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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1946)
LET’S BE SOCIABLE Rainbow Girls, Advisor Entertained by O.E.S. The Rainbow Girls and their Mother Advisor, Mrs. Frances Mullins, were entertained by Ne halem Chapter No. 153 O.E.S., on Wednesday evening, November 20. An addenda was given in their honor’and special music was sung by a trio of high school girls, Beverley Brady, Mariam Corll and Vicki Porter, accom panied by Mrs. Mary Aronsen. Guests from Portland were, Bertha Burton, W.M., and Melvin F. Johnson, W.P., of Camelia Chapter and Mrs. Bertha Steven son. Rainbow colors were the decora tion in the dining room with nut cups of gold. Delicious Chinese noodles were served by the com mittee. After refreshments Glen Haw kins showed a group of color slides which he had taken on a trip to Banff and Lake Louise, Canada, last summer, and gave interesting comments on the vari ous scenes and historical spots. At the next meeting election of officers and initiation for three candidates will take place. TAKE THE EAGLE WITH YOU ON SHOPPING TRIPS. Protect yourself against' rising prices! For Quick Starts Be sure your battery, is charged and your cars plugs are clean and correctly adjusted. Check today— dom’t be delayed. ROSE AVE. GARAGE H. H. Sturdevant r: J.E. Fossum Electrical Service Knight’s Bldg., 706 First St., Vernonia CONTRACT — DAY WORK — INSTAL LATIONS — ALTERATIONS — REPAIRS Commercial Phone 283 or 662 Home Industrial Three Initiated by V.F.W. Auxiliary Joint Installation of Two Granges Planned Mmes. Ina Bateman, Pearl Adams and Bessie Toothaker were initiated into the Smith-Christen-- sen Post, V.F.W. Auxiliary by the acting president, Mrs. Eva Poynter, Wednesday, November 20. After the initiation a refresh ing luncheon was served, includ ing salad, sandwiches and home made pickles furnished by Mrs Eva Poynter, a white and a chocolate cake, baked by Mrs. Marie Shafer. Mrs. Bateman was appointed chairman of the dance commit tee for the “Remember Pearl Harbor” dance being put on De cember 7th by the Post and auxil iary. The Vernonia Grange has been invited to the Winema Grange at Birkenfeld, December 5, for joint installation of officers for the coming year. Those to be seated by the Vernonia Grange are: Hilda Keasey, Master; Oscar Weed, Overseer; Blanche DeWitt, Lecturer; George Douthit, Stew ard; L. O. Gillham Assistant Steward; Bessie Weed, Chaplin; Bruce McDonald, Treasurer; Iva Gillham, Secretary; Harve Christ ensen, Gatekeeper; Betty Counts, Ceres; Sadie Ray, Pomona; Edith McFarland, Flora and Lesta Gar ner, Lady Assistant Steward. • Wedding Rites Read At Covina, Calif. Members of the newly organ ized 4-H cooking club under the leadership of Bertram Wood, pres ident, met early this month at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Dougall on Mist route for the first session. The secretarial work will be handled by Lois Gore. The group will meet once each month, the next to be at the same place December 14. • Jean Brandon Vaughan, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Vaughan, was married Thursday morning, November 21, at the home of Col. Arthur L. Conger of Covina, California, to Kirby Van Mater, Jr., son of Capt., U.S.N., ret., and Mrs. Van Mater ’of St. Helena, California. The young couple will make their home at Covina, California. Jean and her husband stopped at the Van Maters in St. Helena, and arrived in Vernonia Monday, November 25, for a couple of days before leaving Wednesday to continue their honeymoon trip. They planned to spend a week in San Francisco: Cooking Club Holds First Meeting 32 Young People Hold Thanksgiving Banquet Thirty-two young people of the Christian church enjoyed a Thanksgiving banquet at the church last Sunday evening. The Thanksgiving lesson was heard after the dinner and while the young people*'were still at the table. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Story of Glass Heard At Study Club Meet At the last meeting M1-»- Paul Gordon told Vernonia Study club members of the development of glass from the earliest age it can be traced to the present day. It is interesting to know that Amer ica now excels in certain arts of glass making and that this coun try will some day excel in all types. Hostess for the evening was Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr. Her mother, Mrs. Sam George, of Portland was present. Giving a brief characterization of contemporary women will be roll call for the next meeting on December 5. Mrs. Gordon will be hostess at that time. THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1946 3 Stanley, were in Vernonia Satur day. Austin Corll and Mrs. C. E. Grey were in Vernonia shopping Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and her sister, Miss Jean Jones, were here from Seaside Sunday visiting the J. O. Libels. Oscar Jones, their father, who has been with the Libels several weeks, went to Sea side with them. Mrs. Tom Ford and her sister, Pricilla Hansen, were here from Portland over the week end vis iting their parents, the Chas. Hansens. • Bridal Shower Given Thursday for Roesers; News Items Mentioned MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ban zer were Vernonia shoppers Sat urday. A bridal shower wa3 given Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. L. P. Wickstrom for Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roeser, recently married. There were many guests despite the snowy weather and many and varied were the lovely gifts received. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers has a new electric cloth dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Bern Bliss spent the week end here from Sand Lake with her parents, the Ray Garlocks. Mrs. L. P. Mathews and son, B. R. Stanfill BUSH FURNITURE SPORTING GOODS AND HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES DAVENPORT SETS pc. Lord Nelson Davenport Set ....... $292.00 pc. Royal Blue Velour Davenport Set $273.00 pc. Wine Crushed Velour Davenport $253.00 pc. Wine Velour Davenport ........... $229.00 DAVENO SETS o pc. Blue Ribbed Velour Set 5 pc. Print Tapestry Set ...... Single Wine Tapestry Single Tapestry ......... ALL WORK Star Route GUARANTEED Buxton, Oregon COMPLETELY 5 pc. Maple Bedroom Set ................... $123.90 4 pc. Early American Bedroom Set..... $116.90 Mattress and Springs................... $16.50 and up 8 pc. Dining Room Set. Bleached „$145.00 Walnut. 90-in. Table .......... „„$58.00 5 pc. Breakfast Sets .............. — ..... $8.50 Chrome Chairs, all colors. Each 2 2 2 2 Plastering & Stucco Contractor PROTECTED Nehalem Diary milk is test ed for purity and quality. Then perfect pasteurization protects this purity for the health of your family. Extreme care is taken in cooling, bottling and capping —compfete protection for you. NEHALEM DAIRY •GRADE A MILK $199.00 $165.00 „$99.00 „$79.00 $11.75 and up $6.25 and up $9.75 and up $3.00 and up $9.75 and ‘ $10.50 ....... $5.25 and up LAMPS Marbro 6-way Floor Lamps. All Metal Onyx Base .......................... $21.60 and Table Lamps ........................... $3.00 and Bed Lamps .............................. „$3.44 and Pin-up Lamps ............................ $2.50 and Coffee Tables End Tables .... up up up up $15.00 and up $10.50 and up Appliances RADIOS — IN STOCK R.C.A. Victor — Crosley — General Electric Packard Bell — Sonora — Fada—Mirror Tone Table Models.............. _.............. $23.90 and up Consoles ................................. $218.00 and up Automatic Electric Hot Water Heaters $98 up Door Chimes .................................. $3.50 and up _■ ■ Electric Toasters ................... $2.10 and $3.85 2-bumer Hot Plates ............... $8.15 and $18.00 Side Arm Electric Water Heater $29.00 and up 4-qt. Presto Pressure Cookers ...... ......... $13.95 4-qt. Wear Ever Pressure Cooker $14.95 4-qt. Time Saver Pressure Cooker $13.50 16-qt. Flex-Seal Pressure Canner........... $20.70 ILG Ventilating Fans ............... $26.78 and up ALSO—A WELL STOCKED RECORD DE PARTMENT CONTAINING THE LATEST RELEASES In most modern industries it is the other way around—the more units involved, the smaller the cost per unit. The telephone industry is perhaps the only major field where it is more expensive to operate a large number of units than it is a smaller quantity. With two telephone subscribers there is only one possible connec tion. With three subscribers the system must provide for three connec tions. How many connections are required for twelve?* The answer is 66, and for 100 subscribers we must provide facilities for 4,950 possible conversations! As the telephones increase, the necessary wires and con nections multiply astronomically. Even with the most modern switch boards and equipment, the cost per telephone rises as the facilities grow larger in each exchange. For Children Children’s Cribs Crib Mattresses High Chairs..... Training Chairs Child’s Walkers Play Pens ......... Yes, it is an unusual fact, but the greater the number of telephones in our system, the more it costs us to operate each one of them! HAVE YOU ENOUGH? YOU cariy Fire Insur ance so that when fire de stroys your home you will have the dollars to re store it Are you SURE you have provided enough IF YOU are not sure, ask this Hartford agency to check your policies. No obligation. Just call Telephone rates in almost every exchange of the West Coast Telephone Company are from 20 to 28 years old, and are based on i system much smaller than the one we operate today. Our maintenance costs, installation costs, equipment, wages... all of our operating costs have increased until we have found it an economic necessity to request a moderate increase in our rate structure. (*) U7 ork out the telephone puzzle for yourself. Place 12 dots in a circle on a blank sheet of paper and see how many lines you can draw connecting all of them together. VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE 905 Bridge Street Phone 231 Vernonia Do all your shopping at this One-Stop Store. Everything you need for every meal can be found on the shelves or in the display cases at Girod's. One stop for food items makes shopping an easy, pleasant task. FREE DELIVERY GIROD'S FOOD STORE • PHOME “