J THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Rent Records Still Needed TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Carl David«on and daughter, Doris, of Portland were gueets last week end of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson. Mr«. Claude Norri« is at St. Vincent’s hospital in Portland whene she underwent on opera­ tion Thursday of last week. Visitor« at the H. H. Williame home recently were Harry M. Eden «nd Helen Eden of Burling­ ton, Iowa, and Mrs. Samuel Ral­ ston of Bremerton, Washington. DANCE Saturday, August 3, I.O.O.F. hall. Rhythm Vendors All-Girl orchestra . Adm. 75c in­ cluding tax. Smartest- B ulova Mr«. Edw. Calomonsen and Mrs. Zoe Whitsell left Sunday for Mof- fitt Hot Springs where they plan to remain for one week vacation­ ing. The springs are located near North Bonneville, Washington. Richard Earl Wright was born June 30 to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wright. Mrs. Wright was for­ merly Ruth DeHart. Grandpar­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. E. M. De­ Hart and Mrs. Clint Fanning of The Dalles. The boy weighed sev­ en and onje-half pounds at birth. Arthur Tou«ley, former high school student her«? who was se­ lected by the navy for further schooling at the Case School of Applied Science at Cleveland, Ohio, is now at Bikini as part of the force conducting the atom bomb tests. He was one of three students of his graduating class to be selected for the work. James C. Caywood, ACMM(PA), son of Mrs. A. E. Wood, has re- oeived his separation from the service at the navy personnel sep- aration center at Memphis, Ten- nessee. Caywood spent 120 months in service, 96 of them on sea duty in the Atlantic, Pacific, S. China Sea and Indian Ocean areas. He was in six major engagements, two invasions and has received six battle stars. aoooEss •« TIMI tZ |«w«l> 17 Uw«U Mr. and Mr«. E. II. Washburn are now located at Phoenix, Ari­ zona, where they have purchased residential property. They are former Vernonia residents. Mr. and Mri. Louis Blackburn and two daughters of Albany were here Monday for a short time to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander. Mr. Blackburn learned the jewelry business from Mr. Kullander over 20 years ago and now has his own store at Albany. Mrs. Blackburn was the former Lillian Wellington and will be remembered as teaching school here a number of years ago. M. A. McNutt was taken to the Emanuel hospital Monday after­ noon in the Bush ambulance after a severe injury to his foot while working at the O-A mill. JEWLER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Ry. Oregon • Thurs.-Fri. Augu«t 1-2' HER KIND OF MAN Jane Clark-Jani« Paige-Zachary Scott CALLING ALL FIBBERS —a comedy featurette with Vera Vague and Selected Short Subject« August 3 SNAFU Robert Benchley-Conrad Jani» IF A BODY MEETS A BODY THREE STOOGES and Cartoon Saturday Sun.-Mon. August 4-5 JANIE GETS MARRIED Joan Le«lie-Robert Hutton BUGS BUNNY Cartoon and New» August 6-7 Tue«.-Wed. TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT Technicolor Rita Hayworth-Janet Blair STORY OF A DOG and Cartoon Mr. and Mr«. Ed Frazee and son, Jim, drove from Stayton to the Camp Fire Girls’ camp near Bull Run Sunday. Betty Lou Frazee and Janet Peterson are attending the camp from here. Mrs. Opal Counts and daughter have gone to Banks to spend a week with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Mays. SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS $18 Shaverest for Schick Razors Has Built-in Automatic Switch and Cord Reel.........$7.95 JUST ARRIVED YOUK fVTIM Hoffman Hardware Co. For Values—See Hoffman PHONE 181 Vernonia, Oregon in The First Postwar Here la»t week end from Port- land was Mrs. Leatha Tousley. She visited at the O. S. Poynter home on Keasey route and with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tousley. Mrs. Tousley now has a civil service position and is working for the veterans administration. . *Fric«« includ« Federal Tax A. L. Kullander Vernonia, F DANCE Saturday, August 3, I.O.O.F. hall. Rhythm Vendors All-Girl orchestra . Adm. 75c in­ ltc eluding tax. NAVIvATOK WATCHMAKER All landlords operating hotels or rooming houses under rent reg­ ulations were obliged even during the interim period between June 30 and the effective date of the new act, to preserve all records which the rent regulation re- quired them to keep, Jackson T. Moore, district rent executive, an- nounced Friday. This same obligation ia in the new act, he explained, and all such landlords are cautioned not to destroy such records but to preserve them. Also, the obligation to post maximum rents for all rooms con­ tinues if landlords have removed their postings, they must imme­ diately re-post them in every room as the June 30, 1946, max­ imum rents are re-established by the new act, Moore said. Mr. and Mr«. Marvin Meyer, formerly of Vernonia and now living in Portland, are the parents of a seven-pound boy bom July 17. He has been named Phillip. •foif Theatre Sheer Lace-Tnmmed NIGHTGOWNS The Apparel Shop Mr«. Clara Kirk Mr«. Lottie Swanson Phone 396 The Forest Grove NATIONAL RANK INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON See this bank for LOANS of all types A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank Î Enjoying la«t week end at Long Beach, Washington, were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merritt and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Laramore. Mr. and Mr«. Harold Currey of San Diego arrived here Tue day morning for a visit at the T. F. Hillyer home in Riverview. The visitors are cousins of Mr. Hillyer and have been on an extended motor trip. Mis« Thereta Hanel ha« been ill for the past week with yellow jaundice. She is recovering satis- factorily and expects to be up this week. Mrs. Doris McAlister of Port­ land was a visitor of Mrs. M. F. Ruhl Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heenan are spending a two weeks vacation trip by visiting relatives in South Dakota. They plan to return here by way of Yellowstone tional Park. Walter L. Daugherty of ramento, California, spent week end here at the home of Mrs. Lulah Fullerton. Mr. Daugh­ erty and Mrs. Fullerton are old friends who, previous to last week end, had not seen each other for 25 year«. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gwin and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder left Sunday morning to spend a week vacationing in eastern Ore­ gon. Mr. and Mrs Harold Me Entire drove to Stayton last Wednesday where Mrs. McEntire remained to pick beans. Mr«. Harry Ballhorn and daugh­ ter of Warrenton are spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Smith and aunt. Mrs. Edna White. PRICES AREN’T HIGH AT THE MILL MARKET We have some very nice A A quality voting beef for your selection now lb. 45c Iround fresh daily, all beef lb. 35c Best round Steak lb. 50c lb. T Bone Steak, very nice 30c Fancy Rump Roast lb. 40c Other nice roast cuts lb. 33c to 35c Fresh Pork side, sliced lb. 42c Fresh Ground Pork Sausage lb. 40c Baby Beef Rib Steak These are our DAILY case prices anil it is our intention to maintain these prices as low as possible regardless of the future of OPA. Our entire gro­ cery line is priced to be competitive with daily average prices. YOU WILL SAVE AT— Mill Mar het and Lockera County Fair Grounds [Deer Island] August 15-16-17*1 Bigger and Better Than Ever More Parking Space, Greater Seating Capacity, Wonderful Program of Events ", L—’X. • BE SURE TO ATTEND YOUR OWN FAIR 4 DAYS OF ENTERTAINMENT Gate Adm., 50c; Season ticket, $1.50; Grandstand i adm., $1.00 matinee*, $1.50 evenings; Bleacher adm., 75c afternoons, $1.00 evenings. / ♦