FAST, CONVENIENT ADS LEGAL NOTICES - LODGE ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SALE—Livestock FOR SALE—Livestock HEAVY, rich-milking Jersey cow, double tested. Priced right Also a few turkeys. See at Sargent place on Mist Rt. Henry Richert. 30t3c THREE Guernsey bulls: 1 is 5 mos. old and 1 is 3 mos., both from Willow Wood and Traveler breeding, $75 ea. The other is 24 mos. old from Willow Wood and Maestro Cream Cup breeding, $150. Come and see them. Harry Ingram, Ph. 52R8, Clatskanie. 30t4c 15 WEANER PIGS for sale. 9 C. W. Duroc, 6 C. W„ all 6 weeks old July 19. $10 to $16 each. Also C. W. boar for sale or service. L. L. Christensen, 10 miles south on highway 47. 28t3 COWS, some fresh. L. Choate on Mist - Vernonia highway three miles from Mist. 30t3 FOUR GILTS to farrow Sept. 20. $35.00 each. Six doe rabbits, some bred, some with young. Morris Falconbury, Mist Rt, near 10th St., Riverview. 29t3 CHUNKY gray mare. Saddle, bridle and' blanket. $135.00. Wally Noakes, Timber Route. 28t3 100 NEW HAMPSHIRE RED laying hens; 35 Hollywood Leg­ horn hens, $1.50 each; 6 does, 1 buck, 1 large hutch, $25 for all; thoroughbred Jersey bull, 1 year old, $125; 1 small Norris home safe, $25. Write Mrs. Pearl Adams, Mist Rt., Vernonia^ Ore. 30t3c LODGES meetings: Regular 2 & 4 Wed*. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn. Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st & 3rd Wed. 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Carl Davis, William D. Noble Grand Shafer, See’y. 4-46 Mt. Heart Rebekah e Meet» 2nd and 4th Thursday evening» of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Silvia Turner, Noble Grand Noma Callister, Vice Grand Juanita Edwards, Secretary 3-47 Ella Cline, Treasurer Vernonia F. O. E (Fraternal Eagles) of Order > Bridge Street Vernonia 2nd 4th and Fridays P. 8 M. H. W. Carrick, Geo. Armstrong, Sec"y. 7-46 Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge No. Hall, STARK BROS. nurseries and Orchard Co. now represented by Edwin Siedelman, Vernonia, Oré., Timber Rt., Box 31. 7-25-46 WOOD circulating heater. Good condition. Inquire House 54, O-A hill. 30tf ’34 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. Louis Huntley^ Box 69 Mist Rt. Call evenings. 30t3 SLEEPING room for rent. Also nice size range cook stove. 376 North street, L. M. Porterfield. 30tlc RASPBERRIES and loganberries. See Art Owen at end of First street, Riverview'. 29t3 GEN CLASS ONE 1931 Tudoi- Chevrolet and one boy’s bicycle. Call at Eagle office. 30tl ELEVEN doz. quart jars for sale. 50c doz. II. A. Wilson, Timber Rt. 30t3c CHERRIES, Black Republican, 6c lb. Bing and Lambert, 10c lb. U John pick. Bring containers. Schmidlin, Timber Route. Phone 13F51. 30t3c J. E. FOSSUM electric service. Knight’s building, 708 First St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, in­ stallations, alterations, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial.. Phone 423. 22tfc or less. 2c each. and of each month. 2-47 THE EAGLE assume* no finan­ cial responsibility for error* that 153, O. E. S. Regular com­ munication first and Wed. 3rd each of month at Masonic Tern» All pie. visiting *i*ter* and broth­ er* welcome. Inez Powell, Worthy Matron Dorothy Sandon. Sec’y. 1-47 column*, Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.M. meets at Temple Stated first Communication Thursday of each month. at 7:30 p.m. Walter H. Kent, W. M. Glen F. Hawkins, See’y. 1-46 American Legion VERNONIA POST Ilf Meet* first snd Third Mon. Each paper Krint that which the occur*. BLIND but is at part published in cases fault, an of with where will re­ adv. in typographical ad* in mistake answers to W ILL NOT be responsible for any debt sother than my own. A. E. Van De Car. 30tl LOST AND FOUND LOST: White gold Bulova wrist watch. Reward. Mrs. H. M. Con- dit, Riverview. 30tlc LOST: Sword pin about 3 inches long. Valued as keepsake. Re­ ward. Return to Mrs. Wm. Sha­ fer, 1009 Columbia St. 28t3 MISCELLANEOUS MARRIAGE LICENSES mailed. No medical examination. Save a trip and layoff from work. Van­ couver Bridal Chapel Vancouver, Wash. 21tl0 FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- ALL KINDS of insurance: sick* accident, life, car and tire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf- Thermometer Tops 100 Mark charge 75c. No information given relative to such ad*. POETRY accepted only a* paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. CREDIT ADS, 10c EXTRA FOR BILLING. FOR EXCEPT NOON WEEK’S NEXT PAPER. Business - Professional Directory______________ BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Ton»orial Work Vemonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland - Timber • Varnonia Sunset • Elsie • Cannon Brack 1-47 Vernonia Phone 1042 Gearhart • Guests Homes Mentioned MIST—The William Bridgers were Seaside week end sightseers, taking their guest, Miss Hill with them. Mrs. Minnie Hughes was here NOTICE OF VACATION A resurvey of the Old Schmidlin Road in the Northeast Quarter of Section 31 Township 4 North Range 4 West of the Willamette Merid- ian has shown it useless to the general road system of Columbia County, State of Oregon, there- fore the Public will be benefited by its vacation. Notice is hereby given that the County Court at a regular meet­ ing thirty days (30) hence, there being no objections, will declare the following portion of this road duly vacated. “Description of Vacation” Beginning at a point on the Old Schmidlin Road, said point of be­ ginning being 206 feet in a south­ westerly direction along said road from its intersection with the Vernonia-Buxton Road thence; along it’s entire length to the end near the center of Section 31, T4N-R4W W.M. WM PRINGLE, SR., County Comm. GLEN HAWKINS, Dep. County Eng. 30t4c from Seaside Tuesday to pick blackberries. Sunday guests at the J. 0. Li- bel home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindberg and son, Larry, of Scap­ poose and the Sheriff and Mrs. M. R. Calhoun of St. Helens. Norman Hansen is home, hav­ ing been discharged from the navy. • Otis Jones has beer^ visiting his father, “Doc” Jones, the past week. Otis lives in Astoria. He was recently in the hospital with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roper were in Clatskanie Saturday afternoon. THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1946 T Former North Dakota Families Gather at Riverview Home Sunday RIVERVIEW—Bob C. Hall of Seattle, a brother of Mrs. George Carl, came Saturday and is try­ ing his hand as a logger this week, working in the crew with Mr. Oarl. Sunday visitors at the J. A. Wirtz home were two families who immigrated with them from North Dakota to Oregon in 1936, namely Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Her- berholz of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wert and their two young Oregonian daughters of Sherwood; Mr. and Mrs. Lyche of Forest Grove who purchased the Wirtz farm near Banks three years ago and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beacom of Vernonia. The Lyches were accomponied by their three sons and Mr. Lyche’s aunt, Mrs. Davidson, of Bottineau, N, D. Mrs. Emil Messing of Vernonia took advantage of the nice warm weather Saturday to come over and help our two Mrs. Steeles pass the time more pleasantly. RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS UPGAIID’S 868 Bridge St. Ph. 1262 Vernonia, Ore. I suffered for years and arii so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.—NUE OVO Laboratories . Paint and Wallpaper Contract or day work DUTCH BOY ENAMEL AVAILABLE NOW GOT A MOUSE? Or does your car squeek because you neg­ lected a grease job at the right time? Thorough Shellubrication is one of our specialties. Geo. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta. Vernonia Agent for Kaiser-Frazer Corp. Growing Children Need Lots of Milk Nehalem contains elements your children for proper body growth, today for ' delivery to home. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. Phone 471 COMMUNITY AUCTION Every Saturday—11:30 1 mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road Cattle, Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, Chickens, Rabbits Produce Furniture, Farm Machinery, Tools, etc. Come to Buy and Sell Big Sale Large Crowds Ample Space OREN E. SUDTELL, Auct. Rt. 2, Bx. 100, Beaverton, Ore. be handled by The Eagle: Minimum of month. AUXILIARV Firat and Third Taetdajr* •¡Ma ad* NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. A. F. & A. M. A.F. 4 Masonie appear in may it* Chapter 50c over minimum, 3c each. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem minimum FACE ad*, ea.t 3 for the price of 2. Words Wednesday PERSONAL OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE, PORTLAND, OREGON, JULY 19, 1946: The following described personal property, seized from Earl L. Marshall, dba Marshall Logging Company, under war- rants for distraint for non-pay- . . ment of assessed taxes due, will be sold as provided by Section 3695 of the Internal Revenue Code, at public auction, on Wednesday, July 31, 1946, at the United States Postoffice, Verno­ nia, Oregon: Donkey with Mer­ cury Engine, Power Drums and Cables, J. W. MALONEY, COL­ LECTOR. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. min­ insertion* for the price of two. Hall I.O.O.F. Fourth over Three 25 CARD of Thank* & Notice*: 75c Pythian Sister* Meeting»: for 30c Word* word* BOLD Second charge imum, Vernonia Temple No. 61 CARLOAD LOTS of 7-foot split cedar fence posts. Also grape stakes. E. G. Roediger at post office. 22tfc MIST—Walter Batson’s mother is keeping house for him, while his wife is at Cornelius with her father who is very ill. Austin Dowling and Bernard LISTINGS on your homes, farms were visitors of the Geo. Jones’ and small acreage. Free apprais­ on Benson Lookout. als given. We have cash buyers Mrs. Crawford went to Port­ waiting to buy your place. Call land one day last week. Mrs. L. B. or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay- Eastman accompanied her as far ter Realty compa y, 528 S. W. as Forest Grove, where she visit­ Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, ed her son, Dell, and family. flhone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— The camps started on the hoot owl shift Monday morning. Sat- WANTED urday the thermometer registered LARGE camping tent. Mrs. Flor­ 104 here. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hayden and ence Kirkbride, Keasey Rt. 20t3 two daughters from Glcnoma, CARPENTER work of all kinds. Washington, were here Monday Fred Lundgren, 924 2nd Avenue. evening on their way to the beach 30t6 for a few days outing. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers took her WANTED: Hemstitching. Lois Clark, 291 A street. 30t3 guest, Miss Roberta Hill of Texas, to Roseburg Tuesday to visit rela­ LAWN MOWERS sharpened and tives. repaired. George Robbins, 526 First Ave. South 27t9 I.O.O.F. Mondays WOMAN to cook noon and evening meals for two men in nice home. Housekeeping also if desirod. Call 842 after 5:30 evenings. 30t3 FOR SALE—Real Estate MINIMUM Each Month SELL your cream and eggs to the Forest Grove Creamery. Build a market close to home good as Portland. Write or phone us for pick up arrangements. 30tfc THREE-ROOM modern house and lot. Inquire 445 North Street. 3013 Second and Fourth chain Price Rose 2813 Classified Ad Rates 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: WANTED FOR SALE—General LARGE size tricycle with drive, also coaster brake. $20. R. M. Beveridge, 1141 Ave. DIRECTORY SERVICE Legal Notices Seaside WARNING! • Before you start on a long vacation trip, have your car thoroughly overhauled. You can't take chances with bad brakes, faul­ ty steering, run-down battery, clogged filters, and worn equipment For your safety and comfort, repair the wear and tear of wartime driving. • Drive in to— GREENWOOD MOTORS Dodge and Plymouth Sales and Service Dodge Job-Rated Trucks Vernonia, Ore. Ph. 1121 OPPORTUNITIES YOU’LL FIND THEM EVERY TIME AT KING’S I That old adage about “opportunity knocks but once’’ doesn’t hold true when you purchase staples at KING’S counter! Every trip brings an opportunity for meal vari­ ation and delightful dishes to surprise the fam­ ily. They are full of rich goodness and hearty full-bodied flavor, too. Shopping time is something to look forward to when you do it at KING’S KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge , Phone 91 Riverview