LET’S BE SOCIABLE 105 Masonic Members Attend Annual Old Timer’s Dinner Sat. Scenes from Three Operas Reviewed By Business Women The 13th annual Old Timer’s < dinner at the Masonic Temple : Saturday evening drew one of the larger crowds for the event, 105 Masons attending the affair. The annual dinner was started I 13 years ago by Emil Messing ; and the first dinner also marked 1 his birthday. Again this year the • dinner occured on his birthday. On last Tuesday, January 23, the Vernonia Business and Pro­ fessional Women’s club, met with Lillian Akers and Mrs. Hal- ler at the home of Mrs. L'jlah Fullerton. The program was in charge of Mrs. Akers and she reviewed a scene in each of three operas. For each scene Mrs. Akers had constructed miniature stage set- >tings with lighting effects and with diminutive players, beauti- fully and correctly dostumed. Lights were dimmed and Mrs. A- kers began to narrate the story of the first scene, which was the attic scene from Puccini’s “La Boheme”. Two records were played; Mimi’s solo being sung by Bidu Sayao, and Rudolph’s by Jusse Bourling. The second scene was from the Russian opera, ‘‘Bouris Godoun- ow” by Moussourgsky. The stage displayed minarets in the dis­ tance, the castle up front, with Boris descending the marble stairs and peasants in colorful costumes, kneeling before him in the foreground. Effective blue lights made the scene very real. The recorded solo, “Hail to Bor­ is” sung by Feodor Chaliapin was played. Also the recordings of the symphony with chorus and bells at the Coronation scene, led by Feodor Chaliapin. The third and last scene was the well known “Hansel and Gretel” by Humperdinck. The candy house and gingerbread fence were faithfully reproduced in miniature apd after the narration by Mrs. Akers, the records “Sandman’s Lullaby” and “Even­ ing Prayer” were played, both solos being sung by Elisabeth Schumann. After this delightful program, a short business session was held during which plans were com- pleted to hold a Valentine »dance on Monday, February 5. Invita­ tions are being issued to friends of the club members. The host­ esses served refreshments later in the evcnfhg. Out-of-town Masons attended from St. Helens, Portland and Rainier to swell the number • present. Arrangements were in charge of Walter Linn and much of the preparatory work was done by Walter Kent, Emil Mes­ sing, Paul Gordon, Ira Baucom and Wallace McCrae. Turkey was the main course of the din- No! No! A Thousand Times No! • “If we can’t go over to Dessy’s for full and frolic, don’t ask me to go anywhere.” (Smart Girl) Dessy’s Tavern V GUARANTEED Watch Repairing W. T. JACOBS 941 1st Avenue, Vernonia HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE CLEANING, REPAIRING AND SERVICING Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines and all types of household electrical or mechanical equipment. E. L. “Al” Robertson 925 Rote Ave. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 556 NEW AND USED PARTS Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing Open at 7:30 A.M.; Closed at 7:30 P.M. WE CLOSE ALL DAY SUNDAY LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW SHARl The war effort is reaching a condition which should put every American on his toes to do his utmost to help finish the fight. Buy unrationed foods as often as possible, eat wisely, waste nothing and shop at King’s, are four mighty good suggestions to follow. X KING’S Grocery - Market At the Mile Bridge “Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 A Riverview Rebekahs Seat New Term’s Officers Relief Corps installs Officers Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge held John Bucher Relief Corps No. installation of officers January 49 held installation of officers 11. The following officers were on January 18 at the I.O.O.F. installed for the ensuing term of hall. Officers seated in the chairs six months: Noble Grand, Edna were: president, Faye Davs; sen­ Gwin; Vice-Grand, Alice Gwin; Chaplain, Noma Callister; War­ ior vice-president, Grace Bundy; den, Bea Moon; Conductor, Faye junior vice-president, Alice Gwin; Davis; Inside Guardian,Eva Jac­ treasurer, Eva Jacobs; Chaplain, obs; Outside Guardian; Lena Alma Mills; conductor, Mae Mell­ Schroeder; L. S. N. G. Annetta inger; assistant conductor, Sally Pearl; L. S. V. G. Melba John- son; R. S. V. G. Mae Mell- Brown; guard, Gertrude Kirk; inger; Musician, Irma Bramblett; secretary, Edna Parker; patriotic and Color Bearer, Helen Fuller. instructor, Hilda Middendorf; and Jerry Bramblett was presented color bearers, Nora Riley, Ger­ with a Past Noble Grand jewel trude Rusow, Margaret Lines and and installed in the P. N. G. Ethel Hall. chair. Silvia Turner, secretary; Julia Davis, treasurer; and Florence Master Mason Degree McDonald. R. S. N. G. were ill To Be Given Sat. and unable to be present but Marvin Porterfield will re­ will be installed at a future meet­ ceive the Master Mason Degree ing. At the last initiation in Decem­ kc.'e Saturday night when that ber Minnie Rachel and Bessie work is to be performed by mem­ Netka were given the Rebekah bers of the A.F. & A.M. The degree work will be in charge of Degree. Emil Mcss:ng, Porterfield’s fath­ All members who have not al­ ready done so, are asked to bring er-in-law. their donation of a quart of fruit or vegetables as soon as possible. These gifts are being used to fill a barrel which is an annual donation to the I.O.O.F. Home in Portland. Vernonia Eagle Thursday, February 1, 1Û45 3 gion and Auxiliary proved to be Lodge Confers Third successful. The organization wish­ Degree Work Tuesday The Third Degree to place George Turner on the I.O.O.F. roster as a member was con­ ferred Tuesday evening of this week here. Two degrees were completed here last Tuesday night and another last Thursday night at Clatskanie. Quick conferring of the degree work was done so Turner could become a full member before his furlough here ends. Women’s. Army Corp recruit­ ment will continue in 1945, em­ phasizing the need of qualified women for duty in Army hos­ pitals. The $64 Question Where to go for the best in lubrication, tire, battery and repair service also for gasoline, oils and greases? ? ? The answer is simple: read on to the bottom of this advertise­ ment— Vernonia Serv. Sta. J LINES’ SHOE SHOP RECRUITMENT TO CONTINUE The March of Dimes dance sponsored by the American Le­ All-Dav Meetings Prove Satisfactory For thrifty homemak­ ers, a chance to save money and help the war effort too, is always news. Keep us in mind on both scores. The next meeting of the Aux­ iliary will be Monday, February 5. A kitchen shower will be held during the evening. Legion, Auxiliary Appreciate Patronage Here’s The practice, started a short time ago, of holding an all-daja meeting is proving satisfactory to members of the Vernonia Ser­ vice club. The next all-day affair is scheduled for Thursday, Feb­ ruary 8th at the Legion hall and on that date the doors will be open and the fires warm at 9:30 a. m. Coffee will be furnished but members are urged to bring their luinches. The club president, Mrs. I-ola Morris, reports that two afghans, two knitt sweaters (one WAC and one soldier), and six jig raw puzzles have been sent to Red Cross headquarters at St. Helens. Mrs. Morris has eight bundles of • yarn and more is available for those who can and will knit sweaters and sox, The club has need of woolen garments or pieces of woolen garments and of crossword puzzles that can be pasted on cardboard. People hav- ing such items are urged to turn them in to the club. Good use will be made of them. Events for two dates this month are also being planned. First will be a dance thi3 Sat­ urday night at the Legion hall w.th funds cleared from the af­ fair to apply towards the com­ ing Red Cross drive. The Seabee orchestra of Clatskanie will play. Then, on February 28th at the hall a benefit luncheon will be served. es to thank those who patronized the dance and also the orchestra members and their leader for their contributions to the fund. An amount of $42 was turned over to Mr. Gordon. IT TOASTS FROM TIP to TIP Our bread is delicious any way you serve it, but we would like to have you try it toasted. It makes a breakfast that you’ll remember and starts the day off with good, substantial food under your belt. VERNONIA BAKERY Phone 991 Vernonia, Oregon ON YOU« MENU Enchanting hair-dos that will thrill you to your finger-tips! BE SURE OF YOUR CHARM! Riverview Beauty Shop Phone 7712 Marinello Grad. 8 year* exp. WE ENDEAVOR TO STOCK A WIDE VARIETY OF TOP QUALITY MERCHANDISE TO PROVIDE OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH THE LARGEST POSSIBLE SELECTION OF FINE FOODS. VARY YOUR MENU AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE AND BUILD THOSE MEALS OUT OF THE FINEST INGREDIENTS OBTAINABLE. SHOP NEHALEM1 Mi■■ F H ALEM MARKET AND GROCERY Phone 721 Rainbow Girls Install New Officers Jan. 22 The Rainbow Girls installed new officers January 22, the ceremony being open to the pub- lie and being attended by over 50 parents, Eastern Stars and Masons. Marjorie Lolley pre- sented the service honor roll to the Assembly. Names of Rainbow Girls on the roll are: Betty Schal- ock, Marine; Jean Lewis Waters. WAVE; Elsie Duncan Gillis, Coast Guard; Montana French Marshall, WAC; Barbara Nich- ols, Cadet Nurse; and Jean Watts WAVE. Mary Pat Caton was instal- ling advisor ad Marjorie Lolley is the new Worthy Advisor. The white Bible was presented to Mary Pat by the new advisor. Office s installed are: Marjorie Lolley, Worthy Advisor; Jackie Rollins, Worthy Associate Advis­ or; Tommie Lou Holcomb, Char­ ity; LaRue Moon, Hope; Shirley Ray, Faith; Beverly Herrin, Treasurer; Mary Ann Johns. Chaplain; and Annetta Lane, Drill Leader. Those named to color stations are: Willette Float­ er, Love; Jean Turner, Religion; Betty Lewis, Nature; Pat Kent, Immortality; Dorothy Ann Hog- berg, Fidelity; Stella Bellingham, Patriotism; Lurena Cantwell, Ser­ vice; Viola Jacobs, Confidential Observer; Virginia Millis, Outer Observer; Maxine Hartwick, Mu­ sician; Dolores Johnson, Choir Directo-; Betty Nance, Lady of the Lights; and Alice George, Historian. High School Faculty Enjoys Party Monday Vernonia high school faculty members and their families were entertained with a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berg near Birlrenfeld Monday evening. Games and refreshments featured the evening. «cd K oom Suites 4 arid 5 pieces including dressing table, chest of drawers, bed, bench and night stand. Wal­ nut, ivory, bleached walnut, natural and solid oak finishes. All with large plate glass mirrors. Priced from $119 95 TASTY LUNCH TREATS The Cozy Bus Depot Ph. 582 £5 MATTRESSES AT REDUCED PRICES AUTO lllanlidti supplies Wool, Rayon and Cotton. $g.95 and $7.95 Servicing, repairing, gas, oil and grease for all makes and models. If it can be fixed, Lee’» can do the job! Lee Motors Sales and Service WHITE SHEET BLANKETS$|.69 Fluff Itufjx R°»e, White, Green and other color» $4-95 6^ Everything for the Home on EZ Term« phone.802, Vernonia Free Delivery Daily PHONE 173 7