2 Thursday, January 20, 1944 Vernonia Eagle Vernonia Saturday, Service January Club dance, 22, Legion Hall. Glen Davis orchestra. 2t2— The Pal Shop The Home of Vernonia Ice Cream We always have vanil la, chocolate, strawber ry, orange sherbet and a nut ice cream. In ad dition, we feature a special each week. This week it is— BLACK WALNUT Just Look TOWN TOPICS Baby Girl Born A 7-lb. 3-oz. baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger, Saturday, January 15th at the hospital in Hillsboro. Both baby and mother are reported to be doing fine. Parent« of Girl Some of these are POINT FREE Stawberries (12 pts) 16 oz. 42c Boysenberries (12 pts) 13 oz. 36c Baked Beans (pt free) 16 oz. 20c Mixed Vegetables — Diced Carrots, Lima Beans, Peas, Coni, Green Beans (no pt) 12 oz. 27c Peas (9 pts) 12 oz. 25c Spinach (no pts) 14 oz. 28c Corn, whole kernel, gol den sweet (9 pts) 10 oz. 23c Asparagus Spears (no pts) 12 cz. 44c Lima Beans, (9 pts) Baby Grn 12 oz. 30c Broccoli (no pts) 13 oz 36c POWER C A. Stockly of Long Beach, Cal ifornia was in this community Friday of last week too look ov er the territory with a view of establishing a milk goat farm. The Girl’s League of the hign school will sponsor a “Leap Year” dance Friday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall with music to be furnished by Glen Davis. Girls in charge of the dance are Betty Lou Gouge, Mary Beth Lish, Thelma Hobin, and June Snyder. Meeting Called There is a meeting called for the 90 and 9 men of the Christ ian church for tomorrow (Fri day) evening at 7:30. It will be a business and social gathering and all men are invited. To Move Saturday Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Reeher plan to move Saturday to Astor ia to make their home after liv ing in Vernonia for 13 years. Mr. Reeher will do carpentry work in Astoria. Closed Tues. Order gal. or more lots of ice cream in advance ATTENTION BUICK OWNERS! Now—Save on tires. . .Save on gas. . .Save on upkeep. . .Save time and money, too. . . Let The VERNONIA AUTO CO. Keep Your Buick in Top Running Condition You need not waste gas and keep driving out-of-town for skilled service. Years of ex perience in reconditioning all makes of motor cars qualify our service personnel to serve Buick owners. Wartime economy demands that you conserve tires and gasoline. Your motor car is more than a personal advantage today —it is a national asset. Dependable service is essential to the contin ued operation of that probably-irreplaceable Buick of yours. We are equipped to provide service especially suited to your car, for our trained mechanics are thoroughly familiar with your service needs, whether they be simple pre ventive operations or major overhaul and re pair jobs. Let us save your time and money, and save your tires and gasoline too. We take pride in our work, and pledge fair, courteous treat ment. Vernonia Auto Co. “A Safe Place to Trade” Telephone 342 Vernonia, Oregon i79* 9 fSi UNITED NATIONS AT WAR ARMY BROADCASTS IN ENGLAND In England, the U, S. army owns and operates in coopera tion with the office of war in formation, its own network of 55 stations. Most of these are low- power stations with a broadcast ing radius of only 10 to 15 miles but they dot the British Isles and reach most American troop outposts there. LIFE IN KHARKOV NEARLY NORMAL The main streets of Kharkov, Russia, recaptured by the Red Sand House at Timber Complete TIMBER—Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bock and daughter, Doris, of Vancouver, Wash., spent Monday afternoon here loking over their property. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riggle of Tophill were dinner guests of Mr.' • and Mrs. William Huffman Mon day night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vacca and family of Sunset camp left Thursday for Modesto, Calif., where they will live. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crowden of Klamath Falls spent Sunday, night here, looking about their property. Bill Meisner of Buxton pur chased the Vacca piano and had it moved from Sunset camp to his home on Friday night. The new sand house, which is being built to replace the one destroyed by fire in June is nearing completion. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flishram of Netarts Bay spent Monday night at the home of Ida Kilburg. Mr, and Mrs. Flishram were escorted here by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith of Camp White, Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Smith visited his father, J. Russell Smith. Mrs. A. G. Pearson attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Claire Doherty, in Portland Sat urday. Miss Doherty was united in marriage to Vincent Chiotti of Hillsboro, at 9:30 a.m. at St. Michael’s church. The re ception was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. Margaret Barr at Hillsboro between the hours of 2 and 5. Our boys must keep on fight ing—we must keep on buy ing WAR BONDS until vic tory Is won. Keep on BACK ING THE ATTACK. GUARANTEED Watch Repairing W. T. JACOBS 941 1st Avenue, Vernonia Let King's Take Your Grocery Order Here from California The Pal Shop A. F. Wagner According to the nazified Am sterdam daily, Algemeen Hand- elsblad, a “suitable laundry soap” can be made out of chestnuts. Shorty Lee transfer. All kinds of hauling. To inquire cull 802. Leap Year Dance Planned lems, the men, besides being un This is the formula: ’’Dry the armed, will wear no badges of chestnuts, remove the husks and rank and all will wear the Arab $grate the kernels. After boil headdress. All the non-European ing the kernels, press the mush troops accompanying the expidi- through a sieve. The liquid thus tion will be Mohammedans and obtained must be mixed with the British troops will not be warm water after which it is accompanied by a chaplain. ready to use.” The paper warned, Neither will any alcohol be car however, that this “ersatz” must ried, for its use is forbidden by not be used for fine fabrics. the Koran. SOAP MADE FROM CHESTNUTS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peter son are the parents of a baby girl born January 17th at the Lloyd Maternity home. The lit tle girl who weighs five and one- half pounds and the mother are doing nicely. Vernonia Service Club dance, Saturday, January 22, Legion Hall. Glen Davis orchestra. 2t2— offers you freshly froz en foods that make any meal a feast. Our Great America tV Uy Tryon army on August 23, are crowded and animated. Shops, markets, and dining rooms are busy and street cars soon will be running again. Seventy-seven newly op ened schools are attended by 23,- 000 children. Lectures have start ed at the agricultural and medi cal institutes and the state uni versity. BRITISH TO “FIGHT” LOCUSTS A force of 1,000 British sol diers, unarmed save for tons of bran mixed with an arsenic com pound, soon will be battling swarms of locusts in the trackless wastes of Saudi Arabia. The lo custs cause inestimable damage to United Nations supples. Be cause Saudi Arabia is neutral and the Holy Land of the Mos t ’ s in the air . And be assured that you will get what you want if its available. Remember that King’s is the ideal place to buy your grocery needs, whatever they may be, for there you get the best at prices that are easy on your pocket book. Another reason that will make shopping con venient and easy at King’s is the supplies avail able for those whq carry lunch .boxes. You will find it easy to get the things you need for those boxes when you shop at King’s. King’s Grocery and Market “Where Your Money Buys More” Y ou can feel it, every I time the Axis is struck. This is the (limax year, the year of decision. In history, 1944 will be the big year of the war—every stroke for victory counts more now. That’s why it’s vitally important for every American to be at his post, doinghis part right now. You, personally, have an important job in winning the war—buying War Bonds. It’s not glamorous—no, not even a sacrifice, really, because you are only lending your money, to be returned with interest. But it is essential to complete victory. Your part in this year of decision is at least one extra $100 Bond, above your regular Bond buying. That is your minimum individual quota. But don’t stop there. Remember wars are won only by all-out effort. So buy $200, $300, $500 worth—buy more than you can afford. And buy your Bonds where you work— at the plant or at the office. Your country is counting on you—let’s make the year of decision OUR year! This sticker in your window means you have bought 4th War Loan securities. BACK THE ATTACK! Hoffman Hardware Company GROWING SCHOOL CHILDREN Need lots of milk for health and energy. They’ll like Nehalem Dairy milk, too. Phone us for regular delivery to your home. —e— NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. Phone 471 Vernonia Auto Company Crawford Motor Company Nehalem Valley Motor Freight Vernonia Trading Company Armitage Drug Company