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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1946)
2 THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. OurGreatAmerica^ 4^ Mack TOPICS OF THE TOWN DANCE AT NATAL Saturday, June 1, Astoria orchestra. ltc Frank Taylor, Republican pre cinct committeeman and state del egate from Columbia county to the state central committee, was in Portland Tuesday, May 21 to attend a state committee meeting. Principal business of the gather ing was the election of a succes sor to Neal Allen, state chairman, resigned. James Rodman of Eu Columbia gene was selected, county wad represented by a full delegation. to you. in some of the brews that have Paul Gordon spent Monday in Portland attending the Oregon state tuberculosis association as director of that group from Co lumbia county. made America famous. Dessy’s Tavern Mr,. Harry Culbertson, Mr«. Elmore Knight, Mrs. Frank Hunt er, Mrs. Knight’s mother, and Truman Knight visited at Spring field Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Culbertson who have just HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXKl Wood Preservers H H H CARBOLINEUM WOOD PRESERVER For Post., Pole., Ties, Sills, Joi.t., Floor. ............................. Gal. H H H H H PLASTIC CEMENT for Roof Repairing.......................... tfj i O E Gutter«, Skylights, etc.................................................. Gal. vJJu H SPECIFICATION CREOSOTE OIL For Wood Preserving ........................ H ACID-O RUSTPROOFING MATERIAL. Pre.erve», proof«.' For Metal, Concrete COCil H H H H H H H Wood ................................................. ROOF COATING Asbestos Fibre, Plastic G.I. $‘?00 Leak ifl Qt.«!>j3v Gal.^OOV ¿Vi a- ‘ IR TREKHCHEÑ.... H H H .. .ci. $360 GOLD SEAL ASBESTOS ROOF COATING ............. $275 have BEEN PEVELOPEP 4MP «RE AIREAD/ BEINS IÑ5TRUEP IM 5CME HOUSES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION purchosed and moved into a home there. Edgar is working for the Bennbtt Lumber company but will begin his studies at the University of Oregon next month. War-Service lobs to Open . ♦ ♦ ! t For Hardware — See Hoffman Phone 181 Vernonia H H H zhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhzhxhxh S It’s easy to please their palates when you do your marketing here where eye-filling displays of good foods suggest menus that are thrilling as they are filling. So »hop here today Í X “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Riverview Skilled Mechanics • Chevrolet-engineered Parts • Finest Tools and Equipment er ,hh®y’r9 moro k.ouMut J WE SERVICE ALL MAKES A Licensed Contractors REFRIGERATION RADIO SERVICE Appliance Repairing STRONG’S RADIO AND ELECTRIC Vernonia Auto Co * '1 I ■ A- L. Kullander W „ 7 O Official I 1 “A Safe Place to Trade” PHONE 342 - W K Watri, r f: / V 969 Bridge St. Ph. 576 ! FROM A POWER LINE TO LIGHT GLOBE '■~A I, it's Here! W eedno M ore * i Complete Electrical Wiring FOR COMPLETE AND CORRECT ELECTRICAL SERVICE, SEE OR CALL UNITED ELECTRIC AND SUPPLY CO WORK TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. STATE APPROVED AND LICENSED MEN WILL DO THE Housewiring material available—large stock ONLY •I «O;. Lean Site Pjrkage Treat» ItOOSq.Fl. i ! N Now you can enjoy a beautiful, weed- free lawn by just mixing 2 tablespoons of Vi EED-NO-MORE to a gallon of water and spraying it on. Weeds will soon begin to shrivel and die. WEED-NO-MORE kills dandelion, plantain and other ugly weeds. Get it todav! Just spray on . • • WEED-NO-MORE. ush ! ! I • ! ! I I : I » » I » I » t » » : A Street KILLS UGLY WEEDS BUT WON'T HARM COMMON LAWN GRASSES! 9> > < c > ■< North St. W E o ■ u : : I 5 S ! ! I i i KING’S Grocery - Market Phone 91 7 now. Magic Weed Killer -, SHOP-COOK ästen To Their Praise «fot/ Theater carriers, clerks, messengers, ac countants shipfitters, aircraft me- Vernonia, Oregon , chanics, printers, janitors, dieti Thur«.-Fri. May 30-31 tians, radio repairmen, tailors, GETTING GERTIE’S GARTER doctors, nurses, lawyers, scientists, A pleasing comedy with Dennis writers—for almost every type O’Keefe-Marie McDonald of work known to man." RIVER GANG f»* Further it says there are "no Gloria Jean-John Qualen M • formal educational requirements for government employment ex Sat. June 1 cept in soms of the higher pro MILDRED PIERCE Joan Crawford-Jack Car«on fessional arid sciehtific grades. It is not necessary to be a high FLYING FLIVER and Cartoon school graduate, and there are June 2-3 many opportunities open to those Sun.-Mon. .TrJ 1904, THERE THE VALLEY OF DECISION who have had only a few years |/\ WAS QNE Greer Garson-Gregory Peck of grade school education.” "7 \ MOTOR TRUCK Certain basic requirements for Apple Andy Cartoon and news IM THE U.S. .„.„TOCW THERE ARE civil service work are waived or TRUCKS IN OPERATION!, June 4-3 relaxed for veterans, the article . Tue».-Wed. ANO THE VWLE iNPUfTR/ EAAPtoyff NO TIME FOR COMEDY APPROXIMATELY 4 MlLllOfJ AMFRlCfHfc adds, such as . age limits, physical Jamew Stewart-Ro.alind condition, and height and weight ' ROOSEVELT, Man of Destiny requirements, provided they are ment expects most of them will Featurette and Cartoon “capable of performing their jobs go to veterans, it adds. efficiently.” Veterans are advised, in seeking jobs, to “read the newspapers carefully, make inquiry among friends who work in government agencies, keep in touch with the civil service secretary at your postoffice, visit the various of fices of i government agencies in w. 65c HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO- earned 86 cents on hour. Preventive maintenance now is your safeguard against future costly repairs. Make sure you have a car to drive to morrow ! Be sure by bringing your car in today for a complete check-up. H H section of the United States and its territories and possessions,” for stenographers, 'typists, mail > *■ H ........ 48 With the aid of machines the average factory worker in the wool textile industry in 1945 Drive Tomorrow How veterans may apply and qualify for 800,000 government war-service jobs to be thrown open to competition in the next two years is explained in a series of articles now appearing in the “Army Times,” published weekly Hugh E. in Washington, D.C. Rosson, Oregon director of vet- erans’ affairs, cited certain fea tures of the civil service job pro gram as being of interest to veterans locally. "Soon there will be approxi mately 800,000 federal jobs for which veterans can qualify by meeting minimum qualifications and utilizing the five- or ten- point preference to which their war service entitles them,” the article states. Permanent ap pointments are being mad? to these jobs during the twp-year period between March 1, 1946, and Feb ruary 28, 1948, and the govem- I H 90c GOLD SEAL PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT ............. SHEEP DIP Standard " JetPROPeLieptxsHuwsHERs Mr. and Mr«. H. Kellington and Helen Frank, all of Hillsboro were here Sunday to visit at the H. H. Frank and E. R. Frank homes Sunday. time for an hour or so of fel lip Mrs. E. H. Washburn visiting at the A. L. home since Sunday, sold their home at Mr. and Mr«. Kent Bauersfeldt have rented the W. T. Jacobs home on Corey Hill and are mov ing there this week. Bring the gang over any ol’ lowship and dip your ( Ui V I Mr. and Mr». Lou Girod and children left Monday to spend several days visiting with friends and relatives at Multnomah and Salem. They plan to return here to be at the store Saturday. Dur ing their absence Sam Hearing, Sr., is working at the store. A Good Time Was Had By All happen ' i berg have received word that their son-in-law, Clifford Carrick of Stayton, entered the Salem Deaconess hospital for a major operation Wednesday of last week. DANCE AT NATAL Saturday, ltc June 1, Astoria orchestra. can > ? Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Killing- Mr. and have been Kullander They have Salem. ime STATES 00 NOT HAVE riO CONTEND with THE PROBLEM OF FOREST FIRES... ONiy 25 OF THE REM4ININ0 STATES ’ hove PRouiMPswrr- WOE FOREST ffliriiCTCH. -mtcMtor mrsounttKH . errtrtìMMl TM. Te àe r -rut foxesrro exits W WTMOUÎ Mÿ or • Arthur E. Blum »pent Wednes day night of last week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Blum. He is employed as a taxi driver at Astoria. Bob Condit, Bob Sunnell, Ken neth Bacon and Dale Bacon left The first Friday for Idaho, three will remain for two weeks while Dale will spend the sum mer with relatives. This It O nlv 3 or your locality.” The government’s jobs, the ar ticle says, are located “in ‘every I R. C. Bridge ! Bridge Street FOLLOW THIS DIAGRAM TO UNITED ELECTRIC & SUPPLY CO ■ Union Shop — I.B.E.W STATE License No. 510 Phone 592 Vernonia i Washington and A Sts. Phone 113