Thursday, April 19, 1945 2 Vernonia Eagle Our Great America TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Mike White are the parents of a baby girl, born April 11th at Hillsboro. She has been named Connie Lou. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Shafer and Mrs. Enda White. PARTY CARD 8 Fri. Legion o'clock, Amer. 27, at Spon by Apr. hall. Aux. Legion 16t2— Recuperating Mrs. M. A. McNutt is in the Forest Grove general hospital re cuperating from a major oper ation. DANCE at Legion hall, Sat. nite April 21. Spon. by Amer. Legion 1 6t 1— Briaette orchestra. Here Visiting Mrs. K. Donald, are Mrs. A. L. rived last during this A. McNeil and son, here visiting Mr. and Kullander. They ar week and will stay week. VERNONIA WELDING SHOP Experienced cat chinery DO in and designing special building Truck, and equipment. ma logging welding. NOT THROW THAT HARD-TO-GET PART AWAY Electric & Acetylene Portable H. R. MT AlMOfT 500 YEARS BIFORE MX COLUMBUS. RICHES OF THE Hl* AMERICAN FORESTS WERE BE INÓ In Portland Girl Born Junken Ph. 453 1142 COLUMBIA ST. Cecil Johnson, Miller Depart- merft store manager, was in Port land Monday on busint ss. Aux. Legion Leg Hand, 16t2— Frank Morris and Louis Schroe der both were injured a few days ago when the former cut his hand with an ax at his home and the latter when he cut his leg while working in the woods. DANCE at Legion hall, Sat. nite EXTRA-MILEAGE RECAPPING Next to a new tire, Goodyear Extra-Mileage Recapping's your best bet for keeping your car rolling. Let our experts build many more miles of service into your old tire today. 16tl — Brisette orchestra. I Ill at Home A. H. Tisdale is ill with a respiratory infection and is con fined to his home. Here from Boy s E conp . each P icture costs ONLY ONE POLLAR, BUT W CULLAR IS 5PENT ATI THE RATE OF 3.68111104 D0UMS M HOUl/ Portland Thad Caton, former employee at the Bush Furniture store, was here Monday of this week visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Jewett A. Bush and friends. He is employed in Portland now in the personnel department of Pool and McGon- igle ship repair. Baby Xi NEW X-RAY UNIT COSTS MORE TO RUN THAN THE WAR / IT TAKES X-RA/i AT ONE MILLIONTH pF A Born Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr. announce the birth of an eight pound, thirteen ounce baby boy, born Saturday morning, April 14th at 3 o'clock. He has been named Samuel George. The mother was very seriously ill but at last reports a decided im provement was noted. Fishing, Clam Digging Enjoyed RIVERVIEW — A fishing party composed of Nate Hunt- ley of Carlson, Tom and Jim Williamson of Hillsboro, Wilton Robinson, Louis, Albert and Bet ty Huntley journeyed to North- up Creek Sun. and returned with 14 large trout. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kapham- mer of Forest Grove came Sat. for a week end visit at the par ental John Ellis home. On Sun , in company with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bond, they went clam dig ging on the beach at Seaside. Yes, they brought home some clams. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Gibson and daughters transacted business in Portland last Tues. A very newcomer is James Allen Crawford who arrived with his mother, Mrs. G. F. Crawford Mon. They came from the Gen eral hospital in Forest Grove where James arrived April 9th. His grandmother, Mrs. Bacon and his daddy brought them to their new home. Welcome Jim. Owing to the expectancy of the arrival of her son, Wayne, on a short furlough before being sent overseas, Mrs. Harve Crume has asked Mrs. 'Claud Gibson to substitue for her in entertaining The Friendship Club. Apr. 19th. Friendship Clubbers note place and date. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beck of Portland came Sat. for a visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. L. L. Wells. Mrs. Porterfield of Vernonia spent Mon. p.m. with her friend Mrs. Artie Buckner. Mr. A. J. Cowart was pleased to have for his guests last Sun. his neice, Mrs. A. J. Hyman, Mr. Hyman and their son, Junior of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knoedler and children and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler and son. Larry, motored to Goble Sun. where the Knoedlers visited Mrs. Knoedler’s sister, Mrs. Clifford Nelson, whose husband is to take his in duction exams Wed. while the Fowlers visited Clifford’s broth er, Arthur Fowler find wife. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Rundell, Herman Wood and good / year SONOTONE BETTER HEARING CENTER ToMyf Monday, April 23rd from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Trade your Grade I certificate for today’s Number 1 tire, a new Goodyear . . . your best buy for extra safety and lon| ig, low-cost ' mileage. Bring in your car for a fitting today. (PLUS TAX) s1605 R espite ARMY REJECTIONS FOR ILLITERACY OUR IMPROVEMENT IN THE PAST 20 YEARS IS OVER 75% ACOORPIN6 TO INSURANCE CUMPANy' STATISTICS. ILLITERACY IS NEAR1MS THE V/INWHINO POINT IN AMERICA. Bertram, spent Sat. in Portland visiting the C. E. George family. Mrs. Mothershed and daugh- ters of Raymond, Wash. spent several days this week at the Jim Bond home. Mr. and Mrs. Riley hall en- joyed a visit Sun. with Mrs. Nan Schindler and Mrs. Myrtie Cline of Vernonia. Mrs. Schindler had returned Tues, from a visit to O. E. S. Initiatory Work Exemplified for Sister; Week’s Visits Reported RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Harold Raymond and son re turned Thurs. from Lebanon where they had spent ten days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobat. Mrs. Oscar Sorlee had an extra day to spend with relatives and friends this week due to the tribute paid to our departed pres- ident by Lipman-Wulfe for whom she works. She spent Sat. p.m. with Mr. and Mrs. Wirtz. Gwen Foy and Hazel Rfedweg of Hillsboro spent the week end with the Wayne Pugh family Mrs. -Glen Hawkins, worthy patron and Mrs. Glen Hawkins, Worthy Matron of the Nehalem Chapter of the Eastern Star were asked by the Worthy Matron of the Mizpah Chapter at St. Helens to put on the initiatory work for Mrs. Hawkin’s sister, Mrs. Robert Moore. They accepted and on Tuesday journeyed to St. Helens and with Mrs. Clifford Felton, another sister of Mrs. Hawkins’ acting as Courtesy candidate the initiation was enacted. GUARANTEED Watch Repairing 941 W. T. JACOBS 1st Avenue, Vernonia have applications on hand for more than the entire county quota. New Wettern Tones for Western Homes VELDURO One - Coat Wall Finish Assorted colors Gallon $2.98 ALSO KALSOMINE 5 lbs. 35c FLOOR WAX Sell? Shine Pt. 58c Qt. 99c WALLPAPER for ev ery room in the house Single roll 10c to 21c Ceiling single rl. 12>/2c Also wallpaper paste E. E. Upgard 868 Bridge St. Ph. CHEVROLET SERVICE SEE YOUR CHEVROLET- GROWING SCHOOL CHILDREN Need lots of milk for health and energy. They’ll like Nehalem Dairy milk, too. Phone us for regular delivery to your home. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. Phone■471 > Fashionable perma nents that set a new high for beauty. Lead your set with a glorious hair style so distinctive that it becomes a part of your very own per sonality ! DEALER Vernonia Auto Co. A Safe Place to Trade Ph. 342 Vernonia Riverview Beauty Shop Phone 7712 We Use Soft Well Water Marinello Grad. 8 years exp. at Graves SERVICE FOOD MEAT COURTESY CONVENIENCE Give us a try! MacDonald Vernonia, Oregon USCH’S SUPER-SERVICE W. S. JAMES I will gladly make an audio gram of your hearing. In 20 minutes ypu can see what your hearing loss is, and whether or not you need a hearing aid. There is no charge or obligation consultation or tests. Ken R. Sax Certified Phone 74 Sonotone 1262 FOR 6.00-14 WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF PAS SENGER AND TRUCK TIRES AND TUBES Forest Grove C'*rt ) April 21. Spon. by Amer. Legion ARE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR A NEW GRADE 1? good / year HARVE5TEP BY VMN64, XET OR wooPiiNPf mu covfr hunprew * Of THOUSANK CfACKi. WITH IHCREA5IN61Ÿ «APIO 5FRWPOF AWf RN FOTKT VWrlASFMENT METHOW THAT SPEEPRE6R0WTW. OUR FORESTS CAN CONTINI« » e. SUPPLY NORMAL HEEPS I \ Injured DO YOU NEED YOUR TIRES RECAPPED? for tomorrows driving ¿11 CARD PARTY Fri. Apr. 27, at 8 o'clock, Legion hall. Spon by Amer. Nack Consultant TAu »irr IwM ■perue'W >y Cwfrrmr •/ Akrtrk fax.