6 Thursday, December 2, 1943 Vernonia Eagle Forest Management is Ot Vital Importance With the object of formulat ing a model state forest policy for the nation, the forestry committee, appointed last June by the national council of state governments, with Governor Earl Snell as chairman, will meet in Chicago on December 3. The council has recognized that the immediate need for sound nationwide forest man agement, organized and direct ed by the, states, has become of vital importance to the fu- ture economic and social life of this country. At a previous meeting of the council, the governor of Ore gon, was given the responsi bility of drafting this policy, thus honoring Oregon for its leadership in progressive forest legislation and Intelligent handl ing of forestry matters. Based upon the experience of the state and its methods of meet ing its forestry problems, a comprehensive forestry program is being evolved yhich, while preserving the rights of the individual states to solve their own particular problems, will result in a national unity of ¡effort. The consideration in this plan include tax problems; plans for emergency work; pro tection of the forests from fire, insects and disease; sound harv esting practices; forest land ownership and research. Are In It should be effected which will result in immediate reproduc tion in order to keep the for- est lands continually produc- tive. Legislation and regvla- tion of such by the states is necessary here, with each state because of its singular prob lems, working out its own so lutions. Free Enterprise Recognized Schedule Is Made For Basketball 6. The right of free enter- prise should be recognizcd and private ownership of forest lands encouraged with only enough public control to pro tect the public interest. The states should provide the means to acquire forest lands when necessary to insure continuous forest production and further legislation should be sought to permit the transfer of feder ally-owned forest lands to state control when it is for the best public interest. 7. Research in forest manag- ment and utilization should be encouraged and efforts in this regard should be correlated as among state, federal and pri vate agencies. TAKES PILOT TRAINING Warrant Officer William J. Marks, son of Mrs. Anita Marks of Vernonia, was recently assign ed to the Tuskegee, Alabama army air field where he will un dergo pilot training. He was promoted to chief war rant officer on March 25. W/0 Marks attended the Uni- versity of California from 1936 to 1937. He was a surveyor in Los Angeles prior to entering the armed forces. HOME ON FURLOUGH NATAL—Sgt. Floyd W. Deeds is home on a 15-day furlough. Mt ' fl Hr.* Service Club Starts Knitting The Vernonia Mother’s Service club has definitely gone into the knitting business. A committee has been appointed to take charge and twelve kneebands have been received with the re quest that they be completed in two weeks. There is a great de mand for the bands and those interested may call Mrs. Isola Morris by phoning 83. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Thursdays hereafter, the next regular meeting coming on December 9 at the Legion hall at 2 p.m. Several addresses for the ser vicemen are still lacking. Those who haven’t given the address of their son, brother, or husband are urged to do so. It may be given to anyone in the club or any member of the Evangelical church as they, also, are working on the sending of the packages. .•¿•¿ a -*’* ■ I ■*> The schedule for Columbia county league basketball was discussed at a meeting of admin istration and coaches in Forest Grove on Monday, November 15. It was decided that Clats kanie high school would rejoin,. the Columbia county league and participate in basketball. Games with Clatskanie will count to ward the league championship, but will' strictly not be repre sented ait the state tournament. The reason for this action was due to the fact that Clatskanie is now a “B” grade school hav- 1' Deborah and Pollyanna Circle Bazaar and Cooked Food Sale Tuesday Dec. 7, 1 P.M. At Vernonia Bakery POLLYANNA 7‘-.- >-'■ 4 %'Á I This is luxury coffee—the same distinguished blend maintained by the Dwight Edwards Coffee Company for over forty years. Flo other coffee is better, richer, fresher than Edwards. Try it today. Unless you like its quality, flavor, freshness—your money will be refunded! you can’t lose! Ration Calendar Other Coffee Values This Week Use Airway Coffee - Whole roast 1 lb. 21c BROWN STAMPS G-H-J-K (Expire Sat., Dec. 4) BROWN STAMPS L and M (Expire January 1) SUGAR STAMP Nov. 29 (Good thru Jan. 8) SHREDDED Wheat Kelloggs iri •«► a nr ’r-’W' I ÂV, A GREEN Stamps A-B-C (Good thru Dec. 20 CIRCLE—Cooked Food Sale DEBORAH CIRLE — Apron sale and fish pond. k & Seven Highlights Told Following are the highlights of the proposed program: 1. In the complex matter of taxing forest lands it is sug- gested that privately - owned lands, with a tax based on their "productive capacity” should bear their fair share of the cost of local government; taxes should be applied so as to equalize the payments be tween the operator who grows the trees and one who purchas es mature timber. 2. Reasonable payments, in ieu of taxes, should be made on publicly-owned forest land. 3. In the matter of emergen cy work, it is evident that there will be an unemployment prob lem throughout the nation fol lowing the war and it is rec ommended that the states make plans to meet this condition. Rehabilitation of state and fed eral forest lands should be giv en careful consideration and de termination made in advance as to work which could be done on private lands for public good. 4. The foremost considera tion in any forest program is protection. Fire is the worst enemy of the forests and all forest land throughout the na tion must be under well organ ized .protection, the responsi bility for which rests with the states. Insect and disease dam age, which constitutes serious forest management hazards, may be considered a public rather than a private responsi- bility. 5. Harvesting practices Rainier bye Jan. 21 St. Helens at Vernonia Scappoose at Rainier Clatskanie bye Jan. 28 Vernonia at Clatskanie Rainier at St. Helens Scappoose bye Feb. 4 Scappoose at St. Helens Rainier at Clatskanie Vernonia bye Feb. 11 Vernonia at Rainier Clatskanie i at Scappoose St. Helens bye Feb. 15 Scappoose at Vernonia St. Helens at Clatskanie Rainier bye Feb. 18 Vernonia at St. Helens Rainier at Scappoose Clatskanie bye Feb. 25 Clatskanie at Vernonia St. Helens at Rainier Scappoose bye Floyd is stationed somewhere in ing an enrollment of less than 150 students. Illinois. We’re glad to see the boys come The league has voted to buy a trophy to be given to the win home, We miss them when they’re gone. ning team. Wallace McCrae, lo cal principal, has been elected LOCATED ON ISLAND We wish them luck where e’re to obtain the trophy. Bob Conant writes that he ia 1 they roam, A schedule will be played on a little island, right where We know we all must carry on. among Columbia county schools the “big boys” are. He says it We won’der ’when they' will re- with games being played on Fri- is very, hot where he is and all day nights beginning on January tufn, • thè clothing they wear is ¿."pair 7 and ending the last Friday of shorts and a pair of shoes. 1 We hope it won’t be long. in February. The schedule for He states that it is very beauti We watch and wait and work and the season is as follows: ful there, “as pretty as you can i pray Jan. 7 St. Helens at Scappoose imagine. It is all very pictur For the time when they’ll be Clatskanie at Rainier esque with native villages, pret Vernonia bye home to stay. ty beaches, beautiful colored Jan. 14 Rainier at Vernonia ocean and palm trees wherever Scappoose at Clatskanie you lpok. St. Helens bye Bob Conant is the son af Jan. 18 Vernonia at Scappoose Mrs. Lee Caulfield who was a Clatskanie at St. Helens former resident of Vernonia. Nob Hill-rich, luxurious 1 lb. 25c M J B, Hills or Max House 1 lb. 33c Instant Postum 32c 1 lb. Golden West Coffee 22c 4-oz. can Honey, Bradshaw’s Clover 1 lb. 28c Karo Syrup, Blue Label 1% lb. 15c Ripe Olives, Lindsay med tpt 21c Pimento Cheese, Kraft (2 pts) 5 oz 18c Roka Spread, Kraft (2) 5-oz. jar 21c Julia Lee Wright’s <0c Hot Sauce 2 CORN 2 PEARS JUICE 9Í 25Í 190 250 71/2-oz. cans Adds zesty tomato flavor—4 green points can No. 2 cans for Butter Kernel, whole kernel—13 pts a can No. 2% can Firefly Brand — 24 points per can 46-oz. can V-8 Vegetable Juice—4 points per can BREAD l- package 28c lb. jar Whole Wheat or Enriched White FLOUR Gold Medal $1.29 25-lb. sack 1 9c Milk, Cherub (1 pt) tall can Tomato Soup, Campbell (3 pts) can 9c 47c Dried Prunes (16 pts) 4-lb. pkg 30c Prunes, Sunsweet lge (8) 2 lb. Peaches, Starr halves (27 pts) No. 2% 28e 14c Beans, Gardenside (8 pts) No. 2 17c Catîup, CHB (18 pts) 14-oz. bot. Beefsteak Sauce, Heinz (no pts) 8 oz. 24c Pork & Beans, Dennison (14) No. 1 14c Lima Beans, Cal large (4) 2-lb. pkg. 25c Soup Stock, Mixed (no pts) 2-lb. pkg. 19c 68c Shorten’g, Snowdrift (15 pts) 3 lb 23c Flapjack Flour, Albers 2*/2-lb pkg 27c Baking Powder, Calumet 25 nz 10c Vanilla Flavor, Westag 8-oz. bot. 32c Wheat Hearts, Sperry’s 46 oz. 23c Ry-Krisp, Ralston 13 oz. 33c Krispy Soda Crackers 2 lb. Sunbrite Cleanser per can Old Dutch Cleanser per can Silk Toilet Tissue roll Lava Soap medium bar 2/19c Palmolive Soap large bars 13c Dog Food, Red Heart 12 oz. These values effective from November 29. Subject to available stock loaf 12c Safeway Meats 5 Loin Pork Roast, rib end cut lb. 4 Pork Roast, center cut ||>. 8 Pork Chops lb. 38c 4 Pork Stk. lb. 11 Sirloin Stk lb 33c 11 Rib Stk lb Grade B Grade B 4 Frankfurters A Grade Colored Fryer» 2-lb. jar Skippy Cream 1 lb lb. 46c lb. 19c A Grade Fowl lb. 41c Safeway Produce PEANUT BUTTER Beverly 31c 31c 34c 30c 45c 34c Help Speed Our Boys Home Use Food Wisely! Potatoes 100 lbs. No. 1 50 lbs. No. 2 ORANGES lb. 8c GRAPEFRUIT 03.09 01.17 APPLES lb. 7c lb. 8*/ic Complete line of strictly fresh vegetables Add a War Bond or a War Stamp to every gift for Christmas