2 THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Our Great America ☆ fa Hack » TOPICS OF THE TOWN Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Eby from San Diego, California, were here for a few days visit with his brother, Dr. R. D. Eby, and Mrs. Eby. Dr. Marvin Eby formerly practiced here. Carlin Hackney has received hi» discharge from the army and has returned here where he and Mrs. Hackney plan to make their home. He was discharged at Ft. Lewis Friday of last week. Mr». Mary Herren has been vis iting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson and getting acquainted with her new grandson, Stephen Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman and children arrived here late Saturday evening and remained until Sunday noon at the home of his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Skuzie. Mr. and Mrs. Skuzie spent the afternoon Sun day at the home of his parents near St. Helens. Mr*. Hale Graves, who ha» been ill, and her daughter, Sigrid, and son, Ritchie, have been stay ing with her parents, the Fred Ovesons, the past week. Mr. and Mr». Ronald Ijarlan (Bernice Borton) spent Saturday and Sunday here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Borton before continuing to the coast on their wedding trip. Pete Lewi» Laramore is home from the hospital after four weeks at St, Vincents following a major operation on his back. He will wear a brace for six months. DANCE at Legion hall Satur day night. Music by Rhythm Vendors All-Girl orcheitra. Ad mission 75c including tax. 25tlc Listed as being ¿¡»charged from the navy is Max R. Millis, S2'c. He received his release from the personnel separation center at Bremerton on June 12. Mr. and Mr». Albin Colten and Mrs. Vern Syke» received a telephone call from her husband, daughter, Rene, of Hillsboro, spent Vern, last week from Manila, Saturday afternoon and evening Philippine Islands. From Manila visiting friends here. The Colsens formerly resided here. to San Francisco the message Albert Wood just returned late came by way of radio and from San Francisco here by phone. Re ly from a trip to Chicago, Iowa ception was very good here but and Missouri to visit his niece, poor in the Philippines. The call nephew and old friends. He re was completed two days after ports a grand time and that he started due to difficulty in of- just missed a hurricane in Mis taining a clear line. souri. He was not blocked by Mrs. Goldie Peter«on from San strike on the train trip and re Francisco visited her friend Mrs. Ruth Fowler, for a few day’s last turned home without mishap. week. They became acquainted when their husbands, Willard Peterson and Hal .Fowler attend ed radio school together at Cor pus Christi, Texas. Mrs. Fowler was with her husband three months while he was stationed there. Everything From Soup to Nuts Planning to <pend a week fish ing in the vicinity of Bend are Jack Nance, Kent Bauersfeldt and E. H. Washburn who left here Saturday. They were joined in Bend by Harry Kerns who is living there now. E. H. Washburn returned here from Seattle to make the trip before going to Phoenix, Arizona, where he and Mrs. Washburn plan to make their home. w At the Nehalem Market you will find a com plete assortment of exceptionally fine foods. You will also find a brand of service superior to most markets and one which will give you genuine satisfaction. Take our advice— SHOP NEHALEM NEHALEM 'Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Russell re turned to the city Saturday, after spending two weeks in the Seattle area. Rev. Russell had charge of building two dormitories, at Hall’s Lake, where the Nazarene .boys and girls and Young Peo ple’s camps of Washington are held each year. Mrs. Ru-sell con ducted a daily vacation Bible school at Kirkland, Wash. This was her second year in charge of the school.’ She was urged to return next year. MARKET AND GROCERY Phone 721 A COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE <11ECKACCOUNTS LOANS Banks, Oregon Yoqr Nearest Bank, Main Road to Portland MZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZU X AT HOFFMAN’S— ” Il II H N H H You should see the infi nite care used in prepar ing Nehalem milk for your use. It is safeguard- eil to insure purity, flavor and freshness. Cr’HtKt is no _Z finer gift than a watch — no finer watch than a BULOVAI PRICES INCLUO. /SPERAI TAX A. L. KULLANDER NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. WATCHMAKER — JEWELER OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTOR S. P. & S. RY. CHEVROLET DEALER CAR-SERVICE IS YOUR BEST CAR-SAVER H z H Z $1.25 H Z and 98c M Z H CARNU AUTO POLISH Cleans and Wiv Polishes in one easy application............................. pt. AUTO TOP DRESSING for leather and imitation leather. Waterproof», Preserves .......................... !1P*. 59c 50c safely and dependably until you get FOR LONGER CAR LIFE AND SAFER DRIVING-WE RECOMMEND THESE SERVICE OPERATIONS . . . IS THIS HOME? When you check up, aft er a fire, will you f i n fl your insurance too little to cover the value of your household furnishings? Itisbettertodothe checking now, before the H fire — and be sure of in Z surance sufficient to cov H er your loss. g Hoffman Hardware Co. ” H FOR HARDWARE—SEE HOFFMAN PHONE 181 Vernonia, Oregon M XNZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZMZHZHZ —keep it serving Mok® your vocation trip— and all trips—safely I Needs For Good Car Care £ 59c Nehalem Diary Milk Mr. and Mr». Emil Me»sing. Mr. and Mrs E. R. Hartzell, Mrs. Ellen Hanlon and Jack Shortridge were at Long Beach. Washington, for the past week end. Washington County Bank M coopts: Ci TIME » leni: >33« the secret behind the fine flavor of Mrs. Laura McCarter of Port land is spending the week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ^nd Mrs. T. F. Hillyer of River view. 100 new boxes to arrive soon PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW KAKWASII One ounce wash«» your car. No abraaive». no alkali, no »cap........................... TETTO FIRE EXTINGUISHER Positive auto fire protection CHAMOIS. Ideal for polishing t«en. 100% oil tanned FLEETWOOD MOTOR OIL. None bitter 2500-mile oil .................................................. Quality Control DANCE at Legion hall Satur day night. Music by Rhythm Vendors All-Girl orchettra. Ad- mission 75c including tax. 25tlc SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR YOUR VALUABLES H Mr. and Mr». Charles eBacom left Saturday noon for Minneapo lis to be at the bedside of their Vernonia, Oregon critically ill son-in-law, Ray Bow . Thurs.-Fri. June 20-21 ers. HER HIGHNESS AND THE Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steiner of BELLBOY Longview were week end visitors Hedy Lemarr-Robert Walker at the home of her parents, Mr. ORDERS FROM TOKYO and Mrs. Carl Enstrom. Mrs. Faturette in Graphic Technicolor Steiner remained for the week, while her dughter, laVelle, re Sat. June 22 STRANGE CONFESSION turned home with her father after Lon Chaney-Brenda Joyce spendng two weeks with her THE OLD BARN DANCE grandparents. Gene Autry Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing, Sr., are leaving this morning for _______ and CARTOON________ Haines, Oregon, where they will Sun.-Mon. June 23-21 spend the next three months va DEVOTION cationing and visiting relatives. Ida Lupino-Paul Henred-Olivia DeHavilland Mrs. John Rosa underwent a CARTOON and NEWS major operation at the Good Sa Tues.-Wed. June 25-26 maritan hospital in Portland Tues SHE WENT 1'0 THE RACES day. A telephone call to her James Craig-Franci» Gifford daughter, Mrs. B. W. Borton, re ported her as recovering satis Travel Log in Technicolor, Cartoon factorily. Lawrence RubbiEis, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Robbins, left Sun day night for Seattle, Washing ton, where he will spend the sum mer with his sister, Mary Jane. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS h H Mr. and Mrs. F. Sell •topped' in Vernonia last week enroute to Modesto, California, to see his sister, Mrs. Lewis Laramore., Mr. Sell has just returned from serv ice in France and has been dis charged from the army. Jo»/ Theatre Among those attending the oyster feed at Bay City Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frazee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc Entire and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spencer and Mr. arid Mrs. Carlin Hackney and family. Mi»» Margaret Anderson ar rived here last week end to spend Home on leave for 30 day» is the summer with her parents, Mr. MoMM2c Pete Shipman, son of and Mrs. C. L. Anderson. She has Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman. He completed her junior year at arrived here Sunday (Father’s Stanford university. day) night exactly two years Berger»on, who was taken since leaving to enter the service. to the Portland General hospital a He has one year and 10 months short time ago, is reported as more of his enlistment and just recently returned to this country making ltitle improvement. after being on duty in China. Mr. and Mrs. Cipha» De Ro»ia and son .Donald, were Sunday vis itors at the Olin Robbins home in Riverview. VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE 905 Bridge Street Phone 231 Vernon» Chock steering and wheel alignment e Test battery and electrical system e car engine De-sludge e Service dutch, brakes, transmission, rear axle • Lubricate throughout delivery of your new Chevrolet Today, more than ever before, H’e important to keep your car "o/ive"—to keep it serving you safely and dependably—until you can get delivery of a new Chevrolet! And the best way to do that is to come to us for ikilltd, nliabl», car-taving ur/kt, now and at regular intervals. Our expert mechanics—working with modern tools, genuine parts, quality materials—can add months and miles to the life of your car. Remember—we're members of America's fore most automotive service organization ;;; so come in, today! VERNONIA AUTO CO. PHONE 342 “A Safe Place to Trade” A