Keasey District FAST, CONVENIENT ADS Events Listed LEGAL NOTICES - LODGE ANNOUNCEMENTS - DIRECTORY SERVICE FOR SALE—Livestock FOR SALE OR TRADE PIGS for sale. 10, $12.50, $15, $20, $25 and $35. Clarence Lacey on old Kelly place 5 miles south on highway 47. 26t3 THREE-ROOM partly-furnished house. Also 7-cu. ft. refriger ator in good condition. First house down steps by ball park. 26t3 FOR SALE—General ONE I.E.S. floor lamp; vacuum cleaner; lister; fresh cow, double tested; model A Ford. Henry Richert, Mist Rt., Sergeant’s place. , 25t3c ADDING machine rolls, sales books, scratch pads and signs. Get them at The Vernonia Eagle STARK BROS. nurseries and Orchard Co. now represented by Edwin Siedelman, Vernonia, Ore., Timber Rt., Box 31. 7-25-46 COLLAPSABLE baby buggy, $10. Gasoline Maytag motor. Mrs. Doris Grice, phone 5718, inquire on 10th st., Riverview. 27t3 GUITAR. Can be used Spanish or Hawaiian. Set of lessons free with purchase. 479 Rose Ave. or phone 837. 26tfc SIGNS FOR SALE: No hunting, No berry picking, No tresspassing No smoking. For rent, and For sale. Some printed on sign cloth for durability. See them at the Eagle Office. tf LODGES WANTED CARLOAD LOTS of 7-foot split cedar fence posts. Also grape stakes. E. G. Roediger at post office. 22tfe HOUSEKEEPER to do general housework and care for children in evenings. Board and room plus $20.00 week. Elderly woman preferred. Phone VErmont 3249, *1404 S.E. Tacoma St., Portland. Anyone interested can call this number and reverse charges. 26t4c WOMAN FOR general housework. Can give piano lessons in ex change for work if desired. 479 Rose Ave. Phone 837 24tfc LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. George Robbins, 526 First Ave. South 27t9 LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais als given. We have cash buyers waiting to buy your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay- ter Realty comp» y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— V. F. W. EGGS WANTED meeting*: Regular 2 & 4 Wed*. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn, Adjutant Sunnyside Service and Feed Best Cash Price AUXILIARY Regularly meet»: 1st & 3rd Wed. Phone 887 . 23tfc 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Carl Davis, Grand Noble D. William Shafer, Sec’y. 4-46- Meet« 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Faye Davis, Noble Grand Silvia Turner, Vice Grand Juanita Edwards, Secretary Ethel Peasnail Treasurer 3-47 Vernonia F. O. E. oF Order Eagles) 810 Bridge Street Vernonia 4th and 2nd 8 M. P. 7-46 Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge No. less. Second and imum, 2c each. BLIND Wednesday 2-47 Order of Eastern Star Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com Wed. month at Masonic Ten* All visiting answers to per 5c may its print that which the 1-47 as paid type line. meets Temple Masonic Communication at Stated first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Walter H. Kent. W. M. Hawkins, Sec’y. 1-46 American Legion VERNONIA POST 11» Meets first and Third Mon. Each of is fault, at part cases in an of typographical occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR NOON re adv. in For correvi intormaiion contact your nearest VETERANS ADMINISTRATION office. Yes, the American Red Cross still has doughnuts! In one recent month in Manila Red Cross girls served more than 46.000 of them along with 100,000 cookies and 15.000 gallons of fruit juice to homebound troops. Ann Barker, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, hands up a tray to happy Yanks as they arrive in trucks from camp all ready to board the snip. HAVE A New or Rebuilt Motor DISPLAY NEXT PAPER. - Timber • Gearhart AUXILIARv 1-47 - I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.—NUE-OVO Laboratories > UPGARD^S 868 Bridge St. Vernonia, Ore. Ph. 1262 Paint and WHETHER spanking is an effective discipline for child ren has been a subject of debate among parents and educators for years. There’s no question about the effic iency of EAGLE classified ads. CALL YOUR AD IN TODAY! Wallpaper Contract or day work THE VERNONIA EAGLE DUTCH BOY ENAMEL AVAILABLE NOW I J.E. Fossum Electrical Service Knight’s Bldg., 706 First St., Vernonia I CONTRACT — DAY WORK — INSTAL LATIONS — ALTERATIONS — REPAIRS Home Commercial Vernonia Beach Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 Industrial Phone 423 Xo drink is more satisfying than a glass of cold Nehalem milk or a cup of hot. chocolate. Hot or cold, Nehalem Dairy milk is an appetizing drink, and ft’s tops in energy-giving food value for children. No wonder it is called “the perfect food.” Ask for Nehalem milk by name. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. mistake Business • Professional Directory______________ BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS AT YOUR DOOR in will FOR EXCEPT WEEK’S Use Eagle classified for results. OR where Sunset - Elsie • Cannon month. First and Third Tuesdays paper published ads but IT BRINGS RESULTS AT YOUR STORE ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.M. in appear columns, EAGLE SUBSCRIPTION 52 GIFTS IN ONE— Is So Good Fcr You! be CREDIT ADS, 10c EXTRA FOR ers welcome. A. F. & A. M. F. Rate: matter. AN Nothing Else So Good insertions relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only ‘•M* Dorothy Sandon. Sec’y. Glen with ads LACE Plastic draperies that look like Chantilly lace are the achievement of a plastic manufacturer. They’re made of a semi-transparent film which can be made into aprons, shower curtains, garment bags. It doesn’t need laundering — just wipe it off with a damp cloth. Nehalem Dairy Milk handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75c. No information given sisters and broth Inez Powell, Worthy Matron & Three BILLING. pie. PROMPTLY ! 25 THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that each MAIL PREMIUM CHECKS min and of A.F. for over Words munication first 3rd GOVERNMENT INSURANCE. over minimum, 3c each. Hall of each month. Nehalem PROTECT YOUR BOLD FACE ads, minimum 50c ea., 3 for the price of 2. Words Vernonia Temple No. 61 Fourth _________ for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c Monday* Pythian Sisters and — PLASTIC THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1946 7 Telephone 471 30c charge MINIMUM Each Month Second ' ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and fire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773._______ 6tf- or I.O.O.F. r . MARRIAGE LICENSES mailed. No medical examination. Save a trip and layoff from work. Van couver Bridal Chapel Vancouver, Wash. 21tl0 words Fourth • SCRATCH PADS OF various sizes. Available at Eagle ■ MISCELLANEOUS I.O.O.F. Meetings: Meetings: VETERAN’S black traveling bag with clothes and personal belong ings between Vernonia and Sea side. D. E. Rutherford, Nehalem hotel, Room 11. 25t3 Vic Yetfayj Classified Ad Rates 116 Vernonia, Oregon Hall, FOUND: Eastern Star pin. Owner may have by calling at The Eagle office and paying for this ad. 27t33c RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kipp have purchased the John Hall property on Washing ton St., Vernonia, and plan to move this week. Friends here wish them good luck in their new location. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel West of Oregon City were week end guests at the T. F. Hillyer home. Mr. and Mrs. Famstrom and daughter of Vancouver were over night guest at the parental W. D. Steele home Saturday. They brought the news to the Steeles that their grandson, Allan Bil lings, of Portland had returned from an enjoyable trip east hav ing visited New York City and Washington, D.C. George Wood, Sl/c, telephoned his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wood, Friday that he had arrived in Oakland, Calif., that morning from a hospital in Honolulu, Ha waii, where he had spent several months. He told them he had made the trip as a litter patient and that after a week’s rect per iod he would be sent to the Great Lakes naval hospital for medical treatment. A vacation motor trip that will take three or four weeks was started Friday morning by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele and Mrs. Steele's aunt. They headed for Alberta, Canada, where Mrs. Steele and her aunt will check up on their property holdings and where auntie will remain. The Steeles will then go to New York state where they will visit vari ous places and tour the Big City. Enroute home they will come via Lebanon, Mo., where they will visit Mr. Steele's daughter and family. Tuesday midday luncheon guests at the J. A. Wirtz home were Mrs. Bertha Wirtz and Mrs. Rudy Kemper and the children of For est Grove. Mrs. Wirtz planned to go to Medford Wednesday where she has found employment. The Sozoff family motored to Portland Monday where Joanne was taken to the Dornbecker hospital for examination as her health has been poor for some time. FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- Fridays H. W. Carrick, pres. Geo. Armstrong, Sec”y. J. E. FOSSUM electric service. Knight's building, 708 First St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, in stallations, alterations, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial.. Phone 423.________________ 22tfc LOST AND FOUND Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge (Fraternal CARPENTER work of all kinds. Fred Lundgren, 924 2nd Ave. 21t6 Long Trip by Motor Started KEASEY—Lee Hall was a caller at the A. B. Counts home Saturday. The R. K. and J. O. DeVaneys have left for their vacation in eastern Oregon. They will be back after the fourth. Chet Fugate was a week end visitor at the James Bonnick home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Counts, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. DeVaney, and Eu gene Cleveland went to the beach to dig clams a few days ago. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Christensen, Mrs. T. Keasey, Barbara Keasey, James Bonnick, and H. Counts and daughter were visitors at the Natal Grange Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. White were visitors from Portland at the D. R. DeVaney home Thursday. Mr. White formerly lived here. Lloyd Osborn has gone to Cor vallis to attend the V.F.W. con vention. He will be gone over a week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osborn and daughter were visitors last week of Mr. Osborn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bittner. Mr. Osborn has just returned from over seas. Arthur Tousley has been visit ing at the O. S. Poynter home. James Bonnick was a week end visitor at the L. O. Gillham and H. DeWitt homes. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. , installed in your Dodge or Plymouth GREENWOOD MOTORS Dodge and Plymouth Sales and Service Dodge Job-Rated Trucks Vernonia, Ore. Ph. 1121 We Pay Cash For Your Car I