4 THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1946 as spotted, lighter than last year, while present indications are that Anjou pears will be very good. However, June drop can make a big difference in final pack. The Delicious set is said to be generally fair, but some orchards COUNTY NEARING with light bloom did not set too CANCER QUOTA H I L L S B ORO — Washington well, field men have found. county donations to the fight LARGE FUND ON against cancer are close to the CITY BALLOT $2562 quota. Feature of the drive FOREST GROVE—What is be­ is the effort made by Hillsboro lieved to be the largest amount area wtich is $600 above its ever asked by the city of Forest Grove came before the voti's last quota of $900. Lagging in the drive was For­ Wednesday when ballots were ca t est Grove which hats turned in in a special election asking per­ only $75 toward a quota of $700. mission to issue $700,000 in bonds Beaverton reported $50 more for water and sewage improve­ than its quota of $300. Commun­ ments. ities reaching their quotas in­ The bond measures were in two clude Tigard, $150; Banks. $100; acts on the ballot. The act to Gaston, $50; Sherwood, $50. Ce­ finance improvements and expan­ dar Mills turned in $25 and North sion of the city water system asked $300,000 in general obliga- Plains $50. tion bonds. PEAR CROP MAY BE The second act asked $400,000 LARGEST IN HISTORY HOOD RIVER—As it looks now for rehabilitation of the city’s the Bartlett pear crop in the sewer system as demanded by valley may well be the largest state health laws, These bonds cannot be paid by revene as the ever harvested. The set on cherries is described sewer system has none, In both cases the acts provide»for maxi­ mum four per cent interest. The special election was climax of several months of discussion and investigation by consulting engineers and council members. Events in Oregon Everything Complete From eoup to dessert, Chat 'N Nibble meals are complete. They satisfy the appetite and they satisfy the body’s needs for nourishment. CHAT ’N NIBBLE E. V. ROBERTSON CLEVE ROBERTSON At the Churches NAZARENECHAPEL The church that cares. —H. L. Russell, Pastor 1208 Bridge St. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday—Praise and prayer. ASSEMBLY OF GOD —Rev. H. Gail McIlroy, Pastor 9:45—Sunday school with clas- ses for all ages. 11:00—Morning worship. 7:30—Evangelistic service. 8:00—Wednesday, prayer meet­ ing. 7:30—Friday, People’s Night. FIRST CHRISTIAN —Ernest P. Baker, Minister 9:45—Bible school led by M. L. Herrin. 11:00—Morning worship and Jun­ ior church. 7:30—Sunday evening service. 7:30 Wednesday—Prayer meeting. To start hi « car A CLEARFIELD, UTAH, AUTÜI5T sot oMLy peculiar Noises — FINE COFFEE • •NO W0APER--- RAlSlHS THE HOOP HE FOUNP A CAT IN THE EAÑ LENDING LIBRA«/ $4-,000.000 SHUT in research . riant . ETC: By A RUBBER MANUFACTURER MAKES EACH- WORKER'S JOB REPRESENTA OOO INVESTMENT DexlJAMIIsl FRflÑKLINl " ESTABLISHED THE FIRST CIRCULÄ7IN6 LIBRPRÿ IN PHllfl PHIR IN 1731 , YES, YOU’D FEEL PUNK TOO . . . if you had my aches and pains. What I need is a diag­ nosis by IRA LEE and then some of his treatment for my troubles. Lee Motors Sales and Service PHONE 173 lost 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN” MRS. C. D. WEILS. FT. WORTH As Pictured Here -> You may lose pounds and have a more Blender, graceful figure. No exercise. No drugs. No laxatives. Eat meat, potatoes, gravy, butter. The experience of Mrs. Wells may or may not be different than yours, but why not try the Ayds Plan? Look at these results.____________ In clinical tests conducted by medical doctors more than 100 persons lost 14 to 15 pounds averafte in a few weeks with the AYDS Vitamin Candy R ed u cinft Plan.______________ With this Ayds Plan you don’t cut out any meals, starches, potatoes, meats or butter, you simplycut them down It's simple and easier when you enjoy delicious (vitamin forti­ fied) AYDS before each meal. Abso­ lutely harmless. 30 days supply of Ayds only »2 25. If not delighted with result*. MONEY BACK with the very first box. Phone Tear out thi» ad a« a reminder NANCE PHARMACY I / "T h EBE ARE -■■W! / AT LEAST tifUPy l2 piFFERENT EZÍ 1 KIÑPS OF AMPLE TREES IN THE U.S. (J; Sf.APSHO^g Members of congress are not­ ing and reporting increasing evi­ dences of bitter public resent­ ment against John L. Lewis and against labor’s high-handed tac­ tics. Even some of labor’s sup­ porters on the Hill are beginning to admit that labor has the whip hand and is using the whip too liberally. Nevertheless, the ranking labor leaders will make no concessions. This became evident during the recent Labor-Management Confer­ ence, which got nowhere because labor had all the advantages and wanted to keep them. Manage­ ment had nothing to bargain with. Results Noted The Truman administration is well aware of the real situation, but it has never lost sight of one thing—labor votes. However, this politically-con- scious capital noted the results of several recent primaries with keen interest. Observers pointed to the race in Birmingham, Alabama’s predominantly industrial area, where Rep. Luther Patrick, who had CIO endorsement, ran behind Laurie Battle, a veteran. Rep. Pat­ rick not only had the solid sup­ port of the CIO but he voted for OPA in the house and made much of the fact during the campaign. Also held significant was the fact that no house member who voted for the Case bill—passed overwhelmingly as a step toward a sound national labor policy based on equality and responsi­ bility—was defeated in the May 8 primaries in Vidiana, Alabama and Ohio. Nor were any who voted for the bill defeated in the Illinois primary some weeks ago. • • ' --------------------- ------------- 11 ---------- — • - ....... NEW AND USED PARTS Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday LYNCH AUTO PARTS RIVERVIEW Phone 773 w 1 If Experienced cabinet maker Free Al Normán “¡ ilzí bui “ *° order FOR CLASSIFIEDS THAT CLICK—THE EAGLE UPC ABD'S 868 Bridge St. Vernonia. Ore. Ph. 1262 Paint and Wallpaper Contract or day work Plumber. Repair and new installation. Call for free estimates of work. Ed Roediger C. I. Anderson Electric water systems. Free installation & free service for one year. ANDERSON WOODWORKING SHOP Wallpaper Riverview Phene 575 » “I to all who believe the Message. Lean wholly on Christ and prove No, Uncle Sam does not set a the new life. banquet for the fellow who robs the bank. Instead, he trails him, catches him, tries him and puts 3101 S. W. McChesney Rd., Port­ him behind the bars. And just so, land—1— Ore. This space paid Almighty God backs up hiß law for by a Portland family. which says that the soul that sins, it must die. peath here, refers FISHING FOR BARGAINS? to Bible death which is eternal DROP YOUR LINE IN THE separation from God. Bible death, CLASSIFIED COLUMN. to be set out with the godless for­ ever, out in the weeping and wail­ ing, in eternal dark. Bible death takes in a lot of good folks who think God will okay their sin of rejecting Christ as Saviour and Lord. And how does God back up His law? God put your sins on Christ, The law followed over and demanded His death. So Christ both suffered death for you and at the same time, upheld God’s holy law—The soul that sinneth, it must die. Christ died The secret of a few minutes to set you free and uphold God’s to talk over the days events. law. And another secret is—you’ll His mother began to weep for she didn’t feel saved. So Sonny find" the best coffee ran for hi» Bible and read John 3:16, that God so loved her He gave Christ to die for Believe on Him and you eternal life.—“It’s still in Bible, Mother and you’re saved.” So Sonny tells her. Bus Depot Same for us. Count your sins blotted out by Christ’s blood and prove the new life that God gives Uncle Sam Gets Busy THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. EVANGELICAL —Rev. Allen II. Backer, Minister 9:45 — Sunday school program 11:00 —Morning For Christ worship service. 10 — Junior Endeavor and Evangelical Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. — Evangelistic service. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Rev. Anthony V. Gerace Rev. J. H. Goodrich Mass: 9:30 a.m. except first Sunday in month—Mass at 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Confessions from 7:4 5 a.m. on. United Electric & Supply Co Wahington and A Sts. Phone 113 GILLETTE CUSTOM 1IUIUT TIBES—BUTYL TUBES SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST J.E. Fossum Electrical Service Knight’s Bldg., 706 First St., Vernonia CONTRACT — DAY WORK — INSTAL­ ALTERATIONS — REPAIRS LATIONS Home Commercial Phone 423 Industrial Services on Saturday: 10:00 a.m.—Sabbath school. 11:00 a.m.—Gospel service. A cordial invitation is extended to visitors. LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school convenes at 10 a.m. at 925 Rose Ave und­ er the direction of Charles Long, Branch President. Polly H. Lynch, Superintendent. 7:00 P.M. — Evening Sacrament i WANT TO BUY Don’t Let It Throw You Tires will continue to be scarce during 1946. Demand will exceed production by about 15 million tires. The answer is—bring your car in NOW so George or Jack can check the tires. Geo. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta. Vernonia Agent for Kaiser-Frazer Corp. GRAVES’ Grocery Phone 776 ALDER LOGS—8 ft. or LUMBER Air-Dried or Green ALDER LUMBER” 1321 American Bank Portland IX STOCK GILLETTE LOGGER ROCK SERVICE ...... HEAVY SERVICE HEAVY SERVICE HEAVY SERVICE HEAVY SERVICE HEAVY SERVICE 10.00x20—14 PLY .9.00x20—12 PLY .10.00x20—12-PLY .8.25x20—10 PLY -.7.50x20—10 PLY .7.00x20—10 PLY .6.50x20— 8 PLY r IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING TIRE TROUBLE, EI- THER IN PASSENGER OR TRUCK CASINGS, PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR IMMEDIATE OR FUTURE DELIVERY AT ONCE! TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES BEING WHAT THEY ARE, WE ARE UNABLE TO RECEIVE FACTORY DE­ LIVERIES ON SCHEDULE.