FAST, CONVENIENT ADS LEGAL NOTICES - LODGE ANNOUNCEMENTS DIRECTORY SERVICE FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—General WANTED PULP WOOD stumpage for sale. Inquire Wm. Pringle, Sr., Mist Rt., Vernonia. 14tfc FLOWER and vegetable plants, potted plants, Easter lilies and fine corsages. Order corsages early for the high school prom. Riverview Greenhouse. 15t3 PLOWING. Keasey Rt. ATLAS blasting supplies. Also government surplus stumping. Lloyd Lynch, Scappoose, Ore., 2 miles from Scappoose on Ver­ nonia-Scappoose highway. Phone 10F22. 14t4 TAYLOR TOT like new. $5.00. Guptill, 3 mi. north of town. 13t3 Inquire at 13t3 PRE-WAR youth’s bed with gro springs and inner-spring mattress. A-l condition. House 56, O-A hill. 15t3c SMALL, white enamel cook stove. Reasonable. J. A. Armstrong, Box 71, Timber Rt., Vernonia, Ore. 13t3. EVERYDAY greeting cards. See Mrs. Wilma Borton. Phone 356. Write or call 992 Weed Ave. 14t6 BABY buggy, Hayward-Wake­ field. In good condition. 941 First Ave. H. H. Hays. 13t3 GEN CLASS 50 SACKS good hill spuds, $2.50 per sack. Alfred Davies, 1 mi. north of Banks on Wolf Creek highway. 15t2 TWO boys’ bicycles. 1008 First Ave. MONTAG combination wood and electric range. White enamel. $150. 1654 Bridge St. 13t3 CLOVER hay and grass hay put up in fine shape. Can deliver. Mike Yunkcr, phone 1610M, For­ est Grove. lOtf—• STARK BROS. nurseries and Orchard Co. now represented by Edwin Siedelman, Vernonia, Ore., Timber Rt., Box 31. 7-25-46 LODGES meetings: Regular 2 & 4 Weds. 8 p.m. Cleo Walralh, Commander L. E. Stiff, Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st & 3rd Wed. 4-46 Vernonia Ledge No. 246 z^O^,1.0.0.F. Meets Every Tuesday ’ 8 P. M. Carl Davis, William Grand Noble 4-46 Sec’y. Shafer, D. 2nd evenings of 4th and Thursday la month each I. O. O. F. Hall. Faye Davis, Noble Grand Silvia Turnej, Vice Grand Juanita Edwards, Secretary £thel Peasnall, 3-46 Treasurer Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Eagles) of Order Bridge 810 Street Vernonia 2nd 4 tl) and Friday« M. P. 8 7-46 H. W. Carrick, Sec’y. No. Meetings: I.O.O.F. Monday» Each Month Pythian Sisters and I.O.O.F. Fourth Hall Order of Eastern Star 153, O. E. S. Regular com­ each month All pie. welcome. Inez Powell, Worthy Matron Sandon, Sec’y. words or imum, 2c Words less. 25 over min­ Three each. for 30c insertions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c FACE ads, 50c minimum ea., 3 for the price of 2. Words Vernonia Lodge No. 184 meets at Stated Temple AM. Masonic Communication BAY team strayed off highway onto my place Saturday. Tramped, rolled and fed on rr.y hay crop a day and night. Broke down pasture fence. Owner may have team by paying damages and care. Williard Ingermanson, Tinn­ isti ber Rt. Box 42. FOR RENT $50 REWARD for information leading to arrest of person or persons stealing my turkeys. A. F. Shalock. 13t3 WISH to f ’d good heme for 4 cats. Cail afternoons. Chas. Hal­ lam, 125 B st. 13t3 pai J matter. Rate: 5c per type line. CREDIT ADS, 10c EXTRA FOR BILLING. FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- to answers with be relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as its paper this ads appear in columns, print that which the is cases fault, at part published in in but an of typographical where will re­ adv. in mistake occurs. EXCEPT NOON WEEK’S DISPLAY OR first at 7:30 p.m. Walter H. Kent, W. M. dea F. Hawkins, Sec’y. 1-46 American Legion VERNONIA 11» Meet, firat and Third Mon. Each Farewell Party Given at Mist MIST — Mrs. Chas. Sundland visited last Tuesday with Mrs. Arbie Mills on the Fish-hawk. A farewell party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers last Thursday eve­ ning for Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mc­ Gee who are moving to Vernonia to make their home. They were presented with a beautiful elec­ tric lamp by their friends. A de­ licious lunch was served during the evening. Sonny Wickstrom was a Port­ land visitor Tuesday. Austin Dowling is nursing a very sore toe caused by dropping an oil barrel on it Monday. Delmar Jones went to Clatska­ nie to work in the mill this week. The Wickstrom folks were in Hillsboro one day last week. Mrs. Wm Bridgers went to Sea­ side Tuesday taking their guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Anderson from Oklahoma witK them. Their son, Dean, was also in the party. O • FOR CLASSIFIEDS THAT CLICK—THE EAGLE NOTICE OF FINAL MENT The secretary of the navy» James Forrestal, has designated the pier area at the U.S. Naval Station, Tongue Point, Astoria, as Mott Basin, in honor of the memory of the late Representa­ tive James W. Mott, Republican, of Oregon, who was the senior minority member of the house naval affairs committee at the time of his death. Representative Mott was a staunch advocate of a strong navy, and his last effort in behalf of the navy was a bill to prevent the disposal of any major ship or bast without the consent of congress. The basin will be dedicated on Wednesday, April 24, at 2:30 p.m. by the late Oregon repre­ sentative’s widow, Governor Snell of Oregon, Rear Admiral Randall Jacobs, members of the house naval committee, and Cap­ tain Ligon B. Ard, who will be in command of the basin. A crowd of between five and seven thousand persons from this area is expected to gather to witness the ceremonies. Of particular interest is the fact that Mott Basin, which lies in a cove in the Columbia river, six miles from the Pacific, was formerly a naval air station. At the present time it is being con­ verted to a naval station, which will berth hundreds m ships of the nineteenth fleet. Docks and piers are now partly constructed, and soon conversion will be com­ plete, making Mott Basin, one of the finest naval establishments in the nation. Of especial im­ portance is the plan to berth the major portoin of the navy’s inac­ tive fleet on the west coast at Mott Basin. that benefit all Oregonians J* SETTLE­ In the Matter of the Estate of HALBERT L. FOWLER, de­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the Estate of Halbert L. Fowler has filed her final account in the of­ fice of the County Clerk of Co­ lumbia County, Oregon and May 13, 1946 at the County Court room in St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. of said day has been set by the Court for the time of the hearing ox objections to said final account, if any there be, and for the final settlement of said Estate. Dated and first published April 4, 1946. AIMEE E. MELLIS, Administratrix. VICTOR OLIVER, Albany, Oregon, Attorney for administratrix. 14t5c THE GRANGE in Oregon long has been the foremost exponent of the principle that the mighty Columbia river and its tributaries belong to the people- -all the people—and should be devel­ : oped for their benefit. The hydro-electric energy of these streams is our greatest Northwest resource and should be made avail-’ able to all. Through its sponsorship of People’s Utility Districts, rural electrification cooperatives and muni-* cipal ownership of public utilities, the Grange is( progressing toward its goal of bringing low-cost light and power to every Northwest home and industry. Projects of this nature are as vital a part of Grange' activities as better agriculture itself. That is why 28,000 progressive farmers belong to the Oregon State Grange — why membership continues to grow — why the Grange is a dominant force for social progress. ' FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges­ tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat­ ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Vernonia Drug Company. 5-30-46 NEXT FOR Name Honors Mott Memory Grangers Grow Social Crops PAPER. Business - Professional Directory BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland Sanset • Timber • Vernonia • Elsie • Cannot Beach of month. AUXILIARY First and Third Toe»day. MARGARET EBERT, Plain­ tiff vs. EDGAR EBERT, De­ fendant. ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and fire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf- Thursday of each month. POST SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has filed her Final Account in the Estate of C. M. Hult, deceased, in the County Court of Columbia County, Ore­ gon, and the Court has fixed May 13, 1946 at 10:00 A.M. in the Court Room of the said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the set­ tlement thereof. MILDRED HULT, Administratrix. P. L. PATTERSON, Attorney for Administratrix. 15t5e LOST AND FOUND FOR BETTER and long-lasting paint jobs use Dutch Boy Paints. Store hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and Saturday to 7 p.m. Upgard's Paint and Wallpaper. 15t3c ads Legal Notices TO: Edgar Ebert, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE LUMBER grader-tallyman to su­ STATE OF OREGON, you are pervise car loading by contract. hereby required to appear and Also 2 men to load lumber and answer the complaint filed cants. Contract or hourly basis. againht you in the above entitled Vets pref. Inq. “X” Vernonia Court and cause on or before Eagle office. 14t3 the expiration of four weeks BUTTER moulds. Alsd fat, Red from the dale of the first pub­ Hamp, chickens for sale. Good lication of this summons; if you for eating. Sec Mrs. M. A. fail to so appear and answer, Oakes, Riverview. 15t3c plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the above entitled Cour; LISTINGS on your homes, farms for the relief prayed in her and small acreage. Free apprais­ complaint, to-wit: for a decree als given. We have cash buyers of this Court that the marriage waiting to buy your place. Call contract heretofore and now ex­ or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay- isting between the plaintiff and ter Realty compa y, 528 S. W. defendant be dissolved, and for Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, such other and further relief as phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— to the Court may seem meet and TO BUY several acres of land just. THIS Summons is published by on outskirts of town. Preferably with house in condtiion to be order of the Honorable H. K. Zimmerman, Judge of the Circuit repaired. Contact M. P. Sander­ 15t3 Court of the State of Oregon for son, HyVan Hotel. Columbia County, made and en­ SOMEONE in the vicinity of Riv­ tered on the 18th day of March, erview who would take care of 1946, directing that such pub­ my 3-year-old I boy every day lication be made once a week from morning until evening. In- for four consecutive weeks from quire at the second two-story the date of the first publication white i frame house from Graves’ hereof. Date of first publication: Fcod Stone and Lockers, on the corner. 13t3— March 21, 1946. Date of last publication: FOR SALE OR TRADE April 11, 1946. DAVID O. BENNETT, ’31 ESSEX sedan. A. E. Snyder, Attorney at Law, Keasey Rt. 214 mi. out. 15tl . St. Helens, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS charge MINIMUM HOUSE with five rooms, full bath. Newly decorated inside, needs outside paint. Completely furnished including Thor washer, radio, white cook range with coils, fine oil circulator, etc. Bargain at $1750. 841 First Ave. 15tl LEGAL NOTICE 1-46 A. F. & A. M. A CARPENTER work of all kinds. Fred Luiidgren, 924 2nd Ave. 15t6 FIVE-ROOM all modern house. A, W. Roady, Corey hill next to school. 14t3c THE EAGLE, VERNONIIA, ORE. THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1946 7 visiting sisters and broth­ ers SAW filing of all kinds and gum­ ming. A. L. DeHart, 867 2nd Ave. lOtf— Classified Ad Rates ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. Wed. WOULD LIKE to find good home in country for 5-mo.-old half cocker spaniel and collie. Inquire 3511 C Street, Bob Thompson. 15t3c SLEEPING ROOM. Reasonable price. 376 North St. L. M. Porterfield. 13tf NO CLASSIFIED 3rd PRIVATE party wants timber, any amount or kind. Box 71, ScottMills, Oregon. 13t2 TWO PAIR large, white rab­ bits. $5 pair. R. L. Tunnell, Mist Rt. 133t and at Masonic Ten* A.F. TWO FRESH cows and two com­ ing fresh soon. Carl Davis t>laco, Stoney Point road. 15tl munication first of Dorethy 5-YEAR-OLD horse, about 1200 lbs. Blocky built, black. Ted Keasey, Keasey Rt. 13t3 may 2-46 Chapter FOR SALE—Livestock STARTED beby chicks and breed roosters. Peasnail, Phone 336, Capitol Hill Hatchery. 12tf. EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that Wednesday of each month. Nehalem TURKEY hatching eggs. T. F. Hillyer, Riverview. Box 70, Mist Rt., Vernonia, Ore. THE Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: MATTRESS for double bed. Like new. $5. Jack Evans, Corey hill. 15t3 handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75c. No information given Second and Fourth Second THREE 30-in awnings, one 6- foot awning, like new. Set of 4 $25. Mrs. Frank Lange. 15t3 BLIND 116 Vernonia, Oregon Hall, LOTUS MAJOR seed, This is one of the outstanding legumes for pasture, hay and ensilage. Price $2.50 pound, Address county agent’s office, St. Helens, Ore. 13t3 over minimum, 3c each. Knights of Pythias Lodge GOOD used piano. Write to W. M. Blowers, 1206 Broadway, 15t6 Longview, Washington. BOLD C. B. Ried, W. Pres. Harding sewing machine, pressure electric mixer, frigidaire, All in good condition. 804 Shady Lane. 15t3 WHITE cooker, washer. Inquire YOUNG calves for sale. En­ quire at Pebble Creek Dairy, Timber Rt., Box 56. 15t3 Mt Heart Rebekah Meets UPRIGHT Stark piano. Inquire at 758 Weed Ave., M. J. Lamp­ ing. 14t3c Write Herb Counts, 14t3c FOR SALE—Real Estate 1-46 Gearhart • Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 don’t make a practice so bragging, when cast about the the CHAT *N mean it for we good of broad­ food NIBBLE, sure-----and Information about the purpose and accomplishments of the Ore­ gon State Grange is contained in a booklet "Let's Look at the Record”. Contact your local Grange for copy, or write direct. at we OREGON STATE GRANGE that’s no foolin*. CHAT CLEVE E. V 113S S. L Sataoa St, Parttaad 14, Oragoa NIBBLE / ROBERTSON 72 OF SERVICE ROBERTSON TO ORISON PARMIRO i o?l