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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1945)
Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon Volume 23 Number 17 REV. V. A. BALLANTYNE, JR. Dumbarton Oaks Plan Is Explained in Booklet THOSE WHO ARE IN IT Thursday, April 26, 1945 Fire Control District Is Talked By Stockmen Fri. A brief, concise explanation of should have a thorough under GETS 30-DAY LEAVE Sgt. Ed Burton, who was the Dumbarton Oaks plan which standing of the issues involved.” wounded some time ago while The circular will be distributed will be discussed at the coming Columbia County Livestock association members San Francisco conference is con to leaders of farm and rural fighting in Europe, has been re met last Friday to hear N. S. Rogers, state forester, tained in O. S. C. extension cir groups in Columb’a County with turned to this country and is cular No. 457, “United Nations a suggestion that it provide some stationed at the hospital at Walla discuss the zoning of Columbia county into fire con trol district No, I, to hear talks on improved fencing Proposals for World Security,” of the subject matter for a dis Walla, Washington. He has been methods, to hear a discussion on benefits to be de now available at the Columbia cussion of this important ques granted a 30-day leave and plans rived from signing up under the triple A program county extension office. The circular explains in under tion, the County Agent says. At to be home this week end. He and to elect officers for the coming year. standable language the major the same time, copies are avail has recovered sufficiently from The leading topic at the meeting was the forming points that will be considered by able free of charge to anyone his leg wound that the use of of the fire control district. The crutches is not now required. the United Nations, according to who wants one. state forestry department would County Agent Nelsen. It is in IN PHILIPPINES direct the formation and a com tended to stimulate study of the Oscai Sorlee is stationed in plan, and to encourage formula the Philippine Islands now with mute was named to act on the tion of public opinion about the a cannon company. Also in the matter along with a committee proposals. It reviews the major Philippines is Robert Olinger, son which the department will send Greenwood Motors, Bridge St., of Mr. and Mi's. Walter Olinger. out to investigate. Favorable 'points for and against the plan. have b<en appointed official He has seen lots of action he comment by stockmen attending James Fredrick Troutwine was Written by Dr. U. G. Dubach, Dodge-Plymouth automobile and was heard regarding the proposed Dodge job-rated truck dealers for head of the political science de born in Peshtigo, Wisconsin, Jan states. A Peace Conference is to be partment at Oregon State Col uary 3, 1867 and passed away LEAVES FOR SERVICE district. the Vernonia district, including held at the Evangelical church lege, the leaflet has been issued Friday afternoon at his home the major portion of Western Lee Engen left last Friday to George A. Nelson, county agent Columbia county, according to from April 29th to May 13th by the Extension service as a at the age of 78 years, 3 months report for duty in the armed with Rev. V. A. Ballantyne, Jr. contribution to better understand and 17 days from a heart at forces. .He went from here to presented information regarding word from Joe Fisher, Oregon’s improved fencing methods by Dodge-Plymouth distributor. in charge of the meeting. When ing on the part of rural people of tack. He had been in poor health Fort Lewis. power post hole diggers and by nations of the world, as well a3 the plans under consideration for more than two years. “We are particularly pleased to In January, 1900, Mr. Trout IN UTAH NOW power post drivers. A county man this community, have been look world peace. Mrs. Frank McCabe has re has developed a( mechanical dig have such an active and capable “While the main objective of wine was united in marriage to ing for Peace, it is very timely organization as Greenwood Mo that a conference be held in this proposed world organization Elizabeth Hust and to this union ceived a letter from T-Sgt. Don ger which was attached to the tors handling the Dodge-Plymouth this community. Scriptures say is to outlaw war, inevitably there was born one daughter, Edith. K. Peterson who formerly lived power take-off of a tractor and lines in this important territory,” here aijd who is now in Bush will be many other results, eco Mr. Troutwine moved to Mon which achieved the speed of about that the world will cry for peace Mr. Fisher stated. “They already when there is no peace, yet nomic and social,” the circular’s tana in 1910 and a few years nell General hospital at Brig one hole per minute. The Erick have installed a very complete there is peace in the world introduction points out. “These later to Walla Walla, Wash. In ham City, Utah. He says: “This son brothers at Warren have service department and a largo even during wartime, but this include effect on national em- 1921 he moved to Portland and will no doubt surprise you but made a mechanical tractor driv stock of new mechanical parts, peace comes only from God. Lo ■ployment, markets for farm pro- two years later came to Vernonia I suppose you have been ex en post driver which requires enabling prompt attention to ev cal people are urged to hear - duction, and world trade. This where he has made his home pecting me to get. hurt. Now it’s about three minutes to place a ery car problem. not nearly as bad as it may probably the greatest question since. post. • Rev. Ballantyne’s message about sound to you for they can fix ever brought before the Amer Left to mourn his loss are: a this peace. “ We are working with Green May 1st is the deadline set ican people for decision. Because daughter, Mrs. Edith Otte, Ti me up almost as good as new. wood Motors in planning for the Rev. Ballantyne is a talenteJ of the social and economic impli gard; two step daughters, Mrs. They put . a couple of 88mm for signing up with the triple A business expansion that is sure musician and will play the trom cations, farm and rural people Helen Scott, Richmond, Cal., and shells through my tank and made program, Mr. Nelson reminded to come in our post-war, period. bone and accordian. Services will Matilda Fusion, Tigard; one step one of my legs shorter than stockmen and mentioned that They will be supplied with new be conducted every evening ex son, Carl Hust, Loomis Wiscon the other. The only thing I re under this program it is pos Dodge and Plymouth cars and cept Saturday at 8 o’clock. On gret besides losing the leg is sible to develop water supplies Dodge job-rated trucks just as sin; three grandchildren. Monday, Wednesday and Friday Services were conducted at that I didn’t get the guy that from seeps and springs, to do soon as they are available,” Fish of each week Rev. and Mrs. Bal 5 p.m. April 22 at: the Bush Fu shot me. fencing and trail building, clear er concluded. lantyne will hold an “officers "It surely does seem nice to brush, seed logged-off land and neral home witli Rev. W. O. candidate school” for Christian The business is located in the Livingstone officiating. Interment be back in the states again. It’s undertake weed control. Funeral services were held at was made at the Vernonia Mem got any part of Europe beat soldiers. This! is for all boys and Early building which formerly Sign-up for the program will housed the Vernonia post office. girls who can come. Rev. Ball the Christian church Sunday, orial cemetery. in many ways.” antyne plans two companies to April 22 at 2 o’clock for Louis He also mentions coming from be held at Vernonia Thursday, The building has been remodled compete for honors. Each candi Adolph Boeck who was born at Paris to New York in about 23 today, at 1:00 p.m. at the Wash to provide space for a repair date begins as a private and will Wehalan Ostprenssen, Germany, hours and from New York to ington grade school and at Mist department, show room, parts dis work for lieutenant rating. Mrs. November 15, 1865. He passed Brigham City in a little over a at 10:00 a.m. at the grade school. play and office. E. E. Green day. Ballantyne will use her flannel away at Garibaldi April 19, 1945 wood is the owner and manager. Officers elected for the com graph and Rev. Ballantyne will at the age of 79 years, 5 months GETS REST ing year were: J C. Moran, pres use his moving picture projector. and 4 days. The deceased came Corporal Edwin D. Gammon, ident; Guy Tarbell, vice-presi to the United States in 1888 Advisory committees and mem Vernonia, is temporarily dent; and Mr. Nelson, secretary when he was between 20 and bers of the board of directors 26, 30 years of age and moved to for the Columbia County Chapter resting at the spacious Miramar treasurer. Refreshments were al Oregon in 1889. His wife pro of the Red Cross have been Hotel section of the army ground so served by Mrs. Moran and Mrs. ceeded him in death 10 years named and the names released and service forces redistribution E. A. McDonald. Funeral services for Arthur ago. as follows for the Upper Ne station, Santa Barbara, Cal. fol Robert Shampine were held here Louis Adolph Boeck is survived halem Valley: Vernonia—Mrs. lowing his recent return from A memorial service for S-Sgt. by: Louis Carl Boeck, Spring Harry Culbertson, Mrs. Harry 37 months duty overseas, accord yesterday, April 25th at the Bush Glen Alden Hall, son of Mr. and field; William Boeck, Glendale, Hall, Mrs. A. J. Hughes and Otis ing to a news release from the Funeral Home following his Mrs. V B. Killingberg, was sol Cal.’; Mrs. Anna Bond, Wishram, Fuller; Wilark-Pittsburg—Mrs. army service command. The Ver death April 21st at the age of emnized Sunday at 4 p.m. April Wash.; Otto Boeck, Waldport; Ralph Valpiani; 74 years, 4 months and 29 days. Mist-Natal— nonia veteran served as a squad 22, at the Christian church. S-Sgt. Mrs. Martha Creson, Garibaldi; Mrs. Minnie Hughes; Birkenfeld leader in an engineer unit in Mr. Shampine was born Novem Hall was killed in action March Richard A. Boeck, Portland and —Mrs. Guy Bellingham. Princi North Africa and Italy. While conceeding that the ber 24, 1870 in New York state. 30, 1945 at Mindanao, Philippine Mrs. Hilda Browning, Vernonia. pal duties of the advisory com Under the direction of the Portland OPA district had done Survivors of the deceased are: Islands. He joined the National He made his home with Mrs. mittees are to function as liason Ninth Service Command, the re a good job in gasoline conserva Guard in June, 1940, left for Creson at Garibaldi for the past between the people of the coun distribution station, one of five tion, when it Comes to tires, the his wife, Gertrude May .Verno overseas in April, 1942, and year. established by the army to re record is only fair, according to nia; two sons, Delbert Harry, U. ty and the board of directors. S. Army, Germany, and Robert would have complied three years Services were in charge ‘of Serving on the board of direc ceive service men and women E. B. Tucker, regional OPA tire Louis, Diamond Lake; three on April 5th. He had been award Wadd Funeral home, Tillamook, tors for the county chapter from returned from oversea^ duty, of rationing representative, of San ed the bronze star medal and the with Rev. W. O. Livingstone offi this valley are Mrs. L. H. Rob fers a comprehensive program Francisco, who spoke last week daughters, Vivian Calhoon, Ver combat infantryman’s badge as ciating. Interment was at the erson and Wm. H. Bridgers. of athletics, recreation and en to representatives of plant trans nonia, Leola May Hodapp, Den a member of Company K, 186th old Vernonia cemetery. tertainment to returnees while portation committees and gov ver, Colorado and Lucille Hays, Inf., 41st Division. they take part in re-orientation ernment mileage administrators Portland; 12 grandchildren and Squeeze-Tnn to Open Glen Hall is survived by Mr. discussions, receive physical ex in Portland. Jessie McNeil, mil one great grandchild. He had and Mrs. Killingberg; a sister, Church Floors Sanded The Squeeze-Inn restaurant aminations, and are assigned to age conservation specialist, pre lived in Vernonia about eight months. A crew of men working under will open Monday, April 30 after new duties on the basis of ex sided. Mickey; a brother, Bill, Vernonia; a sister, Mrs. Clifford Carrick, the direction of E. A. Gieselman, being, closed for several weeks. perience and skill. Interment was at the Verno “The Portland OPA district nia Memorial Cemetery. Stayton; grandparents, Mr. and Portland, is busy this week sand The interior has been completely Corporal Gammon entered the Mrs. A. J. Akers, Pocatello, Ida ing and varnishing the floors of refinished, all woodwork being service July 23, 1940. He is the has used more rubber than any ho. the Evangelical church. Floors in repainted and made ready for son of Frank E. Gammon of other district in the country, both in passenger car tires and Rev. W. O. Livingstone offici the auditorium, the halls, social the opening, it is announced by Portland. tires for trucks and buses”, de ated at the service and a talk was hall and four class rooms will be Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Divine, FLAK EXPERIENCED refinished. clared Tucker. made by Paul Gurdon. owners. Joining in the Eighth Air Loose inspection practices of Force attack which slashed at enemy military and industrial some stations and failure to re A total of 249 children of el installation stretching from the cap and repair tires may account ementary school age were ex In May the Vernonia Service recreation rooms and furniture "the American Legion and Aux Rhine to Berlin, Sgt. Middleton for some of the tire use, he ex amined at the recent "handicap club will have completed three for day rooms at government iliary for th'e use of their hail T. Crawford, 19-year-old B-17 plained, while urging a tighten workshops” (there were five in years of work which has been de hospitals. Under the direction and facilities; the Vernonia Eagle flying fortress waist gunner, and ing up of the inspection system. all) conducted in this county the voted to the servicemen. What the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Amos T. Crowl, regional OPA latter part of March. This pro it is and what it has accomp of the Red Cross field secre for it’s cordial cooperation In Crawford, received his baptism mileage rationing representative, gram was made possible through tary the club has provided assist printing stories of the work and lished has been of interest to by fire recently, when he flew said that the OPA had been ov the state department of educa most of the people of the com ance to service men’s families news of the club; the Joy theatre through heavy flak to bomb key tion. Children were examined for munity because the club has been where the need is apparent. for aid in publicizing benefits; Nazi synthetic oil plants at Ham erdrawing its gasoline account speech defects, hearing losses and with the petroleum administrator In this manner the club has a means whereby those people the Vernonia business houses for burg, Germany. vision defects. could work on various projects been a medium through .which the priviledge of placing post Before entering combat, Sgt. for war about 10 percent, but he Results follow: Hard of hear said that on the basis of gas and know that the articles com mothers and friends might work ers in their windows and their Crawford received advanced tac oline consumption to increased ing children seen, 86; educational pleted and the money donated for the welfare and comfort of cooperation in furnishing and de tical training in England. recommendations, 28; referred would go directly where intend those in the service. Funds ob livering produce for feeds; and Sgt. Crawford serves with the population and on the basis of to the school for the deaf, 5; issuance of supplemental rations ed. That goal is help toward the tained from luncheons and danc the patronage of the public at colorful 390th bombardment refered for medical attention, 11, es all go for that purpose, wheth our benefit functions. A cordial group cited by the president for compared with the number of war effort. Children with speech defects cars operating the Pacific Coast The club’s work has been er it be for the purchase of yam invitation is extended to any skill and daring in action, and seen, (includes stuttering, stam has done a good job. mainly for the service men's hos for afghans, for scrap books or ladies having the time to help in which shares in another presiden mering, and articulation), 51; pitals and to provide comforts in for direct donations. any way in the work of the tial award for aiding in the third enemy aircraft by a lone grou^ educational recommendations, 51. the camps day rooms. Money has The club, in completing three club.” air division’s epic assault on key in a single engagement, having Children with vision defects been donated to the Red Cross years of work, expresses its sin The next meeting will be held aircraft plants at Regensburg, destroyed 63 German fighters seen, 112; referred for medical war funds and has been used to cere thanks for the hdlp its Thursday, April 26, following the Germany. The 390th holds a war over the Ruhr valley in October attention, 37; educational recom purchase needed equipment for members have received from: luncheon for that day. record for the destruction of 1943. mendations, 34. Greenwood Motors Named Distributer James Troutwine Death Occurs Fri. Peace Conference Is Church Plan Last Rites Read For Louis Roeck R. C. Advisors, Directors Chosen Shampine Rites Held Yesterday Memorial Service Solemnized Sun. OPA Man Says Record Is Fair May Marks 3 Years for Service Club 249 Children Get Defect Checks