2______ T1 Tsdav, July 6, 1944 Vernonia Eagle At Mr. and Mrs. O^car George and children, R. A. and Alice, and Ben George are spending the week at Seaside. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Visits Here Returns from Hospital Mrs. Dan Steiner and her daughter, Peggy, of Kelso, Wash­ ington, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Enstrom. Her daught­ er, LaVelle, will return home after spending several weeks at the home of her grandparents. Mrs. Steiner has been elected to teach in the Kelso schools next School term. Lode McDonald returned re­ cently from another 19-day stay in the Emanuel hospital in Port­ land for a checkup and is doing very well. Cedarburgs Have Boy A boy, Charles Timothy, Was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cederburg on June 27 at the Portland General hospital. The baby weighed 5% pounds. Moth­ er and baby are expected to re­ turn home next Sunday. Move to Washington Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lane and son, Duane, moved July 5 to Washtucna, Washington. Mrs. Austin Moves Mrs. A. L. Austin moved re­ cently into the Reithner house on Corey hill. Buy Ice Cream That’s Made In Ver­ nonia THE PAL SHOP Order gallon or more lots of I ice cream a day in advance Brother Dies Mrs. Robert Holcomb was called to Mount Vernon, the lat­ ter part of last week upon the death of her half brother, who died suddenly of heart attack. She expected to arrive at Sea­ side Wednesday to spend the re­ mainder of the week there with her husband, daughter and mother, who have been at the beach since Sunday. Listed on Junkin’* Seaside Honor Roll Girl Born Dance, Sat., July 8, I.O.O.F. hall. Adm. 50c, 10c tax. Mt. Ht. Red O’Brien’s ork. Club. Sat., His Jive night, July 8, Music by Doug and Five. It— Mrs. Noyer Visiting Here Mrs. George Noyer arrived Friday from Missoula, Montana, to visit for a time with her mother, Mrs. Jack Wall. Her husband, an air, cadet, has been transferred to Bakersfield, Cal­ ifornia, for further training. Mrs. William Gehlen and baby son’, Michael, of Portland arrived Monday to visit several weeks with Mrs. Gehlen’s grandparents, the Emil Mingers. Mr. Gehlen is with the coast guard stationed at Long Beach, California, at pres­ ent. Mrs. Lowell Hieber left Port­ land July 3 for Camp Ellis, Ill­ inois, to visit her husband, Lieut. Hieber, for at least a month. At Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Moon, daughter, LaRue, ad son, Teddy, and Maxine Hartwick spent the week end at Tillamook beaches. Sat., DANCE, night, Hillsboro The Cecil Johnsons spent the early part of the week visiting in Hillsboro where Mr. Johnson’s parents live. Returns from School Miss Margaret Anderson re­ turned last week from Stanford university where she has com­ pleted her freshman year. NEW AND USED PARTS Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil Open at 7:30 A.M.; Closed at 7:30 P.M. WE CLOSE ALL- DAY SUNDAY LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW His Jive July 8, Five. .It— Leave for Estacada The E. P. Richardsons Jeft Monday, moving to Estacada. Richardson operated a barber shop here. Shorty Lee transfer. All kinds of hauling. To 802. inquire call Birth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thomas announce the birth of an 8 Mi-pound girl born at their home on Rose avenue on June 24. Longview Visitor Leaves Miss Shirley Rigg left Wednes­ day morning to return to her home in Longview after spending the holiday week end here with her friend, Miss Joanne Nichols. Miss Nichols accompanied Miss Rigg to Portland. At the Beach Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Valpiar.i spent the week end of the 4th at Seaside, going there Saturday. At Longview The Harold Kellmers motored to Longview July 4th, returning the same day. Dance, Sat., July 8, Red O’Brien's ork. Vernonia Service club. Legion hajl, Thur*., 26t3— Have Guest* Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall over the week end were Mrs. A. W. Gripp of Oakland, California, and Mrs. Frank Burke and two children of Portland. Mrs. Gripp and Mrs. Burke are Mrs. Hall’s sisters. Visit at Newport Mrs. H. E. Stevenson and son returned recently from a two- week’s vacation spent at New­ port where they visited with the Harry Inmans. While there they also visited the Bill Nissons. Mrs. Inman and children returned with Mrs. Stevenson to visit her sisters Mrs. Warren Stevens of Camp McGregor and niece, Mrs. Robert Glassner of Vernonia. Visit in Attend Warrenton Mrs. James Davies and son, Craig, are spending the week at the home of the Harry Ballhorns in Warrenton. Mrs. Ballhorn is the former Lola Mae Smith. Have Salomonsens Guests Guests at the Edward Salomon- sen home July 3 were Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cole of Seattle and Mrs. Cole-Thorp of Vancouver, Wash., relatives of Mrs. Salomon- sen. In Po^Jland The John Burnsides, the Tay­ lor Lillys and Mrs. Dave Marshall motored to Portland Wednesday. Move* to Mount Angel Mrs. Angelo DeRoia and child­ ren moved this week to Mt. Angel. Mr. DeRoia is with the seabees. At Taft Mrs. Zoe Whitsell is spending the week at Taft and Cutler City, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitsell and children. Visiting in Seaside Mrs. Lytle Greene with her daughter, Karen, is spending the week in Seaside visiting with her husband’s parents who reside there. Returns from Portland Mrs. Larry Mullins and her two boys returned Saturday from Portland where they have been visiting with Mrs. Mullin’s sister, Mrs. Bill Lum. Poynters The answer to all footwear troubles. FRANK LINES SHOE REPAIR MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Camp Meeting Those Vernonia people ateend- ing the Assembly of God camp meeting being held at Brooks, near Salem, are: Rev. and Mrs. Clayton Beish, the E. P. Frank?, the Dan Birds and the Raymond Castlemans and their grand daughter. The meeting closes this Sunday. RECAP IN TIME Let that be your mot­ to—recap in time—to prevent excessive wear from ruining the tire carcass. Recapping in time saves you money and helps relieve the rubber shortage. We can have your tires recapped for you but the work must be done before it is too late. Vernonia Auto Co. A Safe Place to Trade OPA TIRE INSPECTING STATION NO. 5-2-1 Have Guest* Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Blanton apd son of Portland spent the 4th of July at the home of the O. S. Poynters on Rock Creek. The Blantons (she is the former Gwendolyn Poynter) have re­ turned from a trip to Florida and Georgia. YOU'LL ENJOY A DELICIOUS BAKERY CAKE The final touch for a good meal is one of our cakes! You’ll find them sufficiently tasty and tempting to satisfy your longing for something sweet Taylor* to Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Taylor will leave Monday to spend a week in Eugene where Mr. Tay­ lor will attend the state meeting of the Spanish-American war veterans. Once Fat! Now Has a Model’s Figure “I lost 32 lbs. wear size 14 again” Betty Reynolds, Brooklyn Once 156 lbs., Miss Reynolds lost weight weekly with AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan. Now she has a model’s figure. Your experience may or may not be the same but try this easier reducing plan. First Box Must Show Results or money back. No exercise. No laxatives. No drugs. Eat plenty. You don’t cut out meals, potatoes, etc., you just cut them down. Simple when you enjoy delicious AYDS before meals. Only $22.» for 30 days’ supply. Phone, write VERNONIA BAKERY Vernonia, Ore. Phone 991 There are two sides to bond buying— The top side and the bottom side If we buy enough bonds to furnish the equip­ ment for the GI’s, they will put our enemies on the bottom and the good old U.S.A, on top. BACK THE ATTACK—Buy more than before SAM’S FOOD STORE Groceries, Fruits & Veg.— A Home Owned Groc. Ph. 761 NANCE PHARMACY I.O.O.F. hall. Adm. 50c, 10c tax. Mt. Ht. Club. Luncheon, July 13, 11 ¡30 to 1:30. Hall* Mrs. Gehlen Visits Here Legion hall. Music by Doug and In Benefit It— Leaves to Visit Husband DANCE, Here Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Counts announce the birth of a daught­ Spend 4th in Hillsboro er on June 29 at the Smith hos­ Mrs. Myrtie Cline, Mr. and pital in Hillsboro. The baby Mrs. Jack Nance, Betty and weighed 3 pounds and 3 ounces Charline Nance spent the 4th of and will remain in the hospital July in Hillsboro where they at­ tended the rodeo. incubator for some time. Joanne Nichols was among the University of Oregon students listed on the honor roll for the Benefit Luncheon, Vernonia spring term. Miss Nichols, who graduated this June in journa­ Service club, Legion hall, Thurs., 26t3— lism, has served the past year as July 13, 11:30 to 1:30. an assistant editor of the Oregon Eversauls Move Daily Emerald, student news­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ever- paper and as president of Theta saul and daughter moved Mon­ Sigma Phi, national women’s day their household property to journalism honorary. Early this >Eistacada where they will make spring se was awarded the Turn­ their new home. Eversaul is em­ bull-Hall plaque as the senior ployed by Clark-Wilson. The contributing the most to the Em­ family has resided here for a erald during her four years at number of years. the University. Legion hall. Daughter Visit* Mr. and Mrs. Willard Farns­ worth and son, Billy, of Sheldon, Iowa, left for Medford on July 4 after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Junkins since June 20. Mrs. Farnsworth is the daughter of the Junkins. It— THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... Report Given on Pea Canning St. Helens Branch o/ the United States National Bank1 multi Head Otlice, Portland, Oregon mt »»l 0 EPOS IT I H S U R » H C t COIF ORATION After reading about Mrs. Sid­ ney Malmsten’s report of eating fresh peas from her garden last week, Mrs. H. E. Stevenson re­ ports that during her stay at Newport recently, Mrs. Frank Lange canned eight pints of peas picked from her (*Mrs. Stev­ enson's) garden. Get to the Meat of the Meal Serve meat £©r a stronger America SPARE RIBS COTTAGE CHEESE HAMBURGER PORK SAUSAGE PORK CHOPS WEINERS (Franks) PORK LIVER BEEF LIVER OYSTERS pound lb pound pound pound pound pound pound pint 25c 23c 30c 30c 35c 30c 25c 30c 70c KIX 2 packages for bottle SOIL-OFF pound TOMATOES MAYONNAISE pint OLIVES, Large, green 9-oz jar SUNMAID RAISINS 15 oz JELLY, Oswego Blackberry 2 lb (6 points) B&H VEG JUICE A 27c 49c 17c 31c 28c 15c 60c "The men overseas don’t mince any words about the way they want to find this country when they come marching home... do they, Judge?" , "They certainly don't. Herb...and they shouldn’t. They’re doing a masterful job fighting over there to protect our rights and they have good license to expect us to pro­ tect theirs back here at home. One thing they're mighty clear on is their stand on prohibition.” “Their position on that subject was stated very emphatically in a poll taken recently 1 pt 2 oz 18c (2 points) CORN, cream style Standby GRAVES* GROCERY 1 lb 4oz 17c Phone your order, 776 among American service men in England by the British Institute of Public Opinion. When hundreds of men were asked point blank how they would vote on prohibition, «5% of them stated, in unmistakable terms, that they would vote aiainst it. There’s no doubt about it, Herb...the men overseas don’t watat any action taken on that subject while they’re away.” 1 “And they’re 100% right, Judge, because I know how I felt when I came home after the last war—only to leam that we had been over there fighting for so impractical a thing as Prohibition." TIM •¡»riuemxl t/aturrte I. Crxftmcl •/ AlmlnUl forrre* lidMi™. I« r-r * V,