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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1946)
( FAST, CONVENIENT ADS Probate Not Required THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. r à LEGAL NOTICES - LODGE ANNOUNCEMENTS - DIRECTORY SERVICE FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Livestock MISCELLANEOUS TEN ROLLS red brick siding. Inquire 1342 Bridge or Jim Combs. HyVan Hotel. 19tl A-l FRESH JERSEY, age 3. Come see her fill 3-gallon bucket twice daily. Bargain at $150. Guptill, 3 miles north, Vernonia, main highway. 19tlc FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- MASTIDON and Everberry straw berry plants. Inquire at end of Ninth St., in Riverview. 19tl CONN DRUMS: large base, small base, snare drum, two tom-toms, cymbal and lots of other* acces sories. Also Hawaiian and steel guitar with case. Mrs. Dickhaut, call 286 evenings. 19tfc OLD GROWTH slab wood. 16-in. Call 8810. 18t3 ASSORTED perennials such as delphinium columbine, carnations, etc., 25c each or 5 @ $1.00. Call evenings or Sundays. End of 9th St. in Riverview. Mr3. Ella Fair,______________________ 17t3 A W EVERYDAY greeting cards. See Mrs. Wilma Borton. Phone 356. Write or call 992 Weed Ave. 14t6 PUREBRED wild turkey eggs. King Nectar berry plants. A. F. Schalock, Riverview. 17t3 STARK BROS. nurseries and Orchard Co. now represented by Edwin Siedelman, Vernonia, Ore., Timber Rt., Box 31. 7-25-46 LODGES V. F. W. meeting*: Regular 2 & 4 Wed*. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn, Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meet*: l«t & 3rd Wed. 4-46 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 .O.O.F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Carl Davi*, William D. Grand Noble Sec’y. Shafer, 4-46 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Meet. 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Faye Davis, Noble Grand Silvia Turner, Vice Grand Juanita Edwards, Secretary Ethel Peasnall Treasurer 3-47 Vernonia F. O. E. Eagle») oi F Order (Fraternal 0 Bridge Street Vernonia d 4th and Friday* 8 M. P. ONE Guernsey milk cow. Beck, Stoney Point road. FOR SALE—Real Estate AT 1457 Nehalem. 4 rooms, bath, breakfast nook, garage, wood shed, garden spot. Inquire HyVan Hotel. 19tl SIX-ROOM house and garage, new built-ins, newly papered and painted inside. Next to Mile bridge. Inquire of Ray McAdam, 19t3c Mist Rt., Box 18. FOUR-ROOM house with bath- room and four lots. Priced right for quick sale. Nathaniel Wilson 18t3 on 348 O st. HOME with two bedrooms, liv ing room, kitchen, utility porch, and bath. Also garage and chick en house. Lot 100-100. 941 First Ave. H. H. Hays._________ 17t3 WANTED ELECTRICAL WIRING, contract ing, repairing. Home, commer cial or industrial. See J. E. Fossum opposite Washington grade school on East street. 19t3 WANTED—Cedar, fir and pine poles, all sizes. Quote f.o.b. ship ping point, state quantities can supply, earliest shipment. NIE- DERMEYER-MARTIN CO. Spald ing Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. 19t7c LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. George Robbins, 526 First Ave. South. 18t9 WALLACE’S FIXIT SHOP, 1124 Weed Ave. We are just starting our busines. We will do our best to please you and would appreci ate your patronage. Repairing of household articles and the manu facture of wooden novelties. Thank you. R. J. Wallace. 18t3 CARPENTER work of all kinds. Fred Lundgren, 924 2nd Ave. 15t6 LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais als given. We have cash buyers waiting to buy your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay- ter Realty cortfpe y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— FOR RENT____________ THREE-ROOM house for rent. 1 mile north on Rock Creek road. Inquire J. P. McFarland. 19tl HOUSE with place for garden, pig, chickens or cow. 2% miles out on Nickerson road. John Krinick. 17t3 Classified Ad Rates C. B. Ried, W. Pre*. H. W. Carrick. Sec’y. 7-46 MINIMUM Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge 116 No. Meetings: I.O.O.F. Second and Monday* Fourth Pythian Sisters Second and of each month. 2-46 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com pie. All month visiting sisters and broth er* Dorothy Sandon, Sec’y. 1-47 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.M. meets at Temple Stated Communication first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Walter H. Kent, W. M. Hawkins, 50c minimum matter. per 5c Rate: as paid type line. CREDIT ADS, 10c EXTRA FOR BILLING. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that appear this print published in in cases fault, at part that which the occur*. but is paper ads in columns, an of where will re adv. in typographical mistake welcome. Inez Powell, Worthy Matron F. ads, relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only may each of two. FACE Sec’y. POST 119 % Meet* first and Third Mon. MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland - Timber • Legal Notices Vernonia, Oregon, May 8, 1946. Sealed bids will be accepted until 8 PM May 22, 1946, on an oil burner and it’s installation in the furnace of Union High School District No. 1 Jt. Specificatoins are on file at the Principal’s office. MRS. PAUL GORDON, Clerk. 19t2c NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has filed her Final Account in the Estate of C. M. Hult, deceased, in the County Court of Columbia County, Ore gon, and the Court has fixed May 13, 1946 at 10:00 A.M. in the Court Room of the said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the set tlement thereof. MILDRED HULT, Administratrix. P. L. PATTERSON, Attorney for Administratrix. 15t5e NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CO LUMBIA. In the Matter of the Estate of SARAH A. SPENCER, de ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Omar C. Spencer and Robert L. Spencer, executors of the estate of Sarah A. Spencer, deceased, have filed their final account in the County Court cf the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia, and that Monday, the 10th day of June, 1946, at the hour of 9:30 o’clock a.m. of said day, at the County Court House in the City of St. Helens, in said county and state, have been appointed as the time and place for the hearing of ob jections, if any there be, to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated April 30th, 1946. OMAR C. SPENCER ROBERT L. SPENCER Executors of the Estate of Sarah A. Spencer, deceased. Date of first publication: May 2, 1946 Date of last publication: May 30, 1946 Hart, Spencer, McCulloch and Rockwood, 1410 Yeon Building, Portland 4, Oregon, Attorneys for Executors. Vernonia Sunset - Elsie - Cannon Bank Starts New Deposit Plan month. 1-46 Gearhart * Relatives seeking to settle the estates of deceased servicemen will in many instances be heartened by news of passage recently by con gress of public law 306, Hugh E. Rosson, department of veterans’ affairs director, said this week. The public health service act originally required relatives to probate the estates of deceased servicemen when the value of their accumulated service pay amounted to $1000 or more. Public law 306 removes this objectionable clause, making probate no longer neces sary in order to collect the mans pay in arrears from the govern- ment, regardless of the amount, Rosson pointed out. The bill particularly affects Widows and next of kin of men missing in action and later de clared dead, Rosson said, because it makes easier the, collection of back pay accumulated during the time those persons were consid- ered missing. A recent case in Oregon was cited in which relatives said it would cost them $75 to probate their late sons estate, amounting to arrears in service pay of only Farrell to Seek Renomination Robert S. Farrell Jr., will seek renomination to the office of sec retary of state in the primary election on May 17. He is now serving his first term in that po sition. In commenting on his candidacy for re-election Farrell said: "Dur ing my term as secretary of state I have endeavored to conduct the many and varied duties of that of fice in a prompt, efficient and courteous manner. If nominated and elected I shall continue those efforts and will give sincere and conscientious service to the many boards and commissions of which the secretary of state is a mem ber.” • A SALESMAN CAN’T CON TACT 3200 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK — BUT THE EAGLE CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. EAGLE Seaside SERVICE 4 a little more than $1000. By vir tue of the new law, this family and many others will be spared such expense, Rosson explained. Public law 306 also sets forth the order of precedence of heirs to the deceased persons estate, »as follows: First, to the widow or widower; second, to the children; third, to the father and mother in equal parts; fourth, if father or mother be dead, to the one surviving; fifth, to the brothers and sisters, and children of deceased brothers and sisters. The bill further provides that sufficient funds be withheld from the estate for funeral expenses if necessary, Rosson stated. ■ : 3 1 g ROBERT S. FRRRELL.» REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FRESH PRODUCE Not only a saving on fresh produce, but an op portunity to add variety to spring meals—that’s what our fresh foods will do for you. Make good use of the vitamins stored in these foods. And put the best on your table every meal. NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY Phone 721 Grangers Grow Social Crops RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.—NUE-OVO Laboratories iPGAinrs Paint and Wallpaper Contract or day work 868 Bridge St. Vernonia, Ore. Ph. 1262 1-lb. Deadening Felt ^-lb. Deadening Felt Wallpaper MORI: THAN SO YEARS AGO Oregon Grange« started a state-wide movement for improved standards in the production, grading and marketing of farm products. This resulted, in 1931, in a consolidation of the various agricultural agencies under one jurisdics tion—the State Department of Agriculture. Everyone benefited: farmers because they were assured of more satisfactory returns for their invest ment and labor; the public because they were assured of quality and honest value in the products they bought. Projects of this nature are as vital a part of Grange ■cavities as better agriculture itself. That is why | 28,000 progressive farme« belong to the Oregon . State Grange—why membership continues to grow— 1 why the Grange is a dominant force for social progress. • CALLING ALL CHICKS. Virtually eliminating any slip between the ovum and the pip, a special electric thermostat which will maintain incubator tempera ture within one degree of a se lected point has been perfected. Does it much better than a hen, they say, cutting mortality rate among baby chicks by affording uniform temperature. Beach Vernonia Phone 1042 For Service Estates The Forest Grove National Bank announced a new deposit- by-mail service for out-of-town banking customers early this week to provide an easier method of making deposits to savings or checking accounts. The new system includes a com bination deposit ticket and mail ing envelope, postage for which is paid by the bank, which in cludes space for listing checks or currency. Also illustrated is the form of endorsement which pre vents another person negotiating the checks in the unlikely event that the envelope is lost in tran sit of AUXIL1ARV First and Third Tuesdays BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY VERNONIA Each Business - Professional Directory 1-46 American Legion FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Vernonia Drug Company. 5-30-46 insertion* ea., 3 for the price of 2. Wr.rds it* Wed. at Masonic Ten* Glen BOLD and 3rd Three CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c munication first of A.F. &. Masonic 2c each. 25 min over charge 75c. No information given Hall Wednesday Fourth imum, for 30c Words less. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum Vernonia Temple No. 61 I.O.O.F. or over minimum, 3c each. Each Month Meeting*: charge words for the price Vernonia, Oregon Hall, Harold 18t3 ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and fire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf- THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1946 T We have that fine, new TRITON MOTOR OIL that you change only twice a year. Drop in and let us put the “best oil on the market” in your car. You will notice the dif ference immediately. Oil is a necessity — so get the best. LEE MOTORS Sales and Service Information about the purpose and accomplishments of the Ore gon State Grange is contained in * booklet "Let’» Look at the Record". Contact your local Grange for copy, or write direct. OREGON STATE GRANGE 1135 S. L Sehnen St, Portland 14, Oregon 72 vmaaï i OF SERVICE TO OIHOM FARMIIf i