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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1946)
LET’S BE SOCIABLE Bridal Shower Is Event of June 1 Marriage Rites Read At Heenan Home Sat. Mrs. Allan Backer, assisted by Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. E. J. Douglass, and Mrs. H. E. John, was hostess for a bridal shower honoring Miss Margaret Sturde vant on the evening of June 1. Entertainment for the evening included love songs sung by Mrs. P. Weidman and Sally Kasper, and poems read by Mrs. Backer. Crowning event of the evening was the opening of the many lovely and useful gifts by the bride-elect. Refreshments were served from a charmingly arranged tea table decorated with mock orange blos soms and tapers, over which hung a white wedding bell. Mrs. Judd Greenman poured, ices were cut by Mre. H. E. John, and the beautifully decorated bride’s cake was served by M^s. E. E. Garner to the more than fifty relatives and friends who were present. Miss Valda Larson and John R. Heenan were married at the home of his father on the Ore gon-American hill last Saturday at 4 o’clock. The marriage vows were read by Rev. Allan H. Backer before friends and relatives of the couple. The bride’s home is at Lake Preston, South Dakota, and she has been an instructor at the Washington grade school for the past two years. The groom is the son of J. F. Heenan. * The bride wore a gray suit with a corsage of Uhite orchids. The bridesmaid, Miss Velva Ramsey, was also attired in a gray suit and carried a corsage of talisman roses. Best man was Earsel V. Christensen. At the home reception, which followed the ceremony, Mrs. George Johnson poured and Mrs. Dave Marshall and Mrs. John IT'S KINGS FAME FOR BUrnfcide assisted with the serv ing. Mr. and Mrs. Heenan are mak ing their home at the Cherry Tree apartments. They plan a wedding trip to South Dakota later this year. • Margaret Sturdevant, Edgar Hartzell Wed Margaret Sturdevant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Stur devant, and Edgar Hartzell, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hart zell, were united in marriage at the Evangelical chui-ch in a morning wedding, June 1st. The bride was given in mar riage by her father; she wore a blue afternoon dress with white accessories, and carried an orchid corsage on a white Bible, which held white ribbons tied with rose buds. Willodine King was bridesmaid for her cousin, and Emil Messing, brother-in-law of the groom, was best man. Mrs. Allan H. Backer was soloist, and the traditional wedding processional “Here Comes the Bride” was played by Mrs. E. R. Frank. Rev. Allan H. Backer joined the couple in marriage in a double ring ceremony before the altar in a setting of mock orange blossoms and candlelight. Only relatives and close friends at tended the wedding. The young couple was honored with a reception after their re turn from a trip into northern Washington, by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing at their home on the evening of June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell are now at home in Vernonia, where Mr. Hartzell is employed by the United Electric and Supply com pany. Hershey-Haviland Rites Read at Hood River The wedding of Miss Helen Her shey to Albert Haviland was solemnized fit the First Christian church at Hood River on May 18 by Rev. W. O. Livingstone, for mer Christian church minister here. Both the bride and groom for merly resided at Vernonia. The bride was given away by her brother and the wedding march was played by Mils. Liv ingstone. Mr. and Mrs. Haviland plan to make their home in Portland. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1946 3 Evangelical W.M.S. Holds Regular Meeting The Evangelical W.M.S. held the regular meeting May 22. Mrs. Allan Backer continued her study « Mrs. Brickel to Entertain P.E.O. The Vernonia Chapter of P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet at 8 o’clock Tuesday evening, June 11, at the home of Mrs. Ben Brickel wtih Mrs. William Heath in charge of the program. Miss Ei-ma Kent Is Honored at Shower If you are not already a customer of this mod ern grocery and market let us prove it pays to shop here steadily. KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Riverview Phone 91 LOOKING AT THE FUTURE ! Open Saturday • • Completely redecorated and renovated • ® Now under the management of A.F. Wagner, Owner and manager CLOSED EVERY TUESDAY Due to ice cream rationing and in order to give customers an abundant amount, it is necessary to close one day a week. THE PALSHOP - BEAUTIFUL, PERMANENTS HAMILTON Hamilton has always been a fine watch in style UNEXCELLED SERVICE! of Africa and Mrs. L. Christensen was given a farewell handker chief shower. Delicious refrithments were served by Mrs. E. J. Douglass and Mrs. L. E. Stiff. HELENE CURTIS' PARK AVENUE MACHINE or MACHINELESS as well as in perfotmance The new Hamiltons which ate now Other nationally adver tised permanents COLD WAVES beginning to 'e-appeai cany on The Evangelical, Social hall was the scene of a beautifully ap pointed bridal shower on May 18 honoring Miss Erma Kent who will become the bride of Mr. Doyle McAninch on June 9. The room was attractively dec orated with numerous baskets of spirea and pink tulle bows. At one end of the room was a lace clothed table on which the gifts were placed. Over this hung a white wedding bell, with white streamers showering down on the beautifully wrapped packages. During the evening, solos ap propriate to the occasion were sung by Miss Sally Kasper, and Mrs. .Maxine Frank and several poems were read by Mrs. Allan Backer. After the bride-elect opened her gifts, delicious refreshments of ice cream and pink and white cake were served to the fifty-six guests by the committee in charge which included Mrs. E. J. Douglass, Mrs. H. E. John, Miss Margaret Stur devant, and Mrs. Allan Backer. • 52 GIFTS IN ONE— the fine watch traditions ot the old Ask about them A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER — JEWLER Official W’atch Inspector S. P. & S. Ry. RIVERVIEW REAUTY SHOP PHONE 7712 Mannello graduate At The Mile Bridge 8 years experience TIMBER IS A CROP - REEP IT ORO WINO HOW TO BREAK A MATCH Riff AMERICA GfiEW AN EAGLE SUBSCRIPTION w« r* n -p O O fi ) 2- « sr-g 5* 2J re o -r, » O T5 c ¿5 -t 3. C 3 «i Q_ P 5 n 0> O 3 ÿ 3 r* a. 3. nr r* 0- « ”O S' « <0 ft » c 3 o S. 3 X3 TJ <» r I «O cd CD We have the material and experience to do your wiring job according to state specifications. • The Nehalem Valley will soon have surplus power due to the ingenuity and in tegrity of the West Oregon Electric Cooperative. • However, this power, being of higher poten tiality and a grounded system, the electric wiring of 10 to 20 years ago with no grounds, no panels and old and too small wires, make it abso lutely essential to have your present wiring system inspected. For Your Own Safety and Sober and Industrious Work Call Your United Electric and Supply Co. Washington and A Streets State Licenta No. 510 Phone 113 “A SQUARE DEAL OR NO DEAL” WO/M/AfG yQy Vernonia Cleaners PHONE 1211 MADE TO MEASURE SUITS We've Got Something to Crow About WE EXTEND our hospitality to one and all and we sincere ly want our friends and custo mers to enjoy every minute of their stay with tfe. If it’» a cup of coffee or a full dinner, you’ll find our service superb. CHAT ’N NIBBLE E. V. ROBERTSON When you break a natch you know it’s out. You know it can’t start a forest fire. Keep trees working for yon by keeping ’em growing! This forest care message is sponsored as a public service by these firms: Kullander’» Jewelry Store Cozy Confectionery Miller’s Department Store Bush Furniture, Funeral Home Girod’s Food Store United Electric & Supply Co. Hoffman Hardware Co. Vernonia Service Station Lew’s Place Vernonia Bakery CLEVE ROBERTSON DONT BE THE CAUSE OF A FOREST FIRE