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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1943)
GIVE WAR STAMPS CHRISTMAS, URGED because of violations of the ra tioning regulations.' FLOUR PRICES TO BE HELD DOWN To hold flour and bread prices at present levels .the office of economic stabilization has in- auguarated a subsidy program that will enable wheat flour mil lers to pay as high as parity prices for wheat—should the market go that high—and at the same time sell flour for no more than present ceiling prices. Without the subsidy, th“ office of economic stabilization says it would be necessary to increase present ceilings on flour which in turn would force an in crease in bread prices. OPA AUTHORITY UPHELD BY JUDGE Authority of OPA to forbid persons from dealing in rationed commodities as a result of viola tions of rationing regulation); was upheld in a recent decision by Federal Judge Archibald Lov ett of Georgia. Judge Lovett rul ed that OPA does have the au thority, under the second war powers act, to issue such sus pension osders and dismissed the complaint filed by a gas deater who had been suspended from dealing in gasoline for 90 days QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrMBookTonsofHomeTreatinentthat ¡Must Help or H Will Cost You Nothing Over two million bottles of the WILL AR D TRRATM ENT have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Eacess Add- Foor Digestion. Sour or Upset Stomach, Dasslness. Heartburn. Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Add. Sold on 15 days trial Ask for ••Willard’s Message” which fully explain, this treatment— Ira.—at ARMITAGE DRUG CO. FARM EQUIPMENT SALES RESTRICTED To prevent others from getting scarce farm equipment needed by farmers, the war production board has issued a revision of the farm machinery order, L-257, which prevents dealers from sell ing rationed farm equipment for non-farm use, except on a rated order of AA-4 or higher. APPLE PRODUCTS TO COST MORE Consumers will pay more for apple products because OPA has increased maximum prices foj apples in sales to processors. The amount of the increase at the consumer level will vary with the product and the size of the package. UNEMPLOYED MONEY INCREASE NOTED Unspent and unemployed mon ey in the United States during the second quarter of 1943 amounted to 2.6 billion dollars, compared to the 1.7 billion dol lars in the second quarter, 1942 the office of war information said in its first quarterly re port on economic stabilization. In spite of paying more taxes and buying more war bonds Americans still were able to build up a store of unspent money. Should holders of this money now begin to bid agninst each other foi scarce products, it would make the job of hold ing the line against rise in pric es enormously more difficult. LUMBER—Wholesale and Retail See my bargains in kiln dried lumber at $12 per M and up. Open Saturday 8 a.m. to noon. €. BIIUCE Hats Cleaned, Blocked 85c DRY CLEANING PRICES REDUCED Pants ............... 50c Overcoats ......... $1.00 Dresses ........... $1.00 Suits ............... $1.00 Sweaters............... 50c Pick Up and Delivery Weekly on Thursdays Office: Ben Brickel’s Barber Shop Oregon Laundry and Cleaners NEW AND USED PARTS Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil Open at 7:30 A.M.; Closed at 7:30 P.M. WE CLOSE ALL DAY SUNDAY LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW \__ / The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON FOR “A stamp in every stocking” We wish to thank our friends —that’s what the treasury de for their kind sympathy during partment wants for Christmas. the los> of otir mother and wife. To entourage the giving of wnr L. H. Sargent and family stamps, marv idea* for utilis We wish to thank our kind ing tb«m in gifts and decora friends for their sympathy and tions have been suggested—str remembrances during our recent stamp; attached to a ceHrphane sorrow. Pearl A. Wilkerson and family tag containing a small gi’t; war stamp lapel inaments; a tiny FOR SALE Santa Claus bc'ding stamps; small :Christm».s stocking •*?n- FOR SALE—One lot with house garage, wash house, 1000 ft. taining stamps, a baby’u rattle of lumber, 3 loads of dry wood with stamps tied on with rib and other miscellaneous articles. bons; i.nd children’s toy* with $400. Also furniture to sell with stamps attached. The stamps house or separately. Kenneth 48t3 may also be used as decorations Hansen, 1092 2nd Ave. on wreaths, fastened to candles FOR SALE—Baby bed springs and on Christmas cards. and mattress. Six-year-old size. Perfect condition. $15.00. See R. T. Spaulding, Wilark. 48t3 “THE VILLAGE GROCER’’ (with apologies to Longfellow) Under a spreading web of rules The Village Grocer stands; His brow is all tied up in knots His head is in his hands. There hardly is, from day to day A rule he understands! FOR SALE—1937 Ford tudor sedan. Motor not in running condition. Otherwise good. House 32, O-A hill. 48t??? His hair is thin, blood shot his eyes, His face is gray or blue; His brow is wet with honest sweat; His business all askew, His customers are dizzy but The grocer’s dizzy, too. FOR SALE—oYung Guernsey milk cow. $60.00. 1483 Bridge St., Charles Harris. 48tl Day in, day out, from morn ’til night, You hear the loud disputes, As women fight for sauerkraut And beans and processed fruits. All grocers get are loud Bronx cheers And most discordant hoots. And children coming home from school Look in the open door; To see just how their elders act In a rationed grocery store When both sides figure total points And both dispute the score. He goes on Sunday to the church And sees the people meek, And marvels that they are the ones Who fought him all the week; He’s glad there are no ration cards When the parson starts to speak. Toiling, computing, sorrowing. Onward through life he goes; Each morning sees the O.P.A. With new rules to disclose; Each evening sees him totter home A wreck from head to toes. His business isn’t what it was; He knows he’s nearly through With times he knew what he could sell And knew the prices, too! When charts were things for mariners Who sailed the ocean blue. Thanks, thanks to thee, my gro cer friend, The lessons that you teach! Your fight to keep the Home Front firm. The sermon that you preach To help morale from splitting wide You’re standi ig in the breach. There’ll come a day when OPA Will bother you no more. There’ll come a day when you can say I own my grocery store. Fight on, your Country needs you now As it never did before. Contributed by Mrs. Lowell (Contributed by Mrs. Lowell Hieber A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank Oregon-Ameriosm LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE—6-year crib, good springs, good mattress. 107 O-A hill. 48t3 TOMATOES for sale at Shady Beard’s You pick. $1.00 per box. Bring containers and equipment to pick. % mile south of Forest Grove on highway. 38tf— FOR SALE—Weaner Pigs, $6. Marvin Hult, Timber Rt. 47t3 FOR SALE—Smooth, sorted potatoes from my ranch. Hill grown and absolutely do not cook up. Red or white at $2.75 per sack delivered. Phone 491, Reeher’s Grocery. 47tf— FOR SALE—1931 Chevrolet sedan. Good tires. Inquire at 1058 1st Ave. 47t3 FOR SALE—40 acres 1 mile from Vernonia. Some cleared. 2 bedroom house. No electric ity. Easy terms to responsible party or will trade. Box 222 Clatskanie, Oregon. 43t5— FOR SALE—House, 2 rooms and lavatory on 943 Cougar. Inquire at Eagle office. 45tf— Happenings at Keasey Told KEASEY—Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sturdevant and family spent Thanksgiving at the Albert Kreiger home. Mrs. D. R. DeVaney is visit ing her folks, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Counts, at Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. DeVaney and Mrs. J. O. DeVaney made a business trip to Portland Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeVaney and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wewter- berg visited at the J. O. DeVaney home Sunday. Visitors at the W. J. Lindsley home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and son, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Lindsley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lindsley and family. Recap Restrictions Changed by OPA RECAP REGULATION ins mxta The recapping of commercial tires for commercial vehicles with truck-type camelback will be re moved from rationing on De cember 1, the district OPA an nounced this week. This action was taken at the request of the office of the rubber director to encourage a more effective use of recapping service. Removal of rationing restric tions on truck recapping service will not only aid in preserving tire* now on commercial motor vehicles, but will lighten the work load of local boards. The use of truck-type camelback will stilt be restricted to tires used on commercial vehicles. Need lots of milk for, health and energy. They’ll like Nehalem Dairy milk, too. Phone us for regular delivery to your home. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. _____ Phone 471_____ The action also eliminates all branding requirements for pas senger tires and permits the re capping of those branded tires that warrant this service, not possible before because of serious camelback shortages. Recapping of unserviceable tires will contin ue to be prohibited. This revision also permits thq •ale to a consumer of a tire which, although not suitable for recapping, it usable in its pres ent condition or can bt repaired for use. Thursday, December 2, 1943 5 Classified Ads... Business Directory — ; —: :—:---------------- FOR RENT ________ FOR RENT—4-room house with both, 1 54 acres with barn and chicken house. Living room has fire place. Rent $20 per month. See Bert Mills. __________________________ 47t3 WANTED WILL CROCHET edgings on pillow cases for Christmas gifts. Price according to width. Mrs. Alois J. Sauer, 341 C St. 46t3 WANT PLEASANT outdoor work in a business of your own? Good profits selling over 200 widely advertised Rawleigh home/farm necessities. Pays bet ter than most occupations. Hund reds in business 5 to 20 years or more! Products - equipment on credit. No experience needed to start—we teach you how. Write today for full particulars. Rawleigh’s, Dept, ORL-24-145, Oakland, Calif. 48tl LUMBER WORKERS Experience Not Neces sary; Housing Available We need several good men to do vital war work in our Saw Mill and Creosoting Plant at St. Helens, Ore. Large Timber holdings assure continued opera tion for years to come. Mill is thoroughly modern and mechanized to reduce heavy work. Many of our men have been with us 20 years or more. Wages 95c an hour. Plant now working 48 hours a week, with time and one-half over 40 hours This averages $214 a month. Experienced men earn more. St. Helens is one of Oregon’s finest small cities, only 30 miles from Portland. Living costs are comparatively low and liv ing conditions more pleasant. Excellent schools and shopping district. We will help you find a home for your family. All letters will be answered promptly. Write or apply to H. C. PETERSON employment manager, POPE & TALBOT, INC. 618 N. W. Front Avenue (McCormick Terminal) Portland (9) Ore.34tf— ----------------- :-------------;________ FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR TRADE—New wire for rabbit wire chicken wire suitable bits. Leonard Erickson Duncan place. LOST AND FOUND LOST on October 22 between Mumbach’s ranch and Clat sop St.—paper carton of 6 hats, one a Mexican sombrero. Reasonable reward. 1131 Clat sop St. 47t3 FOUND—Ladies wrist watch near post office. Owner may have same by calling and identi fying at W. A. Jones .Treharne. 48tl HEIFER STRAYED to my place over Week ago. Owner may have by identification. Will Chalmers, Mist Rt. 48t3— LOST—1 R Non-highway ra tion book issued to Elmer Bergerson, Vernonia. Ore. 46t3 PERSONAL FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of stomach Ulcers, indigestion, heartburn, belching, bloating, nausea, gas pains, get free sample, Udga, at Armitage Drug Co. 12-23 PERMANENT WAVE, 5»c! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equip ment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Fay McKenzie, glam orous movie star. Money refund ed if not satisfied. W. J. Armi tage, Drugs. 2-4-44 LODGES Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meets Every Tuesday S P. M. E. L. Fraxee, N. G. Dwight Strong, Sec’y No information on classifieds will be given oat until after paper ia issued. Vernonia F. O. E. Varaonia 2nd and 4th Friday, • P. M. Jim Ruaow, W. P. Frank O’Brian, W. Sac’y 7-43 Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month G. J. Ten Brook, M. D. and SURGEON* Roland D. Eby, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Town Office 891 Dr. U. J. Bittner Dentist Joy Theatre Phone 662 Bldg. For Your Beauty Needs ELIZABETH’S BEAUTY SALON Phone 431 Elizabeth Horn Hair Stylist and Cosmetologist Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland • Timber . Varaoaia . F.laia - Canaoa Beach Gearhart • Saa.ida Vernonia Phone 1042 Eaglea) I.O.O.F. Hall Business - Professional Directory Office Phone 72 Residence Phone 1026 4-44 (Fraternal Order of Blind ads with answers to be hAdled by The Eagle— minimum charge 5Oc. No in formation given relative to such ads. chicken or small for rab on Ross 46t3 FOR SALE OR TRADE—Heavy young work horse for cow. R. G. Haynes, Timber Rt. Turn right at creamery. 48t8 CLASSIFIED AD RATES: lc per word, first insertion. Three insertions for price of two. Minimum charge 25c. CARD OF THANKS AND NOTICES: 50c. PHYSICIAN Branding Eliminated GROWING SCHOOL CHILDREN Vernonia Eagle Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month. 2-43 Order of Eastern Star Chapter 143, O.E.S. Regular com munication first and 3rd Wed. of each month at Masonic Tem ple. All visiting sisters and broth ers welcome. Fern Lane, Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Sec’y 1-44 Nehalem A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.F. A A.M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication first Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on al! other Thursday nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cor dially welcome. Special meetings Friday nights. George Drorbaugh, W. M. Glen F. Hawkins, Sec’y 1-44 À American Legion VERNONIA POST 11» Meat, flrat aad Third Maa. af Each moath. AUXILIARY Firat aad Third Moadaya 1-44