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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1945)
SEE “Letters to Lucerne", senior play, this Friday evening at grade school auditorium. Ev ening performance for adults only. Friday matinee for child ren. 15tl— more than 30 pounds and 2 fish in any 7 consecutive days or in possession at any one time. Waters that are closed to ang ling entirely or that have special seasons are listed in the official angling synopsis of the game commission which is just coming off the press and will be distrib uted as soon as possible to license agents throughout the state. The angling license fee is $'l for residents and $5 for non-res idents. There is also a $3 ten-day license for non-residents. Anyone who has not be-en in the state fcr a period of six months immedi ately prior to applying for a li cense is classified as a non-resi dent. All servicemen, however, are entitled to purchase licenses at resident fees regardless cf their status as residents. Dinner Guests AUTOS NEED ASHTRAYS 2_____Thursday, April 12, 1945_____ Vernonia Eagle Our Great America TOPICS OF THE TOWN Home for Week End Miss Phyllis New spent last week end here from Portland with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. New, and friends. Move Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Edwards moved Sunday to the home they purchased on South Second Ave. The home was formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons moved Sunday to the apartment over the 2Z.2Z ip^}= NOW OPEN! 7 DAYS A WEEK PAL SHOP |ORDER GALLON OR MORE | LOTS OF DAY ICE IN CREAM A ADVANCE NORMAL YEARS, THE >2.000 BOARD FEET OF LUMBER IN A 6-ROOM RESIDENCE REPRESENTS ONLY ABOUT lOTo OF THE BUILPIN65 TOTAL COST. ff600 OUT Of ^6.000) Vernona Billiards, formerly oc cupied by the Edwards. Dan Ca son did the moving. Go To Portland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cedar burg went to Portland last Sun day evening with Sic Thurman DeHart and Mrs. DeHart. Thur man left Portland for Shoemaker, Cal. for navy assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange en- tained at Sunday dinner re cently for Mrs. Zoe Johnson, Mr. Lange’s mother, and J. J. Hen ning, both of Portland, Mrs. El len Colton and daughter, Evon of Minneapolis, Minnesota and Sic and Mrs. Thurman DeHart and daughter, Sonny Lee. Mrs. Colton is a niece of Mr. DeHart. DANCE, Odd Fellow, hall, Sat. Apr. 14. Sponsored by Mt. Heart Social Club. Red O’Brien’s or chestra. IStI— Sunday Guests Mr.and Mrs. Steve Kidd and Mr .and Mrs. Myers, all of Till amook, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jewett Bush, Jr. Mr. Kidd isf manager of ship ser vice at Tillamook. z FOR ARIETY V AND ALUE MAKE YOUR MEALS FRESH AND APPETIZING WITH NEHALEM MARKET PRODUCE. SELECTED WITH UTMOST CARE IT CANNOT HELP BUT PLEASE THE MOST FASTIDIOUS TASTE. WE CATER TO THE TYPE OF SHOPPER THAT DEMANDS THAT LITTLE EXTRA SOMETHING THAT ADDS DISTINCTION TO FINE FOOD. NATURALLY, ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS HAVE TO BE THE BEST üy THE EÑP OF 1944, 50 PEKEUI * OF THE VJORLD’5 MERCHANT MARINE LU1LL BE AMERICA KI.... IT WLL INCLUDE 5,000 SHIPS. Teacher Absent Mrs. Margaret Dement, high school instructor, left last Friday immediately after close of school for San Francisco where shie is with her husband who is sched uled to sail for the Philippines in a short time. She will return here when he leaves. DANCE, Odd Fellow, hall, Sat. Apr. 14. Sponsored by Mt. Heart Social Club. Red O’Brien’s or chestra. 15tl— Here from Texas Mrs. George Noyer of Amarillo, Texas_and Mrs. W. P. England of Houston, Texas are here visiting their mother, Mrs. Jack Wall and other relatives. The general angling season for trout over six inches in length will open Saturday, April 14, in all counties of the state except Lake county ,where the opening date is set for May 20. The bag limit is the same as last year, 15 fish but not more than 15 pounds and 1 fish in any one day, and 30 fish but not Home Appliance Service CLEANING, REPAIRING AND SERVICING SEE “Letters to Lucerne”, senior play, this Friday evening at grade school auditorium. Ev ening performance for adults only. Friday matinee for child ren. IStI — Refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, sewing ma chines and all types of house hold electrical or mechanical equipment. Visits Here ALL WORK GUARANTEED 925 Rose Ave. Phone 556 Mrs. Dan Olin was a visitor here for two days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin. Her home is at Salem. Experienced in designing and building special equipment. Truck, cat and logging ma* chinery welding. DO NOT THROW THAT HARD-TO-GET PART AWAY Electric & Acetylene Portable H. R. Junken Ph. 453 1142 COLUMBIA ST. Make A Date-- to meet your friends at THE GHAT ’N NIBBLE for Sunday Dinner! GUARANTEED Watch Repairing W. T. JACOBS 941 1st Avenue, Vernonia Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bass Proprietors BUSINESS SOLD ALL ACCOUNTS ARE DUE! Please: make all payments and installment payments as usual to me at------ I George G. Paterson FOREST GROVE, OREGON E. L. “Al” Robertson THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... Visit Here Mrs. Ernie Shafer, Mrs. Grace Fowler and Mrs. Ethel Buffmire were here from Tuesday to Thursday of this week from Lebanon. Mrs. Dora Washburn, Mrs. Buffmire’s mother, returned to Albany to visit until the first of the coming month. NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY Phone 721 Ç O DO YOU NEED YOUR TIRES RECAPPED? ARE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR A NEW GRADE 1? y Farmers Accorded Second Rating Farmers, farm workers and representatives of recognized a- gencies who use their cars to re cruit farm workers, are given the second of four priority ratings when they apply for grade I passenger car tires, n rating accorded to other persons whose occupations are highly im portant to the war effort.' The first priority group is limited to doctors, public health nurses, police, and others whoso employment is of an emergency nature, and to workers in war plants faced with production e- mergencies. The priority ratings for grade one tire ration applica tions were worked out by OPA in cooperation with the War Manpower Commission, in order to get the best use out of the small remaining supply of tires. They will be followed by local OPA boards in issuing grade I tire purchase certificates. FOR CLASSIFIEDS THAT CLICK—THE EAGLE for tomorrows driving Season Opens for Trout Saturday To prevent forest fires caused by cigarette flippers, every auto in Washington state must have an ashtray. VERNONIA WELDING SHOP "When this war is all over, Judge, there will * be some mighty interesting books written about it. Expect we’ll learn a lot of things we didn’t know before.” “ Yes, Fred, when the record is finally written we’ll realize what a gigantic operation this war really was and how important to final victory many factors really were.” “Take, for example, just one industry. Few people realize the importance of the great work done by the beverage distillers during the war. A high government official . called it 'an almost unparalleled example of the overnight conversion of an entire indus try from peace to war.’ He also said not so many months ago, while speaking about syn thetic rubber. ‘ It is fair to regard the rubber manufactured to date as being almost solely the product of the beverage distilling indus try.’ That’s the type of thing 1 have in mind ... the way great American industries at home cooperated to help our brave fighting men abroad.” “I see what you mean. Judge...a com plete history of American teamwork.” This advertisement sponsored by Conference of Alcoholic Beeer age Industries. Inc. good / year loMyf GOODYEAR EXTRA-MILEAGE RECAPPING Next to a new tire, Goodyear Extra-Mileage Recapping’s your best bet for keeping your car rolling. Let our experts build many more miles of service into your old tire today. Trade your Grado I certificate for today's Number 1 tire, a new Goodyear . . . your best buy for extra safety and loni ig. ’ low-coat $1605 mileage. Bring in your car for a fitting today. (FLU!TAX) 6.00 16 Headquarters for Vernonia WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF PAS SENGER AND TRUCK TIRES AND TUBES USCH’S SUPER-SERVICE W. S. JAMES Forest Grove Phone 74 BE WISE ! Don’t let your dollars take wings, when you can keep them at home by welding broken equipment----- large or small. Years of service in this field, is your assurance of perfect workmanship. OLDEST, MOST RELIABLE, WELDING ESTABLISHMENT IN VERNONIA ♦ VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY ♦