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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1946)
2 THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Our Great America ☆ fa Mack TOPICS OF THE TOWN Here from Stayton for a recent week end at the Ed Frazee home were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ne.son. Mrs. Frazee and children have spent several summetis in the past at the Nelson farm where they have picked beans and other farm produce. Unexpected truest Sunday at the Ray Harvey home an C street was W. A. Ferguson, who is a member of the engineering staff of the Pacific Power and Light company at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson plan to spend sev eral days this summer fishing with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Not mentioned as attending the birthday party held a short time ago for Mrs. Olive Powell was the name of Mrs. Edith Baker who was present instead of Mrs. Allan Backer as was stated in an account ¡of the event which listed the names of guests attend ing. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Darst left here Friday of last week for Bend where they will make their home. They have purchased the Packard agency there. Ralph W. Reithner spent two days here last week end visiting friends. He resides in Portland now, but formerly owned a cloth ing store here. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing were Joi/ Theater Vernonia, Oregon Thurs.-Fri. June 6-7 ABBOTT AND COSTELLO IN HOLLYWOOD Smart as a Fox Cartoon and Sports Sat. June 8 YOLANDA and the THIEF in Technicolor with Fred Aslaire Lucille Bremer and CARTOON Sun--Mon. June 9-19 OUR VINES HAVE TENDER GRAPES Margaret O’Brien-Edward Robin son NEWS CARTOON SPORT Tues.-Wed. June 11-12 BEWITCHED with Phyllis Thaxter and Edmund Gwenn TWO O'CLOCK COURAGE Tom Conway-Ann Rutherford among those from here who at tended the Ice Follies in Portland last Thursday evening. DANCE Saturday night, June 8, I.O.O.F. hall. Rhythm Vendors All-Girl orchestra. Admission 75c including tax. ltc Visiting at McKenzie Bridge last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frazee and children. They were guests of Mrs. C. S. Hoff man at her summer home there. Mr. and Mrs. Dickhaut left Monday for Stockton, Calif., where he is engaged in the truck ing business. They have sold their home and most of the fur nishings to Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Schlegel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cason, who had just returned from a wedding trip to Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., were guests at the Dan Cason home a week ago Sunday. Jimmie Ray, formerly of Ver nonia, has just been promoted to Seaman first-class. He enlisted last January for a two-year term. He is now serving on an LST as a cook and his ship is sched uled to sail July 1 for Shanghai, China. Mrs. Jack Nance just returned from San Francisco where she visited her son, Jack E. Nance, S2'c, who at the present time is stationed at Treasure Island. He expects to be shipped to Pearl Harbor soon. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hewes of Multnomah, sister and brother-in- law of Mrs. Jack Nance, also vis ited in San Francisco and returned home with Mrs. Nance. Lowell Hieber haj received h’s discharge from the service. He received the release Tuesday of last week at Fort Lewis where he has been stationed for some time. The discharge was re ceived three and one-half years to the day after he entered the service. Mrs. Mary Walker of Hillsboro, mother of Mr“ Frank Hartwick, spent from Friday to Sunday here visiting her daughter. Mrs. Dora Washburn is living now at Albany, Oregon, at 1305 Calipooia street and will be happy to hear from her friends living here. i Mrs. O. T. Bateman and son, Steven, were at Hilhboro last Thursday and Friday to visit Mrs. Bateman’s mother, Mrs. Stevens. DANCE Saturday night, June 8, I.O.O.F. hall. Rhythm Vendors All-Girl orchestra. Admission 75c including tax. ltc Harold Parker and Olin Rob bins, were at Rueburg and Myrtle Point over the week end. Harry Burtraw was a visitor at the home of his cousin, Olin Robbins, a week ago Saturday. Receiving his discharge from the navy on June 1 under the point system was Ens. Jack Olin. The release was made at the 13th naval district headquarters at Se attle. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bush are the parents cf a daughter, born June'4 at the Emanuel Hospital in Portland. Roscoe C. Shipley, elderly Ver nonia resident, taken to Port land June 3 in the Bush ambu lance to the Pilgrim nursing home. 9 Musical and radio programs playing a full hour before an au dience of train travelers will be an early railroad innovation, a manufacturer of wire recording machines report-,. Club and lounge cars will get them first. No extra charge for the enter tainment en route. We are wilSi Govcï'BBineiiit flour restrictions When old .sol really gets down to business, there’s just one place to beat his punch— ____ • DESSY’S • A cold brew is awaiting you there. VEKNONIA BAKERY Phone 991 SXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHÏHXHX» H H £ H H H PAINT! H H H H H H H H H H I. H H INTERIOR GLOSS FINISH .................... REP-QUICK ENAMEL ....................... AMERICAN BEAUTY ENAMEL ....................... PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL ....................... SEAL SELF FLAT WALL FINISH $jio H $J50 H $225 I NOW—NOT LATER IF YOU expect to be paid for damage to your home, your household goods, or your automobile, be sure to get your insurance be fore a loss occurs. Better have all your in surance checked NOW by this Hartford agency. VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE Phone: 231 905 Bridge Street Vernonia FILL ’ER UP WITH SHELL . . . and enjoy a tankful of driv- ing pleasure. This high grade fuel for your motor will bring out the best performance in your car. { | ! i Vernonia Serr. Sta. H H $|25 H $J15 . H FOODS H Famous for Flavor H YOU’LL GO A LONG WAY TO BEAT THE FLAVOR OF OUR FOODS. OUR POLICY IS NOT TO STINT ON COST WHERE QUALITY IS INVOLVED. BY FOLLOWING THIS PROCEDURE AT ALL TIMES, WE HAVE BUILT UP A REPUTATION FOR GOOD FOOD AND YOU CAN BE SURE WE INTEND TO MAINTAIN THAT REPUTATION. Store Closes at 6:00 P. M. Saturdays A Good Selection of Colors on Hand BRUSHES AND THINNERS Hoffman Hardware Co. FOR PAINTS—SEE HOFFMAN PHONE 181 Vernonia, Oregon H X H H X S hxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxh » H Dessy’s Tavern H H The American Legion Auxiliary has expressed its thanks to the organizations listed below for their contributions towards fi- nancing this year’s senior ban quet. Those who contributed are: Neighbors of Woodcraft ... $2.00 Deborah Circle ..................... 2.00 Martha Circle ....................... 1.00 Pollyanna Circle ................. 2.09 S.D.A. Church........................ 2.50 Loyal Women of Christian Church ........................... 2.09 I.O.O.F. Lodge’..................... 5.00 V.F.W. Auxiliary .................. 2.00 V.F.W. ................................... 5.00 En tern Star 4.30 I.W.A. Lodge 5-37 10.00 Woman’ P.elief Corps..........2.00 Pythian Sisters .................... 3.00 Study Club .............................. 2.00 O Manufacturers áre naw mak ing orchids out of plasties—for the ladies who want to wear them more than once. $10 a bloom. Production first (started in a west coast veterans’ hospital a, the rapy treatment. ! : A restriction on the use of flour is now in effect to provide food for starving people in war ravaged countries. WE URGE YOUR COOPERATION Don’t waste bread and flour products, but provide your familv with the best, VERNONIA BAKERY PRODUCTS. Banquet Donors Get 'Thank You' FREE DELIVERY ainoirs Foon store • ™ o !, e «•