Thursday, May 17, 1945 2 Vernonia Eagle Daughter Born Our Great America 6y Tryon Mr .and Mrs. Ellis Wooldridge are the parents of a girl born May 2 at -the Emanuel hospital Portland. She weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and has been named TOPICS OF THE TOWN Visit* Daughter Work Changed Albert Helland visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Rex Normand, in Riverview for two weeks and returned to his home in Ellensburg, Wn. on Wednesday of last week. Harold Carrick has started to work for the Nehalem Dairy Products company and has dis­ continued logging due to a back injury which has been causing him considerable trouble. DANCE, Friday, May 18, Le­ gion hall, Tiny and Hi* Wrang­ ler*. Vernonia Service Club. $1.00 In person. 1912— Texas Mrs. Verne Sykes left early last week for Texas where she will spend several weeks near Camp Hood where her husband is stationed. Here from Portland Mrs. Pearl Adams and Mri. Leslie Hobin were here from Portland Friday and Sat. of last week to visit friend and relatives. Son Mrs. Dave Marshall spent Mother’s Day week end in Seat­ tle -with her son. Jack Marshall, and family. She returned here Tuesday. W. T. JACOBS 941 1st Avenue, Vernonia 1 Proper friction control involves a complete understanding of the function of various lubri­ cants and their administration. Signal oils and greases are designed by friction control engi­ neers, MEN WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING, and meet every requirement in the vast field of lubrication. Heath’s Service Station At the Mile Bridge, Riverview WELDING BRAZING CUTTING Portable Welder Goes ANYWHERE For special and exacting work CALL 453 ac once. Build-ups, reinforcements, geartooth re­ placements, stress buffers and hard-surfacing jobs done quickly and inexpensively. Expert designing and fabrication: Our motto “IF YOU CAN’T GET IT; WE CAN MAKE IT FOR YOU!” VERNONIA WELDING SHOP PHONE 453 H. R. JUNKEN 1142 COLUMBIA ST. ARE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR A NEW GRADE 1? 10 PIPELINES TO “5PEEP "WE SUPPLY OF OIL TO VEHICLES AT THE FRONT ARE QUICKLY LAIP -.¡sSV»' By MEANS OF A SYNTHETIC ROBBER. GASKET THAT SEALS EACH SECTION XiS- OF PIPE TO6ETHER. Injured Adequate Control Phone 5711 B rav IIIG TME'OBIGINW.'BUTZ-KR i E i S 'IfeiJllL -«= Mrs. Jack Spencer and daugh­ ter, Jackie, moved last week to Coos Bay where Mr. Spencer has been working for several weeks since being employed here in the 0-A office. The household goods were moved by Cason Transfer. • Elgus Frank suffered a broken toe last week while at work at the mill due to a falling board. He had returned to work that day after being off several weeks due to an injured shoulder. DO YOU NEED YOUR TIRES RECAPPED? VCB0LT5 OF LI6HTNIH6) INTEREST FIRE W WATCH-TOWERS CAKES COOl NERVES. W ALTHOUGH THE CAU6ER HAS BEEN — LAK6ELŸ REALOV EP BY L15MTNIN6 AtVESTE iMli ZW>r im erees to wHKNTitfaisTiNawiet eux MOÌIASIX6 SKM/morNew Tuuuw tw <7 Zi y 'Sa Move to Coo* Bay Foot GUARANTEED Watch Repairing '*^9? Visited Madeline Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of Camp McGregor and Mrs. Otto Michener went to Portland Friday, May 11 to get Mrs. Wooldridge and the new baby daughter. Visit in Burns Mother Mrs. Holly Holcomb, Jr. and daughters left Thursday of last week for Burns where they will spend two weeks visiting relatives. Mrs. Harry Hewett of Port­ land is-spending a week here vis­ iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Roediger. Mrs. Hewett is Mrs. Roediger’s mother. DANCE, gion hall. Friday, Vernonia lers. May Tiny and His Wrang­ Service Club. 19t2— person. $1.00 Here from Le­ 18, Forest from Visitors Enjoyed Mrs. A. E. Jennings enjoyed a grand Mother’s Day Sunday she reports due to a visit by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hollister and their three children who came to spend the greater part of the day. They live at Taft. Robert Kilby and family also visited Mrs. Jennings on Saturday. DANCE Sat., May 19, hall. Brisette orchestra. by Sat., Brisette ored by May 19, Legion orchestra. Spon- American Legion. It— for tomorrows driving Wanted! Portland Carlin Hackney is here during his vacation from work in a Port­ land shipyard and is doing some work for his father-in-law, Bob Spencer. ored DANCE hall. Here Grove Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas of Forest Grove were here the past week end to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malmsten. Here Visit* American Legion Spon- Legion. It— Brothers Here GOOD-YEAR Next to a new tire, Goodyear Extra-Mileage Recapping’s your best bet for keeping your car rolling. Let our experts build many more miles of service into your old tire today. 6.00-16 SUPER-SERVICE W. S. JAMES Forest Grove Phone 74 ¡Some shoppers are deceived by QUANTITY when QUALITY means far more to economy. One item of excellent Quality completely used is far more beneficial than 10 items of poor quality among which 7 or 8 will go to waste or give no results to the user. Guests Mrs. Marvin C. Brewster has returned from the Forest Grove hospital with her son who has been named Ezra Luther. He weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces and was born Monday, May 7th. h6os BUSCH’S Dessy’s Tavern Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Michener were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and daughter, Judy, Delmar Michener from Camp McGregor and Mrs. Wooldridge and two children. Son Born Trade your Grade I certificate for today’s Number 1 tire, a new Goodyear . . . your best buy for extra safety and Ioni .lg, low-cost mileage. Bring in your car for a fitting today. (PLUS TAX) WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF PAS­ SENGER AND TRUCK TIRES AND TUBES Lt. and Mrs. William Lair of North Carolina and Lt. and Mr.;. Raymond Lair were here last week to visit at the Cecil John­ son home. Both men are broth­ ers of Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Ray­ mond Lair will make Vernonia her home. Week End ■ loMyf EXTRA-MILEAGE RECAPPING All kinds of people that are looking for a good time and a good glass of brew. Come on over to the friendly tavern. ¡THE MORE, THE MERRIER! 6iTA good /V ear GRAVES’ GROCERY Phone 776 THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... ICE CREAM THE IDEAL DESSERT Ice cream can be served in so many de­ lightful ways. It fits every refreshment sit­ uation like toothpaste fits a tube. PAL SHOP GALLON ORDER LOTS OF DAY ICE IN OR MORE CREAM A ADVANCE SONOTONE HEARING CENTER Wednesday, May 23rd FROM 10 A. M. TO 7 P.M. MacDONALD HOTEL I will gladly make an audio­ gram of your hearing. In 20 minute» you can see ju»t what your hearing Io»» is, and whether or not you need a hearing aid. No charge or obligation. GEORGE: "Yes. I certainly would like to hear why you call that an old fashioned idea. Judge.” OLD JUDGE: "Glad to tell you. George. Until recently, a person known as an al­ coholic was generally treated as a social outcast. Little if anything was done to understand him or help him. But. during the past few years, medical research and study has developed that alcoholics are really sick people ... that there is usually a deep- rooted physical, social or emotional reason behind their behavior. That’s why today so much is being done to help them by finding out and correcting the condition that leads them to excess.” GEORGE: "How many folks are there like that. Judge?” OLD JUDGE:" Well. according to scientific research. 95% of the people who drink, drink sensibly. 5% do so unwisely, at times. Included in that 5% is the small percentage of the sick people I’m talking about." GEORGE: “That certainly gives me a clearer picture. It’s the most sensible ap­ proach I’ve ever heard on the subject." K. R. Sax r*w Hwiiw-nl IN"»* Sy Cw/rar, ./ AkeMtr Bwesf. IWuf-w. las.