THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1946 7 COCONUTS AND BAMBOO FOR SAFETY!^ AN EAGLE SUBSCRIPTION J FOR SALE—Livestock FOR SALE—Real Estate MISCELLANEOUS GUERNSEY coming fresh with third calf. Give approximately five gallons of milk daily. In­ quire at store at Buxton. W. R. May ‘ 35t3 CUT FLOWERS—Glads dahlias, zinnias, carnations. Orders filled by request or come out and choose your own. Also vegetables for canning: beans, beets, cucumbers. Mrs. John Krinick, end of 10th st Riverview. 35t3c ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and lire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf- ALIVE or dressed hens. 1123 Washington St. or telephone 1116 34t3 FRIERS. A Newton, 1 mile out Rose Ave. North. 35tl FOR SALE—General 25 IB. ICE BOX. Good condition. E. V. Robertson, 1251 First Ave. 34t3c WOOD circulating heater. Good condition. Inquire House 54, O-A hill. ' 30tf 50 TONS of rye grass and tim­ othy baled. C. E. Buckley, Kea- sey Rt. 33t3 HOUSEHOLD furniture including electric ice box. Also miscellan­ eous articles. Good deal to party buying all. 209 C St 35tlc CIRCULATING fan. Cost $19 new. Sell reasonable. Museum Barber Shop. 35tl ENTIRE furniture for 4-room house: overstuffed wool rug, 5- piece bedroom set refrigerator and washing machine. Good deal to party taking all. Inq. at Eagle office. 3511 LODGES V. F. W meeting*: Regular 2 & 4 Wed*. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn, Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st & 3rd Wed. Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Tom Turner, Noble Grand William 1). Shafer, Sec’y. . . . 4-47 Mt. Heart Rebekah e Meet* 2nd and 4th evenings of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Silvia Turner, Noble Grand Noma Callister, Vice Grand Juanita Edwards, Secretary 3-47 Ella Cline, Treasurer Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal of Order Eaglet) Bridge Street Vernonia and 4th 2nd Friday* 8 M. P. H. W. Carrick, pres. Geo. Armstrong, Sec”y. 7-46 Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: I.O.O.F. Monday* Fourth Pythian Sisters and I.O.O.F. Fourth WANT to buy fresh cow or one to freshen soon. H. O. Hansen, Timber Rt., Box 41 Vernonia, Ore 35tl Hall Wednesday munication first and 3rd Wed. each of month at Masonic Ten* All pie. risitinf • ister* and broth­ er* welcome. Inez Powell, Worthy Matron Dorothy Sandon. Sec’y. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.F. & meet* A.M. Temple Masonic Communication at imum, 2c each. for 30c charge Word* over Three 25 min­ insertion* first at 7:30 p.m. Walter H. Kent, W. M. F. Hawkin*, Sec’y. 1-46 American Legion VERNONIA POST 11» Meets first and Third Mon. Each of EAGLE assumes no finan­ may it* ads appear in columns, but Linoleum Gloss Finish Dries in 1 hr. Qts. only. Was $1.40. Now $1.25 Wallpaper Cleaner Qt. was 65c. Now 50c UPGARD’S cases chi* paper ^rint that i is which the occur*. typographical at part ad* fault, an of re­ adv. in mistake answers with where will to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum relative to such ad*. POETRY accepted only a* matter. Rate: 5c per type paid line. Business - Professional Directory BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland • Timber Gearhart AUXILIAR* 1-47 I KICK-BOARDS AND FLOATS made from bamboo and coconuts are used by these young swimmers in the Gulf of Fanay, Philippine Islands. With the assistance of the American Red Cross, the first national Water Safety school outside of continental United States is under way in the Philippines this year. (American Red Cross photo.) Auto Parts Are Plentiful-WAA Critically - needed automotive parts and garage equipment are literally pouring into this area by the carload since the Portland war assets automotive division took over direct sales for this re- gion recently. During July sales to wholesalers, garages, parts dealers and fleet operators amounted to $600,000 and August sales are expected to be higher. WAA maintains in Detroit a centralized inventory record of all substantial quantities of items, regardless of their phys­ ical location, so that an order placed with the Portland office gives a complete check of the na­ tional supply. Small quantities and used surplus will be sold di­ rect by the Portland office, how­ ever, if it is located here. Interested parties may reach the Portland office by Writing to: War Assets Administrator!, P.O. Box 4062, Portland 8, Oregon. The national inventory is ap­ proximately $300,000,000 and new quantities are being added daily. It is broken down into five gen­ eral classifications: Automotive spare parts, automoti ve and repair equipment, tire and tube equip­ ment, lubrication equipment, and automotive machine shop equip­ ment. According to E. L. Smith, chief of the automotive division, current orders are arriving in about 30 days and are about 85 per cent complete. WAA allows trade dis­ counts, prefers to sell on approved credit, and includes in each cata­ log every detail of information a buyer needs to write out an or­ der. Dessy’s Tavern NEW AND USED PARTS Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday. LYNCH AUTO PARTS RIVERVIEW Phone 773 Auction Sale SEPTEMBER 2, 1 P.M. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 Cows all Bred to Registered Whiteface Bull 18 hens, chickens. 20 to 25 tons of hay loose on farm. Old Homestead of Roberts place, 10 mi. south of Vernonia, 4 mi. north of Timber, one mi. off Wolf Creek highway CLYDE ROTH, Owner DAN ROTH, Auctioneer An aluminum non-sinkable boat, 12 feet long, weighing 150 pounds, is a Kentucky manufacturer’s con­ tribution. □ivtifayoiugA. For values—think of Fowler’s and act ac- cordingly. Try the new and used store first FOWLER’S Store Open Evenings from 5 to 7 p.m. FOREST GROVE CREAMERY Highest cash price paid for cream and eggs. Picked up at your door once or twice weekly. Phone us and arrange pickup days. Cream prices advancing as they have recent­ ly with good pastures and feed crops should be special inducement to save and sell cream. • Vernonia • Beach Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 PHONE 126 SIILIKI nisrru PRODUCTS on in combinations to signify exactly what you wish to be conveyed. A message, a greeting or a record is not complete unless it bears the unmistakable characteristics achieved by COMMUNITY AUCTION Every Saturday—11:30 1 mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road Cattle, Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, Chickens, Rabbits Produce Furniture, Farm Machinery, Tools, etc. Come to Buy and Sell Large Crowds Ample Space OREN E. SUDTELL, Auct. Rt. 2, Bx. 100, Beaverton, Ore. Big Sale $1 7-ft. McCormick Deering mower & swather. ly John Deere model D tractor, 1938 on rubber. |g 6 ft Killfer Chisler like new. 7-ft. tandem disc, 1 hay rake. « 3-sect. lvr. harrow. 1 3-btm. John Deere plow. ■ horse cultivator. 1 two-row corn planter. O saddle horse, 6 years old. Gentle. h Jersey cows, 2nd calves, to freshen Sept. || cow, 7 years old, to freshen in September. Whiteface to freshen in Jan., 2nd calf. Guernsey to freshen in Jan., 2d calf. Jersey to freshen in Jan., 2nd calf. • sS Jersey to freshen in March, 6 years. Jersey to freshen in March, 2nd calf. N Whiteface heifer, 2 years old. Bred. IB Jersey heifers, 2 yrs. old, bred. M Calves, veal to 8 mo. old. s| published in in I Come one, come all—for a friendly glass that will quench the strongest thirst—and it’s' twice as good on a hot day! I cial responsibility for error* that Sunset • Elsie - Cannon month. First and Third Tuesdays over minimum, 3c each. THE Limited Stock Stated Thursday of each month, Glen Appliance Repairing STRONG’S RADIO AND ELECTRIC Quick-dry Enamels Gal. was $5.70 Now $5.00 Qt. was $1.60 Now $1.40 Pint was 86c Now 75c charge 75c. No information given A. F. & A. M. ! REFRIGERATION ! ! RADIO SERVICE CASH for small upright piano. T. F. Hillyer, cor 9th and Hiway 47, Riverview. Mist Rt. Box 70. 35t3 BLIND 1-47 Licensed Contractors Interior 4 - hour Floor Varnish. Was $5.15 Now $4.50 BOLD FACE ad*, minimum 50c ea.t 3 for the price of 2. Word* 153, O. E. S. Regular com« RED billfold with name Mrs. Jim Hays on outside. Contained car license and keys, no money. Find­ er please notfy Mrs. Bert Haw­ kins. 35tl WOMAN for care of children from 1 to 6 p.m. and all day Sat­ urday. Call at Western Auto Store and ask for Mrs. Ready. 34t3 Order of Eastern Star Chapter LOST between Mist and T.lla- mook, one 42-in. Hoe and Co. cir- cular saw, inserted teeth. Re­ ward. Taylor Brothers, Blaine, 35t3c Oregon, Gen Del. Interior or exterior Spar Varnish. Gal. lots was $5.86. Now $5.25 2-47 Nehalem BLOODHOUND, Black and white, strayed to Columbia Logging camp on Pebble creek. Owner may have by paying for keep and this ad. 34t3c PLANO teaching 21 years exp. Special attention given to chil­ dren and new beginners. Mrs. H. L. Russell, 1208 Bridge St. 35t3 for the price of two. CARD of Thank*'& Notice*: 75c of each month. LOST: Milos ladies’ wrist watch between Vernonia Drug Co. and Pal Shop on north side of street. Liberal reward. If found return to Mrs. Bert Hawkins. 35t3c 969 Bridge St. Ph. 576 or les*. Way, Folks LOST AND FOUND J. E. FOSSUM electric service. Knight’s building, 708 First St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, in­ stallations, alterations, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial.. Phone 423. 22tfc word* Hight This FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- WANTED to buy: girl's cheap pony. Inquire at Reynolds at Tre- hame. Telephone 8813. 35tlc LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais- als given, We have cash buyers waiting to buy your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay- ter Realty comp» y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phpne BRoadway 1146. 43tf-— I FOR ALL kinds of greeting cards ¿ncluding beautiful underlays, also religious Christmas greetings with appropriate verse, see Mrs. Gertrude Davis, 3d St., River­ view. 33t3 60 HOP PICKERS, Transporta- tion provided. Picking to start Sept. 2. No children under 14 unless accompanied by guard an, but all must be able to pick. Reg- ister with Mrs. Frank Hartwick, 192 North St. Cull 1042 33t3 MINIMUM Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: WANTED SELL your cream and eggs to the Forest Grove Creamery. Build a market close to home good as Portland. Write or phone us for pick up arrangements. 30tfc Classified Ad Rates Each Month Second A BARGAIN at your door. Five rooms almost finished, 15x20 liv­ ing, 12x12 and 10x12 bed rm., 17x10 Kit. with a modern unit. Utility room. % basement, new furnace to be installed, 1-161 ft. deep well, 1 open well, 1 pressure pump. Cow, calf, pig, 2 ton hay. Garage and wood shed. Barn on 6V4 acres. All material on ground to finish. Price $5500, call Singer MU 2491 or BR 5519. Burns Realty Co., 236 S. W. Alder, BR 5519.. 35tlc CARPENTER work of all kinds. Fred Lundgren, 924 2nd Avenue. Second and Hall, FIVE-ROOM house two lots, chicken house, garage, fruit room, wood shed with 4 loads wood, Wood circulating heater, wood range, davenport, chai’r, can be bought separately. 987 Second St., Vernonia, Ore. 35t3 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. George Robbins, 526 First Ave. South 27t9 116 No. THREE rooms and nook furnished and one lot. Cheap if taken by Sept. 1st. 542 Th rd St 35tl 52 GIFTS IN ONE— EAGLE composition. THE VERNONIA EAGLE