Schmick-Billings Rites Read Thursday Evening LET'S BE SOCIABLE Oswald-Roswurm Wed Saturday Eve Mrs. Mabel Graves Entertains Club A wedding ceremony for Mrs. Jeanne Oswald and Charles Ros- wurni was performed at 7:30 Saturday evening at the home of .he groom’s sister Mrs. Kate Mc­ Donald. Attending the couple were Mr. The Friendship club met with Mrs. Mabel Graves June 6 with the following members present: Ruby Biggs, Blanche Mellib, Pearl Wilkerson, Mabel Mahar and Ber­ tie Bassett. Present at. a guest for the event was Beverly Bassett. The club will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Mar­ vel Chalmers July 18. • F.O.E. Officers Named for Year Officers to act for the coming year for the Vernonia Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles were named a short time ago with Har­ old Carrick to act as worthy presi­ dent of the group. Other members named to of­ ficial positions are: Wallace Noakes, vice-president; Harry O’Brien, chaplain; Forrest Blount, Jr., conductor; George Armstrong, secretary; Warren Stevenson, trea urer; James Combs, inside guard; Ted Savage, outside guard, and Leonard Malmsten, Olscar Enstrom and Art Kirk, trustees Upon the care you give your hair depends the beauty of your coif­ feur. At this Riverview shop you can expect to receive the best of care and the most beautiful hair-do. and Mrs. Frank Lines, Sr. The ceremony was read in the presence of a few relatives and close friends and was followed by refreshments of ice cream and cake. Riverview Beauty Shop Phone 7712 BIG DATE JUNE 30< ' i FOR A ARMY MEN! The members of the Amercan A wedding of interest to many residents of this locality was that Legion Auxiliary met at the Le­ gion hall la t evening for a so­ of Miss Emmalene Billings, who cial gathering. on the evening of June 6 in a The center of attraction was beautifully-solemnized candle light the little table prettily decorate^ service at Wesleyan Methodist in jink and blue with a stork pre- church of Portland, became the Liding on top. Mrs. Ray Robert­ bride of Wayne R. Schmick. Rev. son was the recipient of many K. Mead officiated. Janet Walker lovely gifts. Refreshments were ».erved after and Mrs. Theodore Rutledge, cou­ a social evening of games and vis­ sins of the bride, sang. Mr. Billings gave his daughter iting. in marriage. She wore a dress of cream satin and delicate white Mrs. Ruth Wright net with a finger tip veil and Honored at Shower carried a bouquet of calla lilies. Mm Ruth Wright was the Mrs. Melvin Newby (Alice Bil­ lings) acted as matron of honor guest of honor at a stork shower and Geraldine Loyland and Pa­ given at the home of her mother, tricia Berquist were bridesmaids. Mrs. E. M. DeHart at 8 o’clock They wore frocks of pastel shades Tuesday evening, June 11. Mrs. and earred nosegays of Lprng M. L. Savage and Mrs. DeHart were hostesses for the 25 guests flowers. , Maryin Logan was best man present. The opening of gifts and the and ushers were Melvin Newby, Allan Billing.-:, Harvey Schmick winning of two prizes for games highlighted the evening. and Henry Bahr. Programs for the evening were A reception in the church par­ uniquely prepared in the form of lors followed the ceremony. The a bootee by the hdstesses. L. A. Billings family resided here • for many years. Miss Kent Honored • Thompson-Thomas Rites Read at Vancouver Clara Thomas and James L. R. Thompson were married at Van­ couver May 25. The couple was attended by his mother, Mrs. Mil­ lard Thompson and brother, Rob­ ert Thompson. The tervice was performed at the Vancouver Bridal Chapel with Carmen Sykes and Eleanor Thompson also in attendance. For Pasteurized I f you have been discharged from the Army—if you held a grade and wish to retain it—if you have dependents — then act now. . . . June 30, 1946, is the last day on which you can enlist in the Regular Army and still take advantage of two im­ portant benefits . . . retention of your old grade and family allowances. ENLIST NOW AT YOUR NEAREST U.S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION Family allowances for your dependents will be continued throughout your enlistment only if you enter the Regular Army before July 1, 1946. If you have been discharged from the Army and wish to re­ enlist at your old grade, you must enlist within 90 days after your discharge. And before July 1,1946. Think it over. Act now. A GOOD FOR JOB YOU U. S. Army Post Office Bldg. CHOOSE FINE THIS PROFESSION NOW! Auxiliary Members Enjoy Social Evening MILK CREAM and BUTTERMILK right from the farm to your door, write or call Telephone No. 7F51 CUR PRODUCTS ALWAYS SATISFY 11-22-46 Astaria. Oreg. THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1946 3 rt---------------------------------- • hour was spent honoring Miss church Sunday, June 9. The bride, Erma Kent with a bridal shower. given in marraige by her father, Delicious refreshments were served wore a white satin drefiB with from beautifully decorated tables. net and finger tip veil and car­ A miniature bride and groom, ried a bouquet of gardenias, white pink candelabras with white ta­ roses and sweet peas with white per?, white rosebuds and pinks, satin streamers. bride and groom place cards and Miss Maxine Brady, qister of many gayly wrapped gifts gave the bride, was maid of honor. She the tables a very festive air. wore a blue pastel dress and The refreshment committee was, carried a bouquet of sweet peas Mrs. Harry Sandon, Mrs. Emil and pink peonies. Virginia Millis Messing, and Mrs. Alvah Swan­ lit the candles. son. The best man was James Bur­ nett. Joyce Erickson, a cousin of the groom, played the wedding Christian Church Is march and the ushers were Jack Scene of Wedding and Ralph McDonald. Miss Shirley Ann Brady, daugh­ A reception was held in the ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brady, church parlors after the wedding. became the bride of Clair Sunnell, (More Society on Page Six) son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sun­ nell, at a ceremony read by Rev. 52 GIFTS IN ONE— Ernest P. Baker at the Christian AN EAGLE SUBSCRIPTION THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. At Bridal Shower After the regular meeting of Nehalem Chapter, O.E.S., Wednes­ day evening, a delightful social DRIVE SAFELY THIS SUMMER o Let us— Check cooling system. Tune-up engine. Inspect and renair brakes. Adjust front end. Align wheels. Touch up rust spots, remove dents. 7. Adjust headlights. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lee Motors Sales and Service PHONE 173 TIMBER IS A CROP - KEEP IT GROWING PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Modern, Luxurious Davenos Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon with wide, upholstered arms STOP AT THE 76 SIGN . . . for the best of post-j war gasolines. We also! invite you to inspect! this most modern of] service stations in Ver­ nonia. Designed For Comfort In Your Home Can be converted Into a bed at night Long-wearing beautiful coverings and sturdy construction assure you complete satisfaction. • • • Guaranteed all new materials Perfect Posture Support Expert Workmanship by Craftsmen BUSH FURNITURE Corner Second and Bridge Streets “Everything for the Home” And don’t forget — we use Union Oil lubri­ cants. JAKE’S SERVICE Corner Bridge & Weed OPEN: 7a.m. to 9 p.m. We Have Your Favorites For canned foods, packaged goods fresh produce or anything else in the food store line, you can be sure we have your favorites. Make grocery shopping at the Mill Market and Grocery a habit for the best in foods. Mill Market and Lockers (Successors to Graves’ Lockers) PHONE 776 ¡M rom of Foirr fFVO ore You’re helping keep forests growing for tomorrow when you drop your ashes in an ash tray. Flipped cigarettes burn trees and destroy jobs. This forest care message is sponsored as a public service by these firms Heath’s Service Station King’s Grocery Riverview Beauty Shop Vernonia Auto Co. DON'T BE THE CAUSE OF A FOREST FIRE