2 THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Hack Our Great America TOPICS OF THE TOWN Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Livingstone left Wednesday to return to their home at Hood River. They came here to deliver Easter Sermons at the Christian church Mr». Edna Bittner was a vis itor here Monday afternoon for a short time. Discharged from the army last week was Robert Roe.ser who ar rived here during the week end from Fort Lewis. William Shafer, former pro duce manager at Girod’s Food store, has not announced his fu ture plans, but he and Mrs. Shafer plan to make this their home. He will later return to his job at the 0-A office. íu IS yraes a icee will 6eow to » size suitable fob rjlpwoo O— Guest» at the home of Mr». Zoe Whitsell for Easter and the week end included Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whitsell and Kenneth Whitsell of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitsell of Delake. Mr. and Mr». W. I. Bond and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonson are leaving here today for a trip which will take them to Galves IÑ 50 VEABS ONE ACRE or TReeS WIU PROPUCE 3* 200 BofíBD FEET OF LOWBER - ENOO&M F&e THREE S-ROOrf HOUSES. ! TREES OOH T HERR Mr tue SOU .... 1HE S7ME ACRE HUI COHTMUE TO PEOOUCE lUMBcR FOR THREE SROOM HOUSES EVERy SO yERRS -FOREUER CAREFUL ATTENTION PlAM- every service point your car is the as surance you have when Johnson lubricates ycur automobile. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Used Car | High Prices | TURN IN YOUR OLD CAR ON A New Dodg’o. Plymouili or Hodge Job-Rated Truck Used Car Price* Will Drop. TRADE NOW Be Wise j GREENWOOD MOTORS J Dodge & Plymouth, Dodge Job-Rated Trucks Sales & Service Vernonia, Ore. Ph. 1121 | ton, Tex., and return. They pl^n to be away over a month. Wallace Kadderley, farm pro gram director for radio station KGW, was in Vernonia for a short time Wednesday of last wek. M-». Carmen Sykes returned last Saturday from a trip which took her to Minneapolis, Minn.; Billings, Mont., and Valley City, N.D., where she visited relatives. She was away about six weeks. G'eo. WITH REAR-EMOIlJe CARS 5MOU? THAT THEV CRM HAVE O USABLE FLOOR SPACe OF FEET ey lift FEET--OR F n OUGH ROOM TO PROVlOe COMFORTABLE LOUNGIMÖ CHAIRS, A TABLE . ANO A COUCH OR BEP Í/ $ TlRE •MMJFRCTURERS VMO BEFORE T9 SS USED HO RRyOH M TIRE FRBR1CS, IRST VERB USED ER/OrJ EQUMRl EHT TO FdOuTSOOOC BRIES OF COTTOS'. Mrs. C. S. Hoffman left here for her summer home at McKenzie Bridge Monday. She will spend most of the coming mid-year months there. Mr. and Mr». Cleve Robertson have moved their household goods from their home on State street to an apartment over the Chat ’N Nibble Cafe. Cloice Hall returned here Sun day after a trip with the mer chant marine to Yokohama, Japan. His ship carried army nurses and soldiers on the voyages to and from Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hir»ch have returned from Jordan Valley to make their home in Portland. The high altitude of their new location and the difficulty of ob taining help caused the decision to return to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch lived here for some time where they owned a plumb ing shop, Easter Sunday guests at the Otto Michener home were: Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Woolridge and two little girls, Shirley and Madeline, of Portland; Murdo Hickox of Beaverton, brother of Mrs. Miche ner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and daughter, Judy; Miss Eunice Chun of Portland, Mrs. Taylor’s sister who leaves this week for Washington, D. C., where she has a government job; Larry Jones of Bremerton, Wash.; Delmer, Lynn and Margaret and the host and hoste.s Tressie and Otto Michener. In addition to celebrat ing Easter, the event marked the birthdays of June and Delmer. William "Bill” Byers, Bend, hat been appointed assistant depart ment adjutant, it was announced Saturday evening by the Ameri can Legion, department of Ore gon. Byers is a member of the John L. Chute post No. 162, Bend. Byers served with the 9th air force for 42 months and com pleted 68 missions over France, Belgium and'Germany. He at tended high school here. Here la»t week end from Fort Lewis was Captain Lowell Hieber and his sister-in-law, Mrs. George Noyer from Portland to visit friends and relatives. Miss Gloria Lamping left here April 14 for Madisonville, La., where she is to be married on April 28 to Sgt. Louis Peters. The trip to Louisiana was made by plane. Sgt. Peters was sta tioned for several months at the Legion hall when a contingent of air force soldiers were here. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta. »■ ! I I WHEELBARROWS Wood and Steel Construction ANDIRONS I New Stock All Brass LAWN SPRINKLERS RAKES, «ARDEN HOSE Hugh Caton arrived here Sun day with his discharge from the army. He plans to spend the next month vacationing and dur ing that time will go to Texas to visit his sister and her hus band, Mr. and Mi's. John Wofford. DISHWARE IF IT’S FLAVOR YOU’RE SEEKING. TRY ONE OF OUR in sets and open stock—Nasturshum, Rocheste, Jonquil and Dimity designs. 32- 64- and 96- piece sets. Priced from SUNDAES $13 t0 $44.20 TADLE LAMPS PIN-UP LAMPS DON’T FORGET OUR LINE OF PITTSBURG OUTSIDE AND INSIDE PAINTS “Smooth as Glass” BUSH FURNITURE We pride ourselves on this de licious ice cream dish. Phone 592 The Cozy Bus Depot Ph. 582 'V Vernonia “Everything for the Home” ♦ Visiting during Easter week end at the John Burnside home was H. O. Matthews of Tacoma. Mr. Matthews is a brother of Mrs. Burnside. Attending the wedding of Charles McGraw at Forest Grove last Sunday from here were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols, Mrs. Al bert Childs and Mrs. A. J. Hughes. Mrs. Thoma» Osborn received word from her husband. Staff Sgt. Thomas Osborn, that he had ar rived in Manila and would now be stationed there in the machine records division. He has spent the last six months in Okinawa. * •loy Thvati’r Vernonia, Oregon Thur».-Fri. April 25-26 THE CLOCK Judy Garland-Robert Taylor MEXICAN PLAYLAND Sport »cope quite Please Cartoon Sat. April 27 HAVING WONDERFUL CRIME Pat O'Brien-Carole Landis George Murphy (Musical Comedy) SWING OUT SISTER Rod Cameron-Franci» Raeburn Sun.-Mon. April 28-29 MILDRED PIERCE Joan Crawford-Jack Carson- one of the best pictures of the year Cartoon and New» Tues.-Wed. April 30-May 1 THAT'S THE SPIRIT Peggy Ryan-Jack Oakie WAIKIKI MELODY Featurette Mouse Comes Home Cartoon ▲