8 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. SPOHT TOPICS SCAPPOOSE TO PLAY HERE SUN. Vernonia meets Scappoose here June 30 Hudson St. Helens Camas Scappoose Vernonia McLaughlin H’hts Clatskanie Ridgefield Air Base near Manila. KOG Posters Urge Care in Forests SCRATCH PADS OF various sizes. Available at Eagle Office.tf Posters which remind of the Sunday, May 26 for the first July 7— importance of the Keep Oregon Vernonia baseball game on a local diamond St. Helens McLaughlin H’hts Green program have been for a number of years and the Clatskanie widely distributed in this Urea Hudson first one this season. Below is Ridgefield to present a continuing reminder Camas the schedule for the remainder of Scappoose of forest fire danger during the this half of play and the full summer months. The posters have July 14— schedule for the second half. Clatskanie been placed on roads throughout Hudson After this Sunday’s game Ver- Camas the Columbia County Tree Farm, St. Helens a loss to St. Helensi 12 to 4 on nonia will go to Camas, but after according to Glen Hawkins, as the Washington grade schoolI dia­ that the next five games will McLaughlin H’hLiRidgefield a part of this educational pro­ Vernonia Scappoose mond. Two-base connects we re make use of the home diamond. gram which has proved so valu­ July 21— The schedule for the Lower Co- made by three Loggers and three able during the dry months, first Camas Vernonia Lions, Byers struck out 8 and tumbía league for the remainder because no old growth trees will St. Helens Ridgefielb. jor 29« 57* ï£29* 29* " Sanka Hills Red Label M. J. B. Free from caffeine's effects 36* *.“i£25*«>2. 2Vi-o«. ^7* G. Washington's 2-O«. jar 36* 32« Çu.rt pt. size piece, lb. Kraft Cheese Spreads flW/g Mt ViOlTMlJS ^7 ASPARAGUS Sunkist Relish, Pimien­ to, Olive Pi­ mento, Pineap­ ple. 20« I Minced A. G 1 lb. Lunch Loaves QK* | Polish Sausage Assorted, Type 3 lb. WV Type 2 lb. ell-green ORANGES young An excellent fairly bursting spearsl ■ ■ served DRY ONIONS with new potatoes. New White Wax—Mild CUCUMBERS An excellent combi­ nation source of vitamin C Buy Some Today PEAS OOd lb. — * Valencia Thin skins— Fresh—Green —Cold Meat Feature*— Tender LEMONS with juice Wieners, A. C. QQe -i Lunch Meat ( The season’s finest produce is available now at Safeway. GUARANTEED MEATS Skinless, Type 2 Orange Pekoo n< No. 2 can i». Pabst-ett Cheese fl'A-oz. pkg. 19* Velveeta Cheese Kraft, %-lb.pkR. 21* Spaghetti Dinner Boy-«-f I No. 2 1 jr < can I O No. 2 can ï AÍ I “ Dreft ,1, 23* Granulated Soap 24* Cigarettes o Large selection dto .k,.27* New suds discovery Silver Foam 22-os. pkg. Carton, SI.33 Orate Guaranteed all new materials Perfect Posture Support Expert Workmanship by Craftsmen BUSH FURNITURE Corner Second and Bridge Streets “Everything for the Home” START WITH FRISH COFFII. Never buy me.-c then ■ week ahead; use yew* ’’o>des<" coffee first. BUT TNI RIGHT GRINO. Be sure your coffee 1« the proper grind for the coffee-maker you use. KtfF IQUIPMCNT CLEAN. (very coffee-maker should bo washed daily with soap ond water. MIASURI IVIRTTÜIKG. Measure water, coffee (I Stt“«.- t»ting»ra f* a* is «straf»! and brewing time.