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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1946)
“B THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. SPORT TOPICS SAINTS TAKE 2-1 WIN FRI. ROEDIGER IS GOLF WINNER A big seventh inning almost provided Vernonia the run needed to tie tie tally Friday when the Of the 17 entries in Sunday’s flag tournament at the Vernonia Country club, John Roediger drove in the winner for the day. The tournament, is the first this season and the first of several that are planned by the handicap committee for this summer. Roediger was followed! by Ed Reichwein with second honors and Tom Bateman with the low medal award. Consolation prize went to George Turner. Future tourneys will be an nounced in advance of the dates by the committee. Loggers played their last diamond game away from home at St. Hel ens. As it was Jack Frank scored the only Logger counter in that inning and Dodge waited in vain on third to even the score ■with the Saints. The local nine started the 7th ■with the count 2-0 against them. Byers and Riley struck out, but Frank doubled into center field and Dodge reached first stfely on and error. Frank in turn crossed home. Dodge had reached second and then third on stolen bases before Bass heard the count of three to end the game. Vernonia AB R H PO E 3 0 0 0 0 Grenia, 2b 3 0 0 0 0 Tiffney, If 3 0 12 0 Cline, lb 3 0 0 0 0 Byers, p 3 0 0 2 2 Riley, 3b 3 1110 Frank, cf 3 0 0 0 0 Dodge, ss 3 0 0 0 0 Bass, rf 2 0 0 13 1 Schrumberg, c 26 1 St. Helen» AB R 12 Neveau, cf 2 0 Salmon, c 2 0 Otto, If 3 0 Haebe, p 2 0 Kearsley, lb 2 0 Olson, ss 2 0 Coughlin, 3b 2 0 Putham, rf 10 Noble, 2b Subs: 1 0 Franks, cf 1 0 Cole, 2b , Totals 2 18 3 H PO E 0 10 1 16 0 10 0 19 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 10 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 20 2 4 21 3 Totals Two-base hits: Frank; left on bases: St. Helens, 6, Vernonia, 4; bases on balls allowed: by Haebe 0, Byers 7; struck out: by Haebe 16, by Byers 11. • Gun Club to Meet Friday Harry King, president of the Nehalem Valley Rod and Gun club, Wednesday announced a meeting of the club this Friday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall. The Friday meeting is sched uled for 8 p.m. • • LOGGERS PLAY HERE FRIDAY I The first appearance of Coach J. Hergert’s diamond men will be made here this season when they take the field against the Rainier Columbians. The Loggers so far this season have lost two and captured one. Two losses were chalked up in the Scappoose and St. Helens meetings and the win came over Clatskanie. The game is scheduled for 2:30 on the Washington grade school field. LESS SHELLS IS PROSPECT Demos Lead in Registration Equalization Board To Meet A decrease in the amount of ammunition is expected according to word received here within the last few days and the shortage will probably continue for some time. Anticipation of the short age arises from the smaller amount of lead available for the making of shells and the likeli hood that this particular short age may be of lengthy duration. The information received is that the government is consider ing a reduction of skeet and trap loads’ during this critical period and it is quite possible that farm ers and ranchers will again be placed on an ammunition rating basis similar to that used during the war. Local merchants will continue to allot what ammunition is re ceived here to their customers in order to spread it as far as pos sible. Registration totals for the 31 Columbia county precincts give- the Democrats the lead again this year with 5157 as compared with 4213 Republicans, according to figures released by County Clerk J. W. Hunt. The county lead also holds true for the four Vernonia precincts where the Democrats total 792 and the Republicans 478. The total registration in the county is 9503. Electors listed their party pref erence principally in the two above, but three others are listed in addition to miscellaneous regis trations. The Independents num ber 69 and the Socialists, 11. The Phohibitionist party drew five signers and 48 are listed by the clerk as miscellaneous. Columbia county residents who have an objection to the assess ment levied against their property will have the opportunity to pre sent their grievances before the board of qualization at St. Helens on May 13, Monday. That is the date set for the board to begin its sessions to consider such mat ters. The board will continue to meet, if necessary, until all cases have been considered and equalizations are made. • TIME SAVER Electrical equipment saves farmer 245 hours of work in eight months, according to tests. Bounties Paid Predatory animal hunters have collected from the game commis sion so far this winter bounties on 113 cougar and 1031 bobcats. At the rate of $50 each the cou gar bounties amount to $5650, while the total paid for bobcats is $2577.50. The commission pays a bounty of $2.50 on bobcats when a like amount is paid by the county in which the animal is killed. • Mrs. Wright’s I Lb. loaf White or Wheat Town House Grapefruit Juice S;213*£"29* Texas Tip Grapefruit 46-oz. can Blend O'Gold No. 2 Blended can L V < Q0 IV Chase & Sanborn Canterbury Tea Oronge Pekoe—Block 8-Bag Pkg. yc I i IQ' I6-Bag Pkg. GENUINE 1946 SPRING LAMB SALE! Grower Consumer SALE! 's-tobfetn Get the betf in produce at Safeway Desert White GRAPEFRUIT the case i and Save! Shoulder Roast Square Cut Ha'.f$145 Case * Full $089 Care “ Juicy New Potatoes Navel lb. All Green lb 'it Fresh Produce Features Friday Saturday Saving on BABY FOODS Peanuts■“ Dinners ’ Baby Foods can7M2750 GERBERS Strained and Junior CLAPPS Strained HEINZ Strained Dry Cereals Cream of Wheat Rice Krispies Kellogg pkg. 12* Variety Pack "ÄPÄ" 22< 15c HEINZ, CLAPPS, GERBERS Also Clapps Instant Oatmeal and Gerbers Dry Oatmeal Electric water systems. Free installation & free service for one year. Yeti jet mere fer peur meney et ANDERSON WOODWORKING SHOP Phone 575 • 22 Shells. Short, Long and Long Rifle. Limit 1 box to customer 410 Shot Shells. Limit 1 box to customer Lawn Rakes 70c Star Drag Salmon Reel» ....................... $3.00 L’ttl? Red Wagons, metal $1.85 24-piece Set» of Tableware $11.95 o tenspeen», 6 tablespoon». 6 knives. 6 forks Fly Reel, $1.50 up Buy Your Outside White Marshall-Well« Paint Genuine M'tche] Floor Lamp» $19.25 and $22 95 • New! It’s Scarce But We Have It in Stock A Real Gift far Mother’» Lay Best Sci»».ir Car Jack Made................. $5.55 TX Citrus XXp Juice ” Sale! Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday. Plumber. Repair and new installation. Call for free estimates of work. See us also for your golfing needs SPORTING GOODS, FRIGIDA1RES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE, TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS PAINT GIFTS AND HARDWARE it* 35e £ 34c Al Norman Ed Roediger C. I. Anderson GOLFING h» PETE BRUNSMAN NEW AND USED PARTS Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil Experienced cabinet maker. Mill work built to order. Free estimates. FOR FRESH BREAD The Logger trackkmen will go to Scappoose again Friday after noon to compete in the county track meet from which the first and second place winners will go to Beaverton the following Friday. Coach Hergert is getting the boys ready to improve their showing last Friday when Vernonia cap tured third. The meet at Beaverton will be a district affair from which first and second place holders will go to the state track meet at Cor vallis May 17 and 18. RIVERVIEW OPEN YOU LIKE IT “ County Meet On Fri. Sked Phone 773 IS The prices listed below are tyn- jcal of the ones you’ll find at Safeway. But the best way ta learn about our values is to make a 30-day test. Buy all your food at Safeway for the next month. Compare the total cost with that for a previous month. We are certain you’d discover worthwhile savings. • LYNCH AUTO PARTS The Vernonia Country Club LIGHT CLIPPER Another wartime reconversion product will help you mow your lawn this summer with a light weight, part aluminum mower, powerea by a gaoline engine. Its special feature is a power clipper which reaches those hard- to-get-at places on the lawn— even trims hedges. 3 TALLY WON BY TRACKMEN Unusual Elk Noticed Game commission biologists, while conducting spring inventor ies of elk in the logged-off areas north of the /Lewis and Clark river in Clatsop county have ob served an unusual light color phase in one cow elk. The entire body coloring from nose to tip of tail is a solid yellowish-white shade. The usual darker color on the shoulders is absent and the mane of this animal likewise is blonde. • BUREAU CITES FIGURES During the month of February, 21,500.000 man-days were lost in 260 strikes, according to the Bu reau of Labor Statistics. • • AND ENTERTAINMENT AS • The Loggers placed third with a 26 score last Friday in the Lower Columbia League track meet at Scappoose against a field of six teams. Topping the Ver nonia score were Scappoose with 50 and Rainier with 30 and fol lowing were Seaside 20*/i, St. Helens 16 and Clatskanie 2. Scorers for Vernonia were: Dick Thompson, 2nd in the 100,-yard dash and 220-yard dash; Loren Dodge, 3rd in the 880 and 4th in the broad jump; Ralph Keasey, 2nd and Jim Frazee, 3rd in the mile; Terry Brady, 2nd in the pole vault; Don Parker, tie for 3rd in the 440; Duke Byers, 4th discuss. • • The 880-yard relay brought the loggers a win in the meet. Par ticipating were Carmichael, Ren fro, Tapp and Thompson. A SALESMAN CAN’T CON TACT 3200 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK —J BUT THE EAGLE CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. SAFEWAY Riverview FAMINE EMERGENCY: SAVE VITALLY NEEDED WHEAT PRODUCTS