THE ORIENT FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—General WANTED 1936 DODGE Pickup with 1946 motor, good tires. Greenwood Mo tors, Dodge-Plymouth and Dodge Job-Rated Truck Dealer. 48tlc ELEVEN rolls roofing, 105-lb. weight. Viking table cream sep arator. Otto A. Meier, Timber Rt. 48t3 3 OR 4 ROOM modern house with good garage. Must be priced right. Box 16, Vernonia. 46t3 30 CAT, bobtail. O. W. Gore, No. 4, Second St., Vernonia. 48t3 30-GALLON extra heavy water tank and fittings. Three doors and two windows. Double bed springs and mattresses. Mrs. R. D. Eby. 46t3c NEW oil range, oil water heater, oil circulating heater. Don Ehr lich, Box 186, Aloha, Ore. Tele phone Aloha 6411. 48tlc TD9 International cat with dozer and Carco drum. Max Oblack, Mist Oregon. 46t3 SEVEN-FOOT 18 to 21-inch fence posts, 18c. Seven-foot 21 to 24 inch fence posts, 20c on landing. R.H. Meyer, Timber Rt. 46t3 FOR GOOD, used pianos at all times write tc W.M. Blowers,1206 Broadway, Longview, Washington. 46t6 Portland Gas and Coke Co. Briquets NOW AVAILABLE Sunnyside Service and Feed Phone 887, Treharne 44tfc Regular meetings: 2 & 4 Weds. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn. Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st & 3rd Wed. 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Tom Turner, Noble Grand William D. Shafer, Sec’y. 4-47 Mt. Heart Rebekah e Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Silvi • Turner, Noble Grand Noma Callister, Vice Grand Juanita Ed wards, Secretary 3-17 Ella Cline, Treasurer Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Eagles) of Order I Bridge Street Vernonia 2nd and 4th Friday* 8 M. P. Carrick, pres. Geo. Armstrong, Sec’y. 7-47 Knights of Pythias Lodge Harding No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: I.O.O.F. Second and Hall, Fourth Mondays Each Month Pythian Sister* Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: Second and Hall I.O.O.F. Fourth Wednesday 2-47 of each month. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem 153, O. E. S. Regular com Chapter munication first and Wed. 3rd each of month at Masonic Ten> pie. All visiting sisters and broth ers welcome. Inez Powell, Worthy Matron Dorothy Sandon. Sec’y. 1-47 184 Vernonia Lodge No. & A.M. meets Temple Masonic Communication at Stated at 7:30 p.m. Walter H. Kent, W. M. F. FOR SALE—Livestock ONE, 4-year-old Guernsey cow to freshen March 1947. See at “Doc’ Devaneys on Keasey Rt. $85. 48tlc Hawkins, Sec’y. 1-46 PUPPIES—Gifts that will give years of devotion and companion ship. Spofford Kennels, Vernonia Ore. 47t3 FOR SALE—Real Estate HOME with good income. All nicely furnished and another 3- room furnished all modern house on rear of lot. On another lot, a warehouse 76ftx28ft and garage 20fexl2ft. L. M. Porterfield, 376 North St. 45tf FURNISHED house, 4 rooms with breakfast nook. Inq. Eagle office. 46t3 WANTED WANTED—35 ft. unpeeled Doug las Fir Piling, top diameter 4in to 7in. Advise price f.o.b. ship ping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding Building, Portland 4, Oregon. 45 t7c Christmas Trees Wanted 2-ft. to 5-ft. in Height SEE PHIL MURPHY AT IIYVAN HOTEL or inquire at the Club WANTED—Poles and piling, all sizes. Advise prices f.o.b. ship ping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding Euilding, Portland 4, Oregon. • 45t7c 3*4 ACRES all clear. 6 room plastered house with bath. Full basemeit by owner, $5250.00. Charles Burke, Box 6, Banks. Ore. 45tfc WE ARE looking for listings in Vernonia on farm and city prop erty. If you want to sell, come in and see us. Reeher’s Real Es tate (Howard and Arthur Reeher), 18 First Ave. N. W., Forest Grove. Phone 33. 41tfc Business - Professional Directory NEAL BUSH LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais- als given, We have cash buyers waiting to buy your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay- ter Realty comps y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— FOREST GROWN sword ferns, Present price 14c per bunch. Pleasant year-round work. If in- terested, write box 45, Vernonia or come to first house on right on Stoney Point road. R. M. Baker, local agent for Callisons of Delake, Ore. Robin Hood brand ferns. 47tfc WANTED: Lunlber, ties, poles, piling, all siizes. Advise price f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer - Martin Co., Spalding Building, Portland 4, Ore. Phone ATwater 4341. 47t7c PLAGUED by RISING LIVING COSTS? An Important Job With No Overhead Awaits You in Korea ALL EXPENSES PAID AND A MINIMUM STARTING SALARY OF $90 PER MONTH Here’s your chance to get away from it all—and know where you’re going! Attractive positions are open in over 100 specialties in the 6th Infantry Division in beautiful Korea. Sports, entertainment and travel opportunities are highly developed in this division’s area. Luxurious hotels, theaters, swimming facil ities, tennis clubs and ball parks provide more choice of pastime than is enjoyed by the average civilian at home . . . and at no extra cost to you! High overseas pay (20% above domestic base pay), excellent med ical and dental care, good food and lodging and a generous re tirement plan makes this oppor tunity too good to miss. Young men who can meet pre scribed standards, and who enlist for 3 years, are entitled to desig nate the 6th Infantry Division at time of enFstment. Initial train ing given before departure from U.S. Full details at U.S. Army Recruiting Station. LONGVIEW VICTORY CENTER Longview, Wash. MINIMUM words or charge 30c Words less. over imum, 2c each. Three for the price of two. 25 min insertions CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for «errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, but in cases where 'Ms paper is at fault, will re ^rnt that which the occurs. part of an typographical MISCELLANEOUS adv. in mistake BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia. Oregon Helene Curtis Park Avenue Machine or Machineless Permanents Phone 7712 REFRIGERATION RADIO SERVICE Appliance Repairing STRONG’S RADIO AND. ELECTRIC 969 Bridge St. Ph. 576 Everything Complete ALL KINDS of ir.jurance: sick, accident, life, car and lire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf- PIANO TUNER Walter Norby will be in Vernonia the latter part of this month. Anyone wanting their piano tuned leave word with Mrs. Fullerton. 46t4 FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf-. FOR RENT ONE HOUSE for rent. 376 North St., Iz M. Porterfield. 48tfc GARAGE. Call at 175 North St. after 4:30 p.m. 46t3 CARD OF THANKS From a Sandwich To a Full Course Dinner WE WISH to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the beautiful flowers, letters, cards, expressions of sympathy, and the many acts of kindness shown us during our recdr.t bereavement. —Mr. and Mrs^ C. O. Thomas. BOLD FACE ad*, minimum Palace Cafe meals are designed to satisfy the most particular palate as well as the body’s needs for nourishment. Make the Palace your headquarters for meals every time you eat out. Added to our regular menu you will now find ice cream. You may select your favorite flavor for dessert. And remember, our ice cream prices have not advanced with the lifting of OPA regulations. 50c over minimum, 3c each. for Licensed Contractors ZIPPER TYPE billfold, dark brown alligator skin. Calendar inside, Reward. Return to Ver- nonia Bakery, Janet Peterson. 48tlc ---------------- <:--------------------------- LOST: Sterling silver lapel pin, unusual design with short chains attached to each end. Keepsake. Reward. Laura McCrory, 830 2nd St. ' 46t3 ea., 3 for the price of 2. Words Classified Ad Rates CALL FOR GENERAL ROAD WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all General Road warrants of Columbia county, Oregon, en- dorsed “not paid for want of funds” on or before October 23, 1946 were called for payment on the date of this notice, Inter- est on such warrants not here tofore called will cease on the date of this notice. Dated, St. Helens, Oregon November 29, 1946. GLADYS E. PETERSON, County Treasurer Columbia County, Oregon. 48tlc Hansard is the name of the British equivalent of the U.S. Congressional Record. LOST AND FOUND POETRY matte.- accepted Rate: 5c a* paid type line. only p-r BLIND ads with answer* to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75c. No information given * relative to such ads. PALM E CAFE No information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. E. V. Robertson Cleve Robertson NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FDR NEXT WEEK’S Bus Depot PAPER. COMMUNITY AUCTION Every Saturday 10:00 A. M. Located 6 mi. W. of Portland, on Canyon Rd., at Beaverton, Ore. Furniture, Farm Machinery, Fruit, Poultry, Livestock of all kinds. NOTE: Due to large consignments, we will start our sales at 10:00 A.M. sharp. COME EARLY. ~ Bring what you have to sell and buy what you need. Consignment of furniture taken during week until 9:30 A.M. Saturday. Cattle to be tested must be in by 12:00 noon Sat. Lunch served. OREN E. SUDTELL, Auctioneer. Route 2, Box 100. Beaverton. Oregon Attorney-at-law Office at Joy Theater building every Monday NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland American Legion - Timber • Vernonia Sunset - Elsie • Cannon VERNONIA POST 11» Meets first and Third Mon. of Each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tnesday* MATURE does and bucks. $4 each. See Geo. F. Woods, Camp 8 road. 46t3 J. E. FOSSUM electric service. Knight’s building, 708 First St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, in stallations, alterations, , repairs, Home, commercial, industrial.. i phone 283 or 662 22tfc Legal Notices « Phone 322 The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON first Thursday of each month, Glen BUNDLES of newspapers, excel lent for starting fires. Obtain them at The Eagle office. 45tf Riverview Beauty Shop A. F. & A. M. A.F. TWO BEDS with springs, dining room table and six chairs and cook stove. W.R Wolff, Mist Rt., 10 miles from Vernonia. 46t3 3 WEINER pigs, $15 each. Trade 114-ton ‘36 Chev. flatbed for car. Morris Falconbury near 10th in Riverview. 46t3 LODGES < SUPREME circ. wood heater, excellant condition, $60.00; Heavy Wade drag saw, $50.00; Canner beef, $70.00; first quality hay (ton lota) horse or cow; one 3-14” Oliver plow, very good, $150.00; 50 cords pulp stumpage (free*. Yes, you don’t have to steal it as some do. Elmer Bergerson, Tim ber Rt. 46t3c SELL your cream and eggs to the Forest Grove Creamery. Build a market close to .home good as Portland. Write or phone us for pick up arrangements. 30tfc WITH THE FAMOUS 6TH INFANTRY DIVISION ALL EXPENSES PAID AND A MINIMUM STARTING SALARY OF $90 PER MONTH The 6th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, known from ita insignia as the “Red Star Division,” had an impressive war record. After heavy action in New Guinea, the unit moved on. to play a vital role in clearing the Japs from Luzon. Stationed today in Korea, the 6th is continuing its great war record as a peacetime occupation force. Young men who can measure up to high Regular Army standards, and who enlist for three years, now have an opportunity to join this famous division, on duty in the Orient, following initial train ing in the U.S. There’s no finer life anywhere for a soldier. Excellent living conditions and recreation facili ties. Sightseeing find sports are encouraged. The work is inter esting, educational and of vital importance to world peace. Over seas pay starts «t *90 a month for a Private, plus food, clothing, quarters, medical and dental care and other benefits. Enlistments open to men 18 to 34 inclusive (17 with parents’ consent). Full de tails at your local U.S. Army Re cruiting Station. LONGVIEW VICTORY CENTER Longview, Washington THURSDAY, NOV, 28, 1946 7 1-47 Gearhart < Beach Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 FRED LUNDGREN Carpenter Work of All Kinds 924 Second Ave. See this bank for LOANS of all types A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank