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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1943)
sufficient nstur >1 food, may ob tain additional sugar allotments if they are registered with OPA as industrial users. The supple mental allotment is limited to a maximum of IS pounds per bee colony per year. Applications should be made in percon or by mail to the local rationing board. BURLA PBAG QUOTAS REMOVED Quotas on farmers and pack ers purchases of new burlap bags for packing certain agricultural products have been removed for the balance of 1943. “Certain ag ricultural products” includes, but is not limited to, beans, cotton, feed, flour, meal, fruits, potatoes, vegetables and tobacco. The re striction on the bag sizes permit ted for certain commodities has been relaxed to allow an addi tional size for each of two types of seed. A %-bushel bag is allow ed for hybrid seed corn, a 3-bush- el bag for cottonseed. These are in addition to the sizes previous ly permitted. NO DATES PLACED ON KEROSENE COUPONS Persons who use small amounts of kerosene for domestic cooking and lighting may now get renew al rations for periods longer than six months formerly permitted. This provision of a recent OPA amendment is to reduce the num ber of renewal applications by the consumer and the amount of paper FOR THE GOOD OF THE NATION- RELAX Have that meal at noonday Ma Vike’s The Terminal Cafe work performed by the rationing board. The amendment provides that rations issued for domestic cooking and lighting no longer will bear dates of issuance and ex piration and coupons may be used as long as they last. The ration ing board may issue the ration for any period up to a year from date of application. The maximum ration allowed for domestic cook ing has been increased to 30 gal lons a month for the first seven persons. It was formerly 24 gal lons for six or seven persons. APPROVAL FOR USE OF GUTTERS CHANGED Approval for use of gutters, spouting, conductor pipes and fit tings in dwellings of two stories or less must be obtained from the war production board under a re cent amendment to order M-126. Formerly this approval could be obtained through the national housing agency. PRICES SET FOR DRY BEANS Sales of dry edible beans, 1943 crop, to the food distribution ad ministration, to other country ship pers, and to other governmental agencies designated in food dis tribution order No. 45 can be made at either of two sets of pric es—maximum prices established for the commodity or support prices set for specified classes last April by the war food admin istration. OPA emphasizes that all other sales must be made at or below maximum prices established in maximum price regulation No. 270. DRY ONION SHIPMENT IS RESTRICTED Complete Fountain Service Whether it be a milk shake or soda, coke or sundae, sandwiches & coffee, soup, or just plain ice cream, we have it at the Cozy. FRIENDLY, QUICK SERVICE AWAITS YOU HERE. The Cozy a/ Phone 582 Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Hausler To insure orderly distribution for the short available supply of dry onions to the armed forces and civilians, all shipments in ex cess of 100 pounds in the 12 prin cipal onion-producing states have been put on a permit basis by the office of defense transporation and the interstate commerce com mission. Dry onion movements by common, contract or private motor carriers and by rail common and contract carriers are subject to permits issued by the war food administration. Applications for permits should be made to local WFA representatives in the prin cipal onion-producing areas—Cal ifornia, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York’. Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah and Washington. SUGAR ALLOTMENTS ALLOWED FOR BEES Beekeepers who are facing loss of their bees because of lack of WANTED TO BUY USED ELECTRIC MOTORS—ALL SIZES KENNETH WHITE LUMBER — Wholesale« and Retail See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $12 per M and up. Open Saturdays 8 a.m. to noon »HUCK NEW and USED PARTS Exert Auto Repairing Gas and OIL Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 7:30 P. M. We close all day Sunday LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK Invites You to Bank by Mail if Inconvenient to Come in Person A LOCALLY-OWNED, INDEPENDENT BANK Vernonia Eagle CARD OF THANKS 5 Thursday, September 30, 1943 We take this privilege to thank everyone that assisted in helping us at the fire which we had last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Porterfield 39tl— Classified Ads... Business Directory CABBAGE SEED CEILING PRICES MADE SAME FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED Celling prices for 1942 cabbge seed have been made the same as for the 1943 crop, according to a recent OPA amendment. WE HAVE complete dairy feeds. sary. Harry FOR SALE—9-months-old Roan Durham Guernsey heifer. $40. L. J. Lloyd, Stoney Pt. road. 37t3 LUMBER WORKERS SHRIMP PRICES CUT BY OPA Consumer prices for fresh shrimp may be 40 to 50 percent less because of a recent OPA amendment setting prices in ac cord with the 1942 average pric es for shrimp. HOUSING DOWN PAYMENTS CUT Down payment required to buy housing in rent-controlled areas hrs been reduced from 33per cent to 20 per cent. OPA amend ed the regulation because of eas ing the housing situation. • GOOD WHEAT CROP REPORTED IN ITALY In spite of the war, the Ital ian wheat crop this year is be lieved to have been as large or even larger than the pre-war average, according to the office of foreign agricultural relations of the department of agr'culture. The 1943 crop may have been as much as 280 million bushels. That estimate compares with of ficial estimates of 269 million bushels last year. BRITONS ASKED TO BE MORE SAVING OF FUEL THANK YOU rabbit pellets and a line of poultry and Field service if neces Emmons, Phone 336. 39t3 FOR SALE—House, 2 rooms and lavatory. 943 Cougar. Inquire at Eagle office. 39tl FOR SALE—Good Guernsey mils cow. See R. M. Humphrey on Timber Rt. 39tl FOR SALE—Good Lloyd wicker baby buggy. Inquire 575 3rd street. Mrs. Ralph Aldrich, Jr. It FOUR LOTS, 4-room house, hot, cold water, wired for electric range, new woodshed, built-ins, fruit room, cow barn, chicken house, 40 chickens right to fry, 2 pigs, year’s dry wood supply. $750 cash. 1076 2nd Avenue, J. C. Mid dleton. 38t3 FOR SALE—Two doe rabbits. $5 462, E. Smith. 7-months-old each. Phone 38t3— TOMATOES for sale at Shady Beard’s. You pick. $1.00 per box. Bring containers and equip ment to pick. mile south of Forest Grove on highway. 38tf— FOR SALE—Old-growth 16-inch fir wood. Claude Hillsberry, Stoney Point road. 38t3 Natal Girl to Enter School Soon FOR SALE—Weaner pigs, 8 weeks old. 328 O-A flat. W. M. Bail ey. 37t3 Experience Not Necessary Housing Available We need several good men to do vital war work in our Saw Mill FOR SALE—Team of good work and Creosoting Plant at St. Hel horses. 3 years old. Mrs. Oliver ens, Ore. Large Timber holdings Mellinger, Stoney Pt. road. Phone assure continued operation for 9F551. 37t3 years to come. Mill is thoroughly modern and mechanized to reduce heavy work. FOR SALE OR TRADE Many of our men have been with FOR SALE OR TRADE—Put up us 20 years or more. Wages 95c an your own winter’s meat. Trade hour. Plant now working 48 hours veal calf for windmill or storage a week, with time and one-half over 40 hours. This averages $214 tank, ’27 or ’28 Chev to wreck a month. Experienced men earn or paint sprayer. Geo. Conner, more. St. Helens is one of Oregon’s past Emmons hatchery. 38t3— finest small cities, only 30 miles WILL TRADE one box of 300-3 from Portland. Living costs are savage shells for box of .30 comparatively low and living con Remington. Dr. R. D.- Eby. Phone ditions more pleasant. Excellent 891. 39tl— schools and shopping district. We will help you find a home for your family. FOR RENT All letters will be answered FOR RENT—Furnished bedrooms. promptly. Write or apply to H. C. Mrs. Maude Rogers, 875 Second PETERSON employment manager, Avenue. 38t3 POPE & TALBOT, INC. 618 N. W. Front Avenue (McCORMICK TERMINAL), PORTLAND (9) LOST AND FOUND ORE. 34tf— FOUND—One young black and white bull with ring in nose. PERSONAL May have hame by paying for damages and feed and adv. Glenn PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own permanent with Henry on O. W. Meyer place, Timber Rt. 39t3 Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equip ment, including 40 curlers and LOST—A gasoline ration book. shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely Return to Mike Kroll, Birken- harmless. Praised by thousands in feld, Oregon. 39tl cluding June Lang, glamorous mo FOUND—Young Jersey cow, com vie star. Money refunded if not ing fresh soon. Strayed to my satisfied. W. J. Armitage Drugs. 11-19 place. Has been in neighborhood for some time. Please identify and pay for adv. II. O. Hansen, FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi Beaver creek road, Box 41, Tim Heartburn, Belching, ber Rt. 39tl gestion, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Armitage WANTED Drug Company. 10-7 WILL TAKE Care of children in my home. Mrs. Maude Rogers, 875, Second Avenue. 38t3 Britons have been asked by the ministry of fuel to be even more sparing of home comforts this winter than they were last wint er, the British information servic es reported recently. By lowering NATAL — Eva Pringle came room temperatures in their homes, home from Seaside Friday for a by using less hot water, by get few days to do some canning. ting along with less light, and by Mrs. Dass was pleasantly sur cutting down on fuels used in cooking, the British saved four prised by a visit from her young million tons °f coal in the winter est brother, Mr. Cook, from Tilla of 1942-1943. This year the min mook. istry has urged that economies be Bernice and Mary Jane Dass pushed further so that six million drove to Portland Sunday with La- tons of coal can be saved. As was the case last winter, this winter’s Verne Hanson. Bernice returned fuel saving in Britain will be on home Monday evening. LaVerne a voluntary basis. There will be and Mary Jane expect to find work no rationing but Britons will be for a month or more then LaVerne expected to base their fuel con will join the marines and Mary WANTED—Cedar posts and poles, sumption on a chart prepared Jane plans on entering business fir ship knees and ,piling, all by the ministry of fuel. sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping college. Lew Boddy went to Newport point, earliest shipment, Nieder- OPA TELLS ABOUT Wednesday to visit his son, meyer-Martin Co., Portland, Ore. THOSE FREE MATCHES ___________________________ 39t3— If your tobacco dealer gave you Charles. He returned Sunday. Mrs. L. 'C. Waddell attended ELECTRIC WASHING Machine free matches—the wood or the book variety during March, 1942, club at the Bern Bliss home wanted. New or second-hand. when he sold you your tobacco Thursday. Charles Minger, Box 93, Vernonia. Louis Carmichael and Johnnie _____________________________ 37t3 products, he must continue to give them to you now. Sales sawed wood for Noble Dunlap WILL PAY CASH for 1941 mod through vending machines are in Saturday. el automobile in excellent con Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were cluded in the new OPA ruling on dition. Call at Eagle office stat in Vernonia shopping Monday. matches. Bill Pringle took his wife to ing price, condition of tires, etc. NOTIFICATION OF “NEXT OF 32tf— Seaside Monday evening. Mrs. No dealers. KIN" MADE BY TELEGRAM Pringle is working in the cannery Notification of “Next of Kin” office at Astoria. of naval personnel killed, missing, Noble Dunlap and Jack Mc- wounded, or captured—except Gown are doing carpenter work where death occurs within the for Archie Adams on the Clyde continental limits—is generally a Johnson house which Archie G. J. Ten Brook, M. D. telegram giving such available in bought recently. formation as may be divulged. In Elmer Hodge drove to Sandy Physician and Surgeon case of death this telegram is con Saturday and took some furniture Office Phone 72 firmed by a letter from the sec to his brother-in law. He brought Residence Phone 1026 retary of navy, conveying condol his mother home with him. She ences and giving any additional has just returned from a three- details. Next of kin are also furn month visit in Missouri. She says Roland D. Eby, M. D. ished data as to rights and bene its too hot there. The west coast fits to which they are entitled. In is the best yet. PHYSICIAN .nd SURGEON the case of a “missing” person, The little Dobbyns children are Town Office 891 the next of kin receives a letter home from school because of the about the continuance of allot mumps. ments for insurance premiums and We missed George Banzer from Dr. U. J. Bittner for dependents. If the navy re Grange Wednesday night. As Joe ceives further details of the cas tells it, Dave has a little dog Dentist ualty, next of kin are promptly which likes to ride in the truck. notified. Phone 662 The dog fell out and was run ov- Joy Theatre Bldg. er and George .went to the res cue. Result, a very bad bite For Your Beauty Needs through the lower lip and in the ELIZABETH’S throat. Clyde Johnson is working in BEAUTY SALON Vernonia now. Phone 431 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindsay were out from Portland for a Elizabeth Horn few days last week and visited Hair Stylist and Cosmetologist with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay. They also called on Mrs. Mary Peterson and Mrs. Dunlap. Business-Professional Directory Lodges Vernonia Lodge No. 246 I.0.0.F Meets Every Tuesday . 8 P. M. E. L. Frazee N. G. Dwight Strong, Secretary Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Order of Eagles) 1.0.0 F. Ha) Vernonia- 2nd and 4th Friday Night 8 o'clock Jim Ruiow, W. P. Frank O’Brien, W Need lots of milk for health and energy. They’ll like Nehalem Dairy milk, too. Phone us for regular delivery to your home. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. Phone 471 CLASSIFIED AD RATES: lc per word, first insertion. Three in sertions for pries of two. Mini mum charge 25c. CARD OF THANKS snd TICES: 50c. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon Secretary 7-43 Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings:—I. O. 0. K Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Esc) Month. Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings:— 1. O. O. F. Hall and Fourth Wednesday! each month. 2-41 Second Order of Eastern Star 153, O. E. S Regular Communi cation first and third Wednesday! of each month, at Masonic Temple. All vi iting sisters r nd brothers wel come. Fern Lane, Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Secretary 1-44 Nehalem Chapter A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. A A. M. meet» a'. Slat- Masonic Temple, _ . ’irsi rd Communication Thursday of each month. Special »ailed meeting» uther Thursday nights, 7:3U Visitor» moil cordially wel Expert Tonsorial Work GROWING SCHOOL CHILDREN 4-43 C”’nV- — . , Spacial meeting. Friday -La George Drorbaugh, W. M. Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec.1 NO Blind ad. with answer, to be handled by The Eagle—minimum charge 5Oc. No informstion given relative to such ad.. No informetion on classifieds will be given out until after paper is issued. Nehalem Valley Motor Freight Frank Hartwick, Proprietor Portland - Timber • Vernonia Sunset • Elsie • Cannon Beach Gearhart • Seaside Vernonia Telephone 1042 VERNONIA POST 11* AMERICAN LEGION Meets First and Third Mon. of Each Month. AUXILIARY First and Third Mondays 1-43