8 Thursday, November 16, 1944 Health Ass'n Work Discussed A bi-monthly meeting of the Columbia County Public Health Association was held Monday ev­ ening, November 6, in the Rai- nier Union High School in Rai- nier to discuss work to be car- ried on by the association, Jack Murton, president, conducted the meeting which was attended by thirty-eight members and visitors. One of the outstanding fea­ tures of the meeting was a film shown by Thomas McBride of Rainier on the spread of tuber­ culosis in a Navejo Indian tribe and what was done to curb the dread disease. This film showed the members clearly what needs to be done to stamp out tubercu­ losis. The county nurse, Ruth Pfef- fly, gave a report on the dip- theria immunization shots given in the schools. These shots are given as a part of the work of the health association and are paid for partially by the Christ­ Vernonia Eagle mas seal money. Other work done by the association during the past two months has been fixing the. teeth of a family with a tu­ berculosis background, X-rays to detect tuberculosis and nursing. The major work is, of course, case findings. An educational program will soon be presented over the entire county. This committee is head­ ed by '.Mrs. C. A. Ramey who plans to carry on a thorough campaign. She and her committee will speak at meetings of various organizations, hold meetings of their own, and distribute infor­ mative material in the hope that every person in the county will become conscious of tuberculosis. This campaign is a prelude to the coming of the mobile unit which is equipped to take X-rays at the rate of over one hundred per hour to detect tuberculosis and cancer of the lungs. This mobile unit will visit the county early in the spring and is brought by the money you spend in chasing seals. A new board member, Donald Young of St. Helens, was introduced at the meeting. She has been appointed to han­ dle publicity for the county. The next meeting of the asso- ciation will be held in Clatskanie on January 8. Everyone is wel- come and is urged to attend these meetings. Fire Department Is Organized Don’t look so disgust­ ed, Bub! Lees complete auto service can make your auto troubles dis­ appear like magic! Lee's Motor Sales anil Service PHONE 173 Formerly Crawford', Garage The fire department for the high school was organized last week wih Marvin Turner as chief and instructions were given his crew Friday for their duties in case of fire in the building. Named to the crew are: Joo Enneberg, Richard Thompson, Ralph Sturdevant, Bob Condit, Bob Falconer, Donald Tiffany, Jack Frank, Lynn Michener, Kenneth Anderson and Duane Lane. Mrs. Ernie Hodgson work at the mill Mon. started VOTE Delicious hamburg- el's, ice cream and soft drinks, draw hun­ gry people like a mag­ net draws nails. The PAL SHOP is just nat­ urally the center of gravitation ! PAL SHOP ORDER GALLON OR MORE LOTS OF ICE CREAM A DAY ADVANCE So you think we’re late with our advice! Not so! For a few min­ utes, once in every four years is not the way to vote. You vote for good living every time you ask for the things that go to make it possible. Cast your ballot often for pleas­ ure by dropping in at the TAVERN! Dessy’s Tavern Mike and Marge White Managers FRESH FROM THE OVEN Fall brings out the choicest in miller’s pro- ducts to be turned into baked foods. Celebrate the harvest season and holiday* by treating your family to all they can hold of our fine floury tidbits! Final Voting Results Told Sailor Returns To School Family Party Held at Keasey Final returns for the casting of votes in Columbia county are listed below for the information of those people who have not had the oportunity to determine them previous to this time. 5250 Franklin D. Roosevelt 2754 Thomas E. Dewey 4099 Willis Mahoney 3302 Guy Cordon 3937 Wayne Morse 3221 Edgar Smith 3503 William Lambert 3388 Leslie Scott 3828 Bruce Spaulding 2875 George Neuner 3827 O. Henry Oleen 3661 James W. Mott 3580 J. D. Perry 3672 E. H. Condit 4017 Fred Herman / 2922 Manley Wilson / 4473 M. R. Calhoun '3039 A. L. DuBois Wm Pringle, Sr. 4620 2355 Virgil Powell Yes No Sales tax 1600 4427 2928 2769 School bill 3175 3183 $60-at-60 3569 3141 Burke bill 3390 2080 Bank Bill 2482 2650 County manager 3031 2669 Vets’ fund Vote restoration 2653 2558 3937 2009 Vets’ education MIST—Mr. and Mrs. L. Wick- strom drove Joe Roeser of the navy to Portland Wed. enroute to Fairagut for school training. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnston are planning on moving to Bir- kenfeld to be closer to his work. The Mist Helping Circle will meet Thurs. with Mrs. Geo. Jones Shady Lane came up from Seaside to vote last week. Several villagers attended the dance at Vernonia Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sundlend entertained her sister, Miss Bet­ ty Seifkin of Newberg over the week end. Mrs. Roy Hughes was a Port­ land visitor Mon. KEASEY-reA dinner in honor of Pvt. Joe Lindsley was held at 5 for FARM PRODUCTION! DISCUSS YOUR .PROBLEM WITH US For Pasteurized MILK & CREAM right from the farm to ycur door, write to PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon OUR PRODUCTS ALWAYS SATISFY St. Helens Branch United States National Bank Krieger Mrs. Albert daughter, Evelyn, visited at Robert Hodgson home Sat. II We understand the oil drillers have gone to Calif, but will re­ turn in the spring. Joe Henderson has returned to Portland for another outgoing voyage with the merchant marine Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ashby and children came from Willamina Sat. and visited overnight with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers. Austin Dowling was off work a few days this week with an injured hand. Mrs. Walt Batson is cooking at the Nehalem Oasis, Mrs. Art Barnes having resigned. the W. J. Lindsley home Nov. 5. Mrs. Ernie Hodgson and baby and a girl friend are visiting at the Robert Hodgson home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieger made a trip to Portland Nov 3. A Halloween party was given at the W. J. Lindsley home by Joan Lindsley Nov 1. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieg­ er and three children, Mrs. Herb Counts and daughter, Cora Du- senberry, James Middleton, Don­ ald DeWitt, Bobby Reed and J. Hodgson. Pvt. Joe Lindsley returned Fri. to Ft. Lewis after spending a 15- day furlough with his family. HEAD OFFICE, PORTLAND J. f '• tvrkws ! A turkey that will roast golden brown — tender and delicious. Every bird is carefully selected, guaranteed' tender. U.S. Prime Hens lb 51«; Toms 49« EVISCERATED POULTRY FRYERS Lb. 70c ROASTERS Lb. 63c FOWL, A New way to Carve EDWARDS Coffee lb jr OQ 2 lb jar 54c 45 ^Ib pkg 43c Nob Hill Coffee 21b bag Lb. bag 23c Canterbury Tea 14 lb pkg 22e Fancy Peas No. 2 can Libby Sweet Whole Corn No. 2 can Country Home 1 Ac 15c roasting chicken, or other large fowl has been brought to the table on a platter, breast up and with the legs pointing to the right or left (depending on whether the carver is right or left-handed), the carver turns the turkey on its side so the back is toward him. Then he remove« the drumstick by grasping the outer end and pulling gently while the knife cuts through the joint, sepa­ rating it from the thigh. After the turkey, Fancv Spinach No. 21/2cn 17c Ju«t write in 25 words which you prefer—DOLLAR SIZE or COWBOY STYLE SUZANNA PANCAKES— Free entry blanks and rules— at SAFEWAY ci J7ANNA Then the carver places the drumstick on a side plate, holding it upright, and slices its meat off, carving paral­ lel with the bone. Next, he cuts thin slices from the thigh, continuing until the thigh bone itself is exposed. Then he loosens the meat on each side of the thigh bone with tip of his knife, and removes the bone with tines of fork. Remaining thigh meat is sliced off while still attached to the PANCAKE Flour 2>/2Ib J 5 the carver takes lengthwise slices from the breast and wing until wing-to. body joint is exposed. Fork is estab­ lished in wing, and wing is unjointed from body with knife. Thin length­ wise slices are removed until all white meat has been carved from this side of the bird. (All meat, of course, is placed on the side dish as it is cut.) Slicing breast meat with the grain, Qt k 35c pt bt 27 c APPLE BUTTER 2»/x jr OQ WESSON OIL Libby’s Libby Peaches No 2% jr 77c Sliced or Halves (80 pts) RIPE OLIVES pt jar ¡ge Lindsay Select 12c SNOWFLAKE 21b ertn 33c Soda C-ackers SUPER SUDS 24oz box 23c LIFEBOUY SOAP 3 bars 20c SU-PURB Gr. Soap 24oz 30c Pc»t Toasties Arm and Blade Roast ■; V. Holiday Baking Needs Karo 15« FLOUR 25 $1.02 lb. sack Kitchen Craft 50 Lb. sk $199 Enriched FLOUR 251b 87c Harvest Blossom 501b $|67 sk BISQUICK Fir 2*/2lb pg 3Jc Lb. Rkg 1 fic Sunny Bank (2 pts lb) FLAVORING 80Z bot. 10' Westag Vanilla, Lemon BAKERS Cocoa V^lb pg |Qc LARGE PECANS lb pkg 52c Shortning Royl Stn 31b jr 59c SNO WHITE SALT pkg 7c R 5-lb sk 32cGRAN. SUGA t he thin skin un­ der the thigh is slit with tip of the knife, making an opening large enough to allow entrance of serving spdon. "Getting at” the dressing is much simplified by this method. To got at the dressing, HUSH PRODUCE K i B I80Z pkg INVEST 41c 28c 28c 22c Clabber Girl Nu Made May’nn’sp qt jr 47c Salad Dressing lb lb lb lb Oysters, fresh, med. sz. pt 65c MARGARINE A copy of Hoagy Carmichael’s new song hit free with the pur­ chase of a pint or quart of NuMade Mayonnaise DUCHESS Link Sausage 3 Type Ground Beef Fresh Sirloin Steak (no pts) Beef Rcast (no pts) Baking Powder 21b can 9Qc While The Supply Lasts FREE! Lb. 41c BLUE LABEL P/2 Lb. Jar Libby’s 3375.00 Pancake Contest New York Dressed Safeway Homemakers' Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Director MORE CRANBERRIES Celery Lettuce Carrots Dates Cauliflower Squash Turnips parsnips potatoes Apples Grapefruit Oranges Texas Pink DUR/NG THE TH / VERNONIA BAKERY Phone 991 Vernonia, Oregon a