supplies ate likely to rust and lose their usefulness. Mrs. America can be certain of obtaining useful and well-wear ing types of blankets despite the war production board conservation order reducing the variety and sizes of cotton, rayon and wool covers. No blankets will be made longer than 84 inches except white cotton sheet blankets which are limited to 95 inches in length, . Each line of blankets also is lim- ited to no more than four colors plus white and the multi-colored blankets are restricted to combina tions which do not take more than four colors plus white. Before the order, a single line had as many as 15 different colors. It is ex pected that the number of blank ets produced will be increased by the material savings of the con- servation order. Look , for a larger number of fruits, vegetables, juices, meats, fish and dairy products to be com- merciall'y packed in glass for ci- vilians this year. This is because the war production board has al- lotted sufficient metal and rub ber for closures for the addition al glass containers. To take that stitch in time Mrs. America should not have dif ficulty in buying ordinary cotton sewing thread. But here’s what’s in store for Mrs. America’s sew ing basket. Deeper colors of thread may be somewhat less abundant because of restrictions on dyestuffs. Although silk sew ing thread has not been produced for some time, rayon thread still is being made. And needles will have a special place in the sew- ing basket for these as well as pins for household use are scarce. However, buy needles and pins While many housewives are pre- paring to put winter woolens away for the warmer months, tips from the department of agriculture bu reau of human nutrition and home economics come in pretty handy. A copy of “Take Care of the Wool You Have,” which bells how to clean, wash, press, mend and store wool, may be obtained from the department of agricul- ture, Washington, D. C., and it’s helpful advice in these days when conservation of woolens is a war time duty. Here are directions for storing winter wool': first, LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL See my bargains in Kiln Dried Lumber at $12 per M and up. Saturdays Look ! Listen! Used washing machines have be come eo valuable since production of new models stopped that the OPA has set a dollars and cents maximum prices on all sales of used washers by individuals and dealers alike. The regulation, which became effective May 3, al so sets a ceiling on rental charges of used washing machines. The new price ceilings should eliminate any excessive prices which might be asked because of a heavy de mand for this scarce equipment. The regulation establishes a ceil ing price on guaranteed machines at March 1942 levels and at Oc- tober levels on machines sold “as is.” Every used washing machine, whether sold by a dealer or an in dividual, must have a tag showing its classification and the maxi- mum selling price. The carriage trade will be serv- ed despite mileage rationing, just as long as it’s Mrs. America’s jun ior. For the WPB has allowed the production of baby carriages to be increased to match the demands of the war. Strollers, baby walkers and sulkies also are permitted to be manufactured by June 30. Open Vernonia Eagle only as they’re needed for hoarded Mrs. America Meets the War from 8 a. m. to noon. c. isEfi f i: NEW and USED PARTS Exert Auto Repairing Gas and OIL Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 7:30 P. M. We close all day Sunday LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW FOR SALE — Six-room modern house, garage and woodshed. One tot. Will take good, late model car as down payment. House located 242 North St. R. V. Kelly, Bay City, Oregon. 14t6 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE—40 acres, liveable house. One mile from Vernonia. $1500. Enough wood ts pay for place. M. W. Mumbach, Rt. Box 13, Clatskanie, Ore. Ilt9- FOR RENT put it away clean and store in a dark, dry, cool place, remembering that dampness invites mildew. Be sure the trunk, closet or bag in which woolens are stored is sealed tightly. 1940 1941 to 6-30-42 Current Year A.ctual for First For Year Six Months Legal Notices IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY Propel Handling Of Stamps Told NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the budget committee of the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Ore gon, a municipal corporation, has filed in the office of the levying board, to-wit: the City Council of said city, its detailed estimate of the total amount of receipts, and also the total amount of money proposed to . by taxation and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes for the period from July 1, 1943, to June 30, 1944, which estimates are as follows: 1-1-42 this character which are occur ring almost daily. In more than 80 per cent of such accidents, the crossing has some special protec tion such as gates, flashlight sig nals, watchman or bells. But these warning measures, which have been installed for the protection of the traveling public, often are ignored. The National Safety Council is conducting a special campaign to stop these accidents which every day delay 38 trains a total of 22 hours — a damaging drain on the nation’s war transportation effort. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF CLIFFORD C. BER- And here’s more information on GERSON, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS protection of woolens, The WPB Notice is hereby given that the assures us that there will be unde; signed has been appointed Ex enough mothballs end flakes to ecutrix of the estate of C.ifford fight clothes moths, but not C. Bergerson, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore enough to waste. For moth balls gon for the County of Columbia, and flakes call f r the glistening and has qualified. A11 persons havr white napthalene which also helps ing claims against said estate are war on the Axis. Napthalene goes hereby notif.ed to present the same, duly verified as by law re into smoke’ess powder, synthetic quired, to the undersigned at Ver- rubber, dyestuffs for uniforms, nenia, Oregon, within six months protective coatings for shooting from the date hereof. Dated and first published, April equipment, among other thingi. 22, 1943. Sprays for killing moths are not Last publication, May 20, 1943. so plentiful as before, but other MATHILDE E. BERGERSON Executrix items in closet war category are M. BURLEY available such as the white crys R. 1110 Yeon Bldg., tal paradichlorobenzene which is Portland, Oregon Attorney napthalene crystals. Of course, if you’re interested in cedar chests, you’ll find that styles will be sim plified since the use of metal for locks, nails and screws has been restricted. NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING Actual for Year Ended December 31tt Classified Ads Business Directory FOR SALE Two women and three small chil dren drovj up to a railroad grade crossing. The gates were down to protect the motoring public from an approaching train. They stopped their car in a safe position. An other automobile approached from the rear, rammed into the stand ing car, and knocked it through the lowered crossing gates into the path of the approaching passenger train. The woman driver was killed and the other occupants of the car injured. This is typical of accidents of Fund and Classification Estimate, 7-1-43 to 6-30-44 As there has been considerable confusion as to the handling of lu.alid ration stamps such as A, B and C, or the blue processed food stamps, the OPA has suggested procedure, The the proper suggestion is that each store set up a box or sack near the cash register and mark this container “invalid stamp box. »» 1 When the customer presents his ration book for merchandise and if the re tailer finds it necessary to tear expired stamps from the book be fore tearing out valid stamps, the OPA suggests that he ask the con sumer if he would like to deposit these invalid stamps in the con tainer. The OPA says these stamps should be surrendered to the dis trict office or to the board in the retailer’s area twice a month, as it is against regulations to destroy stamps or ration certificates of any nature. FOR RENT—Three-room house suitable for couple. Lights and running water. With or without garden. See Mrs. John Krinick, Slaughterhouse Road. 18t3 FOR SALE OR RENT—Two- room cabin, newly decorated. See Mrs. Otto Carlson, Riverview. 18t3 WANTED RABBITS WANTED — 24c lb. paid for live white fryers; free pickup service. E. E. Luce, War ren, Oregon. 18tf— WANTED — Someone to plow, disc and harrow 114 or 2 acres as soon as possible. L. H. Sar gent, Mist Rt. 18t2— 375.00 48.40 $ 420.00 62.30 $ 240.00 18.70 OPA Liberalizes Tire Regulations WANTED—150 Strawberry pick- ers. Siga up with Mrs. Frank Hartwick, 192 North at, Phone 1042. Free transportation. Ferd Hartwick, Banks. 18t3 REPAIRING AND GRINDING -. Mowers ground, greased and se, $1.00. Also repairing done. Bring to 526 1st Ave. South or call 833. Will call for and ueliver. George Rcbbins. 14t6 LOST AND FOUND LOST—Small brown and white toy horse. Return to Pal Shop. 19tl— LOST—Gas ration A book be longing to C. A. Martin. Leave at Cozy confectionary. 9tl— LOST or STRAYED—North of Timber near Sunset logging op erations, nine head long yearling white-face steers, and roan heif ers with young white-face bull. Some branded half circle over arrow. Some with aluminum left ear tage—marked 2301 to 2306 and J. A. Scott. Reward. Notify Mrs. iC. J. Conley, Vernonia Rt., Box 18, Timber. 19t3— PERSONAL PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own Permanent with WANTED—Buzz saw suitable for Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equip cord wood. Will pay cash. H. ment, including 40 curlers and M. Reynolds, Mist. 17t3 shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands WANTED—Second-hand folding including June Lang, glamorous baby buggy. N. B. Harris, 1142 movie star. Money refunded if State st. 18t3 not satisfied. W. J. Armitage. 6-17-43 SOLDIERS GRAVES TO BE RECORDED The burial place of American soldiers who fall on foreign soil will be properly recorded by the graves registration units of the U. S. army. This service operates c'osely behind the combat area, burying the dead, recording and marking the graves and collecting personal effects. Except when combat interferes, overseas burials are approximately the same as those conducted in the United States with full military honors rendered. Rites are ministered by a chaplain of the deceased’s own faith when possible. FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Armitage Drug Company 6-17-43 Lodges Vernonia Lodge No. 246 0.0.F Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. James Cox, Jr., N. G. Dwight Strong, Secretary 4-43 Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Order of Eaglet) Business-Professional Directory 1.0. OF. Ha) Vernonia 2nd and 4th G. J. Ten Brook. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Friday Night 8 o’clock Office Phone 72 Recorder: Residence Phone 1026 $ 465.00 $ 900.00 Salary .............................. $ 1050.00 12.31 60.00 Supplies ............................. .... 50.00 Treasurer: 600.00 350.00 150.00 300.00 600.00 Salary ................................. 660.00 1.89 5.00 Roland D. Eby, M. D Supplies ............................. . 5.00 Atto rney : 300.00 210.00 105.00 192.50 420.00 Salary ................................ . 420.00 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 138.75 20.00 10.00 100.00 Legal Service Bûilding & Grounds: Town Office 891 54.00 37.54 18.48 11.92 50.00 50.00 Personal Service ............. 564.93 479.10 180.99 635.68 500.00 800.00 Other Expense ............... 109.31 77.98 24.84 14.55 100.00 50.00 Elections & Publications 258.17 140.53 200.00 Audit ................................. 200.00 Police Department: Dr. U. J. Bittner 3121.50 2908.80 1896.40 1945.40 3750.00 Personal Service ............. 4375.00 287.76 182.45 52.29 42.30 200.00 Other (Expense ................ 200.00 Dentist Fire Department: 72.00 75.00 34.00 65.25 100.00 100.00 Personal Services .... ........ Joy Theatre Bldg. Phone 662 79.38 3.27 25.45 15.55 50.00 Other Expense ................. 50.00 Street & Sewer: 554.24 28.35 232.01 355.59 150.00 Personal Service ............ 150.00 1233.01 1484.89 1615.53 1325.02 2000.00 Other Expense ................ . 1250.00 Dr. Kent Magruder Miscellaneous: Library : Veterinarian 360.00 240.00 240.00 480.00 420.00 540.00 Personal Service ......... 133.56 145.81 76.34 125.00 Supplies ........................ 125.00 Clatskanie Phone 60R4 10.00 60.00 50.00 45.00 60.00 60.00 Health Officer ................. 657.08 643.35 100.00 206.00 400.00 Park .................................. 400.00 173.98 44.26 203.32 460.00 266.02 Cemetery .......................... 770.00 For Your Beauty Need» 305.37 Airport On information from Rubber 75.00 202.44 200.00 225.00 148.84 219.50 City Dump ....................... ELIZABETH’S 41.18 40.00 15.00 Director William M. Jeffers that 16.25 League Dues .... ................ Bonds, Fire Insurance & supplies of grade II tires are in BEAUTY SALON 250.00 144.62 61.07 250.00 183.95 252.85 Accident Insurance .... 180.66 140.87 1500.00 Emergency ......... ............. 1200.00 adequate to meet requirements 168.08 815.23 Phone 431 of motorists eligible for them, the WATER DEPARTMENT: $ 1875.00 $ 1676.40 $ 898.20 $ 973.20 Water Sup’t. salary ....... $ 2187.50 office of price administration has $ : 1496.40 Elizabeth Horn 900.00 450.00 660.00 1260.00 Collector’s salary ............... 1050.00 acted to make passenger car driv- 1125.00 3000.00 1331.82 1257.67 4241.92 Supplies & Maintenances . 2750.00 5001.95 Hair Stylist and Cosmetologist 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 Sinking fund ................ 1500.00 ers with mileage rations exceed- 1500.00 1500.00 $20482.50 ing 240 monthly eligible for any TOTAL ................... .... ESTIMATED RECEIPTS grade of new tire when their pres- $ 2400.00 $ 1253.87 $ 1301.91 $ 2400.00 ent casings are not recappable. $ 2764.41 Fines & Licenses ........ Expert Tonsorial Work 9 I 2455.76 11000.00 6153.24 5964.52 11000.00 12723.98 Water Rentals ........... 11247.06 The action has the apprpval of 750.00 396.50 719.79 1065.33 Rents & Sale of Property .... 750.00 1523.74 6292.42 Delinquent Tax the rubber director who governs BEN’S BARBER SHOP 7859.04 200.00 118.00 763.25 95.96 682.03 Miscellaneous ............... ... ... 200.00 the number of tires that may be 150.00 68.17 150.00 35.62 Cemetery ......................... 165.87 64.27 Vernonia, Oregon 300.00 120.83 84.80 Dog and Liquor Tax .... .... 300.00 issued to eligible drivers through 306.98 339.65 11992.09 11014.50 his assignment of monthly allot Cash on hand $25814.50 ments for OPA to ration. TOTALS ........... At present, grade I casings— Nehalem Valley ......... $20,482.50 TOTAL BUDGET ......................... ........... 25,814.50 ESTIMATED _____ RECEIPTS new tires of the best quality— TOTAL___________ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY DIRECT TAX ..... ......__ none Motor Freight are reserved principally for driv- rations over 560 ,er> with mileage is hereby given that the said City Council of said city sitting ar a levying board, will hold And notice Frank Ha’twick, Proprietor a meeting in the city hail in the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, on Monday evening, June 7, monthly while the grade IF«, 1943, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m. at which time and p'ace all persons who shall be subject to such which are new tires in a lower Portias«! • Timber • Varnonia tax levy, when the same shall be made, may appear and ba heard in favor or against said tax levy, or any Sunset • Elsie • Cannon Beach quality bracket, are for motorista part thereof. Gearhart • Seaside whose mileage is between 240 and Dated this 13th day of May, 1943. Vernonia Telephone 1042 George W. Johnson, Mayor Recorder ATTEST: Loel Roberts, 560 monthly. $ 5 3. 1943 Thursday May Lee Miller, W. E. A. Stacey, W. Sec’y 7-43 Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Harding Meetings:—I. O. O. K Hall. Second and Fourth Mondays Ear) Month. Pythian Sister» Vernonia Temple No. 61 Vernonia, Meeting»:—— I. O. Second Oregon O. F. Hall and Fourth Wednesdavt each month. 2-4? Order of Eastern Star 153, O. E. S Regular Communi. cation first and third Wednesday, nf each month, at Masonic Temple. All vi.iting sisters and brothers wel come. Fern Lane, Worthy Matron 1-44 Mona Gordon, Secretary Nehalem Chapter A. F. & A. M. JI) p Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. 4 A. M. meet. a'. Masonic Temple, Stal ed Communication lirai Thursday of each month. Special called narking» all other Thursday nights, 7:30 m. Visitors most cordially wal- Special meeting. Friday George Drorbaugh, W. M. Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec. VERNONIA POST 11» AMERICAN LEGION Meets First and Third Mon. of Each Month. AUXILIARY First and Third Mondays