* LET’S BE SOCIABLE Two Initiated into O.E.S. Chapter Wed. Study Club Meets With Mrs. Culbertson Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman ■were initiated into the O.E.S. Chapter No. 153 on Wednesday evening, November 6. Special guests from Orenomah Chapter, Multnomah, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Clark McMahon and Mrs. Ernes­ tine Grier, were present for the occasion. Miss Martha Wells read “The Croaker,” during the entertain­ ment of the Masons. This was left out of the news items last week. Next meeting, the Rainbow Girls will be special guests at 9:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Vernonia Study club was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Cul­ bertson on the evening of No­ vember 7. Mrs. W. G. Heath gave a most interesting review on “The Story of Linen” by Wm. F. Leggett This book brought the story of flax and linen from ancient spin­ ning and weaving during the stone age to colonial America. Mrs. J. W. Nichols was report­ ed as convalescing nicely in the Emmanuel hospital in Portland. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Sam Hearing,Jr., November 21. Mrs. Paul Gordon will be in charge of the program on “Amer­ ican Glass.” • Mrs. Greenman Hostess For Bridge Club Mrs. Judd Greenman was host­ ess for the bridge club Thursday, November 7. Mrs. R. D. Eby won high score and Mrs. Greenman .low. Mrs. Eby will entertain the club on November 21. PAINTING PAPERHANGING Paint and Wallpaper for Sale Carlin Hackney Call 422 • Farewell Party Given For Mrs. Middendorph A farewell party was given Mrs. Hulda Middendorph on No­ vember 1. Mrs. Nora Riley and Mrs. Edna Linn were joint host­ esses of a group of 15 friends and neighbors. Varied gifts were presented and refreshments were served in Mrs. Middendorph’s hon­ or. She is living in Longview with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Lance. Lois Berger, Dale Johnson Take Vows Lois Berger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Berger, and Dale Johnson, son of Mrs. Gladys John­ son of Pilot Rock, and Lloyd Johnson of Gaston, were married at a wedding ceremony performed at the Evangelical church Sunday at two in the afternoon by Rev. Wright of Scoggins Valley. The bride wore a pretty blue gabardine suit and had a lovely corsage of white carnations and red rose buds. A reception was held after the ceremony in the Evangelical church and a group of friends and relatives attended. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at home in Hillsboro. A Delicious Roast Prepare your family for a taste treat when you decide upon a roast and order it from the Nehalem. We carefully select our meats to as­ sume you of satisfaction everytime. Permit us to prove this fact to you by visiting our store today and every day you shop for groceries. NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY Telephone 721 Miller’s Vernonia DEPARTMENT STORE FOO HELPFUL ADVICE ON MEDICAL BENEFITS THAT MAY BE AVAILABLE TO YOU, CONSULT YOUR THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1946 3 Peachey returned Sunday v i a Portland again visiting Mr. Peach­ ey and found him better than on Thursday, but still not ready for dismissal. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond were in Portland Thursday and Mrs. Cal- lister spent Saturday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heath and family motored to Salem Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Holmes and Clare Jarvis. There was a reunion of good old neighbors Sunday when Mrs. Maud Hurt located the Anna Park­ er home here. Mrs. Hurt re­ sided here 22 years ago on the farm now owned by Wm. Heath From here she went to Rockaway where she resided until last Au­ gust when she bought a home in Vernonia. Mrs. Parker states that she would not have known her neighbor but says, “We sure had a good old visit”. • Paratroops were envisioned in 1794 by Benjamin Franklin. While Ambassador to France he wrote: “Five thousand balloons capable of raising two men each could not cost more than five ships of the line; and where is the Prince who can afford to so cover his country with troops for its defense as that 10,000 men descending from the clouds might not in many places do an infinite deal of mischief?” • Mrs. Mullins Hostess To Altar Society Mrs. Elizabeth Mullins was hostess for a group of women of St Mary’s Altar Society on the afternoon of November 13 for the discussion of the Bazaar held Saturday. • Pollyanna Circle to Meet at Church Wed. The Pollyanna Circle will meet at the Evangelical church next Wednesday, November 20 at 2:00 p.m. The Thanksgiving theme will be observed and all ladies inter­ ested are cordially invited to at­ tend. • Sit Down To Vet says THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. 60th Birthday Honored At Dinner November 9 Mrs. Harold Brimmer enter­ tained Saturday night, November 9 for Bill Brimmer, it being hts 60th birthday. Roast chicken and roast wild duck were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brimmer and two children, Bill Brimmer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lines, Andy Brim­ mer and Mrs. Maeva Peters and two children. 48th Anniversary Event Celebrated; Four-day Vacation Trip Enjoyed RIVERVIEW—Mrs. Louis Hunt- ley entertained Friday evening 'n honor of her husband’3 48th birthday anniversary. Guests pre­ sent were Mr. and Mrs. Claud McCool and family of Treharne John Wolf of Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs. Monty Dewey, Mrs. Anna Dewey, Leonard Dewey. A lunch was served and a happy evening spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Bramblett of Reedsport came over for the week end visit at the Louis Schroeder home. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Steele of Portland were week end guests at the Oscar Steele home Mrs, J.M. Peachey treated her­ self to a four-day vacation this week. Leaving home Thursday morning she visited Mr. Peachey at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland and went on to Ridge­ field, Washington the same day to join her sister, Mrs. B.G. Brown, on a trip to Centralia to visit their father, R.M. Short. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon O TOWN TOPICS Eddie Schwabbe of Taft, Cali­ fornia is visiting Bob Schwab this week. Both were on the de­ stroyer, U.S.S. Cowell, during their service in the navy. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa and J. C. Whitaker are spending most of this W'eek in Portland. They left here last Thursday. Mist, Natal. Vernonia and Keasey home demonstration unit officers gathered Novembor 8 at Natal for a session on officer training with Mrs. Maude Cass- well, counfv home demonstration agent, as the speaker. A pot-luck dinner was enjoyed at noon. The Vernonia unit members learned how to make wreaths and cor­ sages as well as Christmas de­ corations at a meeting here last Thursday. Dolly Myers Washable HOUSE DRESSES New Shipment $3.10 kifiM t HERITAGE Freedom to run, shout and play in clothing strong enough to "take it' and (ifss Acctssoetts} roomy enough for comfort Only color fast quality fabrics and matching boil proof threads are used for these gar­ ments You save money when you buy TUMBl-TOGS* ... they're reasona­ bly priced and designed for longer wear. Consult Dr. Max rnedman Registered Optometrist Concerning your optical problems at the Eastern, Washington at Tenth, Portland, Ore., for de­ pendable advice. ENGINEERED AND BUILT BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION for : Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo­ dem plant. Two pick­ ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners BODGE Plymouth DODGE^TRUCKî We Have Available BRAND NEW ENGINES REBUILT ALL NEW PRECISION-MADE PARTS FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED Wotu 2/ou. Can Cfy&tj POWERFUL, SMOOTH QUIET ENGINE PERFORMANCE IN YOUR PRESENT VEHICLE Avoid expensive engine repairs and lost time—have one of these new engines installed now. HOBBS BATTERIES AVAILABLE FOR ALL CARS GREENWOOD MOTORS Dodge, Plymouth and Dodge Job-Rated truck Dealer Vernonia, Ore. Ph. 1121