8 THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THE POCKETBOOK OF KNOWLEDGE «r» By PILGRIM At the Churches WashÌMijtvn The first three points state that forests should be selectively logged and/or sufficient trees must be spared for reseeding and that forest-fire protection must be bettered. We are for that, just as Coolidge's minister was against sin. Then (4) “Young timber must not be cut.” What No pulp? In (6) the chief forester says, “The American people must be conservation conscious . . EVANGELICAL —Rev. Allen II. Backer, Minister 9:45 — Sunday school 11:00—Morning worship. 7:00 p.m.—Young People’s service. 8:00 p.m.—Evangelistic services. Sunday evening service will be in charge of the young people. A talking picture will be shown and a free will offerling will be received. Other features on the program will be offered by the young people. 8:00 p.m. Thursday—Prayer meet­ ing. FIRST CHRISTIAN —Ernest P. Baker, Minister- 9:45—Bible school led by M. L. Herrin. 11:00—Morning worship and Jun- “ ior church. 7:30—Sunday evening service. 7:30 Wednesday—Prayer meeting. NAZARENE CHAPEL The church that cares. —H. L. Russell, Pastor 1208 Bridge St. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. 7:45 p.ni.—Evangelistic services. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday—Praise and prayer. Now for No. 5 in this Rational program for America’s forests. It is a beaut. It says, yes, sir, it says right here in my friend Dick’s prime article, “Logging methods which drag chains and LATTER DAY SAINTS cables against uncut trees must Sunday school convenes at 10 be prevented.” a.m. at 925 Rose Ave und­ llm-m-m. er the direction of Charles What Worries Me . . r Long, Branch President. Polly Mind you, I’m making no beef H. Lynch, Superintendent. against “Wilderness Boss” as an 7:00 P.M. — Evening Sacrament article. I give the reporting in it ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC my confidence. I hope Dick Neu­ Rev. Anthony V. Gerace berger does more of the kind, for Rev. J. H. Goodrich they inspire the sort of discussion Mass: 9:30 a.m. except firat that we need direly if we are to Sunday in month—Mass at survive as a democracy. And I 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. DO like and admire Lyle Watts. Confessions from 7:45 a.m. on. A dramatic spot of the article tells of an assembly of livestock When you are out in the wide SEVENTH-LAY ADVENTIST ranchers being dominated—gently open spaces, treat your campfire Services on Saturday: but dominated—by the “trustee” as you would a child, It craves 10:00 a.m.—Sabbath school. of America’s forests on a grazing attention and left to its own de­ 11:00 a.m.—Gospel service. issue, The > chief forester had vises may become destructive. A cordial invitation is extendej worked hard, ridden hard and KEEP OREGON GREEN. to visitors. stud ed hard for “many weeks” to inform himself on an issue of grazing curtailment. He was right—and he had the power, He could have been wrong—and he You'll make would still have the power. And that kind of power was precisely what stirred Andrew Jockson into every ride battle with Nicholas Biddle, it is what worries me about big a joy ridel government. I have never been an article writer and never will be. But if I were in the large journaliste boots of Dick Neuberger I’d write a national article on a few of the lacks and failures of admin­ istration on the national forests. They are there, with the much It s much easier than falling off a that is great and good, and some of them are pretty bad. And the log! Just try Chevron Supreme in public is entitled to know about your tank. It’s tailored to your car them. Smokey Says with the same skill that perfected Standard’s war-proved flying fuels. New blending agents in Chevron Supreme give you fast starts, smooth acceleration, pingless performance. It’s the finest motor fuel Standard ever produced—you can bank S.W. McChesney Rd.. Portland 1, Ore. This space paid for by an Oregon family. FREE DELIVERY 1 on every trip being a pleasure trip with Chevron Supreme! L. G. Hawken Ph. 502 Vernonia GtSOUNE A STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCT HOUSEW IvES—Treat your family to meals prepared from Girod’s meats and groceries sure to please everytime. and Dry Cleaners By WILLARD CARLTON PLANS MADE FOR SALMON DERBY NEHALEM — Final plans are being whipped into shape for con­ ducting the 1946 Salmon derby, being promoted under auspices of the derby division of the Rod and Gun club, for Sept. 16-Oct. 20. Many choice and valuable prizes are being assembled, which will be awarded to men and women who participate and are lucky enough to have their catches click in com­ petition. ASSEMBLY OF GOD —Rev. H. Gail McIlroy, Pastor 9:45—Sunday school with clas­ ses for all ages. 11:00—Morning worship. 7:30—Evangelistic service. 8:00—Wednesday, prayer meet­ ing. 7:30—Friday, People’s Night. GIROD’S FOOD STORE and be PHONE 7« K