TOWN and FARM in WARTIME Prepared by OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION RECLAIM OF QUARTER MILLION MEN Treatment of syphilis is re­ sponsible for the presence in the armed forces of 126,000 men who otherwise would have been unfit for service, and for making 140,000 others available for ser­ vice dnless otherwise disqualified, the U.S. public health service re- ports. Among the first 16 million selective service registrants given bv I tests, evidence of syphilis was found among 720,000. Selec­ tive service boards, state and lo­ cal health departments, army and navy united in traceing, treat­ ing and inducting infected reg­ istrants. NEW SCHOOL BUSES GUARANTEED Watch Repairing AVAILABLE AT LAST After almost total lack of new school buses for two years, WPB approved a 1944 production quota of 5,000, of which more than 2,400 already have been released to schools where new buses were needed to prevent absences and replace unsafe equipment, the ODT reports. W. T. JACOBS 941 1st Avenue, Vernonia It is imperative that you have your mechan­ ical work done by men who know how. We are top notch on brakes, wheel alignment, body and fender work. We are equipped to service your car from tire to top and bumper to bumper. Lee's Motor Sales and Service OPA says-Nb more special gas­ oline rations for travel to victory gardens will be issued after Aug­ ust 15 . . . There will be a slight increase in the prices of some cookies, crackers, toast and crumbs now sold in retail stores as a result of a change in OPA regulations. . . Enough sugar to produce as large a pack this year as they did in the 1941 canning season will be allotted to house wives and other home processors of fruits, fruit juices, preserves Sundae, Monday anytime, is a dam good idea. Place your orderj at THE COZY where variety is king and fla­ vor reigns supreme! Ph. 582 PAPER If your merchant doesn’t wrap your packages as well as he used to, just remember ithat the WPB has asked him to save paper by doing way with all unecessary wrapping and using sparingly such gift wrappings as remain. Other conservation measures your merchant has been asked to fol­ low-1, avoid double wrapping, such as paper over a box; 2, a- void inner stuffing or inner wrap­ ping unless necessary for pro­ tection; 3, avoid decorative ef­ fects that use extra paper; and 4, inform customers of necessity for the simplest gift wrappings. resale, pro­ those foods value . . . restored to August 13 Legal Notices IN THE THE COUNTY THE FOR OF STATE COURT OF OREGON COUNTY OF CO­ LUMBIA NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of R obert G eorge haynes , sometimes known as R. G. HAYNES, Deceased. Noti<» is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap­ pointed administrator of the Es­ tate of Robert George Haynes, sometime^ known as R. G. Haynei, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia, and has qualified as such. That all per­ sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the under­ signed, in c/o the Vernonia E gle, Vernonia, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Lfcte of First Publication: July 27, 1944, Date of Last Publication: Aug. 24, 1944. E. JOYCE EJ.LIS Administrator R. M. Burley 907 Yeon Building Portland, Oregon Attorney IN THE COUNTY COURT THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA I Once Fat! Now Has a Model’s Figure “I lost 32 lbs. wear size 14 again Betty Reynolds, Brooklyn Once 156 lbs.. Miss Reynolds lost weight weekly with AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan. Now she has a model s figure. Your experience may or may not be the same but try this easier reducing plan. First Box Must Show Results or money back. No exercise. No laxatives. No drugs. Eat plenty. You don’t cut out meals, potatoes', etc.. you just cut them down. Simple W when you enjoy delicious AYDS before meal«. Only $2.25 for 30 day» »upply. Phone, write In the Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL S. CONKLIN, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the Estate of Samuel S. Conklin, Deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Co­ lumbia, and has qualified as such. That all persons • having claims against said estate are hereby no­ tified to present the same, duly verified as by law, to the under­ signed at Vernonia, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Date of First Publication: July 27, 1944. Date of Last Publication: Aug. 24, 1944. JEWETT A. BUSH Administrator R. M. Burley 907 Yeon Building Portland, Oregon Attorney Classified Ads... Business Directory NOTICE_______________ FOR SALE_____________ THE COLUMBIA COUNTY pio­ neer association will hold its an­ nual meeting at Hudson Park, four miles west of Rainier, Ore., August 20, 1944. Picnic lunch. Coffee furnished at noon. Bus­ iness and program at 2 o’clock. Bring your friends and visit with your old friends. Sec. Alberta L. Frederickson. It— FOR SALE: Wood range. $25. 226 B St. _____________ 33tl— FOR SALE: 3 milk cows all fresh and good milkers, nice team of horses 7 & 8 years old, with or without harness, weighing about 3,000, disc and other form ma­ chinery, 7 miles west of Deer Island on Canon road. T. Hi Robinson. 31t3 NOTICEi: Please bring back baby bed and clock to Hy-Van Hotel office. $10 reward for return or information as to whereabouts. No questions asked. 31t3 MODEHN HOUSE, six rooms and bath, in RiVerview. Newly paint­ ed. Write G. E. Adams, c-o Ho­ bin Logging Co., Sweet Home Oregon. 33t3 FOR SALE FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. Newly painted and decorated inside and out. On skids an can be moved. Ray Buffmire, Riverview. 33t3 ONE BLACK MARE, 5 years old with nice disposition. A-l ani­ mal. O. W. Wilde, Timber Rt., Bx 49, Ph. 13F515. 33t3 12 MILCH COWS. W. D. Smith. Phone 842. 33tl— FOR SALE: Dill. Mrs. G. W. Thacker, 958 First Ave. Ver­ nonia, Ore. 33tl MOTOR SCOOTER with 1 H.P. Biiggs and Stratton motor. $40. Inquire Culbertson Blacksmith shop. 33tl— SLABWOOD, 8ft, order now, have good dry wood for winter. Will have good buzz saw for rent. John Bickhart, 54 mile north of King’s grocery, on hiway. . 32t3 On June the 8th, FOR SALE: Jersey-Guernsey cow gentle, good milker. John Dickart 54 mile north of King's grocery on hiway. 32t3 MODERN five-room house and 2 lots. 185 C St.________ , 28tf— FOR SALE: Semi-modern 4-room house with dinette. Reasonable. Inquire R. A. Bramblett, Wilark, Oregon. 32t3 LOST: Billfold, brown leather. Contains valuable papers and photos. Drivers license has name on it. Please return to Vernonia Billiards. Keep the money. Ida P, Wilson.___________________ It HAY FOR SALE. Oats, vetch and clover. Harold Bergerson. 12-28-44 FOR SALE: Six milch cows, 5 2-year-olds; beef stock, 3 3-year- olds beef stock; saddle horse; butchering hog. Kate Jablonski, 2 miles west of Vernonia-Buxton road. 32t3 1944 we published an ad in the Ver­ nonia Eagle disclaiming any responsibility for piling remain­ Vernonia, Oregon. This is a final notice to any individual or See my bargains in kiln dried lumber at $12 per M and up. Open Saturday 8 a.m. to noon. concern owning an interest in the poles and piling on or adjacent to the SP & S siding north of the Union Oil Plant C. BRUCE undersigned and after August 19th, 1944 we disclaim any and all liability for disposing of material in yard as we feel in Vernonia, Oregon that this yard has been leased by the be to necessary. Hats Cleaned, Blocked RIVERVIEW 85c DRY CLEANING PRICES REDUCED Pants ............... 50c Overcoats ......... $1.00 Dresses ........... $1.00 Suits ............... $1.00 Sweaters.................50c notify Lyle F. Lyle Baker Caffall Brothers SP & S RR I 7 Pick Up and Delivery Weekly on Thursdays Office: Ben Brickel’s Barber Shop Oregon Laundry and Cleaners ---------------- —--------- -------------------- ----------- — Are You A Chow Hound Q I LOST: Pocketbook near Heath’s Service Station. Geo. B. Johnson. __________________________ 33t3 ELECTRIC WASHING machine. Inquire at Eagle Office. 32t3 WILL PAY CASH for good used bicycle. Phone 534. 33tl HOP PICKERS. Must be 14 years old or accompanied by parent or guardian. Transportation to and from field furnished daily. Wages 354 cents lb plus 54' cent bonus. Picking date later. Register with Mrs. Frank Hartwick, 192 North Street. Phone 1042. 32t3 SERVICEMAN WANTS Colts 45 revolver. Will pay good price for a good gun. 160 B St. Ver­ nonia. 32t3 DRESSMAKING and all kinds of sewing. Mrs. Ira Bauccsn. Phone 287. 32t3— MISCELLANEOUS ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and fire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773,_______ 6tf— PERSONAL LONELY? WRITE BOX 26, VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi­ gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas pains, get free sample, Udga, at Armitage Drug Company. 8/17/44 LODGES V. F. W. 1 & 3 Weds. 8 p.m. Commander Nance, Jack áchwab, Lee Adjutant Visiting members welcome 4-45— Vernonia Lodge No. 246 £jO^I-0.0.F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Dwight Strong, N. G. R. A. Bramblett, Sec’y Meets 2nd evenings of Vice Gwin, Edna Phone 91 Riverview Order of Eagles) Hall I.O.O.F. Vernonia and 4th 2nd Friday« 8 M. P. Wm. Anderson, W. Pres. R. E. Sec’y. Thompson, 7-44 Knights of Pythias No. Harding Lodge 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: I.O.O.F. Second and Hall, Mondays Fourth Each Month Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: and of Phone 431 and 3-45 Vernonia F. O. E. Second When you want good food—King’s can fill the bill! PHYSICIAN Noble Grand Grand Treasurer Davis, (Fraternal SURGEON Residence Phone 1026 in Silvia Turner, Secretary Julia G. J. Ten Brook, M. D. Office Phone 72 Thursday month each Geraldine Bramblett, Roland D. Eby, M. D. “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge 4th and WE WILL purchase spruce, fir hemlock and white fir pulp wood at following prices delivered by truck to our Wood Mill. Prices are subject to cancellation on 30 day’s notice or sooner if request­ ed by WPB or OPA. 8’ slabwood (minimum thick­ ness 3”) $10.00 per cord. 4’ or 8’ pulp wood (either split or round) $12.00 per cord. 4” to 20” diameter. Both above for unpeeled wood. If peeled, $2.00 per cord additional. 12’ 8” logs at ceiling prices and prices for longer logs on ap­ plication. delivery can be made any day except Wednesday be­ tween 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. and any night up to 1:30 A.Ml except Saturday night. ST. HEL­ ENS PULP & PAPER CO., St. Helens, Oregon. 26tf— and 4-44 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge I. O. O. F. Hall. PHYSICIAN meetings: Regular \ 2 WANTED No, no, don’t get insulted. We’re not inti­ mating that you are a particular breed of ca­ nine. That is army slang for the guy that real­ ly likes good food and plenty of it. If you fall in that category, by all means make King’s market your food headquarters. You will find an amazing assortment of good things to eat and pleasant friendly service besides. RY- mkt . O LOST AND FOUND 5 WANTED______________ Business - Professional Directory K ing ’ s Oregon- American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon please all claims on material in the yard. Open at 7:30 A.M.; Closed at 7:30 P.M. WE CLOSE ALL DAY SUNDAY Phone 773 parties will Baker at Wilark before above date of their desires or we will proceed under the assumption that they have relinquished NEW AND USED PARTS Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS Interested FOR SALE: Good beef and pork. We are long on fore quarters from good native cows. Beef grade C. Excellent for canning and lockers. Price on beef by the quarter, 15c pound. Wanted to buy 125 to 150 lb feeder hogs. This meat requires no ration points at present and is of good quality. See G. C. Kirkbride or Graves Locker. 31t6 TWO MALE Cocker spaniel pups; 1 family Guernsey cow (first calf); 1940 V-8 motor. John Titus, Mist Rt. 31t3 ing in what was known as the “Union Car Piling Yard’’ in LUMBER—Wholesale and Retail TWO ACRES, all fenced. 1 mile from (Vernonia on good road. Four-room house with bath, elec­ tricity, garage, woodshed, poultry house, daily mail and school bus. See T. B. Mills, agent, Ver­ nonia. z 33tl MODERN FOUR room house, cheap. For particulars call on Jennie Dickerson, 858 Rose Ave. 32t3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NANCE PHARMACY Thursday, August 17, 1944 Vernonia Eagle OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR NOTICE TO CREDITORS Formerly Crawford*« Garage Bus Depot SAVE MERCHANT ROUND-UP PHONE 173 The Cozy HELP YOUR and fruit butters'for vided they make only having a blue point Point values will be some cut« of Pork thru Sept. 2. Hall I.O.O.F. Wednesday Fourth each 2-45 month. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 143, O. S. E. Regular com­ SURGEON munication first Town Office 891 and of For Your Beauty Stylist and All ple. visiting sisters and broth­ ers welcome. Alberta Mills, Worthy Matron Sec’y. Hatfield, Genevieve 1-45 A. F. & A. M. Elizabeth Horn Hair month at Masonic Tem­ Needs ELIZABETH’S BEAUTY SALON Wed. 3rd each V.rnoni. Lodg. No. 184 Cosmetologist Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon A.F. 4 M asonic A.M. m..t. at Temple Stated Communication first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Frank E. Lane, W. M. Glen F. Hawkins, Sec’y. 1-45 American Legion NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland Sunset - - Timber • * POST Meets first and Each Beach Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 11» Third Mon. Vernonia Fq ie • Cannon Gearhart VERNONIA of month. AUXILIARY First and Third Monday* 1-45