8 THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1946 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. BASEBALL TEAM ORGANIZED TUES. CLUB BACKS FISH MEASURE Members of the Nehalem Val­ ley Rod and Gun club have been working for the past few days toward raising a campaign fund which will be used later in the year near election time. Gun Club President Harry King or­ dered a petition drawn late last week which is being circulated among sportsmen, asking them for contributions toward the coming campaign. The Vernonia club is working with the Wildlife League of Ore­ gon which will conduct the cam­ paign before the November elec­ tion when HB378 will appear on the ballot. This measure orders the removal of all set nets from all ocastal streams south of ..ie Columbia river and will enable salmon to reach spawning grounds in the headwaters of these streams During past years, the excessive taking of fish by com­ mercial interests has steadily de­ creased runs to the headwaters, sportsmen say, and at the same time is reducing the interest of sports fishermen as well as the number of fish. Sportsmen who haven’t been contacted about contributing to the cause can do so by seeing Harry King, Charles Wall, Bill Heath or Harold McEntire and the funds will be welcomed by the sportsmen. LOGGERS MEET SCAPPOOSE The Loggers met Scappoose Tuesday afternoon on the In­ dian field to play their first diamond game this year and played bang-up ball with the ex­ ception of a bad sixth inning that gave the Indians the game 12 to 0. Up to that time Scappoose was held to a lead of 3 to 0, but several Logger errors cost them nine runs in that frame. Logger battery starting was Frank and Miller, both boys turn­ ing in a commendable showing. Vernonia: h r Grenia ss ........................... 1 0 Wolgomott 2b ..................... Dodge If ............................... Byers,cf ............................... Cline lb ............................. 2 Riley 3b ..................... 1 Tiffney rf ........................... K. Miller c ......................... J. Frank p ....................... Substitutes: Bueil, Brownill, Holce. Scappoose: h r Vernazza ss ..................... 1 J. Baker p .......................... 1 1 Jorgensen rf ................... 1 1 B. Baker 3b ..................... t Hammerbeck c .................. 3 Johnson lib ..................... Engstrom 2b ..................... 2 Rose cf ............................... 2 2 Miller If ............................. Kaymeir ............................... 1 HAWKINS TO MANAGE; 1ST PRACTICE FRI. Vernonia will enter a baseball team in Lower Columbia league and will play the first game May 5 at Clatskanie. That is the leading sport news for local baseball fans for many years since a team was last active here. Word that a local team would perform cme as the result of a meeting called for Tuesday right at the Eagle office by Lew Girod, Booster club president. The club has been seeking to start a team here for several weeks, but no definite action had been taken un­ until Tuesday. Arrangements to enter the league were made Sunday night by Jake Hergert, but not until Tuesday was a manager and sec­ retary-treasurer for the club named. Glen Hawkins, who has managed teams here in previous years, will undertake the same ca­ pacity this season with the aid of Lew Girod and Bob Cline. Royal Williams has been asked to take the secretary-treasurer work. Means of financing suits, bats, balls and other expenses as well as devising a list of players occupied much time Tuesday night. Local business and organ­ izations will be contacted as suit sponsors in addition to those rep­ resented Tuesday. Edwin Ade, representing the IWA, reported that the union would sponsor two suits and some expense, while one suit each was contracted by Frank D. Seelye for the West Oregon Electric, Lew Girod, Bob Cline and Glen Hawkins for the Colum­ bia County Tree Farm. Others will be contacted until the required number of sponsors are obtained. Eight teams are listed for the league, but the correct listings and the schedule of games had not been received here by Wednes­ day. However, Vern Johnson, Portland, secretary of the league, will make arrangements on the schedule for Vernonia to play the first two or three games away until the field can be made ready. Tentative plans that will probably become definite, are to play on the field at the, Washington grade school. Ground rules will be necessary there, but that field will provide the best diamond available here now. Manager Hawkins has called the first practice for Friday eve­ ning at 5 o’clock at the grade school field and urges all local men interested in playing to turn out for sure then so future prac­ tices can be scheduled for the first game which is set for May Sth at Clatskanie. • • A SALESMAN CANT CON­ TACT 3200 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK — BUT THE EAGLE CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. SPORT TOPICS COURSE OPEN FOR GOLFING The progress of growth on the Vernonia Country club greens, which were seeded a short time ago, is better than was at first expected, Rex Hess, owner, said early this week. At the same time Mr. Hess mentioned that the fairways are in excellent condition and that the course is open for play. Temporary greens have been built for use until grass growth on the regular greens is sufficient to permit their use. Mr. and Mrs. Hess have spent a good deal of time improving and adding to the club house and that also is open for entertainment and dancing, they announce. Pres­ ent at the course last Sunday was the largest crowd since 1939 ac­ cording to one golfer who has been familiar with the course since it was first built. O 3 Hoop Men Get Banquet Mon. IWA Local 5-37 was host Mon­ day evening to members of the basketball team which the local sponsored this year for the first season since 1941. The squad, union members and other guests enjoyed a dinner prepared by the Mt. Heart Rebekah club. John Roediger, master of cere­ monies, called for comments from several guests and the team cap­ tain, Calvin Davis. An inter-club tourney is being set up to be played at the Ver- nonia Country club a week from this coming Sunday, April 28. Difficulty in preparation for the tourney, however, is being ex­ perienced by the handicap com­ mittee because golfers are fail­ ing to turn in their score cards. Ben Brickel, committee chair­ man, asks that the cards be left at the club house, with him or with the other committee mem­ bers, Kent Bauersfeldt or Jim Davies. The cards are necessary in order to establish handicaps for the tournament. • • GAME RAINED OUT The Columbia county baseball league opener for the Loggers and the Rainier Columbians met rain last Thursday and a wet field that made it necessary to call the game off and schedule it later in the season. SPORTING GOODS, FRIGIDAIRES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE, TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS PAINT GIFTS AND HARDWARE FISHING SEASON OPENS APRIL 20 NEW SUPPLY FLY LINES, REELS SPINNERS, ETC. Genuine Mitchel Floor Lamp« $19.25 and $22.95 Br r.nze or Ivory Fini.h and On; x Bate Me al Flash Lights, Complete .... 69c to $1.35 Premium Vacuum Cleaner $54.50 ’ I a-ge Size Metal Wagon ....................... $10.50 81.30, $1.80 and $2.35 lol! Roof ng, 55-lb. Boker Shears $2.50 Scout Axes in Sheath $2.10 (Special) Pocket Knives $1.25, $1.50, $1,75, $2.00 FOR CLASSIFIEDS THAT CLICK—THE EAGLF. I Fine for How to make your Easier table attractive U // Chili Con Carne S c. 19‘¿s1” -10* I Our Mother’s Cocoa 5» , Jell-Well Desserts bXoi"1' =4 Paas ' Price! EGG DYES LATEST KIND! Buy Yours Now! Whether your Easter celebration in­ cludes only the immediate family or whether you make the day one for entertaining, the occasion calls for table decorations. Here's an idea that may be used for almost any Easter party and for every age group, too. 1(KacX°25< Baking Powder Green Beans Garden- > 2's Rosedale Peas No. 2*8 Vegetables mix ^ 303 Jar Muffets Ce 10Ï4-OZ. wG pkg. 25« Calumet y lASTill BONNtT CINTERHICI Walnut Meats pkgb 49«, No shells Catsup bottle 14«, Orange Juice car?2 A Large Selection of Popular Brands 2 x 26rc T',P' 2 to ” I “11“1 J Skinlesa 0 PEAS e'en2 Finest Quality Chickens—( Sliced Halibut K Fresh Oysters Hi Ho Crackers pkg. 21« - Butter Wafers. Rapid Cut J SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEAT Colored Roasters Chickens cKr Nabisco No. 2 con IA Tomato Juice &1C 55* Tea ^13« T^36« Oatmeal Cookies pkg. 11« Sea Rock J Sunny Dawn I I » Fresh whole bean AIRWAY 5Í- 54» 46< \ Full O’ Gold i 2-lb. Jar can ■ “ Coffee bag 23« a£ 45« Regular or Drip Grinds Colored Fryers S‘. ^Miscellaneous Osoge White Sliced COFFEE | In Tomato Sauce The main attraction of our center­ piece is a hatbox. It may be either round or square, small or large, and it doesn't have to be a fancy one. Ours is covered with gay striped gift paper, but the same effect is obtained by covering the hatbox in plain pastel colored paper and past­ ing on contrasting stripes. (Vege­ table glue makes a neater job of this, for it doesn’t come through the paper.) Plain or figured shelf paper, wallpaper or crepe paper may also be used. Use real ribbon of harmon­ izing or contrasting color or crepe paper to tie up the box and form the bow. Line the box with pastel­ colored tissue paper; tilt the lid and let sprays of spring blossoms or flowers, pussy willows or green leaves hang out over the side, r Place one or two toy bunnies (or you could use a pottery bunny, chicken or duck, or a covered hen dish) by the hatbox. Arrange flowers or decorated Easter eggs and leaves around the hatbox to complete the centerpiece. POTATOES NOB HILL 9< V. Camp Beans 12« 13« 18« 10« Edwards Red Hill Cigarettes STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS Medium ’ >-oz. Can * Vernonia ï< EUUw Coloring Grade A., doz. . 44* g Ä, 47* A_|J--« Central Cream No. llOlOCn vOrn Style Bantam 2's CCOQ At Extra St/tvxy Strvic» Ph. 502 W EASTER VAL UES A T SAFEWAY Mouth watering—ready to cook\ L.G. Hawken First place in the three-mile- relay event at Beaverton last Fri­ day went to the Logger team which was the defending champions of that event the last time the contest was held. Two of the four-man team, Bob Condit and Loren Dodge, each ran a half mile heat while Jim Fra­ zee and Halph Keasey each took a mile of the event. This year’s team was nearly the same as last with Frazee be­ ing the only new name in that team. The Logger four-man three- mile relay team will enter state competition Friday when the team and Coach Hergert go to the Hay­ ward relay meet at Eugene. The Loggers will attempt to keep in the win column which they entered last week at the Bea- vrton relays. PETE BRUNSMAN Director The Homemakers’ Bureau, Use Standard Poultry House Spray to kill mites, ticks and fleas. Conies mixed, ready to use. A dime's worth covers more than 1(X) square feet and stays active for days. And use Stand­ ard White Oil No. 9 U.S.P. to step up egg production from listless hens. Alix with feed. It's non-irritating mineral oil that helps bowel movements. h RELAY TEAM WINS 3-MILE Golfers to Play Tourney lb. lb. 1 Ib. 37< 34c 39c 48c Pre-ripened Calaves Ready to eat lb. Spring Rhubarb 2 lbs. 25c Cucumbers House lb. Asparagus Young Spears N>. Celery Ä 10c Green Onions Tender'' Ib 25c Radishes Grapefruit 1 lb. Ä 23c I 7c 8c New PotatoesT’”” u.s.n..i FRESH PEAS S.'S...2 lb 27c Fre.A Product Ftaturtt—Fri. A Sat. Only »