8 THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. RIDGEFIELD TO VERNONIA IS PLAY HERE SUN. TOP TEAM IN SUNDAY GAME Ridgefield will come here Sun- day to give Vernonia the first home baseball game this season although this game is the second originally scheduled. A previous home game with Scappoose was called because of rain. Fans will have the chance to see Vernonia and Ridgefield in action at the O-A ball park which is being readied for Sunday. The game is called for 2:30 the team managers, ■ Glen Hawkins and Lou Girod, say and a good contest is promised. The game is the first of five thati are Lcheduled for the local diamond in succession. Following Ridgefield, McLaughlin Heights on June 16 Clatskanie on June 23, Hudson on June 30 and St. Helens on July 7 will appear here. The Vernonia Country Club GREMLIN T OURMENT Here is an event you can’t afford to miss. Fun for everybody TEE-OFF TIME- 10:00 A.M’ Sunday, June 9 Public Welcome For information ask at club house or tourna ment committee: Kent Bauersfeldt Calvin Davis John Roediger Vernonia won another one Sun day. It was the diamond meet ing with Camas at the Camas park and it made the third win of the season as compared with one loss. So far the locals have taken the measure of Clatskanie, St. Helens and Camas but have been measured by Hudson in the second Vernonia try of the sea son. One game so far has been called because of rain and that was the fii' t one to be played here when Scappoose was to provide the competition. That game will be made up later in the season. Camas succeeded in getting eight connects off Rerschmidt and Vernonia got seven off the Camas hurler but one more time around the bases brought the win into the Vernonia camp 4 to 3. Both pitchers turned away six at the plate. - VERNONIA— H R Gordon, 8 ............................ 0 0 Girod, 4 ...»...................... 1 1 Bhandow, 9 ......................... 1 2 LaPorte, 2 2 0 Quinn, 3 3 ..........................0 0 Willhite, 7 ....................... 1 0 Cline, 5 ................................ 1 0 Byers, 6 ......... >................... 0 0 Deii-chmidt, 1 1 1 Totals .............................. 7 CAMAS— Fredich, 4 ........................... 1 D. Pickett, 5 ...................... 2 D. Miller, 2 ......................... 1 Newman, 9 ......................... 1 Kelley, 7 ............................. 0 Chevron, 3 ........................ 2 W. Pickett,6 ...................... 0 Andrew, 8 .......................... 0 Gott, 1 ................................ 0 Smith .................................. 0 Davis .................................. 0 Hall ...................................... 1 DISHWARE SETS IN OPEN STOCK 32, 64 and 94 pieces FLOOR LAMPS, PIN-UP LAMPS, BED LAMPS, TABLE LAMPS CLOTHES HAMPERS All aluminum, non-rust For cooking and serving SMOKING STANDS JUICE SETS Decorated glasses and server PLASTIC WARE Soap dishes, towel racks and shelves at half price We think CHEVRON i» the best gas in town. You’ll think so, too, after your first tankful. Rose Avenue Garage Phone 337 H. II. Sturdevant SPORTING GOODS, FRIGIDAIRES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE, TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS PAINT GIFTS AND HARDWARE Cruiser Axes ........ $3.45 Wcod W< t>d Camp Stove with Oven 30 in. x 13 in. x 16 in. ........ $18.95 Just the thing for berry pickers or camping .w / Dster Hair Clippers .... $2.75 1-Gal. Thermos Jug with Spigot .............. $4.95 i / 4/ Emerson Radios ............ $33.70 "¿fs - 55-lb. Roll Roofing Boots, light weight ..................................... $9.90 $2.50 Metal Body Wheel Barrow ........................$9.00 Croquet Sets $7.25 to $14.95 50-ft. Length Goodyear Garden Hose . . . $9.95 Rural Mai) Boxes ........ $1.30 Coleman G.I. Pocket Stove. Burns any gas $10.50 5-Gal Cans Auto King Motor Oil .............. $3.95 Two-way Talkie by Dictograph .............. $18.50 Apple’s Water Bags 2-gal $1.00; 3-gal. $1.25 //ft'-V/Z’* FOWLER’S New & Used Stere announced lej t week a pie social and dance at the Legion hall on the night of Friday, June 7. Proceeds from that evening’s event will be used to’finance the purchase of suits and equipment for the team. PETE BRUNSMAN . . . on hard-to-get items. Try the NEW and USED store for bargains and variety. If we don’t have what you want, let is try to »ret it for you. I I New Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 «r.m. EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK INCLUDING SATURDAYS 1 0 1 0 n 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 MAIN DISH EGGPLANT-Cut eggplant in half lengthwise and par boil for 15 minutes. Scoop out center, mash and combine with chopped cooked meat, % cup of bread crumbs, grated onion, and seasonings to taste. Add a beaten egg and mix well. Refill shells, dot with butter or marga rine, and bake in hot oven (400° F.) for 15 minutes. Serves 4 to 6. CARROTS AND SQUASH-Cut carrots and zucchini or Italian squash in thin slices, and steam in just a bit of water until tender, about 10 min utes. Season with salt, pepper, onion juice and sprinkle with grated cheese to serve. BROCCOLI—Season cooked broc coli with salt, pepper, and a table spoon or two of orange juice. Top with grated orange rind to serve. Simply delicious! An Extra Safeway Service Pie Social and Dance Legion Hall Fri., June 7, 9:30 p.m. Ladies Bring Pies FINANCE s? Director The Homemakers' Bureau ATTTENTION USED TO Practices have already started for the softball team to be spon sored by the F.O.E. and for which several games have been scheduled with teams in nearby towns. Managing the team is Andy Killian. The first practice was held May 27. The Fraternal Order of Eagles Cartel lûruJtc. CLOTHES BASKETS BE i Vernonia's four-man golf team didn’t get a chance to compete Sunday at the Forest Hills .tour nament which was scheduled but which was called off. Golfers had been practicing for the event for some time by attempting to reach one of the top four posi tions on the club ladder from which the four-man team was to be ¿elected. Instead, a blind bogey was the Sunday event at the Vernonia course. Three high players were Ben Brickel first, Frank Hartwick second and R. D. Jackson third. Consolation prize went to Edwin Ade. TOPPED ASPARAGUS - Cook asparagus stalks separately from tips. When tender, drain and mash stalks, adding a bit of evaporated milk and butter or margarine for a creamy consistency. Season and serve as a sauce over the asparagus tips. All sizes and styles WILL f. P SOFTBALL TEAM IS F.O.E. PLAN June is the month to treat your family to a vegetable spree! The wide variety of green foods in season right now makes it easy to enjoy salads and tempting cooked vegetable dishes aplenty. Buy where quality is guaranteed. Make your selections at Safeway. FRESH EGGPLANT See Carol Drake’s recipe in the left hand column. Cantaloupes S’i Plums Meat ufauiy Juicy Lemons i Ice cold lemonade ir „ refreshing in C*7 any weather , Jll • > TEXAS TOMATOES 19c j Firm and ripe. Delicious tn salads. ||j. lb. lb. 10c Dry Onions 3 21c lb.23c Cucumbers Älb. 25c Bermuda lbs. GLORIFIED GREEN BEANS— For a pleasing new flavor, sprinkle green beans with rf bit of nutmeg just before serving. OXFORD STONEWARE PROCEEDS Tom Bateman, Vernonia Coun try club president, still tops the ladder match play board for the club, Tuesday evening’s listings showed. The other nine players making up a list of the ten high on the ladder are: Kent Bauersfeldt Ed Reichwein Paul Dyer Calvin Davfe Jack Anderson Jim Davies C. L. Anderson Ben Brickel Harry King SUN. EVENT CALLED OFF 4 Totals ............................ 8 3 Vernonia ............ 000 103 000—4 Camas ................ 000 000 030—3 Bush Furniture Offers You The Items Below Bateman Still Tops Ladder EAGLES’ SOFTBALL TEAM Public Invited Order Carol Drake’s 194 G canning guide now This complete and colorful manual contains thorough directions about canning and freezing all kinds of food — fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, fish. Everything you need to see you through the entire can ning season is included in this con cise. authoritative booklet. It's all yours for a dime. Just send 10c in coin or stamps to CAROL DRAKE. Director The Homemaker's Bureau Box 2110, Dept. J San Francisco 26, California Fruit Juices Grapefruit Juice House can " 13* oT 31* Blended Juice TSSoL* 18* t 42* Orange Juice Xw >£n2 20* £ 46* Qt. Jar 29* Apple JuiCe New West Old Dutch Cleanser 2 cans 15« Duz Soap Powder 31K-OZ. pkg. 23« Oxydol Soap 24-oz. pkg. 23* Ivory Soap 6* Large 3/29* 3 bars 27 i Cashmere Bouquet White Magic Bleach 1-gallon Jug 32« Select Brooms Sturdy Each M.00 HWOWttFFCF We reserve the right to limit quantities Peanut Butter2lb 49 e ¡OF ■ » Real Roast lb. Jar 25e Raisins Raisins & Cenvalo, Seedless Breast, legs and Thighs. VI® Hearts, wings and gis- sards, lb. ■ Wing Tip,, FRESH HALIBUT Med. Size lb. By the piece W * 2-|b " 21* " Pk9- Pel Pak, Bleached P*0- Leg o' Lamb 40< Square AA ST'- Lamb Cut & A lb. 35< ,1A 44' £ 43« Lamb Chops Hen Turkeys Ä lb. 48« A Ik OQf Fresh Fowl Grade Dressed 10. e ’ 15;01 Ide 1 " Raisins Features for Friday and Saturday Turkey Cuts! / BEET SUGAR NÄnÄ49 ^35* £Lb68* Cinderella, Seedless lb. ... . • 1 Mason Jars LT ^.s1.35Q't;.83< Economy Jars -VK.S1.55 Q'tl 93* Jar Rubbers Ra^i^:n 3 PkJ0< Top Seal Rubbers ™'. 3Pk<.10‘ Jar Lids Kerr, r«. 1-doz. pkg. 3/25« Jar Caps Kerr, rec. Pkg. of 12 21« Mason Caps Ln;hok’<,orokf'Tr 15< Airway Coffee lb. bag 20« 3-lb. 58« Nob Hill Coffee whole bean, lb. bag 23* Edwards Coffee i lb. Jar 28« 2-lb. 54* Our Mothers Cocoa I 2-lb. pkg. 19* Canterbury Tea v;¿b- 22* 36* Meat Sauce Old Style 8-oz. bot. 20* Red Hill Catsup 13%-oz. bottle 14< 16-oz. Ripe Olives Medium Jar 24< Relish Nalley’s Hamburger, 12-oz. Jar 19< Sweet Mixed Pickles Golden Qt. 48< Deviled Ham Libby’s No. % tin 14« Sandwich Bags Pkg. of 40 10« Edam Tasty Cheese Pound 50< Deep Brown Beans Libby, 14-oz. can 10« Pancake Flour Suzanna 40-oz. pkg. 15< Flapjack Flour Albers 10-lb. bag 64< Prunes 24* Starr brand (Prepared) Balling Powder Calumet, 16-oz. can 1 ge " w Baking Soda %-«>• Jc P^fl- * Arm A Hammer Salt Bco-whit, J" e J * 49^ Prunes ( Dried > Cello pkg. 2 lbs. 27c ’OS. ■ • (Piam Orlod.) pkg. ’ Walnut Meats'53c Pkfl- Ready to us« you on noki for you* now or saffwav