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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1946)
THURSDAY, May 9, 1946 2 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Forest Service Jobs Available TOPICS OF THE TOWN weeks at Cannon Beach and Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady and Mrs. Wilma Borton were in Port land Sunday to see Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa and Mr. and Mrs. John Liepold. Mrs. Rosa is recovering satisfactorily 'rom a recent leg operation. Walt and Tom Parker are leav ing this week for Quincy, Calif., where they will begin logging. Their families will accompany them. Visiting here with their sister, Mrs. Ed Frazee, and brother, E. G. Roediger, are Mrs. Emma Schrieber and daughter, Marjorie, and Mrs. Anna Schweitzer, all of Ransom, Kan. They plan to leave Sunday arter spending two weeks in Vernonia. The visitors pnd Mr. and Mrs. Frazee spent last Sunday at Gearhart. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Weed and family of St. Helens spent last Sunday at the Oscar Weed hame on the Timber road. DANCE Saturday, May 11, I.O.O.F. hall. Rhythm Vendors All Girl orchestra. Adm. 75c in cluding tax. ltc Mr. and Mrs. Robert Workman arrived at his home here a few days ago after he received his discharge from the army May 2. He is’ the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Workman. He served as a MP and was stationed last at Brigham City, Utah. E. H. Washburn of Salem and his sister, Mrs. Ray Buffmirc of Albany were here Monday for a short time to visit friends. Re turning with them. was their mother, Mrs. Dora Washburn, who will spend some time visiting her daughter at Albany. Edwar* Fowler of Forest Grove started work here last week as temporary manager for the Stand ard Oil company distributing plant during the time Lyman Hawken will be away on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Hawken will spend three Here from Independence Tues day were Mrs. William Seaman, Mrs. Glen Smith and Miss Carrie Quarsdorph to celebrate Mrs. Sea man’s 75th birthday anniversary. The event included a luncheon and party at the A. L. Kullander home and which was attended also by Mrs. Harry Laschinger. Theater Vernonia, Oregon Thurs.-Fri. May 9-10 TOO YOUNG TO KNOW Joan Leslie-Robert Hutton MOVIELAND MAGIC Featurette in Technicolor and Holiday Cartoon May 11 FROZEN GHOSTS Lon Chaney-Evelyn Ankers BLONDE RANSOM with Virginia Grey Donald Duck Cartoon Sat. Sun.-Mon. May 12-13 MY REPUTATION Barbara Stanwyck-George Brent Cartoon, Book Review and News Tues.-Wed. May 14-15 THE GREAT JOHN L. Linda Darnell-Barbara Britton THE FLYING JEEP CARTOON Also Donald Duck Cartoon Walter R. Ballard, MM2c, re ceived his discharge from the navy at the personnel separation center, Bremerton, April 26. His name was listed with other Ore gon men who were separated from the service that day in a press re lease from the center. Mr. and Mrs. A. McClain and son, Lloyd, and wife from Hunt ington, Ark., surprised Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hawkins Sunday by a Visit here. Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. McClain attended school to gether when both were 13 years of age. It had been 23 years since they had seen each other. Mr. and Mrs. McClain now reside in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kobow left Monday for Lebanon where they will make their future home. Mrs. Kobow was one of the Australian brides who recently arrived in this country. WO Glen Kobow AppaoxiMSTEiy 72.500.000 pw . e n me Hoee, ey Mt/Mi CT WHICH »lf» I« ÄPPEP TO W01W-. »twmee ? we/ ZXS» TOP WÆTIR SO TRTIT»' Wil OU THE TOWS OF » MOMVUH CHOP* 1HE UNITTO 5TOTTES ARE CHUfKM MIMBPKS.. C1HI« RPW5fKT5 52.5 % OF »ME COUNTRyS Fwwniou). W 1890, orJiy or rue Prone nueœ cmupch ____ J just finished his terminal leave in April. He is the son of Mrs. Maude Kobow, music instructor at the Washington grade school. Festival Has 176 Attendance Sunday callers at the Michener home on Stoney Point were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doolittle of Scotts Mills, uncle and aunt of Mrs. Jack Taylor, and Jack and Margaret Taylor and Judy. Kenneth has just returned from Germany. The Homemakers Festival at St. Helens April 24 was attended by the ladies from the Keasey and Vernonia Extension units who participate"1 in the program and exhibits. Exhibits which drew consider able interest were those on how to make over old felt hats, getting rid of weeds and the conversion of old torn stockings into pretty rugs. Luncheon was served at noon to 176 including one gentleman who spoke to the crowd. Three prizes were given nnd a bouquet was presented to the eldest lady in attendance. The prizes were a garden trowel, a set of ovenware cups and a plaque. • Eagle classified ads bring de sired results. LeRoy Kullander of Milwaukie visited Mr. and Mrs. Kent Bauers- feldt Sunday. DANCE Saturday. May 11, I.O.O.F. hall. Rhythm Vendors All Girl orchestra. Adm. 75c in cluding tax. ltc Mr. and Mrs. Ellis W’ooldridge and little girls, Madeline and Shirley, motored here from Port land Sunday to take Mrs. Miche ner and Delmer and Margaret on with them to the coast. They vis ited Cannon Beach and Seaside. New secretary and manager of Oregon Coast Operators, Inc., at Coos Bay is C. S. Hoffman, re cently of Spokane, Wash. Hoff man has been manager of Timber Products Manufacturers, a similar association dealing in labor re lations in eastern Washington, northern Idaho and western Mon tana. Hoffman .-pent his boy ho id in Coos Bay, his father, the late C. S. Hoffman, Sr., being an em ploye of the Ekblad Hardware store and later in 1921 moving to Vernonia to open the Hoffman Hardware company. • Cowtesting Meet Set for May 10 The Columbia County Cowtest ing association annual meeting will be held Friday, May 10 at 10:30 a.m., at the Odd Fellows hall at Clatskanie. All members of the association are invited to attend the meeting at that time. Also other dairy men interested are invited to be present, according to Fred Boesel, president of the association. The forest service advises that a number of summer jobs are available in various parts of Ore gon. The jobs are mainly in slash piling, trail maintenance, and con struction. There are no family accommodations. That is the in formation received here in a spe cial bulletin to veteran organiza tions. Further information contained in the bulletin is that beginning dates are from May 1 to July 1 and that the work will last un til September 1 or October 1. Applications should be made at once. Food cost is 50c per meat at government subsistence camps, otherwise the men board them selves. Application blanks are on file in the U.S. employment service offices at Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford, Klamath Falls, Lake- vew, LaGrande and Portland. The completed application should be mailed to P. L. Paine, assistant personnel officer, c/o Regional Forester, Box 4137, Portland. FROM YOUR POCKET? After a fire, you may find that the amount of fire insurance on your household goods is not enough to pay for replacing many of the things that were destroyed. Do you want to pay for them from your own pocket because you neglected to carry sufficient fire insurance? Before you have a loss, over your policies with Vernonia Insurance Exchange * • Phone: 231 905 Bridge Street Vernonia ADDING machine rolls, sales books, scratch pads and signs. Get them at The Vernonia Eagle. Electrical Contractor J. E. Fossum HOME Wiring—Installations Alterations—Repairs COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TEMPORARY LOCATION— Opposite Washington Grade School on East Avenue WHENUS TULIPTIME TAXI SERVICE PHONE 582 r Cozy Confectionary I ! Licensed Contractors J i REFRIGERATION i i RADIO SERVICE i j Appliance Repairing i ! STRONG’S RADIO ! ! AND ELECTRIC ! I 969 Bridge St. Ph. 576 ! Give your car a good break . . . now. Soon you’ll be wanting to open it up on the open road—but don’t drive far or fast until you have had your car checked after a hard winter’s use. Then with fresh lubricants, a thor oughly cooled system, and a good tune-up, your car will give you a lot better performance • • • and a lot more pleasure. / c F e TS o ' let / Increase Farm Efficiency! Vernonia Auto Co. “A Safe Place to Trade” PHONE 342 WITH ONE OF THESE ELECTRIC WATER PI MPS 20 ANI) 30-GALLON TANKS WITH MOTORS ANO REGULATORS $55 and OTHER ELECTRIC ITEMS •All Al ST F ANS 16-in blades .......... $20.20 CHROMOLOX HEATERS with fans .............................. $25 20 ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKERS Each ............ $3 50 MACHINE BLBCTM1CALL1 CONTROLLED I MI WITH MOTOR AND FOOT CONTROLLER CONVERT YOUR OLD SEWING M \GIC MIST DDT INSECTICIDE Formula contains famous DDT and P.vrethins Sts. » i c Phone 113 « COME ONE . . . COME ALL ... TO THE BIGGEST BARGAIN SHOW IN TOWN! YOU'LL DIS COVER THE BEST BUYS IN FAMOUS BRAND FOODS HERE AT GIRODS WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE COME FIRST. GIROD'S FOOD STORE f Tow Service I $2050 $295 State License No. 510 A PHONE 991 I Union Shop — I.B.E.W and VEItNONIA BAKERY AN INTO United Electric & Supply Co. Vashington you can always get another cake of the same delicious flavor and quality at the local bak ery. And remember, we cany Arden Farm’s nutricious, ARDEN Ice Cream. Many fla vors to choose from. $80 go © phone 7.1