2 THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Bond Wagner, brother of A. F. Wagner, was here Sunday evening and Monday morning to visit his brother and family. He returned to his home at Oswego. SEE OUR NEW 1 ELGINS; Pat McCabe, student at Mt. An gel College, was here to xfisit friends and relatives from Wednes day until Friday. He left Friday for Astoria where he plans to spend the summer working be- fore returning to school this fall, He hoped to find employment there in a fish cannery, i Fred Coons of Hillsboro be- gan work here Monday morning its manager of the Safeway store during the vacation of Joe Fin nerty, regular manager. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Sunnell are making their home at Longview where he has employment in the post office. He will also pitch Softball this summer for the Amadon Machine Shop team. DANCE AT NATAL Saturday, June 22. Astoria Orcheetra. ltc Examples of the New Lord and Lady Elgin» A. L. Kullander Watchmaker — Jeweler Official Watch Inspector S.P.S. Ry. Mrs. Alice Malm.ten and grand daughter, Marguerite Thomas, of Forest Grove, are visiting rela tives in Lawndale and El Segundo, California. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Washburn left last Wednesday on a trip that will take them to Phoenix, Arizona, where they plan to make their home. From here they went to Seattle and then Spokane to visit before continuing to Ari zona. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Mr. and Mr». A. L. Kullander spent last week end at Seaside. Mr. and Mr». Kent Bauersfeldt spent last week end in Portland visiting. DANCE, Legion hall, Saturday, June 15. Red O’Brien's orches tra. Admission 75c including tax. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson enjoyed the Ice Follies Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa, John Whitaker and Mrs. Nola Brady and son, Wesley, arrived home Saturday afternoon from a trip to Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs. Rosa are still staying with the Lie- pokls in Portland. Lt. Harry Culbertson has been transferred from New Caledonia to Tonto where he will be in charge of the army weather sta tion. News of the change came in a recent letter to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Davies and son, Jack, of Huntington Park, California, arrived here Monday to spend two weeks at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davies. DANCE, Legion hall, Saturday, June 15. Red O’Brien’s orche»- tra. Admission 75c including tax. Leonard Cookson is the owner of a new Chevrolet H4-ton truck purchased from the Vernonia Auto company. The truck will be used to haul pulpwood to St. Helens. Nora Martin .pent Thursday be fore last with her sister, Mrs. Louise Hamnett. Miss Martin was in Portland for the Rose Fes tival and also a short rest from, her work as a singer with Eddie Cantor. She has also made sev- eral movies. Other recent guests at the Hamnett home were her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Martin from Portland, her grand mither, Mrs. Nora Brandon and also Miss Marilyn Jacobson, both of Anacortes. Mr. Janik (Nora Martins manager) also came. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nelson and daughters, Mrs. Marble Cook granddaughters, Marlene Cook and Mrs. Margaret Burich, and and Deanna Burich, spent a week visiting Mrs. Nelson’s father and several brothers and sisteih in Moscow, Idaho. Mrs. Nelson’s father is 84 years old and in feet health. "i LOST 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE X4 AGAIN'* MRS. C. O. WELLS. FT. WORTH A« Pictured Hsrs -> You may lose pounds and have a more Blender, graceful figure. No exercise. No drugs. No laxatives. Eat meat, potatoes, gravy, butter- The experience of Mrs. Weils may or may not be different than yours, but why not try the Ayds Plan? Look at these results._______ In clinical tests conducted by medical doctors more than 100 persons lost 14 to 15 pounds average in a few weeks with the AYDS Vitamin Gandy Reducing Plan. With this Ayda Plan you don't cut out any meals, starches, potatoes, meats or butter, you sirnplycut them down It’s simple and easier when you enjoy delicious (vitamin forti fied) A YDS before each meal. Abso lately harmless. 30 days supply of Ayds only S2.25. If not delighted with result«, MONEY BACK with the very first box. Phone NANCE NEW AND USED PARTS Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing » t With the new car shortage still limiting general sales, it is more than ever necessary to preserve the efficiency of your present car. The Chevrolet “Car Conserva tion” program remains your best assurance of thorough, satisfying service. Night and day, everywhere, in every way, expert service means pleasant, dependable car perform ance. First For Senice Vernonia Auto Co A Safe Place to Trade” PHONE 342 RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.—NUE-OVO Laboratories •Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon You’ll think so, too, after you’ve eaten at the Chat ’N Nibble A regular meal or a be tween - meal snack is swell at this friendly restaurant. CHAT ’N NIBBLE E. V. ROBERTSON CLEVE ROBERTSON l’hurs.-Fri. June 13-14 THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY George Sanders-Donna Reed Faihions for Tomorrow Featurette Cartoon BUSY BAKERS, June 15 CHINA SKY Randolph Scottjtuth Warrick TRAIL TO VENGEANCE Kirby Grant-Fuzzy Knight Sat. Sun.-Mon. June 16-17 WEEK-END AT THE WALDORF Ginger Roger»-I.ana Turner-Van Johnson-Walter Pidgeon NEWS Tues.-Wed June 18-19 THIS LOVE OF OURS Merle Oberon-Claude Rains "IT HAPPENED IN SPRINGFIELD” Featurette and Cartoon (Gillette Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday. LYNCH AUTO PARTS RIVERVIEW Phone 773 Adong lEndurance THE VERNONIA BAKERY will not open before 10 A.M. eaeh (lav * Mrs. H. Culbertson spent last Thursday visiting her mother, Mrs. L. L. Crawford at Manning. The occasion was Mrs. Manning’s 80th birthday and was celebrated with a luncheon at noon. Thirty- one relatives and friends attended. PHARMACY Tear out this ad a* a reminder emergency The Smart Way Mr. and Mrs. Hamnett and son spent week end before last at the home of his sister in Camas, Washington. DANCE AT NATAL Saturday, June 22. Astoria Orchestra. ltc During this food Continue to Save Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves were called to Sheridan on Wednesday by the death of Mr. Graves’ bro- ther, Dr. E. M. Craves. £ ruck Tire Everywhere Watch For The Pal Shop Special Each Week THIS WEEK: [Friday Saturday and Sunday] MAPLENUT and BLACK WALNUT We always have vanilla, strawberry and chocolate We make our own ice cream. Get pints and quarts in hand pack or brick and gallon cans, machine run. Order 5-gallon cans one day in advance. Gillette truck, bus and passenger car tires and butyl tubes are engineered to the finest quality methods on the most efficient tire machinery, in the laboratories of the world’s greatest pro ducer of rubber goods. The Pal Shop Gillette Loggers In Stock CLOSED EVERY TUESDAY 10.00x20 9.00x20 14-ply 12-ply Super Traction 7.50x20 10-ply Highway Tread ¡Every food buyer is concerned with the quality of the purchase* made for meal*, Vernonia boast of a grocery store that offer* the best in quality food* to be found anywhere- and that store i* Girod’s. At this modern store, expect to find the best. Store Close* at 6:00 P. M. Saturday* FREE DELIVERY CIKOirS FOOOSTORE 7.50x20 7.20x20 7.50x17 6.50x20 10-ply 10-ply 8-ply 8-ply United Electric & Supply Co Washington and A Sts. PHONE 7<l A