8 THURSDAY. AUGUST 22, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. SPORT TOPICS BAUERSFELDT WINS 36-HOLE MATCH SUNDAY Kent Bauersfeldt is the Verno nia Country Club champion as the result of the club’s cham pionship play-off Sunday. He won over Tom Bateman in the 36-hole finals to complete the tournament which has been played for several weeks to name the champion Vernonia golfer. Winners in the first, second and third flights respectively were Bob King, Ed Roediger and Mar vin Turner. Bauersfeld won 6 and 5 with scores of 40-37-34 against Bate man’s 37-40-39. The match end ed on the 4th. hole of the 4th round. Results of the first flight gave Bob King a win of 5 and 4 over Calvin Davis. Scores were 38-37 for King and 42-40 for Davis. Ed Roediger won 4 and 3 with scores of 43-49 over E. P. Mul lins 46-50 in the second fkght and Marvin Turner defeated George Turner in the third flight 2 and 1 with 48-47 as compared with -UM8. • V.F.W. WINS DONKEY BALL According to the scorekeeper the V.F.W. won Monday night’s donkey softbull game from the Treharne Terriers but most spec tators would probably agree that the donkeys “stole the show.” Jack MporiVs donkeys were trained to perfection for their part of the show. Preliminary event was a polo game which gave fans a preview of what would come later. The V.F.W. also won the preliminary, that hj if one failed to consider the donkeys. Taking the worst “beating’ of the evening was Bob Schwab who was fated to draw the most capri cious animal nearly every time and consequently had the most practice landings and the most bruises. A capacity grandstand crowd was attracted to the park to American ‘Real Income' In May Off 15 Cent» On $1 From Year Ago PETE BRUNSMAN SPORTING GOODS. FRIGIDAIRES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE, TOYS. MARSHALL WELLS PAINT BOLTS, ROPE, SAWS, CRESCENT WRENCHES, NAILS POCKET KNIVES—Camillus Cutlery Co. brass-bound pocket knives. Prewar price and quality $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 HUNTERS—Sign up for gun shells. To assure hunters in this territory ammunition for hunting sign up for size you need now. 22 Shorts, 22 Long and 22 Long Rifle; 10, 12, 16, 20, 28 & 410 gauge shot gun shells now available. Country Club Plans Social Vernonia Country Club mem bers and their friends are invited to a basket social Sunday at 1 o’clock the tournament committee has announced after making plans for building a fund to be used for the purchase of trophies. The trophies are to be awarded to winners of last Sunday's finals in the club tournament. The social is to be followed in the afternoon by a picnic at the club house. 5 gal. cans Autoking Oil ......... $3.95 Two-Speed Egg Beaters ......... $2.00 • Fall Handicap Plan for Sept. The Vernonia Country Club tournament committee is already planning another membership tournament Which is tentatively scheduled for the latter part of September. Between now and the time for this tourney to start, members will compete in blind bogeys. Tournament Committee- man Kent Bauersfeldt said Wednesday. witness the donkeys (in action. Competing in the preliminary polo game for the Treharne Ter riers were Ruth Back (Little Miss Pigtails) as she was known at the county fair where she com peted for three days, Forrest Reynolds, Jerry McCool and Ray Smith. Playing for the V.F.W. were Bert and Dave Brunsman Bob Schwab and Gerald Riley. In th© softball game Marvin Turner hit the jackpot for the only scores of the evening and both of them for the V.F.W. when he rode home twice. Playing for the Terriers were Lawrence Cra- der, Bob Sunnell, Don Reynolds, Loren Dodge, Sam Beck, Gene Beck, Gerry McCool and Ray Smith. The V.F.W. was represented by Cal Davis, Marvin Turner, Dan Rollins, Geo. Turner, Lyle Gallo way, Bob Schwab and Bert and Dave Brunsman. HE above chart, showing how the average American fared in national income changes in the last twelve months, is based oh the monthly consumers' study of In vestors Syndicate of Minneapolis. The American public in May had a "real income" of 85 cents, or 15 cents on the dollar less than in May. 1945. This "real income" is not a subtraction of cash income and expenditures but an average relative of these figures designed to show how living costs affect ad justed income dollars. Cash income of the American public in May was 88 cents for every $1 a year earlier. The follow ing changes per dollar were: wages off 24 cents, salaries off 21 cents on the $1.00; investment income at 81.11 was up eleven cents and other income at $1.04 was up four cents Rents in May were unchanged compared with a year ago. Food was up three cents, clothing up seven cents and miscellaneous items uu five cents. T | Chrome plated tub soap dish....35- Chrome plated wall soap dish....35c Chrome plated water glass and tooth brush holder ................. 35c Chrome Pltd. Toilet Paper holds 35c $1 value Towel Bars, Black, Red Green or Yellow ..................... 25c Shavemaster electric razor ... $16.70 10-rd. Rolls Woven Fence 50” $9.75 Bath or Utility Scales ........... $9.95 Premier vacuum cleaner ..... $54.50 Dryette Folding Aluminum Clothes Dryer .................................... $3.95 Insulated Picnic Box with Ice Compartment ....................... $7.95 (Whitney Clothes Hampers ..... $7.95 Galv. Down Spouts ................. $l.lf Emerson Radios (Ivory fin.) $25.75 Corey Coffee Makers ............. $3.95 Lace on Ironing Board Cover..... 60c Alum Folding Step Stool for Kitchen .................................$3.95 Quick Action Toaster ........... $6.55 Metal Lunch Kits and Bottle $1.90 4x12 Sheets Plywood ........... $5.75 50-ft. Garden Hose ............... $12.95 You can’t judge saving by price alone. Quality too, must be right... espe cially in food. Safeway promise« to please you on both counts and invites you to make a 30-day test to prove it: For one month, buy all your food at Safeway. Get meats, groceries, fruits and vegetables of guaranteed qual ity, at every day low prices. Then compare the total cost— and eating pleasure— with that for a previous month. We are sure you’ll find a worth while money saving, plus an added dividend in good eating. 'A'JUMJVVWUMUim EAGLE Canning Supplies 12 /n* 13 Í Mason Ja 113 Kerr QtS. ( reg. pU. Econ 13 7Q< 13 ( Kerr Jars omy pts. /0* qta. i Wide Kerr Jars Mouth ¿Í. 89* 13 qta. $1 1 .03 Kerr Jar Caps regular pkg. at 13 4 I Economy Caps Kerr pkg. of 13 17* Zinc Jar Caps reg' pkg. Of 13 21* z? pu. of is 21* Closures 3/25* M. C. P. Pectin Parowax Jelly sealer ‘X2/25* Vernonia Country Club 28c Ritz Crackers 1-lb. box 24c Hi-Ho Crackers 1-lb. box Velveeta Cheese Kraft ^pkg. 30* Superior Cheese JSS* n, 54* Olig Basket Social and Picnic Sun.. Aug. 2.7 1 P.M. _ Kraft Cheese Spreads ollve-pim. 61£20* Salted Peanuts Kemp'a tin 27* Fresh Produce Is Plentiful—Prices Jkre Lower! Green Peppers Fresh Prunes Far .tufting........... II. Canning 1^5139 ■ ♦ Seedless Grapes Malaga Grapes Honeyd'w Melons Persian Melons Sweet, Juicy Peaches <£?, Cantaloupes Eggplant 3 “c Onions ► Yellow mediums The perfect dessert Ib. $1.49 Danish Sauash Sweet 65-lb. crate, Ib. lb. Ib. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Golden 17V,c Bantam 19V2C 7c 10»/2c Young, tender 13c »wert, locol 12c 2%c lb. 8c CORN 8'^c TOMATOES Freih product featuret are for Friday and Saturday only Now bay them by the pound or Hatt The Dalles Q_ Yakima» U. S. No. I ». Ib. ’ °C ifi.ifc. flat» Ladies bring a basket. Big time for everyone GOLFING AND OTHER ENTERTAINMENT Hamilton Beach Vac. Cleaner $40.50 Everbest 1-gal. Thermic Jug with spigot ........................... $4.95 %-in. or i/G-in. Skil Drills ..... $55.00 Large Galvanized Buckets ......... 85c Iron and Extension Cords ....... 60e Hay Forks, Manure Forks, Header Forks, Potato Forks Monitor Carpet Sweeper. Will do 50/< more than any other carpet sweeper on the market ....... $7.95 Eagle Water Bags ................... $1.00 Galv. Roof Jacks .............. 85c Aluminum Levels $3.55 and $5.95 Deviled Egg Plates. Room for 15 Eggs and Meats and Salads in center ....... 65c each., 2 for $1.25 Three-way (heavy bronze base) Floor Lamps ....................... $21.95 Full Zipper Sleeping Bags Wool filled ................................. $21.60 Atkins 26-in. 10-pt. Hand Saw $3.75 Turner Blow Torches .......... $7.80 Coleman Lanterns $7.25 and $9.45 Navy Surplus Work Shirts Size 15 only, ceiling price ....,........... $1.25 Gray Work Pants assorted sizes Ceiling Price ........................ $2.78 SSt SAFEWAY MEAT SECTION VALUES &SSSSSŒSSS These prices may change due to T-Bone Steaks Juicy and tender Grode» Mill Market & Lockers AQe Ib. O“ AA ,r A Regardless of the action of OPA or ceiling prices, we will endeavor to supply you with the best quality meats obtainable and the lowest prices possible. Here again are some of our everyday case prices on grades A A and A: Sirloin Steaks Ib. 59« tb. nc »■ Grades AA A A Ib. 57« Round Steaks Grade AA Ib. S9e Peanut Butter Beef Short Ribs Ib. 29« Bralslns or Stewinr— AA A A Fresh Ground lean beef, lb.35c T-Bone Steak AA grade lb. 55c A grade lb. 50c Lean Round Steak AA grade, lb. 50c Grade A lb. 45c Chuck Roast A grade lb. 35c Rib Roast Grade A lb. 38c Pot Roast Grade A lb. 35c Fresh Beef Liver lb. 40c Fresh Pork Liver lb. 35c Pork Roast, shoulder lb. 40c Pork Chops lb. 50c Canterbury Tea Cocomalt, Beverage Flavorade Drink Maker Grapefruit Juice Phillip*! Shredded Ralston Com Flakes, Kellogg Rib Lamb Chops Grade AA. H>. 57< JQ* Pork Sausage Cashew or Almonds Green Beans BcetS Del Monte. Quartered Veal Roast “Ajb * Shoulder GrmU AA Ih. Sfe Our Prices on Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Will Please You. WHEN TOO BUSY TO SHOP. TRY OUR PHONE AND DELIVERY SERVICE. WE DELIVER DAILY. PHONE 776 Store Hours, Monday Thru Friday 8 A.M. to 6:15 P.M. Saturdays 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. Skinless Wieners Trader, flavorful A74 49* Ib. *T I Polish Sausage )b r W S Asparagus or«n bow Diced Carrots Button Mushrooms Woodbury Toilet Soap Roast | 13* 36* I- lb. Jar 39* 3 pkta.10* 39* 13-0«. pkg. 11* II- ox. pkg. 11* Romp’s 7-Ox. 7 NUTS tin 19 17* XO.303 1 5< ^r/35* 112* 4-O«. tin 44* 3 bars 23« ?