8 THURSDAY, MAY SO, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. were being paid an average of more than $67 a week. Government figures show that ■oft coal miners, before striking, Game Called; Camas Next Conference Tells Chapter Duties on the use of flour which pre­ vents the owners from baking the quantity of products they former­ ly provided for their customers. bring chapters up to date on new policies and to define the respon­ sibilities which the chapters have in meeting needs of servicemen and veterans. Part of the future work of the Columbia county chapter will be handled by the camp hospital committee which is ready to ad­ vise citizens on items or services which will assure hospitalized men they are not forgotten. • The weather took an unwelcome The Columbia county Red Cross hand Sunday and destroyed the chapter will concern itself with chance for Vernonia baseball fans meeting new production quotas to see their first home game for civilian relief abroad, fur­ against Scappoose. Sunday’s driz­ thering the famine emergency zle also makes necessary a dou­ and embarking on a program of ble header when the two do meet forest fire prevention in coopera­ tion with the U.S. forest service. NEW HOURS STARTED later on in the schedule. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Peter­ Laßt Sunday’s wetness came That is the schedule outlined at after the local team’s manage­ a regional conference in Portland son, ownens of the Vernonia Bak. ment had received the “go ahead” early last week which was at­ ery, this week announce a new to use the O-A ball park and tended by county chapter repre­ opening hour for the concern. The doors will open at 10 a.m. due equipment had been put to work sentatives. The two-day meeting served to to present government restrictions Saturday to get that field smoothed and ready for the next day. Next Sunday will take the Ver­ nonia squad to Camas to cross bats with one of the top league Sélect the garage where «thorough atten­ teams, Manager Glen Hawkins tion to auto servicing is the watchword for ev­ said early this week. ery job. Every lubrication point is checked • • The Vernonia Country Club IS OPEN FOR AND ENTERTAINMENT AS YOU LIKE IT Service Specialists See us also for your golfing needs when we get the order—“Grease ’er up.”' Property Set Aside for Vets GOLFING • H. H. Sturdevant Rose Avenue Garage PETE BRUNSMAN Veterans’ certificates to pur­ chase surplus property for their own personal use are now avail­ able in every selective service board office in Oregon, it was disclosed this week by Hugh E. Reason, director of veteran^’ af­ fairs. Veterans in Ctegon can be cer­ tified as eligible by going to their local draft boards and applying on blue form WAA 73. SPORTING GOODS, FRIGIDAIRES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE, TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS PAINT GIFTS AND HARDWARE $3.45 Cruiser Axes $2.75 Oster Hair Clippers Croquet Sets $7.25 to $14.95 50c 10-qt. Galvanized Pails AU-Metil Wheelbarrow $9.95 $1.30 Rural Mail Boxes per foot lc Cotton Clothes Lines Apple’s Water Bags 2 gal $1.00; 3-gal. $1.25 Coleman G.I. Pocket Stove. Burns any gas $10.50 54-pc. Set Thistle Pattern Dishes $18.95 24-pc. Set Plated Tableware ..................... $11.95 6 knives, 6 forks. 6 teaspoons, 6 tablespoons Daisy Deluxe Swing Away Can Opener $2.00 Best Scissors Car Jack Made $5.55 5-Gal Cans Auto King Motor Oil .............. $3.95 Two-way Talkie by Dictograph .............. $18.50 Large Metal Waste Basket ...................... $1.35 St« SAFEWAY fa- yw P/c/iic SuppfaSf The month of May brings outdoor at­ tractions that few can resist. Mild weather and green countryside combine to make it a perfect season for picnics. So why not plan your picnic today. Select your picnic supplies at Safeway. SICKS' SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING CO. Sinn 1878 .* f.G. Skk, fm. THE FACT IS Biltmore Fancy TUNA FISH Now 5acA of Safeway— By GENERAL ELECTRIC The Tuna That'* Tops No. l/j QQ< can &O Two Kinds: Regular (white label) with fine, full bodied tuna flavor; or delicately seasoned (black label) for brand new taste appeal. (Present supplies are limited—More In the near future) WALNUT MEATS Ready l/j lb. E3* To use Pkg. Ww Airway Coffee & 20* 58* Nob Hill Coffee 23* Edwards Coffee X‘™p 54* Canterbury Tea Black pkg. 85* Grapefruit Juice House Can 31* Baby Foods S 1111 7* Pancake Flour brand pkg. 15* Soda Crackers ££? £ 19* Sno-White Salt Iod!zedOr Pkg. 7* K»*" S. \ /NAME THEM?'' THERE ARE MORE THAN 200 PRACTICAL USES FOR ELECTRIC­ ITY ON FARMS. G.E. HAS A STAFF OF FARM SPECIALISTS WHO DEVELOP ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND METHODS TO IMPROVE FARMING. FIGHTS TB 10* PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER PEANUT BUTTER 1Î \ ««%. #l' 1 A* Br’schweiger 41* 43* a 39* Lamb Chops Riba. Sr. AA, ». 4Cw A A G—tasteful Wieners Gr. ’A* Fowl Skinless, Type 2 Lunch Meat Minced AG 4fl* Dressed ». Frowns II 1A Are fee Economy Jars /‘.$1.55 93« Jolly Glasses 8,u“ Peanut Butter Tru'yl-lb. 9O* 2-lb ’55< Fresh! Jar db < Jar WW MEATS GUARANTEED TO PLEASE PRUNES it 27* ii 49* PEANUT BUTTER ■■■■MP*] Dried IT SOLVES COMPLICATED "MATH* PROBLEMS THAT OTHERWISE WOULD TAKE YEARS TO WORK OUT. IT WAS BUILT BY GENERAL ELECTRIC TO HELP SPEED SOLUTION OF IMPORTANT RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING PROBLEMS. Dill Pickles c£- 2^°rz 39* Libby Pickles 28< Chopped Olives b S 14< Horseradish Mustard 10< Hot Mustard O l & 8J q 7 19< Potato Chips si»1 15< Shoe String Potatoes ^oV2 13« Cheese Spreads Assorted 5£- 20< King Solomon No. 1 tjdrUlneS Natural or Tomato Tall IV* Orange Drink VX ¿139*^ KOOl Aid R^Ä Ä 3pkts10< Sandwich Handiwax Pacific Shta. 55< ELECTRIC Ostrum Brand Can Containing 6 Boxes Tornito« Finn, ripe ones lb. Aspanois Al green ». Cabtage ft— mid hoods. 15c Cucumbers Local hothouse 19c Orang« Juicy Valendoa 8C Lemons ». Especially iulcy 25c ». 11c a lie